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March 24, 1963 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-24

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Wins 100-m. Backstroke


SAO PAULO, Brazil (P) - The
United States' youthful swimming
team swept to three more Pan-
American Games records, tied an-
other and added four gold medals
to Uncle Sam's growing collection
Michigan sophomore Ed Bartsch,
a native Philadelphian, gained re-
venge over fellow American Char-
les Bittick of Long Beach, Calif.,


as Bartsch won by just a touch in
the 100-meter backstroke duel in
the record time 1:01.5. It was ex-
actly one month ago that, Bittick
edged Bartsch in the NAAU meet
in qualfying for the Pan Ams. The
margin of victory in that 100-yd.
race, some ten yards shorter than
100-m., was .2 seconds, :53.3
to :53.5.

With the other swimming vic-
tories by Chet Jastremski, Kathy
Ellis and Steve Clark, and one in
pistol shooting gave the U.S. ten
gold medals, six silver and five
bronze in four days of competi-
tion. No other country has more
than a single gold medal.
The U.S. also sent two women
into the tennis semifinals, won an-


other baseball game and seemed
set for 1-2 sweeps in both men's
and women's diving.
Another shock occurred, how-
ever, when Allen Fox of Los An-
geles was upset by Carlos Fer-
nandes of Brazil in a quarter-final
tennis m a t c h,
The Games' first major contro-
versy turned up when charges of
professionalism w e r e r a i s e d
against the Cuban baseball team.
The feature of yesterday's activ-
ity, however, was the four finals
events in the swimming meet. In
the three men's finals U.S. en-
trants swam 1-2. Americans were
1-3- in the single women's final.
Clark, a Yale student, won the
100-meter freestyle in :54.7 sec-
onds with Minnesota's Steve Jack-
man second.
The powerful Jastremski broke
his own record by two seconds in
the 200-meter breaststroke, finish-
ing in 2:35.4. Ken Merten of
Pacoima, Calif., was second.
Miss Ellis, a 16-year-old school-
girl from Indianapolis, won the
100-meter butterfly in a meet
record 1:07.6.
Last Saturday's football scrim-
mage was evidently an enlighten-
ing one for Coach Bump Elliott,
for today's practice found four
new faces in first string positions.
Mel Anthony, who saw little ac-
tion this past season due to in-
juries, has moved up to the first
string fullback slot. To Anthony, a
powerful ball carrier, will fall the
difficult task of assuming the
load that was borne, by Dave
Raimey, last season's 'top per-
former for Michigan.
Rich Hahn, a veteran, has been
promoted to starting left guard.
Two members of the phenomen-
al freshman team have, also been
moved up to top berths. Rick Sygar
was named to the right halfback
slot while Tom Chechini earned
the center position.
There were several lesser, but
nevertheless notable advancements
by other freshmen to second string
positions. Bob Quist was moved to.
fullback, Bob Clancy to quarter-
back, and John Rouser to left half.
All these men played superb. BIall
in last Saturday's scrimmage.
With the spring football season
only one week old, not more than
a few positions are anywhere near
sewn up. Elliott hinted that there
are still a lot of questions un-
answered and that he will still be
doing a good deal of juggling in
prepar~ation for this fall.





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FEARSOME THREESOME-Michigan entered 560 lbs. of muscle in the discus throw and shot put in
Saturday's Ohio Relays and came away with some top marks from (left to right- Ernst Soudek
(6'5'", 230 lbs.', George Puce (6'4", 235 lbs.' and 'Roger Schmitt (5'11", 195 lbs.) Soudek set a
varsity record of 177'4".in the discus throw.
M Weightmen Demonstrate
Prowess with Discus, Shot Put


