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April 26, 1963 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-26

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Years of Editorial Freedom



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We Pause To Honor...
JN THE complexity of a modern University, it is periodi-
cally necessary to reassert the institution's most basic
values, to affirm the value and meaning of the concept of
education. Part of this affirmtion is the honors convocation.
Despite the many distractions and distortions of a
modern university, the basic idea is still a community of
scholars working together to broaden the scope of man's
knowledge. Despite.the transient waves of this or that view
on where educational experience centers, the University
always returns to a fundamental precept: education takes
place in the classroom. The overwhelming tone of the cam-
pus-whatever concerns students at the moment-is still
For this reason, we pause to honor those who have ex-
celled in their academic achievement. Certainly there are
significant values gained by those who participate in extra-
curricular activities; but the mental discipline of study is a
prerequisite for any kind of meaningful intellectual expan.
sion. These academic achievements are expressive of intel.
lectual discipline. For the most part they represent weeks

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a anishi To Speak
On Status of Women
'1J' To Present Honorary Doctorate
To Lecturer at Honors Assembly
Keynoting the 40th annual honors convocation at 10:30
a.m. today in Hill Aud. will be Shio Sakanishi, University
alumnus and prominent Japanese social critic.
Miss Sakanishi will speak on "Education of a Heathen:
Position of Women in New Japan."
She will also be awarded the honorary Doctor in Humane
Letters degree by the University. She earned her master's de-
gree at the University in 1926 and her doctorate in English
language and literature three *
years later. Ik$


and months of hard and often boring work.
JT IS THIS difficult achievement we honor becaus
in the highest tradition of the University. Whatev

se it is
ver the

momentary issues that have torn the campus, these students
have managed to devote themselves to the pursuit of higher
meaning. They have chosen to dedicate themselves to the
ideal of a dispassionate, humanistic search for truth.
The Daily staff extends its congrafulations to these
students who have worked to make themselves a part of
the community of scholars. Through them, and those like
them who will follow and have preceded them, the Univer.
sity will be perpetuated as a center of intellectual ideals in
the community of mankind..


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Mn ee.

New Member Majority
Begins SGC SPr1ing Term

Student Government Council
has a "new look" this spring, with
13 of 18 Council members new to
the group.
Seven are ex-officios, elected
within the last two months as
heads of their student organiza-
tions. Six others came to Council
following elections in March.
At the same tine, Council has
lost its leadership, with the resig-
nation of its two "bloc" leaders,
liberal Robert Ross and moderate
Steven Stockmeyer.
Legislation in Two Areas
SGC legislative action has been
primarily in two areas within the
Groups Play
Active Role.
Stanley Munsat
African Union
Aron Kandie
Alpha Phi Omega
William Hertlein
Am. Inst. Chem. Engineers
Robert Reid
Am. Inst. Industrial Engineers
David Reizer
Am. Nuclear Soc.
Alen F. Clark
Am. Pharmaceutical Assoc.
Sharon Valley
Am. Rocket Soc.
Richard Auhll
Am. Soc. Civil Engineers
John E. Schenk
Am. Soc. Mechanical Engineers
Wilton G. Gibbons
Am. Soc. for Public Admin.
Nimrod Rapaaeli
Anthropology Club
Mary Helms
Americans Committed to World
Joan Schloesinger
Arab Club
William T. Ebeid
Charlene Hager
Bacteriology Club
Ronald J. McKipley
Baha'i Student Group
Robert K. Walker
Bastist Student Union
Donald L. Williams
Campus Chapel
B. Vander Lugt
Canterbury Club
Norm Marschke
Cercle Francais
Gall Havens
Ronald Newman
Chess Club
Peter Wolf
Chinese Students Club
Frederick Shen
Christian Science Org.
Thomas P. Hillman
Culture Club
Talt Malone
Cem. forta Dem. Stud. Governmt.
Mal Warwick
Cong. Disc. E & R Stud. Guild
Robert Heath
Council of Stud. Rel. Orgs.
Robert Anthony

