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April 25, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-25

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Seventy-Third Year
Troth Will'Preai"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff wiriters
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Well, Back To The Old Grind"

URSDAY, APRIL 25, 1963


New Committees Offer
Rallying-Point for Concern

A T LONG LAST those students who have been
soliciting for the end of in loco parentis and
crying for greater student participation in
University decision-making bodies have an op-
portunity to make their voice heard.
The newly constructed eight subcommittees
of Student Government Council's Committee on
University Affairs offer just that opportunity.
Students must not, with an apathetic nod of
approval, dismiss the chance to support these
committees; they should petition for them and
work diligently to make the transition from a
faculty-administration dominated government
to a student-faculty government.
Yesterday, a major step toward affect-
ing this new form of government, long deliber-
ated by SGC, came in the form of an adver-
tisement opening interviews for SGC commit-
tees and related boards.
PLACES FOR TWO PEOPLE on each of the
eight committees were announced: educa-
tional policies, campus planning and develop-
ment, public relations, student relations, re-
search policy, jniversity freedom and responsi-
bility, professionalism in inter-collegiate ath-
letics and year-round operations and calendar-
ing change.
Although actually subcommittees of the
standing SGC Committee on University Affairs,
these committees have been termed Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University Affairs com-
mittees because of the close functional relation-
ship they will have with the SAC, the working
body of the University Senate.
in, the discussionis on student-faculty gov-
ernment with the faculty group,-'Council came'
to grips with a certain amount of oppositionJ
from faculty members who pointed to the poor
record of students in campus government. To
achieve a satisfactory compromise with such

objectors, Council agreed to establish a.transi-
tional step toward student-faculty government.
Instead of immediately placing students on
SAC committees, it agreed to restructure its
own committee system, part of which will close-
ly parallel SAC.
This compromise was a realistic action on
Council's part. Students' record in government,
admittedly, has been poor. Harriassed by an in-
creasing academic burden, the student has been
pressured more and more to abdicate responsi-
bility or ignore completely the role he should
play in University government.
COUNCIL'S PLAN to involve students gradu-
ually in a combined government would not
add another burden to the student. Rather, it
would offer him a chance to alleviate the
pressures of a University whose code too long
has been paternalistic.
Plans for the channels toward combined gov-
ernment have been drawn; what is needed now
is the competent workmen to make the blue-
prints a reality.
S.GC has stipulated that those who seek ap-
pointment to one of the committees related to
SAC must fill out interview forms available
in the Student Activities Bldg. In addition to
the regular items, the forms will require a
statement on the part of the interviewees on
"the concepts and role of higher education
and faculty-student government at the Uni-
The faculty criticism that students who can-
not successfully govern themselves have no
place in faculty government has too much fac-
tual support to be dismissed as exaggeration.
Hopefully, students concerned with the validity
of this criticism and anxious to do something,
concrete about it will petition for one of the
new subcommittees.


