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April 26, 1963 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-26

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26, 1966



w""'.., u rry

26, 166 TUE MliaWhEAN nATTY * aq-


Literary College Freshmen

Defending NCAA Champions

Marine Bruce Abrahamse
Annabel Adams
Harriet Rose Adler
Christopher Francis Ake
Richard Alan Altmansberger
Charles Robert Anderson
Heidi Sue Applebaum
Eric David Austad
Alvin Kermit Averbach
Lauren Susan Bahr
Helen Ann Bandur
Phillip Mark Barber
Mark Walter Barkey
Marcia Ann Barris
Robert Donald Bartels
Beverly LaVerne Baszler
Lynne Irene Bauman
Michael Robert Baumer
Paul Edmund Beard
James Corwin Benetti
Ellen Dewey Bennett
Donna Lea Berg
Norman Thomas Berlinger
Joel Michael Bernstein
Thomas George Betz
Constance Bohannon
David Michael Bourns
Robert Stephen Braun
Robert Claude Bray
Donald S. Breakstone
George William °Breslauer
Carol Lynn Bretz
Samuel Broder
Mary Dolores Brosius
Marilyn Louise Brown
Andrew Alan Burger
Charles Wainman Burson
Jennifer Brown Clarke
Susan Barbara Close
Christine Comstock
Mary Elizabeth Conrad
Richard Scott Cook
Dennis Warren Cooper
Frances Barclay Craig
Edward Orien Dailey
Elaine Helen Desow
Stuart Lewis Deutsch
Michael Edward Dewey
Pamela Leigh Dewey
Judith Ellen Diamond
Gail Isabel Disner
Cheryl Jean Dodge
Catherine Jean Douglass
Ronelle Ann DuBrow
Michael Foster Dulil
Felice Sandra Ehrman
John Walter Ekin
Steven James Engelberg
Sandra Kay Erickson
Lee Daniel Erman
Evelyn Kay Falkenstein
Marilyn Joy'Faxstein
Laura Ann Fitch
Cecelia Elizabeth Foerch
Elliot Roy Freedman
Elizabeth Davida Friedman
Pamela Elizabeth Frink
Kathleen Nancy George
Dennis Gilbert Gilbert
Emily Martin Godshalk
Richard Morris Goldman
Jeffrey Mark Goodman
Patricia Ann Gordon
Louis Julius Goszleth
School of

Dianne Catherine Atkins
Marcia Ann Baker
Merle Ramon Beghtel
Ronna Dale Bergman
Kathleen Louise Burgess
Dolores Ann Sexton Chapell
Jane Sharon Cohen
Karen Cowan
Marilyn Joy Di Filippo.
Barbara Lynn Feudner
Suzanne Louise Goodier
Ernest Neil Hawley
Patricia Ann Johnson
Tommy Ray Jones
Maryanne Leon Lehrer, A.B.Ed-.
Joan Abbie Nash
Donald Eugene Ott, A.B.Ed.
Penelope Osborn Patton
Judith April Reitman
Judith Ann Rudness
Gloria Ellen Taub
Mary Eugenia Townsend
Jerry Anthony Treppa, A.B.Ed.
Anne Toan Weterman. ABEAR.

