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April 26, 1963 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-26

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o Outstanding
Women's Honoraries
4ortar Board Scroll
Women's Honorary Affiliated Senior Women's Hon.,


Students for Scholarship,


'ounlain Heralds Spring Season

Men's Honoraries



Edith Bassichis
Madelaine Bates
Marjorie Brahms
Linda Burson.
Patricia Carlson
Karen Cowen
Patricia Elkins
Gail Feldman
Ruth Galanter
Patricia Golden
Ann Gomez
Charlene Hager
Carol Kaufman
Suzanne Koprince
Barbara Lazarus
Laury Lipman
Edith Morris
Mary Beth Norton
Myrna Oppenheim
Francis Parr
Penny Patton
Joyce Peckham
Barbara Portnoy
Grace Saefke
Mary Schmidt
Michal Schover
Margaret Skiles
Allyn Thompson
Judeth Van Hamm
Mary Van Loo
Mary Jane West
Wallis Wilde
Freya Yaffe.

Junior Women's Honor Society
Dona Jean Barcy
Edith S. Bassichis
Linda N. Burson
Patricia A. Carlson
Betsy Dalgin
Patricia D. Elkins
Vicki Elmer
Gretchen A. Groth
Christine M. Irwin
Joan Israel
Mary Beth Norton
Judith Rubenstein
Michel Schover
Ellen L. Silverman
Elizabeth A. Snow
Bobbie Victor'
Denise Wacker
Wallis J. Wilde
Pattie Wilson
Carolyn J. Winter
Senior Society
Independent Women's Honorar
Sylvia Berliner
Marjorie Bloom
Gloria Bowles
Laurianne Chutis
Susan Druding
Betty Erman
Lois Fischer
Maggie Franks
Bonnie Ginsberg
Barbara Greenstein
Judith Van Hamm
Diane Hirsch
Jeanette Hoffman
Judith Hyman
Carol Isotalo
Marion Jackson
Linda Joel .
Beverly Karanovich
Nancy Kngsland
Mary Jo Kuehn
Jean Lucas
Cynthia Neu
Kay Pomerance
Susan Schachtel
Joan Schloessinger
Ellen Silverman
Cathy Sipe
Anne Speer
Ruth Stephenson
Lana Tennison
Resident Hall Women's Honorary
Barbara Airmet
Betsy Sue Barber
Dana Maria Bedore
Johanna Elizabeth Bunge
Ann Susan Catherine Cameron
Alice Marie Cook
Carole Mary Corombos
Josephine Mary DeLuca
Anita Mary DeMarco
Alice Hayward Enos
Nancy Ellen Fisher
Judith Leslie Gates
Margaret Ann Hamil
Ann Louise Hannon
Christine Elayne Heller
::l: Jean Howes
Mary Lee Jacobson
Marcia Beth Kempf
Judith Anne Klein
Rachelle Gay Kraft
Ildze Lacums
Marianne Elizabeth Leonard
Karen Ann Lewis
Jo Ann Lofstrom
Jean Ellen McLarty
Sally Elizabeth Mieras
Sherry Ann Miller
Mary Frances Moore
Susanne Lois Orrin
Suzanne Harriet Pasch
Karolyn Rosalie Pederson
Judith Ann Pifer
Virginia Ellen Reed
Caroline Mary Robinson
Rhoda Elizabeth Rothenberg

Judith Caille.
Victoria Elmer
Gail Evans
Anita Beth Dolgin .
Sue Goldman
Julie Grodon
Gretchen Groth
Joan Gustan
Myrna Herwitz
Jacquelyn Kasabach
Mary Ellen Knake
Judith Lewis
Patricia Lutes
Esther Mallon
Laura Mosely
Sue Meredith Smith
Elizabeth Snow
Sue Sprunk
Barbara Victor
Katherine Grant Wunsch
Pi Lambda Theta
Honor Society for Women
in Education.
Sally Ann Ahlgrim
Eileen F. W. Alward
Dianne Catherine Atkins
Susan Marion Bastedo
Ronna Dale Bergman
Jean Boykoff
Ruth M. Brady
Kathleen Louise Burgess
Patricia Pierson Carpenter
Jane Sharon Cohen
Karen Cowan
Mary Egan
Barbara Lynn Feudner
Suzanne Louise Goodier
Beverly Jean Granger
Margaret Joan Hammersley
Ruth Marily'n Helstrom
Ann Dorothy Hungerman
Ruth Harriet Jacobs
Edwinna Johnson
Jessamine Kallenbach
Susan Beesal King
Clara Fischer Klonoski
Jacquilyn Barbara Koch
Janice Marie Laeding
Ann Rosalind Liu
Mary Josephine Lynch
Elizameth P. McGeorge,
Shirley Ann Hoops Mullinix'
Sonya Pickus.
Catherine Ruth Polley
Carol Lynne Porter'
Elizameth Carroll Rankin
Pearl A. Roosinck
Judith Ann Rudness
Susan Carole Sherman
Carol Belle Sommer
Jewell Elizabeth Stindt
Gloria Ellen Taub
Maureen Phyllis Taylor
Betty J. Thurston
Lorraine Vandette
Joyce Elizabeth Voyce
Alene Henrietta Weinberg
lanthe M. Young
Tau Sigma Delta
Women's Architecture Honorary