. 4

" /


Baird Shines
In Truth-Fantasy4
THERE IS OFTEN more truth in fantasy than in so-called reality.
"The Madwoman of Chaillot" presents the actual world under the
guise of wild imagination.
The University Players presenting the play this week at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre to an excellent job of keeping the problems of a
mechanized world real and threatening. Jean Giraudoux writing his
play in the black days of Nazi-occupied Paris saw an inevitable con-
frontation between the forces of individualism and those that call for
"a standardized worker with interchangeable parts."
This question of the utmost solemnity-the possible loss of personal
human dignity and worth-is kept in balance by flights into a dream
world in which it is impossible to distinguish between memory and fact.
The best part is no one wants to make the distinction-their merging
is taken for granted and the question "what is real?" is invalid.
It would be inaccurate to give the impression that this play isn't
funny. It's a perfect escape for those who are tired of the distressingly
"real" world, primarily because those real problems are put in their
proper perspective. "Nothing is ever so wrong in this world that a sen-
sible woman can't set it right in the course of an afternoon," The
Madwoman explains.
* * * *
CLARIBEL BAIRD as The Madwoman is wonderful in her presen-
tation of a woman who loves life, reveres freedom and believes in the
eternal unity of all good men. Miss Baird could carry any production
and audiences should consider themselves fortunate to have her com-
bination of technical ability and innate spirit of the true lady in the
Jack O'Brien, more locally well-known for his playwrighting, gave
the role of the sewer man a mature characterization. The interchange
between Miss Baird and O'Brien is one of the funniest in the play.
O'Brien makes use of his entire body to complete the part of king of
the sewers who holds swimming races during the summer months in his
subterranean kingdom.
Barbara Sittig, Joan Lieber and Janet Watson as the other three
madwomen of Paris also gave charmingly funny performances above
the average of most student actors.
Those especially inclined towards cynicism should see "The Mad-
woman of Chaillot." It reaffirms faith in life, young.-love and humanity.
The happiness of the characters when they believe the world is at last
delivered from evil is infectious. The deaf-mute is even momentarily
free to speak in a voice that sings of beauty and faith.
--Malinda Berry
Political Situation
Endangers Potential,



), i




Federal Aid: Path to Survival.

Acting National Concerns Editor

Structural Plans
Waste Council's Time

last long in its present form, a past SGC
president has candidly observed.
For the past six months plan after plan has
been proposed to alter Council structure; each
has been defeated, and additional ones keep
But structural changes have a limited im-
portance, and will not solve SGC's ills. All the
proposals in this category have been basically
SGC debated several motions to remove ex-
officios from the body, eventually putting the
probletn before the student body in a referen-
dum. A small majority voted to keep ex-officios
and the controversy abruptly ended.
Graduate Student Council presented a plan
for proportional representation by schools and
colleges with ex-officios on a non-voting ad-
visory committee. No one bothered to introduce
the plan at an SGC meeting. Everyone knew the
proposals didn't have a chance for passage,
let alone intelligent consideration.
SGC's Committee on Student Concerns came
up with an ingenious and unworkable geo-
graphical districting plan which failed to take
adequate precautions against gerrymandering.
It was soundly defeated.' The only person who
favored it, and incidentally still favors it, is
the chairman of the committee who now sits
on Council.
another remarkable plan: to elect the pres-
ident and executive vice-president from the
campus at large instead of Council vote. A
slightly differentproposal has been introduced
by SGC's executive committee.
More was worked out on these proposals last
Sooner or later SGd is going to endorse one
of these plans, get approval from the Office
of Student Affairs and send it on to the Re-
gents for final adoption in the Council plan.
The change will be interesting, newsworthy
and meaningless. The past history of student
government demonstrates that changes in
structure have few far-reaching effects. On
this campus SGC replaced the old Student Leg-
islature. Apparently, many considered the leg-
islature a failure. SGC was thought to be the
cure-all. The people pushing for a new struc-
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
CAROLINE DOW........ ....... Personnel Director
JUDITH BLEIER..........Associate City Editor
FRED RUSSELL KRAMER .. Assoc. Editorial Director
CYNTHIA NEU .................On-Magazine Editor
HARRY PERLSTADT ..........Co-Magazine Editor
TOM WEBBER.. . ...... . Sports Editor
JAN WINKLEMAN.........Associate Sports ,Editor

