F. AY. P 2(L i
THE ICHGANDAIY IR~IfAV P~i 9~1OA waMa a) .a aaa
C AUK",% ht1411L JQV, 1.7OO
Benjamin H. Baxt
Agnes B. Bouman
Karen J. Braun
Daniel P. Brown
Rob~ert E. Connor
Richard J. Fitts
Barbara L. Tribbey
Nancy L. Vantine
Paul F. Webber
John M. Wisniewsk
Goeffrey A. D'Arti
Pierre A. Dechaine
Robert L. Densham
"Peter J. Hollis
Robert J. Quist
Robert C. Abbott
Robert M. Amy
James F. Babcock
Richard C. Bechtel
Alani J. Boos
Thomas N. Bostelaar
Michael D. Broome
Harry L. Cross
Laning R. Davidson
Richard M. Doctoroff
Steven H. Doman
Richard G. Donnelly
Paul W. Duemler
George C. Earl
Clifford W. Grove
nNorman P. Hummon
Robert J. V. Jackson
Thomas S. Klage
Charles A. Kossack
Edmund F. Lapham, I
Richard V. Louvet
Ralph D. Lucas
-Dennis L. McDowell
William H. McMullen
Patrick J. McParland
Roger T. Maki
Richard H. Marshall, Jr.
Charles L. Marton
Dennis A. Moore
Norman C. Otto
Lester E. Page, Jr.
Richard B. Pettit
Dale E. Preussner
Richard P. Reinkar
Gregory M. Robbins
Richard P. Rogers
Brian H. Sheen
Larry G. Sherman
Gregory I. Shorr
Barry E. Stare
Ronald W.Stier
Daniel T. Sweeny
Donald F Thibert
Donna K. Tope
Trhomas R. Ward
Candace J. Windeler
David W. Yohe
M. Bruce Abrahamse
Annabel Adams
Harriet R. Adler
Christopher F. Ake
Richard A. Altmansberger
YCharles R. Anderson
Heidi Su Applebaum
oric D. Austad
"auren S. Bahr
Helen A. Bandur
Robert D. Bartels
Beverly L. Baszler
Michael R. Baumer
PaI 1 E. Beard
Ellen D. Bennett
Donna Lea Berg
Norman T. Berlinger
Joel M. Bernstein
Thomas G. Bets
Daniel H. Boxser
Robert S. Braun
inrna a S. Breakstone
George W. Breslauer
Carol L. Bretz
Marilyn Brown
Gerald M. Browne
Andrew A. Burger
: Charles W. Burson
Goeffrey J. Carter
Jennifer B. Clarke
Susan B. Close
Christine Comstoc
Mary E. Conrad
Richard S. Cook
Edward O. Dalley
Janice L. Danoff
Elaine S. Desow
Stuart L. Deutsch
Michael E. Dewey
Pamela L. Dewey
Judith E. Diamond
Gail I. Disner
,Ronelle A. DuBrow
Michael F. Duh
Felice S. Ehrman
John W. Ekin
Steven J. Engelberg
Sandra K. Erickson
Evelyn K. Falkenstein
Marilyn J. Faxstein
Laura Ann Fitch
Cecelia E. Foerch
Elliott R. Freedman
Elizabeth D. Friedman
Pamela E. Frink
Emily M. Godshalk
Richard M. Golman
Jeffrey M. Goodman
Patricia A. Gordon
Louis J. Goszleth
Roberta S. Govons
Mary Sue Grant
Randall W. Green
Mitchell I. Greenwald
Richar. I,. Hadley
James H. Harger
Richard C. Hartman
Martha L. Haughey
Lynn A.. Heckman
Nancy L. Heiber
Donna L. E. Heikkinen
George P. Henry
Elizabeth L. Herndon
Peggy Anne Hillman
Ann Marie Hock
Diane F. Hoffenberg
Charies G. Holton
Joseph M. Huber
Ed aard P. Hyduke
Elizabeth A. Irwin
William A. Irwin
