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April 23, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-23

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ge A tgan att
Sevty-Third Year
,,Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in al reprints.

Final Concert Maintains
Excellence of Series

'UESDAY, APRIL 23, 1963


Conference on The University
Deserves HeartSupr
EVERYONE who participated in the Confer- Such an experience is too valual
ence on the University last year was de- lost. Although a continuing committe
lightfully astounded at how well it turned out, dents, faculty and administratorsv
Faculty who offered time and encourage- participated in the conference met du
ment, students who spent months slaving over year in an attempt to assemble the
preparations and yet permitted themselves summaries and reports into a comp
only the most cautious optimism and admin- analysis, they were hampered by thei
istrators with their usual 'neutral skepticism many of the committee reports had
suddenlyfound themselves in a situation which and the students who had organized
more closely approximated the ideal of a ference had left the University.
student-faculty government than any other With the next conference sched
experiment which has been tried on the cam- September, few of the planners and
pus. pants will remember last year's session
Students and administrators for once were who attended as juniors are gradua
able to discuss University problems on equal spring, which means that the ma
terms. Because the students were not Daily students involved next September willl
reporters the administrators could speak freely ing almost from scratch. They will b
to them, and because they were not currently benefit from the experience of the few
agitating for changes or trying to pry informa- who remember the conference andf
tion out of close-lipped vice-presidents, stu- suggestions of some of the faculty
dents could explain their views calmly and ministrators who participated. But mc
effectively. The result was that students and will have to play it by ear.
administrators listened to each other.
T IS terribly important that the S
FOR ONCE faculty and administrators were conference be successful. It will tak
able to speak to each other without the three years for the tradition of an
strain of a formal meeting or problem-solving conference 'on the University" to be
session. With conventional deference and di- tablished. But once this happens, its
plomacy unnecessary, they said what they one of the most important events
meant without pulling punches and frequently academic year for which participants
found themselves engagednin full-scale debate pare withgreat enthusiasm and much
with students looking on, chiming in and and thoughtful. discussion.
evaluating. Nor should the conference end with
For many faculty members, it was their first .No shou. t confee enm ith
ing session. A committee similar to thi
opportunity to converse with colleagues in other but organized and instructed beforet
departments on any subject at all, let alone the of the conference would be able tc
topic of the University with which they are ontinuiy n erhaps ae o
intimately involved. Members of the English , nspecific action from the suggestions t
department were introduced to members of the in group discussions.
engineering school and immediately, found nguhdis s whtne.c
themselves discussing the values of 'certain Such details as whether each c
should have a keynote speaker an
dormitory regulations whose rexistence they topic can be decided by the committee
hadn't known until they were informed of, themreally not crucial.
by the students in their discussion groups.
Students and faculty debated the merits of
the honors program and both came up with WHAT IS CRUCIAL is that .the ca
many new and valid points regarding it. Stu- derstand the significance of the
dents protested to faculty and administrators ence and take the time and interest t
about the anti-academic atmosphere of the fully and participate wholeheartedly. T
undergraduate library and discovered not only ing committee, headed by sophomo
that members of the administration and faculty ebedeff, Is beginning serious work
wee entersunawre of the existencen od te probably soon be looking for prospec
were entirely unaware- of the existence of the ticipants to write working papers and
problem, but that many of them had never to lead discussions.
even set foot inside the undergraduate libraryt
and were genuinely horrified to learn what it The success of the upcoming confere
was like. all conferences to follow depends u

ble to be
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As MORE of the contemporary
J., Southern mountain folk turn
to rock 'n roll and syrupy hill-
billy for musical entertainment,
correspondingly fewer young mu-
sicians are interested in per-
petuating the more traditional
Fortunately, the current urban
folk music revival has induced
some renewed interest in true
. bluegrass and old-timey music
among country musicians. The
Country Gentlemen are among
the best of these modern bluegrass
groups, as their spirited Sunday
afternoon performance at the Un-
ion ballroom (despite the poor
> t ,= .acoustics and speakers) will attest.
2, r ,r a;yis amazingly fast on his banjo,
using only thumb-forefinger pick-
ing; John Duffey has a fine tenor
x} K. - voice and matching proficiency on
the mandolin; Charlie Waller; bass
vocalist and guitar, is one of the
beterlatpickers in the business
today; Tom Gray's bass provides
much of the group's driving
rhythm, and -his voice has the
necessary close harmony for quar-
L The informal onstage banter
LAb;'F. Y rwas more often funny than corn-
bance. Their material varied from
such traditional vocal fare such
as "East Virginia Blues," "No-
body's Business," and "When We
Were Two Little Boys," to beauti-
fully harmonized country-gospel
,songsand ballads including "Joy
Y 44 iBells," "Paul and Silas,"' and
"Little Sparrow" (lovely).
R4 A b They"mixed in some up-tempo
" Gifta to blues: "M1Vake Me A Pallet" and
"The Mule-Skinner Blues" with
CordialRelatons Prevai