ture now claim that SGC is'also a failure and
are bringing out their own home remedies.
Reform groups on many campuses work for
change and eventually achieve some success.
Many follow the pattern. According to the for-
mula, every so many' years the structure of the
student government can be changed so that
campus leaders think they are improving
ADMITTEDLY, the authority and control of
student governments has increased. But
these gains come from changing attitudes with-
in the universities, and not from changing
structures. There is a point to which superficial
changes can improve cumbersome organiza-
tions, but after that point, change is meaning-
less, or only worsens the situation.
The future of student government at the
University does not lie in petty alterations but
in the conceptual change to a working student-
faculty government. The steps leading to such
a system have been coming slowly up to now
but once SGC shows it is truly concerned in
more things than partisan politics, fundamental.
progress should hopefully take place with fac-
ulty cooperation.
CLEVER DEMOCRATIC strategy came to
light last Sunday after a climactic three
hour State Central Committee meeting at
which the party decided to seek a constitution
vote recount.
Earlier in the week, two Democratic mem-
bers of the four-man Board of State Can-
vassers had walked out rather than certify
the April 1 tabulations.
Viewed in retrospect, two facts make the
walkout, which at the time seemed foolish, a
logical precaution for the recount move.
First, petitions for a recount must be filed
with the Board within 48 hours of certifica-
tion of the constitution, and a $5 cash deposit
must be made at the time of petitioning for
each precinct to be recounted.
Second, the Michigan Democratic party is
sadly short of funds. It is estimated that their
current debt is $200,000 and a total recount
would cost $26,045.
WITH TWO MEMBERS of the four-man
board in their organization, the Democrats
can hold up certification of the document un-
til the mid-May legal deadline for action.
A holdup in procedures will give the State
Central Committee the necessary time to raise
money. Chairman Zolton Ferency - announced,
Monday the formation of a Citizen's Recount
Committee to canvass for funds.

progress this year in its struggle
against fiscal starvation. With the
state budget awaiting final legis-
lative action, the University is re-
ceiving $1.5 milion more than last
year and about $5 million in capi-
tal outlay funds. The federal gov-
ernment is adding another $31
million in research spending.
In a reversal of recent form, the
Legislature has made no cuts in
the University budget. It faced less
need to prune the higher educa-
tion appropriation as it is looking
toward this fall's special taxses-
sion which should raise new reve-
nue for the state.
The University will see con-
tinued support of its building pro-
gram One new building-a fluids
engineering building - will be
started and the construction of
four others is continuing. Gov.
George Romney's "quick action"
capital outlay planning program
includes new dental school and
medical science buildings.
The federal government is
spending almost as much at the
University as the state. If both
funds continue to grow at their
present rates, the federal govern-
ment should spend more than the
state within the next three years.
This year, University officials es-
timate $31 million will be pumped
here from Washington compared
to $36.7 milion from Lansing.
MOST FEDERAL money goes
into specific research projects,
mainly in the physical and health
sciences. The defense department
is the biggest contributor, putting
in $14 million. The National
Science Foundation and the Na-
tionalInstitutes of Health give
approximately .$6 million each
year. A small amount is spent for
the usual "federal aid," financing
National Defense Education Act
scholarships and building dormi-
However, these modest increases
in state funds and the flow of
federal funds do not do enough
to meet the University's critical
problems. Within a year, the "baby
boom" will descend upon the Uni-
versity. The admissions office es-.
timates that applications will in-
crease by one-third in the next
three years while the slow growth
of state support will leave enroll-
ment static. There is not even
enough money for the University
to begin full-year operation, a
scheme to educate more students
faster in three full semesters a
This problem is now hitting only
the undergraduate level. In five
years, this same population explo-
sion will strike the graduate and
professional schools. They are.
more costly operations and, be-
cause of their specialized nature,
much harder to expand. Univer-
sity President Harlan Hatcher
warns that these schools must
grow to serve the expanding com-
A * *