Michael E. Jacobson
Alvin R. Jaffin
Robert . Johnson
Robert A. Jordan
Stan A. Kaplowitz
Myrna Kasey
Joan E. Katz
Marcia K. Levin
Karen S. Lossing
Heather McCallum
Suzanne McClure
Paul L. McEnture
Alan K. McKenzie
Michael L. Maas
Jean Ann Magnuson
Jon G. March
David A. Mead
Barbara C. Meihoefer
Nancy K. Meltzer
Thomas J. Messenger
David L. Meyer
Pamela A. Millich
Barbara Jo Mixer
Courtney C. Neff
Wendy Lee Olson
Judith M. Operhall
Jennifer Sue Oren
Robert G. Pachella
Mary L. Pate
Susan C. Peck
Marlin H. Pemberton
Harold E. Pepinsky
Sharon J. Perszyk
Daniel Pinkel
William H. Pollock
John A. Rafter
Robin Raike
Melissa M. Reading
Margaret A. Reif
Alexander B. Reisman
Patricia A. Relich
Sharon A. Rhoads
Paula J. Rice
Paul L. Robertson
Richard S. Robinson
Michaeld D. Rohrer
Zosia E. Rosa
David Jules Rosen
John C. Ross
Joan H. Roth
Susan P. Rudder
John D. Rybock
Lorraine A. Saginaw
Charles H. Schallhorn
Gary M. Schneider
Joanne Joy Schor
Larry G. Schornack
Nancy P. Sevaki
Marianne E. Shirk
Richard A. Shortt
Mary Joy Sims
Carol F. Singer
Sandra Lee Smith
Stephen H. Soboroff
Terry Lou Stagman
Elizabeth W. Stapler
Mitchell Stengel
John R. Stephens
Charlyr J. Stockero
Stephen J. Sweet
Barbara R. Taub
Harold B. Tobin
James K. Todd
Marianne VanderSluis
Elizabeth VanDyke
Kenneth L. Verosub
Linda S. Villency
Mary F. Voce
Frederica Wachtel
Dietmar U. Wagner
Robert K. Walker
Nancy J. Warrick
William C. Weese
Christine A. Wendt
Nancy C. Wheeler
Karen E. Whitbeck
James M. Wineman
Margaret A. Witecki
Eugene Yuen Ten Won
Jane Gay Worman
Joseph W. Wright
Stephen J. Wyman
Donna Mae Yando .
Byron D. Yates
Cynthia M. Zavis
Robin S. Zawodni
Joy Ann Ziegler
John R. Ziemer
Judith L. Zolotar
Maria S. Bahas
Sheryl H. Cohen
David E. Cooper
Catherine R. Corlett
Martha L. Eckman
Catharine Hamilton
Maurita L. Peterson
Merrily Picken
Judith Preves
Jerri J. Smart
Robert J. Streckfuss
Elizabeth A. Super
Edward J. Zentera
Natural Resources
Steven A. Handlos
James E. Knox
Nancy A. Benisek
Nada Jane Bodine
Bonnie Breitmayer
Carol J. Hall
Barbara L. Holub
Linda Rae Houk
Kathleen A. Jones
Charlotte J. Julien
Carol Ann Klepper
Jo Ellen Krulee
Susan A. Ollila
Diane J. Pine
Josephine A. Pollock
Anne Marie Potter
Karyn J. Smith
Elizabeth E. Spikes
Dean E. Albertson
Douglas R. Flanagen
Students, Awarded Honors
University of Michigian
President's Award
Harry Hajime Watanabe
Thomas Davis Carbeck
Alpha Rho Chi Medal
Wayne Lloyd Schiffelbein
American Institute of Architects
Book Award
Ronald Edward Polniaszek
Alumni Scholarship in
Charles Albert Ahlstrom
American Institute of Architects
Edward Moseley Gwathmey, Jr.
