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February 06, 1963 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-06

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Museum Exhibits Display Vast Diversity

(Continued from Page 2)

screening, de-watering, cooling, heat-
ing, and/or drying.
Whirlpool Corp--Attn. South Amer-
lcans. Openings for BS-MS in Mech.,
Indust. & Electrical Engrg. from any
South American country interested in
practicalexper. trng. (mfg. engrg. and
mgmt. trng.). See Engrg. Placement,
128-H W. Engrg. for further informa-
Nat'l. Sanitation Foundation, Ann
Arbor-Opening for BS-MS Civil, En-
gnr., Sanitary pref. 2% to 3 yrs. term
of employment. General Engrg. office
work with S. Eastern drainage study,
to develop master plan for the area.
See Engrg. Placement for further info.
(128-H W. Engrg;).
Wisconsin Civil Service-Curator II-
Seasonal. Will work field locations
throughout the state. Work will in-
volve study and excavation of archaeo-
logical discoveries made along the
route of new highway and dam con-
struction projects. Degree with major
courses in anthro., Amer. hist., or re-
lated fields and 2 yrs. trng. or exper.
in museum work which would qualify
applicant to take charge of a "dig"
crew. Apply by April 1.
John Bean Div., Lansing, Mich. -
Openings for Mechanical Engnrs., both
recent grads and experienced alumni,
in the automotive garage service equip-
ment dept.
* .
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
Beginning the week of Feb. 4, the
following schools will be at the Bureau
to interview candidates for the school
year 1963-1964:
Escondido,Calif.-K-8; 7th/8th Grade;
Sl., Math, Engl./Soc. St.
Lakeside, Calif.-K-6; Jr. RS Math,
Soc. St., Engl.
Weston, Mass. - Elem.; Math, S.,
Eng., Soc. St.
FRI., FEB. 8-
Escondido Calif.-See above vacancies.
Glendora, Calif.-Elem.: Jr. HS Core
(Engl., Math, S,); HS Engl., Fr./Ger.;
' Home B., Math/Algebra, Girl's PE,
Wood Shop.
Lakeside, CalIf.-See above vacancies.
Warren, Mich. - Fields not yet an-
TUES., FEB. 12-
Carmichael, Calif.-Fields not yet an-
Fullerton, Calif.-Fields not yet an-
Garden City, Mich.-K-6; Jr. HS Gen.
Si./Bio; EHS.
WED., FEB. 13--
Holly, Mich.-Elem.; Voc. Mus.; HS
Couns., Engl. Math,
Pico Rivera, Calif., - Elem., Ment.
Retd.; Jr. HS Girl's PE., Math, Gen.
Mus., Inst./Voc. St., Span./Egl; HS
Engl., German., Girl's PE, Ind. Art-
Elec./Rad.; Ind. Art/Wood/Metal, Math.
Roselle, II - Elem. 1-6, Jr. HS Soc.
Towson (Baltimore County Schools)-
All fields.
FRI., FEB. 15
Campbell, Calif. - Fields not yet an-
White Plains-Elem.; Lib, Engi., Soc.
St., Id. Arts., Span., French, Art, Voc.
Mus., Girl's FE, Home Ec., Ment. Retd.,
Math Dept. Chairman.
Make Appointments About One Week
in Advance
* *
For additional information and ap-
pointments contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 Stud., Activities Bldg.,
663-1511 Ext. 3547.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
nouncements is available to officially
recognized and registered organizations
only. Organizations who are planning
to be active for the Spring semester
should register by Feb. 25. Forms
available, 1011 Student Activities Bldg.
* * *
Culture Club, Organizational Meet-
ing, Feb. 7, 7:15 p.m., Union.
Deutscher Verein, Kaffee Stunde,
Feb. 6, 2-4 p.m., 4072 Frieze Bldg.
* * *
Voice -Political Party, Organizational
Meeting-Officer Elections, Project Dis-
cussion, Feb. 7, 7:30 p.m., Union, Em.
*. * *
Chess Club, Meeting Feb. 6, 7:30 p.m.,
Union, Rms. 3K-L. Beginners taught--
free lessons. Everyone welcome.
Cercle Francais, Baratin, Feb. 7, 3-5
p.m., 3050 FB. Venez Tous.

ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Bldg., during the following hours: Mon.
thru Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30
til 5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Hodges, Part-
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, Ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Rm. 2200, daily.
4--Childcare workers. Must be current-
ly attending school and have at
least 60 credits in field related to
disturbed children. 40 hours per
week, morning or afternoon shift.
Transportation needed.
2-Eng. or tech. students to sell slide
rules. Substantial commission.
1-Senior with Micro-Biology back-
ground. 20 hours per week
1-Who is at the M.S. or Ph.D.. level
in physics or Organic Chem. 20
hours per week.
-There are several current openings
for full-time temporary and per-
manent half-time secretaries and
clerk-typists. Requirements vary,
but each opening will involve good

typing skills and some office ex-
perience. Skilled applicants who
are presently available, apply only.
4-Childcare workers. Must be current-
ly attending school and have at
least 60 credits in field related to
disturbed children. 40 hours per
week, morning or afternoon shift.
Transportation needed.
2-Eng. or tech students to sell slide
rules. Substantial commission.
1-Dental Assistant to work all day
Thurs. only.
Several Waitressing and baby sitting
t ®/ Women's
Hair Styling
Workmanship, Sanitation and
Service prevail at ...
near Michigan Theatre

1. My theory on looking for a job !
is-Play it big! Shoot for
the top! Go straight to the
prey for your interview.
I don't know ay paidtis.
. Beautiful! All you have to do
is find a president who likes
dogs. You'll have him eating
out of your hand in no time.
I don't know an Eik owid
from an Elk.
5. A letter to the enployausat usaa'!
Ho he ho! You've a lot to learn.
Then how come I landed a
great job at Equitable-
an executive training spot
that's interesting, pays
a good salary and has a lot
of pomse for the futam

. Use your bead, man. Have your
dad set up appointments with
some of the big shots he knows.
Be's a vetrinaewam.
4. Frankly, I don't know what ee to
tell you. You've got a problem.,
' It's not as bad as it seema.
My idea is to find out the name
of the employment manager
at the company I'm interested
in. Write him a letter telling him,
my qualifications. Spell out my
interests, marks. Simple as that.
C. Say, aouid you set seathing up
for me at Equitable?
I'm not the pe.idet,
but I'I try.