last four months: discrimination
procedures and student-faculty
Council asked Robert G. Harris
of the Law School to draw up a
report which would clarify SGC
power to withdraw recognition
from students organizations found
in violation of its anti-discrimina-
tion regulation.
According to the Council plan,
or its Regental grant of power,
Council can both recognize and
withdraw recognition from student
Council also prohibits student
organizations to choose members
on the basis of race, color or na-
tionial origin. The. SGC regulation
is supplementary to a Regental by-
law which asks the University to
"work for" the elimination of dis-
crimination in all organizations
related to it.
Real Authority
However, Council's real author-
ity to withdraw recognition has
been challenged from some quar-
The Regents, for example, are
given grants of both. legislative
and administrative authority by
the Michigan State Legislature.
The governing body, in turn, may
only delegate its administrative
Some, critics contend that a
grant to SGC of the right to with-
draw recognition constitutes a
grant of legislative authority.
Prof. Harris attempted to re-
solve such conflicts, in a report
which affirmed the right of stu-
dents to act in this area, and in,
which he called for appointment
of a membership judge by Council.
The membership judge would
have final authority to withdraw
recognition and would work un-
der rules and procedures formulat-
ed by Council.
Sorority lawyers, representing
those five houses who have not
yet submitted membership prac-
tices statements to Council, at-
tacked the report.
In a letter to the Regents, the
lawyers said that the Harris re-
port violated due process.

THE GENERAL LIBRARY has served many generations of scholars at the University. It was one of the first college libraries in the country
to open its stacks to students. Students are allowed to browse through the stacks freely in contrast to other universities where only the
library staff is allowed to handle books not on the open shelves. Its collection of books in Asian literature is famous throughout the
country. Its spacious reading rooms and quiet halls are an encouragement to the pursuit of knowledge.
Students Retain Regents Scholarships

These students living in Michi-
gan have been awarded Regents-
Alumni Scholarships for achiev-
ing high scholastic honors in high
The scholarships are for full
tuition and are maintained as long
as the student maintains a B
minus average while at the Uni-
Regents-Alumni Scholarships
Erwin Adler, Judith Marie An-,
ddaski, Robert Eugene Ankli, Wil-
liam Charles Anning, Henry John
Antkiewicz, Max Isaac Apple, Mar-
cia Ann Baker, Eugenie Bakris,
Susan Marion Bastedo, Mary
Katherine Beamer, Sharon Lee
Beld, Tom Paul Bennett, Thomas
David Berge, Antoinette Marie Bi-
lotti, Melissa Evelyn Bisbee,
Judith Ann Bowen, William Ed-
vin Boyd, Margaret Carol Brown,
Mary Frances Mrown, Teresa Anne
Brown, Felice Vincent Brunett,
Ann Maria Buchanan,
Rosemary Ann Buerle, Gordon
Marvin Buitendorp, Claire Ellen;
Calahan, David Martin Carlson,
Jerry Alan Carlson, Thomas Au-
gustine Carr,
Linda Hedyann Chiger, Norman
Leon Chmielewski, Patricia Kay
Chrouch, Paul Clayton Churchill,]
John Beardsley Clark, Robert Ed-j
ward Clark, Ernest Coleman,

Jon Dennis Conklin, Gary Lee
Cook, Mary Catherine Corey, Di-
ane Lillian Cottrell, Sharon Gail
Crosby, Gail Carlson Davidson,.
Warren Downe Devine, Jr., Kath-
leen Eileen Devlin,
John Everett Erickson, Mar-
garet Kathryn Evatt, Carla Rae
Everett, John Carrol Farmer, L iis
Arnold Feldman, Beth Louise Fer-
guson, Alex Ellsworth Finkbeiner,
Sanford Irwin Finkel,
Ronald Norman Flies, Robert
Francis Forche, Jack Edmund
Frost, Richard Julius Girvin, Clar-
ice Ann Giss, Mary Ellen Good,
Jane Felton Gray, William Da-
vid Hall,
Wayne Erwin Hansen, Harlene
Jeanne Harrington, Hillyard Rex
Hartson, Carol Margaret Hazen,
Herman Dale Healy, Carol Lynn
Heiny, Frederic William Heller,
Charles Robert Henry, Janet
Agnes Henry, John Gamber Hill,
David Paul Hirvela, Jan Douglas
Hodge, Kenneth Allen Hoedeman,
Margaret Ann Holmes,
Linda Jane Homan, Ruth Eliz-
abeth Louise Hornburg, Hale Wil-
liam Huber, Edwin George Hu-
bert, Janet Diann Hurshburger,
Charles Edward Jarvi, Margaret
Elizabeth Johnson,
Sandra Rae Johnson, Tommy
Ray Jones, Nancy Gertrude Kam-
meyer, Brian Clare Kennedy,
James Michael Kennedy, Nancy