George C. Booth Traveling
Fellowship in Architecture
Zane Jacob Anderson
The Daverman Merit Award in
James Lee Haecker
Arthur C. Tagge Scholarship
Robert Parkes McAllen
Ronald Edward Polniaszek
Tonya Lynne Barwick
Marjorie Ruth Eichmann
Pastor L Martelino, Jr.
Mrs. Carol Ann Moreno
Thomas Lee Robinson
Terry Ann Thall
Walter Anicka Sketch Problem-
Intermediate Class
Norman Curtis Hall
Walter Apicka Sketch Award-
Intermediate Class
Lawrence Ronald Jacobs
Albert Kahn Graduate Scholarship
Philip Waldo Jones
Walter Anicka Sketch Award-
Advanced Class
George Fredrick Emmert
John Raymond Reno
Mc Naught Medal for Excellence
in Newswriting
Marsha Grace Canfield
Mc Naught Medal for Excellence
in Editorial Writing
Mrs. Kathleen Marcia (Nelson)
Mc Naught Medal for Outstanding
Grad. Student
Peter Nicholas Marudas
Me Naught Medal for Outstanding
Richard Neil Ostling
Sigma Delta Chi Scholastic
Recognition Award
Mrs. Carlotta Rose Maize Buben
Richard Neil Ostling
Sigma Delta Chi Outstanding
Male Graduate
Richard Neil Ostling
Kappa Tau Alpha
Mrs. Carlotta Rose Maize Buben
Marsha Grace Canfield
Mrs. Mylitta Suzanne Hartman
Mrs. Kathleen Marcia Nelson
Richard Neil Ostling
Helen Mary Petrick
Mrs. Joan Isabelle Kittle Wehner
Theta Sigma Phi
Nancy Susan Denoven
Ruth Elsie Engman
Barbara Ann Leitch
Lynne Friedrich
Ruth Ann Neipp
Florence Reed Niles
Susan Jane Wright
Bradley Moore Davis
Undergraduate Award in Botany
Darlene Esther Helmich
I. L. Sharfman Econ. Fellowship
Muriel J. Converse
Horace H. Rackham First Year
Graduate Fellowship
Richard E. Barfield
Sims Senior Honor Scholarship in
Robert Michael Berger
Fred M. Taylor Award in Econ.
Lon Polk
Harold D. Osterweil Prize in Econ.
Richard E. Barfield
Orla B. Taylor Fellowship
Priscilla Gail Ellis
NDEA Fellowship
Patricia A. Burke
John William Chase
Ralph W. Cummings
William Oscar-Freithaler
Carl Edward Liedholm
Winthrop Harold Munroe
Thomas Palm
Richard Lewis Peterson
Marvin R. Snowbarger
James Arthur Sweet
Kelsey-Hayes Company Award
Barry Eugene Sammons
Convair Award
Marksmanship Bronze Medal,
Truman Manson Cole
Marksmanship Silver Medal,
Arthur Olan Cravets
Detroit Free Press Award
James Edward Haselwood
Michigan Aviation Foundation
Jerry Thelen Hewitt
Chicago Tribune Silver Medal
Don Campbell Watters
Scabbard and Blade Award
Richard Henry Barchi
Ford Motor Company Award
Society of American Military
Chicago Tribune Silver Medal
Michael Gene Parsons
Chicago Tribune Gold Medal
Gary Lance Cox
William Peter Vockel
Detroit News Medal
John Frederick Greene
Naval Institute Award
Robert Mulder III
Reserve Officers Association
Medal -
Horowitt Award
Lowell Eugene Reardon
Marine Corps Association Award
James Lee Yost
Honors in Speech (Speech
Karen Bleier
Ann Brimm .
Judith H. Grzesiek
Sherry Kovan
Dorothy Nicholls
Patricia Seider
Trudy Rosenberg
Helene Weisman
Honors in Speech (Public Address)
Monte Salisbury
Edward Stein
Honor Debater Award in Speech
Lionel M. Allan
Stuart Allen Bremer
William Charles Wiers
Everett Woods
initiate of Delta Sigma Rho
(National Forensic Speech Hon.)