RITES OF SPRING-Begin for University students with the annual uncovering of the fountain oppo-
site the west entrance of the Michigan League. Boar, ded over for the long Ann Arbor Winter, the foun-
tain yearly undergoes a metamorphosis from wooden cocoon to butterfly-like waterly splendor. It wel-
comes in the new season, tempting students to forget books and classes for a few minutes spent in
sunlit oblivion idleness at its edge. Until the chimes of Burton Tower across the way announce the
hour, they can forego, for a while, thinking about scurrying off to class and contemplate only the
wonder of spring.

Flint College Awards

George G. Allen Scholars
Tedd Hansen Andrews
Shirley Ann Climie
Curtis Wilburn Davis
Gayle Ann Perry
Ruth Breece Pickard
Linda Joyce Preston
Margaret Anne Steel
Arrow Society
Fay Dolores Baker
David Lynn Berry
Martha Rose Carrell
Marilyn Anita Clark
Sandra Lee Clemence
Petrovna Oosgrove
Curtis Wilburn Davis
Darrel Duane Dobbs
Diane Ilene Easter
Peggy Pierce Eaton
John Charles Fain
Jeanne Elizabeth' Farrish
Kenneth Leo Gibson:
Otto Eugene Green
Howard Robert Grossman
Mavis Marsh Gutscher
Peter Charles Isaac
Kenneth Carl Kreger
Frank Burton Lloyd
Billy Joe Magufee
Gary Winston Marklund
Martha Zoriana Maschak
Larry Jim Mawhinneya
Thomas Robert McCombs
David Robert Morris
Linda Sue Nehring
Georgeana M. Nowoc
Michael James Onore
Peggy Anne Parsons
Bernard Max Rabin
Mary Anne Redmond
Jacquelyn H. Reinertson.

Donald Frederick Richards
Thomas Joseph Shannon
Phyllis V. Spencekitson '
Raymond David Sylvester
Diane Dorothy Welch
Beta Alpha Psi
Paul Rene Belanger
John Coburn Briggs
David Frederick Greiner
Flint Branch American Association
of University Women Award
Judith Rumbold Nielsen
Flint Sales Executives Club Annual
Marketing Award,
Clarence Larry Wehner
General Flint College Scholars
Harry Crawshaw
Darrel Duane Dobbs'
Herbert Edwin Hall
Mary Alice Nichols
Phyllis K. Rauen
Barbara Anne Russell
Insuraice Women of Flint Scholar
Jacquelyn H. Reinertson
National Merit Scholar
Maureen Phyllis Taylor
Peter A. Koerts (II, Kiwanis)
Peggy Anne Parsons
Phi Delta Kappa
Leon Gordon Arnst
John Willox Esson
Gary Edward Gamble
Phi Kappa Phi
Marilyn Anita Clark
John Boyce Hogrefe
Clara Fischer Klonoski
Jacqueline Mae McCarthy
Bernard Max Rabin
Maureen Phyllis Taylor
Pi Lambda Theta

Marilyn Anita Clark
Frances Donohoe Comins
Maureen Phyllis Taylor
Clara Fischer Klonoski
Regents-Alumni Scholar
Clara Fischer Klonoski
Saginaw Valley Chapter National
Association of Accountants

Paul Rene Belanger
University of Michigan
Club of Flint Scholars
Frank Burton Lloyd
David Robert Morris
University of Michigan
Junior College Scholar
David Lynn Berry
Rachel Ann Brown
Gail Patricia Chaltraw


