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April 25, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-25

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V, APRIL 25, 1963



# {#VY i### #/#A

Kennedy, British
Propose Plan to

To Hasten



U.S. Leader
Sees 'Time
Ambassadors Tell
Ideas to Khrushchev
WASHINGTON (P) - President
John F. Kennedy said yesterday
he and British Prime Minister
yHarold Macmillan have proposed
to Soviet Premier N i k i t a S.
Khrushchev procedures for speed-
ing up negotiations for a nuclear
test ban.
They acted, he said, because
"time is running out."
Meanwhile, in Moscow, the Unit-
ed States and British ambassadors
laid before Khrushchev the West's
ideas for untangling snarled ne-
gotiations for a test treaty.
No Comment
United States Ambassador Foy
V. Kohler and British Ambassa-
dor Sir Humphrey Trevelyan
emerged from a meeting of an
hour and a half In the Kremlin
declining all comment.
The impasse that has developed
in the Geneva test-ban talks caus-
ed speculation in Moscow that the
way was being prepared for a for-
eign ministers' conference-per-
haps a "big three" or a "big-four,"
including France.
United States sources in Wash-
ington and Geneva cautioned that
such talk was premature..
Not Hopeful
Kennedy told a news conference
he was not overly hopeful about
getting a test-ban treaty with Rus-
Kennedy said one urgent need
Is to take steps to prevent diffu-
sion of nuclear weapons. The pros-
pect that other countries, includ-
ing Red China, will develop some
weapons in due course could have
been what the President had in
mind saying that "time is running
Khrushchev Charge
Khrushchev has accused the
Americans of backtracking on an
offer to accept two to four on-site
inspections under a test-ban trea-
The Americans emphatically de-
nied that any such number ever
had been agreed to or even sug-
gested. A minimum of seven has
been set by the United States.
Khrushchev said that the Amer-
ican attitude might oblige the So-
viet Union to withdraw its agree-
ment even to have two or three
inspections a year.

Unknown Gun
Integratlion M
By The Associated Pr
ATTALLA, Fla. (P)-State and countya
sive search yesterday for the slayer of a B
making an integration pilgrimage to Mississ
William L. Moore was shot to death
p.m. Tuesday as he walked near this northea
Moore was wearing pro-integration sign
rigid segregationist, called the slaying a d
T$1000 r

President Vi
u s s ia PresTdentsJohniF.tennPedyo
Bussia Pres o especially
his news conference yesterday that He Bai
H oe saih
the best information available to more cols
American intelligence agents is He said
II a IJ s that 4000-5000 Soviet troops have would be
been removed from Cuba since don't this
January, and 300 or 400 at most ter."
have gone in,but important ele-
ments remain, along with Soviet Withou
equipment. he also
Kennedy thus was disagreeing come up
with the word of Sen. Kenneth B. scription
manK llseing (R-NY) that Russia has problem.
G~ y i 1sbensending in as many troops as asec
she has been withdrawing and Cuban e
r ~~~~~~thus there has been no net reduc-Cuae)rc rtin nedy said
archer "-h-h--""'d ed-d
Asked about possible approval of
a Cuban exile government, Ken- The qi
ess nedy said "we have supported" the United S
authorities launched a mas- Cuban Revolutionary Council to remove C
altimore mailman who was give the exiles a voice. But he said is rather
sippi. that to agree to support a gov- speech-
at close range at about 8 ernment-in-exile was an entirely ed."
ast Alabama town. different question. meein
ns. Gov. George Wallace, a Not So Hot eand Ca
astardly act and offered a The historic experience of gov- Lester P
reward for the arrest and ernments-in-exile "has not been to smooti
ion of the killer. Canadian
CORE Asks Inquiry ournal Sewere ruff
Baltimore Congress of Ra- S e of fon
mality chapter called upon Die Pa
xen. Robert F. Kennedy to PubliceApathy TePr
federal investigation. meet at l
Vashington, the Justice De-Un Legislation ar*imf
nt said there was no indi- ofncomm
any violation of federal law Widespread public apathy is countries,
volved, but added that Ken- darkening prospects for President
3as asked the FBI to give John F. Kennedy's legislative pro-
er assistance local autoori- posals, according to an article in
luest. yesterday's Wall Street Journal.
awhile, in St.eLouis, about But President Kennedy, at his GILE
picketed a board of educa- news conference yesterday, claimed
e peti Tuesd hoile the that the Journal runs such a story T
eard a citizens c omm w itee every April, and that there have TO
nearaca re-sgreg tion. been five or six votes in Congress
on racial re-segregation. duringthe past month which in-
Alternatives dicate support of his program. C
Trafford P. Maher, S.J prof Norman C. Thomas of the
an of the citizens commit- polc ien Came om-
racial integration, told the menetattheptoetty
members the only alterna- mented that the story was pretty c
St. Louis' present policy of muhed lasta yeas what they pub-
ig children to attend school "If the Journal and the Luce
r neighborhood school dis- publications are correct, the only
nould be a policy of open thing that has a chance to pass is
Lent whereby children could the tax cut," he said. "And they
s e toe an scn ho insent . may be right."
Nion l theoparetonent e The Journal article quoted Con-
ational Association for the gressmen as finding most voters
cement of Colored People, "in a couldn't-care-less frame of
and a group of Negro min- mind toward major measures
charged re-segregation was pending in the 88th Congress." It
4 by the gerrymandering of claimed that there was very little
school districts. support for any Kennedy meas-
Charge Brutality ures.
in Jackson, Miss., investi- The only major sentiment it re-
from the Mississippi legisla- ported that Congressmen encoun-
charged yesterday federal, tered back home during their ten-
als inflicted deliberate and day Easter recess was opposition
ed brutalities on students toward tax reform proposals and,
izens after quelling the Uni- in some cases, a demand for re-
of Mississippi desegrega- duced government spending to ac-
ots last fall. company any tax cut.