HI THERE!-This baby opos-
sum peers inquisitively out of a
hollow tree stump at visitors to
the Museum. The opossum is
Michigan's only representative
of the marsupials, that strange
group of mammals of which the
young are carried for some time
after birth in a pouch by the
mother. In the case of the opos-
sum, as with all other marsu-
pials, this is necessary; as baby
'possums measure less than half
an inch at birth.

BEN CASEY?-Before the days of Medicare,
masks such as this one were used by a group of
Iroquois Indians called the "False Face Society,"
for medicinal purposes (i.e., scaring away evil
spirits). The mask was carved in a living tree to
keep the spirit within it. Later, during a three-
day ceremony, the mask was cut from the tree,
the eyes were ringed with metal and hair
(horsehair) was added.

TOWERING PACHYDERM-Shown here in a rather dramatic
pose is a restoration of the most complete and best preserved
mastodon ever found in Michigan. It was unearthed on a farm
near Owosso by an expedition under the auspices of the Museum
of Paleontology. Its comparatively short tusks (replaced by papier-
mache replicas because of their weight), small skull, and broad
pelvis (not to mention the fact that its mouth is open) mark this
specimen as a female. According to radio-carbon dating methods,
this lovely creature lived in Michigan as recently as 7,000 years

Its entrance sternly guarded by two massive stone lions (or
panthers, depending on one's individual viewpoint), the University
Museums Building is a campus landmark which dates back to 1928.
In reality the "Museum" is four museums in one. In addition to
the Exhibit Museum, that part of the building with which most people
are familiar and which most people think of when they think of "the
Museum," there are three research museums within the general struc-
ture as well: the Museum of Anthropology, the Museum of Paleontology
and the Museum of Zoology.
The research museums serve several useful functions to the
University community. In addition to the more obvious aspects of re-
search carried on within the walls of the separate museums or under
their auspices, specialized libraries are maintained, as well as collec-
tions of millions of specimens for reference and study. Publications
of the results of such study are made available; and instruction in
various aspects of museum works
and in the several disciplines of
the natural sciences is given on
both undergraduate and graduate
The most tangible result of such
research to most people, however,
remains the Exhibit Museum. Here
is provided the opportunity for
many students to see at first hand
many things which cannot be
shown easily in the classroom, as
well as for the non-student .o find
out many interesting facts for his
own edification.
The diversity of exhibits which
catch the eye of some 100,000 Vlsi-
tors to the Exhihit Museum each k
year is amazing. In one hour of
striding up and down the aisles of. . . . .
the fourth floor, one may come
upon a rather larger-than-life- ;. . . .
sized model(262,000 times as large, :.
to be exact) of a firefly, winking
its taillight at all who approach it.
On the second floor may be seen
restorations of many prehistoric
creatures, including a saber-tooth-
ed tiger from California and a
duck-billed dinosaur from Mon-
tana. Several geologic perlods are r
represented by dioramas showing¢_>. :
the flora and fauna present at that
The third floor is devoted to
Michigan wildlife; here Inay be
seen specimens of many native
animals. But University students
may feel that soinething important
is missing; for the wolverine, now
believed to be not a Michigan resi-
dent, is not present.
The University useums Build-
ing is a continually enlarging and
expanding institution. New exhib-
its are constantly being added, old
ones revised and temporary ones
changed, according to Exhibit Mu-
seum Director Irving G. Reimann.
Among new displays which are
currently in the planning stage are SOMETHING FISHY-Aonz ; t
a life-size model of a coelocanth, fourth floor of the Museums Bb
the fish believed until recently to coral reef fauna. All organisms i
be extinct, he adds. though the sea fans (background
Also in the works is a general (center) might fool the uninitia
overhauling of the third floor ex- the blue angelfish (top), the pa
hibit area to make room for a new lobster (bottom center), and the
room-sized semicircular diorama lobster tt er), an the
depicting Michigan wildflowers ming near the large brain corals
seen during the different seasons even more colorful names (respe
of 'the year. slippery dicks.

Story by
Pictures by

The Equitable Life'Assurance Society of the United States (C) 1963
Home Office: 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York 19, N.Y.
Make an appointment through your placement office, to see
Equitable's employment representative on February 13-14 or write to
William E. Blevins, Employment Manager for further information.

OBJETS D'ART-IFACTS-Gathered in one compact exhibit are a
group of objects representative of the research of the Museum of
Anthropology. The anthropologist is interested not only in the re-
mains of bygone peoples themselves (as the skull shown here),
but also in reconstructing how these civilizations must have car-,
ried on normal activities. Thus such objects as the Pueblo In-
dians' Katchina doll and the other artifacts shown here may shed
light on life before the advent of the Machine Age.

he most colorful. displays on the
dg. is this diorama of Bermuda
n this exhibit are animal life, al-
d) and the clusters of sea squirts
ted. More obviously animate are
rrrotfish (bottom left). the. spiny
colorful little fishes seen swim-
(right and left), which boast the
ectively) of sergeant majors and




arriving daily!
For that hard-to-find textbook
ct I T'C



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