Sidney Alexander Brockley
Lee Carl Bromberg
Stephen Schlakman
Phyllis Grace Swayse
Stephen H. Thal
Norma J. Wiler
HonormDebate Award
Christine E. Linder
Honor Debater and Initiate of
Delta Sigma Rho
Harry Youtt
Honors in Speech (Radio-TV)
Elizabeth Rankin
Most Improved Debater Award
Stephen H. Thal
Outstanding Novice Debate Award
Richard Henry Stadler
Outstanding Varsity Debater
Albert Edwin Fowerbaugh
Radio Direction Award
William Otto Gilsdorf
Lynda K. Woodworth
Television Direction Award
Ruth E. Engman
Frederick G. Kleyn III
Richard John Lutz
Television Productions and
Direction Award
John Thomas Rouse, Jr.
Irwin Palmer Starr
Television Performance Award
Harold Albert Banta
Richard Cullen Burke
Henrietta L. Kleinpell
Technical Television Award
Nancy S. Denovan
Technical Radio Award
Gordon W. Titus
Radio Performance Award
Charles David Colson
William C. Reed
Zeta Phi Eta
Bonnie F. Buchanan
Mary Lynn Damoose
Nancy L. Hoffman
Nancy Jeanne Lucas
Betty J. Vernan
Theatre Award for Outstanding
Contribution to the Theatre Area
of the Department of Speech
J. Rodney Baughn
Ronald Beebe
Cynthia J. Beerbohm
Frederick G. Kleyn III
Richard M. Levy
Sherry N. Levy
J. Sheldon Murphy
David A. Saunders
Carl R. Schurr
Janet A. Watson
Eleanor Clay Ford Endowment
Award for Debating
Phyllis G. Swayze
Norma J. Wikler
Thomas Clarkson Trueblood
Ralph S. Chesebrough
Leonora Patricia Eden
Edwin L. Glick
George A. Hayward
Helen Marie T. Kelly
Ronald J. Kieft
Mary Ann Klaaren
Marjorie Ann Komp
Thomas John Manning
Eita Krom Prize-Sociology
Barbara A. Portnoy
Eita Krom Prize-Honorable
Mention Sociology
Julie Syril Abramson
Chi Omega Prize-Sociology
Barbara A. Portnoy
Lockheed Leadership Scholarship
Mak Edward Bowen
Richard Lloyd Cole
Arnold Revzin
Business & Professional Women's
Clubs, District VIII Scholarship
Carole Frances Barkley
Wallace and Grace Frost
Celeste Sophia Arjay
Gerrit Earl DeYoung
Sharon Louise Senk
Charles Wolff
Detroit Edison Freshman
Karen Christine Allshouse
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
David Allen Doran
William Darrel Ensminger
John Lamont McConnel
Kenneth Harry Miller
Bruce Campbell Nash
Robert Woodard Sloane
Warren Otis Wickelgren
Harry M. Taxin
James Robert Trudell
David Royal Walters
General Motors College
Marine Bruce Abrahamse
Annabel Adams
Donald Charles Baron
Barbara Lee Bennett
James Allen Bennett
Consumers Power Freshman
Marianne Vander Sluis
Arnold Schiff Interfaith Memorial
Robert Wynne Anthony
Kevin Moore Beattie
Religious Affairs Interfaith Award
Peter Kendall Eisinger
Hopwood Major Awards
Barton Lee Wimble
John George O'Brien
Merrill Duane Whitburn
Edmund Valentine White III
Lewis Arthur Meyers
Stanley Gregory Radhuber
Elizabeth Avery Schultz
Merrill Duane Witburn
Philip Dake Church
Jerome Arthur Badanes
Stanley Gregory Radhuber
Norman Dale Linville
Lewis Arthur Meyers
Hopwood Minor Awards
Theodore Joseph Rancont, Jr.
