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April 27, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-27

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-emier Hits Red Tactics in Laos








Soviet Attack on


S5Pil"s Doom for Offer
'On Test-Ban Deadlock

West Hopes To Discover
Position of Khrushchev
LONDON ()--Diplomatic sources said yesterday the Western
powers soon may learn whether Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev still
exerts .all his own power and authority.
A disclosure about Khrushchev's position may be near. It could
r come, informants said, as a by-product of the current East-West
discussions in Moscow on a nuclear test ban and Laos.
Positions taken by the Soviet Union on both issues are expected
to show whether Khrushchev remains in the saddle or whether he is'
Theing pushed from behind by a
I shadowy neo-Stalinist group in
Rusk TO Make the Kremlin. The sources said an

Makes- Clainm
Of Western
Officials Suspect
Complete Rejection
Of Allied Proposals
GENEVA (P)-A Soviet attack
on the West's disarmament policies
yesterday spelled almost certain
do'om for the latest United States
and British approach to Premier
Nikita S. Khrushchev to break the
nuclear test ban deadlock.

VIENTIANE (JP)-Premier Prince:
Souvanna Phouma declared yes-
terday that Communist tactics
jeopardize the future of Laos and
made what appeared to be a spirit-
ed defense of the United States.
lie spoke out as United States
warships were reported in South-
east Asian waters ready for possi-
ble action in the crisis.
Without mentioning the United
States, Souvanna spoke of those
nations that had sent unselfish
aid and denounced Red charges
that Chinese Nationalists and
South Vietnamese are secretly in
Laos. The Communists always link
the United States with these
Pledges Soviet Support
In Moscow, United States Un-
dersecretary of State W. Averell.
Harriman talked with Premier Ni-
kita S. Khrushchev for 31/2 hours
and the Russian leader, again
pledged Soviet support for the,
peace and neutrality of Laos. But
Soviet news organs continued to
carry charges that the United
States provoked the Laotian crisis.
In Rangoon, President Liu Shao-
Chi of Communist China joined
Burma leader Gen. Ng Win in a
communique expressing "anxiety
over the present situation in Laos."
Charges that the United States
is to blame for the Laotian crisis
came from Red China, the Soviet
Union, Communist North Viet
Nam and the pro-Communist Pa-
thet Lao faction of the Laotian
government. The Pathet Lao is
headed by Prince Souphanouvong,
Souvanna's half-brother and a
deputy premier.
Responding to them, Souvanna
said in effect that the Communists
themselves sought to disrupt Laos'
Strict Neutrality
Souvanna has sought to main-
tain strict neutrality in the neu-
tralist-rightist-leftist coalition re-
But he said the Communist
charges had to be denied because
they jeopardized Laotian neutral-
ity and cast doubt on his impar-

Group Asks
Civil Rights.
Work .Plana
WASHINGTON W-P-Civil rights
leaders challenged President John
F. Kennedy yesterday to put teeth
into his anti-bias housing order
with able men, money and White
House push to put it across.
They said lax federal enforce-
ment of the order'had proved to be
little more than a sop for people
in the North and South who "want
discrimination conditions left un-
Clarence Mitchell, Washington
director of the National Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Col-
ored -People, led the attack on the
order which he said was "first
hashed up, then watered down and
finally issued (Nov. 20, 1962) in an
apologetic manner."
Joined by Officials
In criticizing what he called the
"ineffective posture" taken by the
White House, Mitchell was joined
by officials of the Congress of
Racial Equality (CORE), the Na-
tional Urban League and Algernon
D. Black, board chairman of the
National Committee against Dis-
crimination in Housing.
Meanwhile, Atty. Gen. Robert F.
Kennedy, visiting Atlanta on Con-
federate Memorial Day, praised
progress made in Georgia and the
'South in solving civil rights prob-
He said progress had been made
in desegregating schools, transpor-
tation and other public facilities in
many sections during the past few
years and "we are on the right
road now."