Unfortunately, state spending
will not be adequate for the Uni-
versity's requirements. Michigan
has a rapidly growing system of
colleges and universities which
justly demands an increasing pro-
portion of the higher education
appropriation. The state can no
longer afford to lavish its money
on the University as it did in the
pre-depression era.
Thus, the University should re-
verse its stand-offish position on
federal aid and enthusiastically
endorse ahti promote it. Currently,
it accepts 'and even. welcomes such
funds for research, dormitories and
scholarships, but refuses such
money for faculty salaries.
* * *
dent Hatcher told the University
Press Club of Michigan last fall,
"we have gone a long way down
the road of expecting the federal
government to be our agent. What
we're really doing is transferring
legislative power from lansing
back to Washington because you
may be able to generate quickly
enough capital at some expense."
This ambiguous statement typifies
the University position.
Yet, the University needs this
money to maintain a high quality
staff by paying them proper sal-
aries. The actions of four pro-
fessors who resigned from the ro-
mance langijages department at
the March Regents' meeting and
the 114-including many of the
University's top faculty-who took
leaves in the next year and a half
are an ominous warning.
At the same time, in 1961 23

faculty members were granted
leaves and only 51 received leaves
last year.
Last year's modest salary hike,
financed by a tuition boost, seems
not enough to satisfy many of the
University's best professors who
are being constantly tempted by
offers of better salaries and work-
ing conditions elsewhere.
Federal money will also help the
University teach more students by
providing funds to pay for ex-
panded staffs and new facilities.
. s .
perience with the federal govern-
ment debunks the fear of federal
control. The government has only
demanded that the University con-
form to standard accounting pro-
cedures and its agencies have bent
over backward to avoid dictating
to the University. The University
has willingly adapted to such con-
trols and even seeks more federal
research money.
Further, the federal aid request
this year is mainly a complex of
vpecific area grant programs
which mitigates fears of control
that generalized federal support
tends to generate.
The University should abandon
its stiff-necked attitude toward
federal aid. This help can play a
vital role in maintaining and ex-
panding educational programs by
bearing some of its costs. The
University's experience has shown
that fear of control has been un-
founded; the fact that the money
comes from Washington rather
than Lansing should make no dif-

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the se-
ond of a two part series dealing
with recent problems at Delta Col-
Acting Editorial Director
IT IS DIFFICULT to identify any
single political or social group
as the source of Delta College's
Some of them undoubtedly stem
from the generally conservative
political atmosphere of the Bay
City-Midland-Saginaw area. It is
a conservatism that extends be-
yond politics. It isa fear of change
and a deep-seated provincialism.
Delta exists within and is con-
trolled by this context. Its Board
of Trustees are all local citizens.
One of the major sources of op-
position to Delta's proposed mer-
ger with the University came 'from
those who did not want any out-
side control over Delta. Former
state Sen. Lynn O. Francis of
Midland, long a leader of the
state's obstructionist Republicans,
was among the local figures op-
posing a University-Delta merger.
Francis, satirizing Delta's desire
to merge with the University, pro-
posed that Delta become a branch
of the University of Wisconsin. He
"We've been far too provincial
in our attitude toward Delta! Since
we have a community worthy of
recognition and renown, we should
make available our grand resources
to other less fortunate states...
merger cannot be clearly placed
among the ultra-rightists. It is
vague and amorphous. There is
indeed much open support for a
merger; only the Midland news-
paper opposed it editorially.
Despite this support, the vaguely
organized opposition was able to
prevent the merger because of aid
from larger and more powerful
groups. For example, the local op-
position combined forces with some
of the other large state-supported
colleges and universities who op-
posed the merger because they
claimed the University was em-
It was not some vaguely organ-
ized pressure group that caused
the' failure to renew Don Wood-
worth's teaching contract. Clearly,
Woodworth was given th axe
for other than academic reasons.
His dean had recommended that
he be kept at Delta. He had ree-
ommendations all the way up the
line. But the board chose not to
rehire him.
a certain amount of insight into
the resentment he may have caus-
ed and the people he may have
antagonized. He is a political ac-
tivist, an open advocate of dis-
armament and a critic of United
States foreign policy toward Cuba.
I'robably it is these views-
which he has openly advocated in
a number of situations-which
prompted the Midland newspaper
to run an editorial about how some
professors use academic freedom
as an unrestricted license. The
editorial, which did not give any
names, clearly left the impression
that it was concerned with the
Wnn~vrnrh rna~n