John Thomas Herrick
Margaret Ann Klee
Ronald Warner Kenyon
Janet Natalie Coleman
Ann Lowe McIntosh
Michael Schwartz Adelman
Steven Jay Friedman
Danny James Guthrie
Margaret Ann Klee
Marjory Ann Hall
Jeanne Penelope Schott Kramer
Patricia Ann Hooper
Hopwood Summer Awards
William Douglas Elliott
Charles David Colson
Katherine K. Blunt
John G. Conley
Isabel Steele Johnson
Brownlee W. Elliott
Robert Walter Wheeler
William Douglas Elliott
John Collett Frazier
Robert Walter Wheeler
Hopwood Freshman Awards
Robert Edwin Burt, Jr.
Alvin Kermit Averbach
James Curtiss Hestand
Ruth Eleanor Kuchel
Kaylyn Spezzano
Judith Larue Snider
Barbara Lee Otto
Elizabeth Davida Friedman
Judith Ann Delk
Ruth Eleanor Kuchel
Theodore Dana Hall
Hopwood Special Award
Konstantinos Nick Lardas
Robert M. Amy
Karen M. Aas
Mary G. Asprin
Eugene A. Barnsteiner
Robert D. Bartels
Michael R. Baumer
Paul E. Beard
Frederick T. Berhenke
Joanne Lynne Berglund
Barry Bosworth
J. Brooks Buderus
Thomas V. Cahill
Lauri P. Cahill
Frances L. Causey
Rebecca S. Cayton
Dianne M. Churley
Harry D. Comins
Tom Ross Dennis
Leonard R. Gorski
Richard D. Graddis
Gilbert B. Green
Jerrold A. Gretzinger
Steven P. Henry
Richard G. Hildreth
Edward M. Holpuch
Sandra D. Johnson
Harriet S. Katcher
Lewis J. Kleinsmith
William A. Leaf
Karen S. Lossing
James Thomas Low
Frank A. Lude
Suzanne McClure
Greer Lynn A. MacKenzie
Anthony J. Mahowski
Janet S. Mackie
Rolf Marshall
James A. Mason
Marylouise Mierau
Camilla W. Mok
Janet G. Nielsen
Rick S. Piltz
Sherman F. Rosen
Sally E. Ryden
Martha K. Smith
L. Holly Spoor
H. Steven Straight
Phyllis G. Swayze
Sandra L. Swift
Josephine C. Thompson
W. John Tipton
John D. Tjepkema
Patricia A. Van Alstine
Robert A. Westover
Judith A. Wiltse
Kenneth A. Winter
Alpha Kappa Psi Scholarship
Award-BBA Candidate with
highest Avg.
Robert Francis Halvorsen
Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key in
Business Administration
Joal Stanley Demski
Education Scholarship Award
Judith Marie Andraski
Richard Donald Asel
Beverly Gayle Baker
Marjorie Anne Bloom
Marilyn Ann Morichj
Nancy Lee Bristol
Shirley Ann Chattman
Joyce Elaine Dean
Dorothy Barbara Deutsch
Alice Schut DeWys
Carol Braun Dvorak
(Miss) Lee Davis Etsten
Kathleen Marie Fike
! William Edward Frieseman
Nancy Carolyn O'Neill
Mary Josephine Paolano
Linda Lou Richards
Susan Rogers
Jean Katherine Samuelson
Margie Lou Green Schwartz
Carol Ester Shulman
Lynda Louise Page Smith
Harriet Joan Spiegel
Martha Jane Donnelly Torbet
Helen Louise Turk
Roxelle Lou Ann Udell
Marilyn Jane Bell Wallas
Anne Joan Westerman
Jean Carol Westerman
Roberta Diane Willing
William H. Payne Scholar
Barbara Marion Denny
Clifford Woody Memorial Award
Arthur Harry Nash
Burke Aaron Hinsdale Scholar
Philip Maclean Clark
Sociedad Hispanica
Scholarship Award
Margie E. Niedelman
Carol Brown
American Society for Metals
Foundation for Education and
Research Metallurgical
Undergraduate Scholarship
Jeffrey George Meyer
David Aspland Award
John Foster Bloodgood
Edmund M. Carpenter
Donald Paul Croucher
Joseph Adam Dsida
Stuart S. Dunn
Paul Allen Ferguson
Winton Gary Gibbons
Richard Julius Girvin
Peter Alan Levine
Alexander C.Liang
Robert Claude MacDonald
Robert Bruno Macklin
Darral Christopher Martin
Kurt Metzger, Jr.