Senior Men's Honorary
Charles Aquino
Nick Armelagos
Gabriel J. Wellette
Robert M. Brown
Jon Carlson
Tom Cole
John Dumont
Robert Finke
Bob Geary
Dick Honig
Gil Larose
John Meyerholz
Dick Nelson
Don Rogers
Lee Sclar
Ray Senowski
Denny Spalla
Steven Stockmeyer
Tom Webber
Junior Men's Honorary
Peter Aronson
Douglas Bickle
Roy Burry
David Campbell
Harvey Chapman
Forest Evashevski
James B. Fadini
Harry Fauquier
David Good
Robert Gray
David Hayes
Douglas A. Herner
David Hockenga
Mac Hunter
Charles Huntington
Wayne Kartusch
Thomas A. Keating
Ronald Kramer
Steven Linker
Frank Lude
Don Maynard
Robert McKenzie
Jeffrey Moore
Gary Mouw
Ross Morrison
Ronald Tate
Raymond Rusnak
Gary Wilcox
Gordon Wilkie
Gary Wold
Phil Bolton
Senior Men's Honorary
Albert H. Acker
John H. Bardon
Thomas P. Bennett
Robert L. Berger
David W. Butts
Peter Cox
Frederick B. Fisher
John B. Harris
James E. Hynds
John P. Minko
Charles W. Newton
Joseph R. O'Donnell
Stephen B. Overton
Thomas S. Pendlebury
Hal C. Ransom
Carter C. Reese
Frederick G. Riecher
Robert J. Ross
James M. Seff
James R. Steckley
Edward R. Stein
Daniel A. Stone
Robert S. Walters
James A. Ward
Engineering Honorary
Guillermo Alvarado
William Bredowski
John Francis Hamma
William Louis King
Thomas Patrick Mackey
Harold Max Miller
Charles Purcel
Richard Ignatius Rybacki
Joseph Anthony Sarnowski
Otto Scherer
Don Austin Slater
William Turner Sheppard
Mike Paul Travis
George Paul Vance
Richard Lee Vukin
Robert Edward Zitner
Delta Omega

Public Health Honorary
Robertson J. Augustine
Thomas Downs
Frederitk H. Epstein
Mary E. Gordon
Robert H. Hacker
Dorothy J. Kergin
Clemens A. Lazenka
Nancy O. Lurie
Beverlee Myers
Clarice D. Odell
Michael Ogden
Stanley H. Schuman
Richard D. Vaughan
Valentin Vitols
Shirley H. Wester
Theodore Wetzler
Medical Honorary
Phillip Allmendinger
Thomas Corbett
William DeWys
Richard Erbe
William Fisher
Sidney Geldman
Neil Grossmickle
Edward Hammer
Pobert Hensinger

Pershing Rifles
Military Honorary
John Daniel Ambrose
Jefferson Hugh Barker
Michael James Barker
James Stephen Barko
Harold M Bartz
Fredrick Thomas Bayless
Bernard Joseph Bonn III
Roy Thomas Church
Forest L. Cole
Bruce Paul Dancik
Laning Robert Davidson
Eric Melvin DeWitt
Frederick Henry Edwards III
Richard Scales Gardner IV
Thomas Richard Jacob
John Bernard Kelley
Charles Robert Kidder
John Joseph Kozlowski
Richard Francis Krapohl
Patrick I. McNeely
Edmond Patrick Minihan
John James Munn
Douglas William Nickerson
Kristofer Roy Oehmke
David Lawson Pennock
Allen Wood Rigsby
Roland Gene Robertson
Michael David Rohrer
Robert William Sorgan
James G. Speed
Kenneth Allen Stiebohr
James F. Struble
Donald Harold Thompson
Gerald Paul Traub
Robert Richard Warzinski
Hubrt (n) Winkelbauer
Charles Edward Wolfe
South Quad
Kent Bourland
Arthur Braun
Raymond Ceriotti
Robert Ditz
Raymond Foresman
Peter Friedes
Robert Geary
David Hall
David Houseman
Duane Huzenga
Harvey Kabaker
Michael Klass
Leslie Loomans
Thomas McDole
Thomas Moch
Earl Persson
Richard Pinnell
Ewdard Powers
Kent Reynolds
Dennis Rhodehamel
Eric Rhodehamel
Ronald Russell
Terry Sack
James Starks
Wayne Witemeyer
West Quad
Frederick W. Brown
Michael L. Donahue
Thomas K. Gregory
Frederick J. James
Jay A. Herbst
Ron T. Haskins
Hanley J. Norment
Richard N. Stradler
Kappa Kappa Psi
Men's Band Honorary
Douglas Anderson
Thomas Baehr
Robert Paul Barber
Bruce Camblin
Donald Carrol
Melvin Coleman
Lynn Cooper
Wilbur England
James Fader
Arnold Goldstein
Darrel Groz
Jack Horner
Orvall Huff
William Jones
Leroy Lane
Rodney Loeffler
Richard McElhenie
Martin Obed
Robert Probasco
Richard Roznoy
Henry Seit
John Stavish
Robert Streckfast
Lanny Swanson
Douglas Trembath