Acting. Sports Editor
Ernst Soudek, the big Austrian
junior who left-hands the discus
170' across the pastures of Ferry
Field in practice all the time, fin-
ally got the chance to do it in a
big meet.
His throw of 177'4" in the Ohio
Relays Saturday broke Fritz Nils-
son's 10-year-old varsity record
by three .inches and also topped
Nilsson's mneet record by over eight
f eet.
"I was a little nervous," admit-
ted Soudek, a 230-pounder who
broke his right hand as a young-
ster in Vienna but denies it hap-
pened when he clubbed a tree
with a ktarate blow.
Wasn't Sure
"After throwing so good in
practice, I didn't know if I could
do it in a meet," he added.
It was his best throw so far,
but Soudek admits half-seriously;
to having ambitions of hitting 190'
this year. The collegiate re'cord is
just over 194' and the world rec-
ord just over 204'.
Soudek placed second in the Big
Ten discus last year after failing
to break into the top five in the
shot put, his hobby event. In this
season's indoor shot, he managed a
fifth. ,
By winning the discus throw in
the Relays, Soudek moved into the
good graces of Coach Don Can-
ham, as did George Puce, the
Toronto sophomore who finished a
disappointing fourth in the con-
ference shot put in March.
Gets Two Seconds
Puce cleaned up Saturday with
second places in both weight
events and had one of the best
doubles in Michigan history.
Puce hit 168'11" to finish be-
hind Soudek in the discus throw
and came up with his best put
since before the Big Ten meet-
56'. That put him a scant %-inch
behind Notre Dame's Carl Lu-
decke, whose winning put was re-
measured after Puce threw and
had the margin of victory added
to it.
Canham has predicted Puce may
put 60' this year, and there's noth-
ing Puce would like better. Both
he and Soudek are good bets to
make the Canadian and Austrian

Olympic teams next year; no Aus-
trian had ever thrown a discus
170' before Saturday.
Schmitt Third
Michigan's other weightman,
Roger Schmitt, also placed in the
money in the shot put, finishing
third at 53';/2. Schmitt, a junior
football fullback from Buffalo, is
the most consistent of the three.
He was runner-up in the Big Ten
outdoor shot put last year and
edged Puce and Soudek for third
this year indoors.
In the other field events, high
jumper Al Ammerman tied for
fourth at 6'4%" and pole vaulters
Steve Overton and George Wade
placed fourth and fifth, respec-
tively. For the first time this year
the two both cleared 14' in the
same meet.
In the running events, Michi-
gan was shut out for the first
time in years, although Canham
withheld five men from competi-
tion with vairious physical ail-
Five Out
Mac Hunter, Carter Reese, Chris
Murray, Ken Burnley and Talt
Malone did not make the trip.
Jim Neahusan, the only one
competing in an individual race,
placed third in the mile in 4:17.
A dropped baton in the two-mile
relay cost the Wolverines their
best shot at a victory. "We'd have
won it easy," Canham remarked.
As it turned out, the team fin-
ished second in 7:45.8 behind
Western Michigan's 7:41.2, after
losing some 60 yds. when Dorr
Casto, going into the last turn of
the leadoff leg, was bumped by a
Western runner.
Dirty Pool
"We were jockeying for position
around the turn and he hit me.
The baton went straight up in the

air," Casto explained. "I don't
know why they didn't call a foul."
Dave Hayes, Ted Kelly and
Charlie Aquino picked up most of
the deficit, however. Aquino, the
team captain, anchored the team
in 1:52.6.
Dave Romain, Charlie Peltz, Joe
Mason and Des Ryan placed sec-
ond behind Ohio U. in the sprint
medley in 3:28. Ryan, a sopho-
more from Dublin, timed 1:53.3 on
the 880-yd. anchor leg.
Bernard Runs :47.2
Canham's pickup mile relay, an-
chored by sophomore Kent Ber-
nard in an excellent :47.2, timed
3:17.1 for a third place in a race
won by Central State (Wilbur-
force, Ohio) in a fast 3:12.5.
Romain, Aquino and Dan Hughes
ran the first three legs, but even
Bernard, whose :47.0 quarter-mile
anchored Michigan to a varsity
record of 3:14.8 in the indoor Big
Ten meet, could not pick up
enough ground.
Central State's team of Bob
Grayer, Hamilton Lipscomb, Clif-
ton Mayfield and Connie Alver-
son had run the second-fastest
indoor time ever on boards earlier
in the year, a 3:14.1.



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