CAMBRIDGE - The American
university that is, emerging from
the present ferment in the "edu-
cation industry" will serve as a
model for the rest of the world,
University of California President
Clark Kerr told a Harvard audi-
ence recently.
At a time when knowledge is
"central to the conduct of an en-
tire society mountain ranges of
higher education are forming,"
Kerr said. He pointed out that al-
ready three groups of universities,
following the industrial strength
and population centers were form-
ing "great plateaus" of intercon-
nected educational centers, the
New York Times reported.
The largest plateau runs from
Boston to Washington. It embraces
46 per cent of the nation's Nobel
winners in the sciences and 40 per
cent of the members of the Nation-
al Academy of Sciences.
California Plateau
A second plateau is the Pacific
coast complex of universities in
California, which has 36 per cent
of the American Nobel laureates
in science and 20 per cent of the
members of the NAS.
A third plateau encompasses the
Big Ten and the University of
Chicago. It has 10 per cent of the
Nobel winners in science and 14

Kerr Vews Model University

per cent of the NAS membership.
He said that a fourth plateau
appears to be forming in the Tex-
as-Louisiana area.
Many Facets
Kerr went on to describe the
broadening role of the university
as creating a "multiversity" which
combines undergraduate instruc-
tion, graduate and professional ed
House Group
To Check Land

By The Associated Press Luzi naU severari aeUis
it should try, to :pattern: itself
WASHINGTON -- Members of "A university anywhere car
the House Armed Services Com- no higher than to be as Brit
mittee flew to Puerto Rico yester- possible for the sake of the u
day to look over land possibilities graduates, as German as pa
in the Caribbean area that the for the sake of the graduat
Navy wants for a new base. American as possible for the
The move triggered speculation of the public at large--aid ai
that it was a prelude to a pullout fused as possible for the sa
from Guantanamo Bay Naval Base the preservation of the whoa
in Cuba. The Defense Department easy balance."
denied the possibility. He said that this "unlikelb
Committee member Rep. Charles sensus" had come "out of
E. Chamberlain (R-East Lansing) ments, experiments and cor
noted grave concern over the sit- With multiversities havin
uation. "All of a sudden we are many animating principles,
asked for funds to build duplicat- is much debate on which
ing facilities," he said. really deserve salvation."

unreasonably tough line would look

Official Visit
To Yugoslavia
WASHINGTON (M) - Secretary
of State Dean Rusk left last night
on a multi-purpose diplomatic
mission including a visit with Yu-
goslavia's President Marshal Tito,
. Also during his 10-day trip, tim-
ed for a meeting of the Central
(Middle East) Treaty Organization
in Karachi, Rusk plans to see
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
in India and leaders in Turkey
and Iran.
Rusk's Yugoslav visit, the first
by a United States secretary of
state since John Foster Dulles saw
Tito in 1955, was announced by
the State Department shortly be-
fore his departure. The depart-
ment described it as an official
visit, at: Yugoslav invitation, re-
ciprocating the May 1962 trip by
the Yugoslav foreigrX secretary.
Ever since Tito broke with the
Kremlin in 1948, United States
policy has been to nurture contin-
ued independence of the Adriatic
Communist state !from the Soviet
bloc. I
Rusk is expected to assure Tito
that President John F.. Kennedy
will press for repeal of the prohibi-
tion against most-favored-nation
treatment t o w a r d Yugoslavia
which Congress adopted in 1962.

to the West as if Khrushchev is [ Only 48 hours after new West-

The College of Architecture and Design, Announces its 6th Annual

on his way out.
West Confused
On the basis of present evidence
Washington, London, Paris and
the other capitals of the West
clearly are confused.
Since the first of the year there
has been a flood of unsubstantiat-
ed reports forecasting some change
in Khrushchev's status and even
'suggesting that he was getting too
old now to handle a big crisis. His
policy on Cuba and his row with
Red China were said to have got
him into trouble.
One Western source said the re-
ports have served to cloak rather
than clarify the power position,
inside the Kremlin. Khrushchev
now has provided the latest piece
to the puzzle.
Speculative Remark
Two days ago, in a speech to
industrial workers, he gave some
substance to speculation about his
possible, retirement, informants
said. He reminded his audience
that he was 69 and could not hold
his present position indefinitely.
As reported by Tass, Khrushchev
led up to the matter by saying
the Communist Party "is a tested
leader of the Soviet people."
"And the Party itself is choosing
out of its ranks the leading nuclei
to which the most worthy and
tested leaders are being elected,"
he continued.,