George Niekraszewicz
Anthony Niewyk
William L. Nocerino, Jr.
David Clair Norton
H. Walter Trenouth
Stephen Warriner
Marathon Oil Company
David J. Broad
Ray V. Elshout
Benson P. Shapiro
Philip H. Turnock
Alan J. Frenkel
Robert H. Kaplan
Louis C. Westphal
Dennis A. Faust
James E. Patton
Donald S. Remer
Lawrence D. Bell Scholarship
Thomas Vincent Traczyk
George H. Benzenberg Award
k Harry Cross
Thomas A. Russell
James Edwin Murray
Robert Anthony
Stephen C. Porter
Michael F. Carter
Duncan Hughes
Michael Sattinger
Daniel L. Brors
Joseph Boyer Scholarship
Leon Clever Borduin
Alvin J. Elders
Hillyard Rex Hartson
Theodore Edward Kelly, Jr.
William Norman Knotts
Timothy C. Rand
James Eugene Rice
David Douglas Stott
Robert Francis Forche
Ronald Vernon Swanson
Consumers Power Company Engr.
James Michael Amend
David P. Barkman
Gerald E. Bennington
Chemstrand Corporation
William Nicholas Delgass
Michael L. McMillan
J. B. and Mary H. Davis
Lee D. Miller
Jack L. Wallace
Kamal A. Laz
Gerald P. Goulish
Herbert W. Stoughton
Frederick L. Frey
Cornelius and Margaret Donovan
David J. Abineri
Douglas George Boven
Donald Frederick Coon
Andrew Daugavietis
John Martin Deutsch
Dale John Dorlath
Robert Paul Gamble
Robert Marlow Glaysher
Andrejs Graube
Jay Arthur Herbst
Frederick William Knopf
Gregory James Lehman
Stephen G. Lewis
Paul William Liscom, Jr.
Frederick L. Locke
Roger Lewis Potash
Harold Walter Reick
David Perper Barkman
Gerald W. Braun
Barry Fredric Kramer
Lance K. Murray
David Maurice Rosema
Douglas Aircraft Scholarship
Barry Lawrence Wolman
Dow Chemical Company
Sanford Joel Lewis
Alvah B. and Salome K. Frederick
William Samuel Busch
Thomas Allen Leonard
William George Rado
Ronald Lee Secord
Mahmoud Behbehanian
Roger Warren Campbell
David Lee Hawkins
Daniel Richard Ruuska
Jon Charles Sheppard
Russell Lawrence Sparks
George A. Fuller Company Award
Hale W. Huber
Arthur Michael Hill
David Michael Le Vine
John Edward Cannehl
James Alan Hintz
Charles Ferdinand Krumm
William J. Vandenberg
Robert Edward Zitner
Alan Dean Robinson
Daniel Van Dyke
John Alwin Vanlandingham
Thomas D. Carbeck
General University Scholarship
Anapam Natvarlai Chinal
Paris Genalis
Gee-In Goo
Francis T. Yoon
Richard S. L. Cheng
Tabal Singh Uppal
James Wilson Albers
Nick Alexopoulos
Shiu Chu Chiu
Arun Vasudev Hejmadi
Jagdish Chander Janveja
Afif Kanafahi
Surinder Nath Kohli
Kiu Hee Lee
Billy Loo
Lok-Eeng Oei
Robin Kin Suan
Clarence E. Groesbeck Memorial
William George Rouse
H. James Rome
Richard Allen Eberhard
James Sidney Dell
Thomas A. Westaway
Bradley Arthur Taylor
George Larry Adams
Andy Anastacio Arizala II
Gary Lee Barnes
Jack Duane Benson
Toby S. Berk
Pamo Bhatia
Lauren Lee Bowler
Brian Ivan Brown
Hartley Ralph Burroughs
William Ciaramitaro
Shu-Bing Chan
Robert Ronald Clifford
Hugo A. Di Giulio
Richard Porter Duiven
Wendell Kim Erickson
Bruce Lee Fletcher
David M. Giancola