Scabbard and
National Military Society
Terence M. Bell
John M. Buck
Arthur 0. Cravets
John S. Ecclestone
Jerry T. Hewitt
Richard L. King
Donald C. Kline
Ernest T. Lovell
Roy A. Mamiya
Gunther H. Neubert
Hollis M. Peter
James L. Rigelhaupt, Jr.
Douglas C. Roach
Robert T."Rowney
Stuart R. Rubens
David W. Stamps
Leslie R. Swanson
Brian L. Walters
Richard T. White
Charles P. Whittemore
Clifford E. Wisser
Robert J. Zimmer


Senior Fraternity lionorary
Max I. Apple
John C. Auld
William J. Burchfield
Stanley Frankel
David W. Groysdale
William A. Harris
Roderick K. Johnson
Wallace J. Knox
John L. McConnell
John P. Meyerholz
David L. Randall
Frederick G. Riecker
Wayne H. Smith
Arthur R. Smith
John E. Utley
Charles M. Watts
Engineering Fraternity
Richard Belger
Lauren Bowler
Andrew Crawford
Ferdick Gilson
Theodore F. Kelly
David Kurtz
Douglas P. Kuziak
Paul Levy
Jeffery Longstreth
Robert Moore
William T. Muir
David J. Patt
Norman Pesler
Carl Rhodes
Harry Taxin
Jay Sampson
Arnold Air Soci
George C. Bell
Gene Bull
John Curry
John G. Farrallel
Jack E. Frost
James Jackson
Donald C. Kline
Richard L. Gullickson
David B. Logan
Richard Lathlain
Anthony Lopucki
Axel Meister
Lynn Rorabacker
William E. Schroeder
Orlando W.-Stephenson
Kenneth A. Stiebohor
Robert Todd
Robert A. Wachtman
Richard Weber

Tau Beta


Arlene K. Anderson
Reine F. Angell,
Gertrude M. Bock
Richard J. Bos
Bill Bursma
William D. Childs
Earl H. Durand, Jr.
Ely M. Fishkin
Nancy M. Gronemeyer
John Crosby
Larry Jacobs'
Jeffrey M. Kronsnoble
Leon D. McGinley
Joseph W. McManus
Carol A. Moreno
Harriet Saunders
Judy G. VanHam
Robert G. Walker, Jr.
Avis A. Ziegeribein
Sandra R. Zisman

Norman Dennis Chasteen
John Boyce Hogrefe
Douglas W. Jenkins, Jr.
Kenneth Carl Kreger
Lynda Lee Leix
Reuel Shannon Long
Robert Dennis Moulton
Beverly Ann Newton
Georgeana Rae Nowoc
Michael James Onore
Diane Louise Schafer
Maria Schindler
JoAnn H. Smith
Raymond David Sylvester
Utley Memorial Scholar
Peter Charles Isaac
Wall Street Journal Award
Delmar Ray Yoder
Zonta Club (Flint) Scholars
Marilyn Anita Clark
Leatha Ellen Huskey
Phyllis Virginia Spencekitson.