ews Cuba, Population Issues

felicitous," he comment-
d he felt there should be
esign among the exiles.
a government in exile
imprudent today and "I
Ink would help the mat-
t mentioning the name,
challenged former Vice-
Richard M. Nixon to
with a more precise pre-
for solving the Cuban
Nixon had suggested in
Llast Saturday that the
xiles be unleashed. Ken-
this "cannot do the Job."
Go to War?
Lestion of whether the
hates should go to war to
astro, the President said,
sidestepped in Nixon's
'that nettle is not grasp-
will be a face-to-face
soon between Kennedy
ada's new Prime Minister
earson. This could serve
h some of the feathers of
a-American relations that
led in the administration
er Prime Minister John
resident and Pearson will
Hyannis Port May 10 and
a first discussion of the
:ortant questions that are
aon interest to the two
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To a question about population
control, Kennedy replied that this
country could certainly support
further efforts to study the whole
question of fertility and make the
results available for any countries
to make their own judgments.
But he told a questioner who
asked about the specific recom-
mendations of Prof. John Rock of
Harvard and the National Acad-
emy of Sciences, suggesting popu-
lation control studies, that this
was another question.
Kennedy pointed out that the
National Institutes of Health are
working in the field and the Unit-
ed States is participating in stud-
ies under the United Nations as
Domestic Issues
When domestic issues cropped
up in questions and answers, the
President stood pat on old stands.


He said he doesn't agree at all
that it might be unnecessary to
push his bill to cut taxes because
of a brightening economic picture.
He said he thinks it would be "a
great mistake to stop the tax cut;
a great mistake to delay it." He
has asked for a net reduction of
$10 billion over three years.
Kennedy said again that he
doesn't have the power-and does
not think he should have-to cut
off all federal funds to Mississippi,
as proposed by the Federal Civil
Rights Commission.
The Pres dent also said he
would not ever suggest that any-
one managed the news. The an-
swer was given in response to an
involved question on whether
newspapers had been reporting a
wrong indication on the relation
of federal employes percentage-





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... slain in South
Funds Asked
For Buildup
WASHINGTON (P)-Predicting
that future Communist threats
will focus on small uprisings and
aggression, Secretary of Defense
Robert S. McNamara called yes-
terday for a multibillion-dollar
buildup of United States general-
purpose and non-nuclear fighting
The Pentagon chief told a Sen-
ate appropriations subcommittee
the biggest share of the $49-bil-
lion-plus annual defense money
bill should be spent on general-
purpose forces.
Soviet leaders realize increas-
ingly they cannot win through a
surprise nuclear exchange or even
local wars which "might develop
Into a world thermo-nuclear rock-
et war," he said.



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World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Three Central.
Intelligence Agency men were
among the 21 American prisoners
whom Cuban Premier Fidel Castro
swapped for four of his followers
held in this country, congressional
sources said yesterday. The CIA
declined to comment on the report,
as did other government officials.
*1 * *
President Francois Duvalier fired
60 high-ranking officers from key
command posts all over the coun-
try yesterday in a shattering blow
to the army, The drastic step cli-
maxed a series of moves against
the regular army.
* *. *
ROME-Food supplies must be
increased 50 per cent in the next
decade to improve even slightly
the nutrition level of a growing
world population, a United Na-
tions survey shows. "The world
would grow enough food to meet

these needs if we made rational
use of nature's bounty," the Food
and Agriculture Organization re-
ported yesterday. Eastern Europe
and the Soviet Union have large
acreages available for new crop
cultivation, FAO said.
* * *
SAIGON-President Ngo Dinh
Diem's American-backed govern-
ment sought yesterday to check a
Communist guerrilla offensive that
military sources believe is aimed
at restoring the Cau Mau Penin-
sula in the far south completely to
Red control.
* * *
judge took under advisement yes-
terday a request that Rev. Martin
Luther King, Jr., and 10 of his as-
sociates be held in contempt of
court. Circuit Judge W. A. Jenkins,
Jr,, has been asked by the city of
Birmingham to punish the deseg-
regation leaders for efforts to defy
Jenkins' April 10 injunction
against racial demonstrations.
* * *
Rogers, assistant quality assurance
superintendent at the Portsmouth
Naval Shipyard, said yesterday the
failure of a pining system could
have caused the sinking of the
nuclear submarine Thresher.
NEW YORK-The Stock Market
advanced to a new 1963 high yes-
terday despite a slow trading in
steels and motors. Dow-Jones aver-
ages showed 30 industrials up 2.76;
20 railroads up 0.65.



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