Roberta Stephanie Govons
Mary Sue Grant
Jares Burdis Gray, Jr.
Randall William Green
Mitchell Irving Greenwald
Catherine Irena Gulevich
Richard Neil Hadley
James Harold Harger
Richard Charles Hartman
Martha Lane Haughey
Frances Elizabeth Hawkins
Lynn Anne Heckman
Nancy Louise Heiber
DonnaLee Elizabeth Heikkinen
George Patrick Henry
Elizabeth Linton Herndon
Peggy Anne Hillman
Ann Marie Hock
Diane Fern Hoffenberg
Charles Goeffrey Holton
Richard Albert Hoppe
Joseph Mark Huber
Elizabeth Ann Irwin
Michael Edward Jacobson
Alvin Roy Jaffin
Elna Marie Jameson
Robert Thomas Johnson
Robert George Johnston
Robert Alan Jordan
Julie Anne Kallenbach
Stan Allen Kaplowitz
Myrna Kasey
Joan Ellen Katz
Karen Hay Kenah
Patricia Jeanne Kissner
Judith Anne Klein
Phillip Sherman Klein
Steven Paul Koenig
Edward Frank Korff
Diana Kosh
Robert Joseph Kroll
Kenneth Keith Kubota j
Frances Rae Lanbert
Stuart Lasine
Joseph Louis Lawrence
Audrey Jane Lawser
Louis Joseph Leo
Thomas Charles Leonard
Robert Lawrence Levey
Lois Ann Levin
Marcia Kay Levin
Karen Sophia Lossing
Michael Lawrence Maas
Robert Elliott Mac Dougall
Jean Ann Magnuson
Carol Jean Mallen
Jon Griffith March
Heather Mc Callum
Suzanne Mc Clure
Alan Kenneth Mc Kenzie
David Allen Mead
Barbara Christiane Meihoefer
Nancy Kay Meltzer
George David Mendenhall
Thomas Joseph Messenger
David Lachlan Meyer
Barbara Jo Mixer
Courtney Cardell Neff
Virginia Louise Olsen
Judith Marie Operhall
Jennifer Sue Oren
Norman Oslik
Robert George Pachella
School of

Frank Lee Deitrick, Jr.
David Martin Post
Robert Lee Densham
Peter John Hollis

Mary Louise Pate
Susan Coolidge Peck
Harold Eugene Pepinsky
Sharon Jean Perszyk
Daniel Pinkel
William Henry Pollock
Virginia Lee Pudschun
John Arthur Rafter
Robin Raike
Margaret Ann Reif
Alexander Bradfield Reisman
Patricia Ann Relich
Sharon Ann Rhoads
Paula Jean Rice
Richard Stephen Robinson.
Michael David Rohrer
Zosia Eve Rosa
David Jules Rosen
Beth Rosengard
John Carlton Ross
Joan Helen Roth
Susan Paula Rudder
John Dean Rybock
Lorraine Ann Saginaw
Charles Herbert Schallhorn
Gary Michael Schneider
Joanne Joy Schor
Larry Gene Schornack
Nancy Pauline Sevakis
Sally Jean Shannon
Howard Michael Shapiro
Marianne Eileen Shirk
Richard Alexander Shortt
Carol Frances Singer
Marianne Vander Sluis
Sandra Lee Smith
Stephen Hirsh Soboroff
Terry Lou Stagman
Elizabeth Waldo Stapler
Charlyn Joy Stockero
Joel Sugar
Stephen Jeffery Sweet
Barbara Ruth Taub
Harold Bernard Tobin
James Kennedy Todd
Carl Henry Urist, Jr.
Ruth Ann Van Aken
Elizabeth Ann Van Dyke
Kenneth Lee Verosub
Linda Susan Villency
Mary Frances Voce
Frederica Wachtel
Dietmar Ulrich Wagner
Robert Kenyon Walker
John Windiate Warren
Nancy Jean Warrick
William Curtis Weese
Christine Ann Wendt
Nancy Cornelia Wheeler
Karen Elizabeth Whitbeck
James Mitchell Wineman
Phyllis Marcia Winet
Margaret Ann Witecki
Eugene Yuen Ten Won
Jane Gay Worman
Joseph William Wright III
Stephen Jay Wyman
Donna Mae Yando
Cynthia Mary Zavis
Robin Schell Zawodni4
Joy Ann Ziegler
John Roscoe Ziemer
Judy Linett Zolotar
and Design

Edward Pratt Foley
Edward Moseley Gwathmey, Jr.
Judith Gilmore Van Hamm
Robert Giles Walker, Jr.
Joe Leslie Ward

School of
Frances Belle Collins
Elizabeth Ann Fawcett
Carin Louise Stofko
Paul Rene Belanger, A.B.
Marilyn Anita Clark
Joan Evelyn Flintoff, A.B.
Gary Edward Gamble, A.B.
Robert Dallas Hoag, A.B.
Clara Katherine Fischer Klonoski
Mary Carolyn Lotridge, A.B.
David Robert Morris
Linda Sue Thompson Nehring
Donald J .Nordin, A.B.
Janet Mary Furlette O'Brien, A.B.
Paul Samuel Osborne, A.B.
Bernard Max Rabin
Larry Gene Sharp, A.B.
Phyllis Virginia Barclay
Maureen Phyllis Barclay Taylor
Delmar Ray Yoder