Valdis Grants
William King Hall
Ronald Hiskes
LaVerne L. Hoag
David A. Hubbard
William Robert Hungerford
David Carl Janetzke
Phillip Allen Kaufman
Douglas Peter Kuziak
Peter Thomas McLean
Charles Santo Maiorana
Norman David Marschke
Luis Felipe Martinez
Terry Michael Mitchell
John Barry Monaghan
John Edwin Mutchler
Kenneth Charles Mylrea
David Shearer Payne
Stanley L. Platkowski
Leslie George Polgar
Claude Arthur Poulin
Thomas David Reed
John Vincent Sasina
Hector Saldarriaga
Robert William Schultz
Harold Stanton Shelly
Ralph Stanley Shoberg
Phillip Howard Smith
Duncan Steele
Ronald Vernon Swanson
Donald P. Tate
John Jacob Taylor, Jr.
David Drew Thompson
J. Melvyn Thomsen
Harold Walter Trenouth
Gerald R. Vanier
Harry Hajime Watanabe
David Carl Wiggert
Orval Floyd Wolfgram
Roger Woo-Wei Wang
Robert Sun-Kuen Ying
David William Fischer
Bradley Arthur Taylor
Bruce Bailey
Thomas M. Keinath
V. Karlis Riters
Dan Paul Rieth
Robert Campbell Gemmell
Memorial Scholarship
Larry J. Peterson
/ Elton Dean Bellinger
Melvin Sam Shotten
Harriet Eveleen Hunt Scholarship
Bruce Bailey
Paul Allen Ferguson
Robert Francis Forche
James A. Hintz
Johnson Service Company
Davis W. Heizer
Thomas Frederick Wile
International Nickel Company
James Quincy Steigelman
Woodard Avery Niethammer
A. A. Kucher Scholarship in
Nuclear Engineering
Hideaki Nishihara
Ladish Company Scholarship
David V. Sundberg
Lieutenant Francis Brown Lowry
Paul Albert Van Hull
Simon Mandlebaum Scholarship
Donald R. Frerichs,
David Louis Paul
Sheldon M. Rubin
James A. Claffey
Bruce Lee Fletcher
Robert Steven Neff
John Charles Reilly
Frederick William Roos
Robert Harris Lurie
Roy D. Chapin Scholarship Fund
Marvin Lloyd Overway
William Colon Lemon Fund
Abu Jamal M. Hasan
Lewis J. McNaughton, III
David G. Nottage, Jr.
John Erwin Schenk
Edward Michael Duiven
Michigan Association of Civil
Engineers and Land Surveyors
Norman W. Edwards
Richard L. Perry Memorial
Lonnie Gail Hansen
Gerald Richard Weiss
Harry Hajime Watanabe
Scott Paper Company Scholarship
Lowell E. Reardon
Peter C. Van Hull
John C. Gebhardt
Robert Bruce Geary
Standard Oil Co. of California
Mech. Eng. Scholarship
Robert Louis Anderson
Texaco Scholarship
Roger Keranen Rains
Robert D. Liscombe
Ernest K. Parrott
Robert C. Ruhl
Trane Company Scholarship
Philip Martin Leucht
Universal Oil Products Company
Chemical Engineering Scholarship
Robert James Bassett
Bernard Edward Dersnah
Kenneth William Lyon
Walter Ray Tong
Union Carbide Corporation
Raymond J. Levandowski
Richard Paul Weber
Donald Paul Weimann
Western Electric Company
Thomas Krainer Gregory
Larry Elton Telford
Whirlpool Corporation Scholarship
Carl Leo Bixby
Franklin Clyde Harter
Aluminum Company of America
Paul G. Riewald
Thomas R. Bierma
William E. Zimmie Award
Bryant Alan Hilliard
John Francis Hamma
Stephen Alan Ho
Allen Hazen Magnuson
John Typer Drewry
Thomas Patrick Mackey, Jr.