the issues involved. Now it is too
Even if Delta could convince
the Legislature to let it merge with
the University, have a piggy-back
plan or just expand the present
arrangement for four years, the
college would' still be in a poor
position. Many faculty members
who could teach the third and
fourth year will have left by then.
In addition, high quality faculty
members will not be very likely to
come to'an institution where free-
dlom of inquiry ;appears doubtful.
The issue is not local control as
such. Every public institution has
some degree of local control
whether city-wide, county-wide or
state-wide. The crucial question
for Delta is whether or not local
control is enlightened and tolerant.
In Delta's, case, neither the board
nor the people of the area have
shown themselves ready to build
and run a good college.
IF THE REST of the movies
haven't changed by Thursday or
Sunday, you can treat yoursif to
the Frank Sinatra version of "Pal
Joey" at the Cinema Guild. It
won't play Friday or Saturday
since the auditorium (and the rest
of the building) will house the
Architecture and Design Open
House. I would like to play dirty
pool by recommending the Open
House instead of "Pal Joey." You
can see Frank Sinatra spit olive
pits into a golden ash tray any-
time, if you care for that sort of
thing, but only on Saturday night
can you dance all free at a gen-
uine Beaux-Arts costume ball.
If you ever wondered what made
"Pal Joey" a great musical comedy,
however, you will have a difficult
time finding out from the movie.
Most of the songs are intact but
the rest of the film is cut to
shreds. Just when you most ex-
pect those thousand violins to
come rolling out of the sunset you
get, instead, Kim Novak feeding
a bagel to a dog. Now such a
scene is not to be laughed at.
Poignancy has never come easily
to Miss Novak and to hear her
sing "My Funny Valentine" adds
a whole uncharted dimension to
her already abundant personality.
If Kim Novak was never your
favorite actress, maybe Rita Hay-
worth was and maybe you're a lot
older than I am.
In case Nelson Riddle was never
your favorite musical arranger,
you're out of luck. All those good
Rodgers and Hart tunes never
sounded so time worn.
So unless you saw this film first
the night your house burned down
and you're going again to recap-
ture te old nostalgia, You may
simply prefer to be terribly clever
and miss it both nights.
-Dick Pollinger

Papal. Encyclical,
Restates Basic Values

BESET by rivals who promise a
new order of human life and
demoralized by anxiety and un-
belief and aimlessness, there is in
many Western men a yearning for
a statement of the meaning and
purpose of a free society. Now
they have one. The statement has
been made in the Easter encyclical
letter of John XXIII, that most
Christian Pope. Here is a restate-
ment for the modern age of the
central philosophy upon which are
based the institutions which we
mean to preserve and intend to
The encyclical is addressed not
only to the clergy and the faith-
ful, but "to all men of good will."
The text bears out this greeting
literally and organically. For the
foundation on which the whole of
the argument rests is that "the
Creator of the world has im-
printed in man's heart an order
which has conscience reveals to
him and enjoins him to obey."
This proposition, which is the first
principle of what is known as nat-

some capacity to reason, and some
inclination to follow it.
"One must never," says the Pope,
"confuse error and a person who
errs. . . The person who errs is
always and above all a human be-
ing, and he retains in every case
his dignity as a human person,
and he must be always regarded
and treated in accordance with
that lofty dignity. Besides, in every
human being there is a need that
is congenital to his nature and
never becomes extinguished, com-
pelling him to break through the
web of error and open his mind
to the knowledge of truth."
* * *
IN SAYING previously that the
encyclical is an historic event, I
had in mind the fact that it comes
just as the Western World is in
transition from the postwar era.
I venture to think that this ven-
erable Pope will be better under-
stood by the new political genera-
tion that is coming to power in,
the Western lands. There is, I be-
lieve, a suction of opinion toward
the center and away from the ex-
tremes. In the. terms ofconnti nen-

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