HOME PORT-The 1962 Wolverine baseball squad was a much-traveled group and actually played very few games at friendly Ferry
Field. Their prowess with the bat, in the field, and on the mound brought them the NCAA Championship and the title in the very first
International Collegiate World Series played against Japan's Hosei University in Honolulu. The long season, 56 games, opened on a
losing note when the team came back from the spring trip to Arizona with a 4-6 record. They proceeded to lose the first game of the
Big Ten season 1-0 to Illinois on an unearned run in the first inning. But they rebounded for 12 straight Conference wins before drop-
ping a disastrous double-header to Wisconsin on a home run in the last inning to lose an almost certain Big Ten title. When selected as
an at-large entrant in the NCAA tournament, the determined band made the most of the opportunity. They dropped the first game in
extra innings in the district playoffs. However, four consecutive victories permitted a journey to Omaha for the finals.: Here, too, they
dropped one but again came back to take the national crown the following day in 15 innings, 7-6. This earned them a Hawaiian vacation
to take on the collegiate champion of Japan. Triumphant in the first, third and fifth games in a best-of-five series, the Michigan dia-
mondmen took the Collegiate World Series. They lingered just enough longer to win seven of eight games froth U.S. soldier-ballplayers
in the Hawaii Service League, finishing the season with a record of 40 wins and 16 losses.



M' Teams Bring Home
Big Ten 'Loving Cups'


of eecie3

10:30 A.M.
PRESIDENT HARLAN HATCHER, Ph.D., Litt.D., LL.D., presiding
Processional-Entree Pontificale ...... ENRICO BoSSi
The Star-Spangled Banner ........ By the audience
Presentation of Honored Guests ................. .
Assistant to the President and Secretary o f the University
Laudes Atque Carmina .. CHARLES M. GAYLEY and
Presentation of Honor Students .. ERICH A. WALTER
Goddess of the Inland Seas .... CHARLES M. GAYLEY
The Convocation Address: "Education of a Heathen:
Position of Women in the New Japan" ..
..... ... . .... SHIM SAKANISHI, A.M., Ph.D.
Member of Japanese Governmental Commissions,
including the Constitutional Commission;
Broadcaster; Poet; and Literary Critic
The Yellow and Blue (first verse) By the audience
Recessional--Toccata ............. EUGENE GIGOUT
PROFESSOR ROBERT NOEHREN, Mus.D., University Organist
PRaCcjF ma my A o eTh 1n)b nh C. nJnrt A, Mn'c si,,ee0,

(Continued from Page 1)
3-1 victory behind the three-hit
took three games to two with a
pitching of Fritz Fisher.
Thorny Path
Sports at the University this
year, however, were nopt all a
bed of roses. There were still a few
thorns in the life of the Michi-,
gan sports follower.
The briars raised their hoary
head at Michigan Stadium at the
opening of the football season in
the person of the Nebraska foot-
ball team and the short end of a
25-13 score for the 'M' squad. The
calm before the storm came the
next week when the gridders
reached their peak with a 17-7
win over the Black Knights of
From then on the headlines
spelled out a tale of woe. Spartans
overpower 'M' 28-0; Boilermakers
crush 'M', 37-0; Gophers keep
Brown Jug, 17-0; Wisconsin downs
M', 34-12.
Finally head football coach
Chalmers 'Bump' Elliott did find
a cousin, or in this case a brother,
The Wolverine cagers lead by
Athletes Win
Varsity Letters
(Continued from Page 1)
Cantrell, George T. Cole, Douglas
J. Greenwold, John E. Harris,
Douglas A. Herner, Horace T. Lud-
wig, John Oosterbaan, George J.
Pomey Jr. and Lawrence W. Tre-
Larry R. Babcock, William F.
Bieber, Gary D. Butler, William D.
Butts, John D. Cole, Ronald C.
Coristine, George H. Forrest, Rob-
ert G. Gray, Wayne M. Kartusch,
John K. McGonigal, David. J. New-
ton, Thomas S. Pendlebury, Don-
ald N. Rodgers and Gordon J.
Paul A. Attar, Edward C. Bart-
sch, Frank W. Berry, Geza Bode-
ley, Edward H. Boothman, Thomas
R. Burns, Roy D. Burry, John
Chandler, Stanley C. Cox, Thomas
D. Dudley, John H Dumont, Jef-
frey G. Longstreth, Richard F.
N e 1 s o n, Michael G. Reissing,
Duane L. Reppert, James R. Riut-
ta, Steven D. Thrasher and War-
ren G. Uhler.
Joseph H. Arcure, Nick Armela-