American Bureau of
Shipping Prize
Michael Barron Wilson
Society of Naval Architects &
Marine Engineers Scholarship
Naval Arch. & Marine Eng.
David L. Webb
Michael Barron Wilson
John Christian Gebhardt
Robert Bruce Geary
Albert A. Stanley Medal
Carol Angela Teti
James L. Babcock Scholarship
Lynne K. Bartholomew
Sharon Lee Dierking
Elsa Gardner Stanley Scholarship
JoAnn Deabler
Ronald Duane Pepper
Pi Kappa Lambda Scholarship
David Claude Rogers
Theodore Presser Scholarship
Susan Marion Bastedo
George N. Heller
Leonard Louis Riccinto
Gabriel Armand Villasurda
Albert Lockwood Memorial
Patricia Alice Parker
David Charles Wilson
John Wolaver Memorial
Nanci Blythe Arnold
Chamber Music Society of
Ann Arbor Award
Janice Mae Hupp
Carol Wylie Jewell
Pi Kappa Lambda Freshman
Judith Preves
Sigma Alpha Iota Certificate
of Honor
Carol Angela Teti
First Baptist Church John Reed
David Walter Maves
Sigma Alpha Iota Scholarship
Francea Lou Whitcomb
Mu Phi Epsilon Scholarship
Barbara Kay Walz
Delta Omicron Scholarship
Grace Louise Saefke
Joseph Brinkman Memorial
Lorrie G. Pierce
Kenneth Van der Heuvel
Memorial Scholarship
Robert Charles Probasco
Wood Technology Senior Award
Stanley Raymond Tamulevich
Howard M. Wight Award
Rolf Iartung
The David and Marian Greenberg
Award in Fisheries
Michael David Clady
Xi Cigma Pi Underclassman
Richard Charles Field
Samuel Trask Dana Award
Frederick Renner Gehlbach
George Reed Francis
Alumni War Memorial Award
John Robert Donnelly
Donald M. Matthews Award
Owen B. Gusler
Forestry Faculty Award
Peter Joseph Wagner
Pharmacy Administration Prize
John James Watt III
Lambda Kappa Sigma Award
Judith Ann Swenson
Charles H. Stocking Award
Walter Vaughn Scott
Woman's Auxiliary of American
Pharmaceutical Association
Sharon Louise Valley
American Foundation for
Pharmaceutical Education
Mary Grace Asprin
Barbara Ann Ciborowski
Rho Chi Scholarship Award.
Patricka Linda Cote
Rho Chi Sophomore Prize
Sandra Lee Ostrand
Rho Chi Freshman Prize
Douglas Ray Flanagan
Lehn and Fink Prize
Sharon Louise Valley
Bristol Award in Pharmacy
Gail Pollack
Merck Award in Pharmaceutical
Morris Stern
Julia E. Emanuel Scholarship
for Girls
Barbara Ann Ciborowski
Julia E. Emanuel Award
Air Force Association Award
James Vincent Prochazka
Chicago Tribune Gold Medal
James Alan Hintz
Leslie Roger Swanson
Chicago Tribune Silver Medal
Barry Edward Stare
Thomas David Berge
Detroit Free Press Award
George Cannon Bell
Detroit News Award
Lary Elton Telford
Ford Motor Company Award
Douglas Charles Roach
General Dynamics Award
Anthony Thomas Lopucki
Kelsey Hayes Award
James Francis Babcock
Michigan Aviation Foundation
William Edward Schroeder
Professor of Air Science Award
Kenneth Allen Stiebohr
Steven Alan Crist