ern test ban proposals were pre-
sented to Khrushchev, Soviet Am-
bassador Semyon K. Tsarapkin
launched a scathing condemnation
of the Western powers. He ac-
cused them of deliberately trying
to sabotage the conference.
"Once again we are in an im-
passe, with no move forward," he
Little Hope
Western officials held out little
hope that the new proposals-still
a closely guarded secret-would
meet with any favorable reaction
from Khrushchev.
The proposals were delivered by
the United States and British am-
bassadors in Moscow in the form of
a message to Khrushchev from
President John F. Kennedy and
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan
of Britain.
Tsarapkin's denunciation was
regarded by Western sources as
the probable forerunner to a flat
rejection of the proposals by
Western Suggestion
The Soviet ambassador did not
specifically refer to the Western
suggestions. But he seemed to im-
ply that the Russians did not re-
gard them as a step toward break-
ing the test ban impasse.
"This matter has been under
discussion for five years and still
there is no prospect of agree-
ment," he said.
Tsarapkip ignored Italian dele-
gate Francesco Cavalletti's plea
for a favorable response to the
new Western move. Instead he
warned of danger to Italy and
other North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization countries caused by the
presence of nuclear-armed United
States submarines in the Mediter-
Western officials speculated that
Khrushchev's apparently obses-
sionalconcern over the formation
of a NATO nuclear force may lie
at the back of the Soviet stand
in the nuclear test ban talks.
Seek lPolitician
As Successor
BONN (P)-West German Chan-
cellor Konrad Adenauer emphasiz-
ed yesterday that he had wanted
a successor with more political ex-
perience than Minister of Econom-
ics Ludwig Erhard, who has been
nominated by their party.
"I want to stress," he said, "that
with all recognition for the great
services of Erhard to us in the
field of economics, I was still of
the opinion that a federal chan-
cellor must be 'more of a political
nature than anyone can be who
has so far devoted himself large-
ly to economic policy."




world News


*1* r. r . w r

By The Associated Press
LISBON - Portugal's Foreign
Minister Alberto Franco Nogueira
repeated an offer yesterday to con-
fer with African countries on
"matters of common interest."
TOKYO-Student violence yes-
terday marked mounting Japanese
opposition to opening of Japan's
ports to United States nuclear-
powered submarines. Five hun-
dred university students at Kyoto
called a demonstration that end-
ed in a clash with police.
HAVANA-Prime Minister Fidel
Castro hinted yesterday before
leaving for Russia that the Ken-
neay administration's recent curbs
on anti-Castro Cuban exiles could
bring about a lessening of United
States-Cuban tensions.
NEW YORK-The New York
Stock Exchange closed yesterday
with slight losses as volume tap-
ered off to the lowest total in three
weeks. Dow-Jones averages show-
ed Industrials down 1.17, Rails
down .07 and Utilities up .17.




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(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Toppon Streets
Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Minister
Sunday, 7:30 p.m. Open House for new stu-
dents at Guild House, 802 Monroe.
Tuesday, 12:00 noon-Luncheon and Discus-
Donald Postema, Minister
Washtenow at Forest
Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan
10:00 A.M. Worship Services
11:15 A.M. Coffee Hour
7:00 P.M. Vesper Worship Service
United Church of Christ
423 South Fourth Ave.
Rev. Ernest Kloudt, Pastor
Rev. A. C. Bizer, Associate Pastor
9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Worship Service
9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Churc' School
7:00 p.m. Student Guild
1432 Washtenow Avenue
NO 2-4466
Ministers: Ernest T. Campbell, Malcolm
Brown, Virgil Janssen
Worship at 9:00 and 10:30.
Presbyterian Campus Center located at the
Staff: Jack Borckardt and Patricio Pickett
NO 2-3580

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National Lutheran Council
Hill St. at S. Forest Ave.
Henry 0. Yoder, Pastor
Anna M. Lee, Associate
Sunday-9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship Services
10:00 a.m. Bible Study
7:00 p.m. Speaker: Miss Juliet Anderson,
Missionary, "My Day in Tanganyika."
Wednesday-7:15 p.m. Vespers.
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
11:00 a.m. Sunday Services.
8:00 p.m. Wednesday Services.
9:30 a.m. Sunday School (up to 20 years of
11:00 a.m. Sunday School (for children 2 to
6 year$ of age.)
A free reading room is maintained at 306 East
Liberty St. Reading Room hours are Mon-
day thru Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.
except Sundays and Holidays. Mondog
evening 7:00 to 9:00.
1917 Washtenow Avenue
Erwin A. Goede, minister
Services and Church School 9:30 & 11:00 q.m.
"No Labels"
Prof. Wilfred Kaplan, Guest Speaker.
John G. Molcin, Minister
W. Stadium at Edgewood
10:00 a.m. Bible School
11:00 a.m. Regular Worship
6:30 p.m. Evening Worship
7:30 p.m. Bible Study
For transportation to any service call 2-2756

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