Virginia Kerr, Patricia Sue Kid-
well, Janet King,
Karl John Krahnke, William
Earl Robert Krause, Charles Wil-
liam Kronbach, Barbara Ellen
Laird, Jeffrey Charles Laizure,
David Allen Lakish, Ellen Augusta
Lawson, Robert D. Liscombe,
Jean Eleanor Ludwig, Norman
Alan Lurie, Jordan Davis Luttrell,
Kenneth William Lyon, Linda Mae
McLaughlin, William Finck Mc-
Queen, JoAnne Cecile McVicar,
Eleanor Marie Mannikka,
Linda Lou Mathison, David Law-
rence Meeter, Kurt Metzger, Jr.,
Sharleen Gladys Meyers, Linda
Sue Milan, Richard Earl Miller,
Carolyn Ann Minch, Melvin Lew-
is Moss,
Joel Alan Mowrey, Kathleen,
Mary Mucha, Linda Elaine Muril,
Melissa Barbara Myers, Diane
Louise Neitring, Ruth Ann Nel-
son, Gerald Texal Noffsinger, Ron-
ald Dean Offley, Mary Ann Orcutt,
Diane Faith Orr, Elizabeth Ann
Oseff, Mary Lou. Pattison, Karo-
lyn Rosalie Pederson, Donna Mae
Petersen, Anthony Petrilli, Kath-
ryn Derleen Poceta,
Constance Louise Pontello, Stel-
la Dorothy Pultorak, Evonne Mary
Putnam, George William Rado,
Kay Ella Radtke, Mary Elizabeth
Rafter, Jack Eugene Reece,
Sally Ann Rhind, Jane Eliza-
beth Rindfusz, Vitalijis Karlis Rit-

ers, Michelle JoAnn Robar, Orlan-
do Jordan Roberts, Judith Ann
Rudness, Andrew Henry Rudolph,
Carole. Jean Ruppel, Nancy Jose-
phine Rusk, Irvine Salmeen,
WaiterbWarner Schmiegel, Wil-
liam Robert Schnell, John Ben-
nett Schubert, Karen Ann
Schwind, Ronald Thomas Scol-
lon, Michelle Celia Sellars, Mar-
garet Lee Shaw, David Carl Sheri-
Octave Lucien Sicotte, David
Robert Siler, Jr., Barbara Sim, Su-
zanne Marporie Slot, Stephen
Smith, Susan Meredith Smith,
Wayne Henry Smith, Ruth Joan
Smyth, Carol Belle Sommer,
Thomas William Sonandres, John-
Peter David Stadius, Stephen
Staich, Penny Lee Stearns,
David Victor Sundberg, Kathar-
ine Edna Surh, Laura Ann Szym-
ke, Stanley Raymond Tamulevich,
Carol Jean Tenhunen, Christian
Dresch Thorpe, Beth Anne Tigel,
Rita Marie Trager, Mariann Ul-
rich, Linda Lee Upton, Judeth Gil-
more VanHamm, Roberta Jean
Voss, Virginia Ruth Vernon, Diane
Kay Vetengle, Gabriel Armand
Villasurda, Katherine Lee Watson,
Wanda Marie Westrate,
Charlene Ann Whitford, Thom-
as Richard Wilson, Elinor Joyce
Winn, Kenneth Victor Wirtz,
Francis John Yockey, Grace Ora-
lee Young, Douglas Lee Zahn.