at Illinois in the person of Pete
Elliott and came up with another
football win (their only Conference
win), 14-10, before losing the final
two games and landing dead last
in the Conference with a 1-6
Rally Round
the jarring board work of sopho-
more center Bill Buntin were in-
stant success as far as popularity
was concerned and for the early
part of the season seemed to be
capable enough to pull off one of
the rarest of Big Ten events-a
Big Ten basketball championship
in Ann Arbor.
Coach Dave Strack's charges
compiled a 10-1 record before
Ohio State pulled some 'M' heads
out of the clouds with a 68-66
When the final basket was tal-
lied by John Harris at Wisconsin
to insure an 82-80 win the hoop-
sters had compiled an 8-6 record
in conference and a 7-2 record out
of conference for one of their
best season in years.
Led by Captain Gil Larose the
gymnastics team moved through
their eight game schedule with
ease. As the meets got tougher the
team got greater. Finally in the
toughest meet of all, the NCAA,
the Wolverines reached their peak
as they beat their nearest rival,
Southern Illinois by 56 points
while Larose was winning three
individual titles in the all-around,
side horse and highbar.
The wrestling team coming off
a first place finish in the Big Ten
Conference placed third to Okla-
homa and Iowa State with 36
points in the NCAA, with Jack
Barden, wrestling in the 191-
pound class, outpointing Wayne
Baughman of Oklahoma 4-2 to
take the only Wolverine individual
The swimming team, which
finished second to all-powerful
Indiana in the Big Ten meet took
a third in the NCAA meet behind
Southern California and Yale
while Indiana stayed at home sit
ting out an NCAA suspension.
Rabbit Foot
The track team which last
spring had no trouble defeating
the rest of the Conference out-
doors seemed to corner the four-
leaf clover market, or perhaps
more appropriately the rabbit-
foot market, in squeeking to a,
share of the Big Ten indoor crown.
It took a fistful of injuries to
favorite Wisconsin and a protested
finish to do it, but the Wolverine
trackmen ended up in a tie for
the chamninnshin with Iowa 43-

Richard Lee Nelans
Richard Earl Adams
James Philip Baker, B.S.E.(E..)
John Allen Barkley
Bruce William Bradshaw,
B.S.E. (M.E.)
John Robert Buck,
B.S.E.(E.E. & Math)
Charles Edward Carrig,
B.S.E.(M.E. & Math.)
Anthony Eugene D'Amore
Virgil Welch Davis, Jr.,
B.S.E.(E.E. & M.E.)
Robert George Fahselt
Philip John Guichelaar
Bruce J. Hoover,
Thomas Edwar~d Smith,
B.S.E. (M.E.)}
Robert Ronald Strzalka
Thomas Tust Trexler,
Albert John Wareing
Thomas R. Wood
Carl Thomas Smith
James Dudley Stevens
Ada McCusker Lambert
David Eldon Palm
Thomas Gene Powell
Ruth Joan Oster
R ~ou rces






Warren Ronald Kane
Loren Lee Klevering
Carol Ann Schramm Moreno
Kenneth Alvin Winter
Avis Ann Ziegenbein
William Robert Gustafson
Judith Ann Mathieu
Terry Ann Thall

Clifton Alvord Cobb, Jr.
David Arnold Elmy
Robert Francis Halvorsen
William Thomas Kerr
Charles William Kronbach
Gerald Simms Office
Tadd Conrad Seitz
Morley Alec Winograd

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