Women's Band Honorary
Carol Adams
Kristy Asbury
Joan Cowden
Barbara Freeman
Margo Forbes
Donna Hardy
Susan Hunger
Susan Martin
Ruth Miller
Jan Piaseezny
Patricia Reed
Frances Whitcomb
Margaret Williams




Clubs Play Active Role in Student Life

(Continued from Page 1)
Gilbert & Sullivan Soc.
Jay Cranston'
Gothic Film Soc.
William P. Kenney
Graduate History Club
Jasper Reid
Graduate Outing Club
David G. Williams
Greek Student Assoc.
N. G. Alexopoulos
Graduate Student Council
Stephen Maddock
Grace Bible Guild
Duane Crankshaw
Graduate Chemical Soc.
Alton J. Dahl
Hillel Foundation-
Ronald Glancz
India Students Assoc.
Krishna Swaminathan
Indian Chem. & Met. Eng. Assoc.
N. C. Kothary
Indonesian Students Assoc.
S. H. Wiriomartono
Inst. Electrical & Electronics
Barry Woman
Interfraternity Council
Clifford W. Taylor
Inter-Cooperative Council
Mahyar P. Anklesaria

Joint Judiciary Council
Lawrence Schwartz
Junior Inter-Fraternity Council
John P. Rutherford
John Barton Wolgamot Soc.
Bernard Waldrop
Kappa Phi
Marcia Moorehead
Korean Student Club
Chong Kook Rhee
Liahona Fellowship
David M. Carlson
Latvian Students' Club
Gundega Saulitis
Lutheran Student Assoc.
Peter Hanson
Mich. 'Metallurgical Soc.
John W. Moore
Mennonite Fellowship
Ira Zook
Michigan League
Margaret Skiles
Men's Glee Club
Hal C. Ransom, III
Marketing Club
Fred A. Stevenson
Mich. Christian Fellowship
Omer Prewett
Mich. Forensic Guild
Mich. Sailing Club
Joseph Buck
Michigan Union
Robert F. Finke
Muslim Assoc.

Philippine-Michigan Club
Enrique Zalamea, Jr. f
Public Health Club
James Brown
Rifle Club (U. of M.1
William J. Shields
Senior Board
Daniel C. Brown
Sociedad Hispanica
David Higbie
Society of Les Voyageurs
David Groom
Student Council, Sch. of Educ.
Kathleen Fike
Student Council, Sch. of Nursing
Marjorie Negele
Student Council, Sch. of Pharm.
Barbara Ciborowski
Thomas A. Brown
Thai Association
Wongpanit Wirachai
Ukranian Students' Club
Joseph Panteluk
Ullr Ski Club
Toomas Rebane
Unitarian Student Group
Karl Perrin
U. of M. Friends of SNCC
Helen Jacobson
Univ. of Lutheran Chapel
Glenn Heiserman
U. of M. Economics Society

Victor Vaughan Soc.
Thomas Abowd
Voice Political Party
Joe Chabot
Wesleyan Guild
Cherlyn Skromme
Women's Athletic Assoc.
Joyce Peckham
Young Americans for Freedom
William Madden, Jr.
Young Democrats
Mal Warwick
Young Friends Fellowship
Pat Cartwright
Young Republican Club
Douglas Brook
3eta Alpha Psi
Bus. Administration Fraternity
Donald J. Barnett
Thomas A. Brown
Thomas Cleveland
Joel S. Demski
Fred Dibbert
David A. Doran
Jim L. Drake
Richard J. Duncan
John Andrew Husband
Philip M. Kayman
Mark S. Levy
Bruce C. Nash
William B. Pins, Jr.

Pi Sigma Alpha
National Political Science Honor
Santa Mary Algeo
John T. Batchelder
Sharon Bez
Antoinette M. Bilotti
Carole J. Blinder
Mary U. Carlson
Warren H. Colodner
William E. Connolly
James W. Davis
Steven L. Engelberg
Jeffrey F. Ghent
Miriam3*. Goldman
Ellen W. Harding
Mary Jo Holmes
Rats A. Khan'
Sander Lehrer
Jean V. Lovelace
Michael S. Margolis
Robert L. Marsh
Diana L. Neitring
Hanley J. Norment
E. Ann Proctor
Robert J. Ross
Lawrence H. Schwartz
Roger M. Zaitzeff
Pi Tau Sigma
Mechanical Engineering Honorary
Robert Anderson
John Herbert Blight
Kenneth Buell
Gene Lester Bull
John Cannehl
Anupam Natvarlal Chinal
Dale Cunningham
John Joseph Enright
Paul Ferguson
George William Gatecliff
Robert Gillette
Orlando Emiro Giraldo
David William Fischer
Lothar Herrmann
James Hintz
Doker Huseyin
James William Jensen
John Landa
Hernando Londono
Phillip Leucht
Franklin Mead
Raymond Miyakawa
Donald Jack Olree

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