.Worked in U.S.
Miss Sakanishi spent from 1930-
1942 as chief assistant for the
Japanese section Orientalia at the
Library of Congress in Washing-
ton, D.C.
She then returned to Japan
and served for a short time in
her government's foreign ministry.
Miss Sakanishi has since in-
creasingly disassociated herself
from official positions to pursue
the role of an independent critic.
She is currently known as Japan's
most influential pro-Western news
commentator and social critic.
Preceding Miss Sawanishi's ad-
dress, various honorary societies
will name new members, and aca-
demic awards will be conferred
upon students with superior rec-
Although statistics reveal that
University enrollment has increas-
ed this year, the number of James
B. Angell Scholars. (students with
an ,'all-A record for two consecu-
tive semesters) hasdecreased.
There will be 64 Angell Schol-
ars honored at the Convocation
today as compared to an "all-time
[high of 70 award winners last'
Music First
The music school led the other
colleges in the percentage of stu-
dents earning class honors tan
average of 3.5 or better for the
past 2 semesters). Of the 1,012 to
be honored, 39 are students in the
school, 8.28 per cent of its total
There were more seniors earn-
ing honors than any other class
in every school but the architec-
ture and design college, where
freshmen had the highest percent-
age with a 3.5 or higher for the
past two semesters.
Hatcher Tea
To Commend
'UT' Scholars
President and Mrs. Harlan
Hatcher will receive those students
who are being honored for their
scholastic achievement at the
Honors Convocation and their
parents at a tea from 2:45 to .5
p.m. today in the Vandenberg
Room and Ballroom of the Wo-
men's League.
This will be the eleventh annual
honors tea given by the Hatchers.
Assisting at the tea will be the
student members of the Honors
Convocation Committee.

... position of women
Iast Honors
For Varsity
Throughout the year, those
Michigan athletes, who do out-
standing jobs for the ten inter-
scholastic teams, are, awarded for
their accomplishment.
Varsity letter winners in golf,
track, tennis, and baseball are
those from last year's season, since
'current awards, will not be an-
nounced until the end of this sea-
Winners of varsity letter, listed
by their sport, are the following:
James M. Bobel, David W.
Campbell, Harvey E. Chapman,
Robert" L. Dunston, Frederick B.
Fisher, Richard L. Honig, Earl E.
Hood, Joseph C., Jones, John E.
Kerr, Ronald L. Lauterbach, Jos-
eph R. Merullo, James H. New-
man, Richard A. Post, David M.
Roebuck, Wayne C. Slusher, Den-
nis J. Spalla, James R. Steckley,
Ronald C. Tate.
Albert J. Ammerman, Charles F.
- Aquino, Kenneth S. Burnley, Rod-
ney E. Denhart, David B. Hayes,
William H. Hornbeck, MacArthur
Hunter, Leonard Johnson, Theo-
dore E. Kelly, Ergas Leps, Talt L.
Malone, Benjamin P. McRea,
Christopher D. Murray, James K.
Neahusan, Douglas 0. Niles, Ste-
phen B. Overton, Charles S. Peltz,
David E. Raimey, Carter C. Reese,
Jay A. Sampson, Roger H. Schmitt,
Ernst K. Soudek, George A. Wade
and Stephen M. Williams.
Thomas R. Ahern, David G.
Cameron, William W. Hallock,
Garrett C. Mouw, William K. New-
comb, Charles W. Newton and
Thomas S. Pendlebury.
Thomas E. Beach, Gerald Dubie,
Henry E. Fauquier, Ronald L. Lin-
clau, Alexander H. McCleery, Ray-
mond D. Senkowski and James C.
Melvin Anthony, Donald R.
Blanchard, Robert Brown, Milton
R. Chandler, Harvey Chapman,
James Conley, William Dodd, For-
est Evashevski, B e n Farabee,
David Glinka, James Green, Rich-
ard Hahn, Earl Hood, Dennis
Jones, Thomas Keating, Ronald

'M' Athletes Have Successful Year Despite Weak Grid Showing

Any year during which a University captures two firsts and two
thirds in National Collegiate Athletic Association competition and
adds a world championship to boot has to be called successful, even
if the football team was a loser.
Since the last honor assemblage, Michigan varsity athletes have
been adding trophies to the 'M' room at an astounding rate. First
in NCAA baseball, first in world championship of baseball, first in
Big Ten outdoor track and first in Big Ten tennis were all added last
Then this winter the loving cup collection was beefed up with
first NCAA in gymnastics, first in Big Ten indoor track, third in

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