Duffee vocalizing, and added some
more recent material with "Dark
As A Dungeon," "Copper Kettle,"
and "Tom Dooley," the latter a
good-natured spoof on the Kings-
ton Trio. The Country Gentlemen
are excellent musical technicians.
* * *
PARTICULARLY well done was
Adcock's banjo work on "John
Hardy" (fantastic), "Struttin' On
The Strings," and "Rawhide." By
popular request, Waller picked out
"Double Eagle" on his big Martin,
and Duffey shone on "Sunrise."
Probably the most enjoyable
number of all was the rollicking
"Mockin' Banjo" with Adcock and
Duffey combining comic relief with
real instrumental virtuosity. In
short, then, a fitting close to a
memorable folk festival.
-Dick Pike


to the


THE CONFERENCE was an overwhelming
success not because many-if any-specific
reforms resulted, but because it provided almost
everyone who participated with a new outlook
on the problems of the University, the alter-
natives for solving them and "how the other
two-thirds thinks."

response the steering committee receiv
it begins asking for applicants and pe
If the campus is interested and o
enough to invest necessary time forg
preparation, the University will be ini
tradition of incalculable value.
Editorial Director

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
of threetarticles dealing with rela-
tions between the University and
the City of Ann Arbor.)
THI E BIGGEST criticism of the.
University campus is that it is
too' fragmented and spread out.
The reason for this inconvenient
pattern of facilities is that in the
past the University has avoided
land competition.
The University began its Ann
Arbor operations with only 40'
acres of land. The campus was
located away from the main cen-
ter of the town. But the com-
munity grew around it, surround-,
ing and restricting its growth and.
creating a competition for land.
Seeing a, need for further ex-
pansion, the University moved its
medical center hospital in 1890 to
avoid competing with private own-
ers. Similarly,, the athletic facili-
ties were developed at a distance
'from the main campus. The North
Campus was started in 1950 be-
cause the central main campus
would not have been able to ac-
commodate the post-war expan-
AFTER THE University first es-
tablished facilities at the North
Campus, housing and commercial
interests immediately appeared.
The University guided expansion
in the area to avoid unwanted
developments. It petitions the city
for annexation of land when it
has been put to active use.
The character which the Uni-
versity tries to foster in and
around the campus does not
necessarily contradict the charac-.
ter which the city wishes to pro-
mote in neighboring sections.
Since Ann Arbor is not only a
college town, neither the city nor
the University can determine the
full character of the complete
Similarly, each is self-perpetu-
ating in some respects, but neither
can stand without the other's co-
operation. It is cheaper for the
University to pay for city utilities
than to provide for its own. Also,
the University could not easily
have expanded in the North Cam-
pus without the cooperation of
the city in arranging for utilities,

City Administrator Guy Larcom
** *
FURTHERMORE, the nature of
Midwestern Ann Arbor as a home
for University faculty is far su-
perior to sooty city slums sur-
rounding other institutions. The,
result is that many faculty mem-.
bers prefer to remain in Ann
Arbor even if it means a lower in-
come than elsewhere.
And Ann Arbor certainly de-
pends on the presence of the
University. The University's an-
nual $66 million payroll creates a
stable economy which does not
fluctuate with the national econ-
In addition, it brings in other
research and industry which give
the city an expanding economy.
The city has recently developed
land south of Ann Arbor for its
Research Park, intended to attract
industry and jobs. Companies
which would otherwise have had
to enter into the competition for
usable land now find such an area
reserved for them.
* * *
LARCOM SAID that the Univer-
sity promotes the park and that
through its faculty it can reach
many companies. Councilman
John R. Laird, chairman of the
University-City Committee, added
that/ the University will help make
it a success.
Last week Tecumseh Products
announced it will build in the
park. The company will be work-
ing under contractual arrange-
menu with the University.
The community receives other
benefits from the University's
presence. Faculty members parti-
cipate in civic affairs and are not
considered to be outside the com-
munity. They often render con-
sulting services to the city gov-
ernment. Also the University
brings many attractions- such as
dramatic and musical groups -
which would be unavailable to a
city of this size. So neither is in
a position to dominate the other.
* * *
IN PROTECTING its own inter-
ests the University must at the
same time make sure that it does
not violate the interests of the

Quite often the University has
an interest in property surround-
ing the campus where students
are living in apartments. In gen-
eral the off-campus housing serv-
ice of the Office of Student Affairs
deals directly with private prop-'
erty owners to make sure that
neither student nor landlord mis-
treats the other.
But the OSA also works with
the city to regulate building health
and safety. Beginning in 1954,
after a big fire, the city started
certification of apartments. The
city enforces the Michigan hous-
ing code, although few other cities
do. At city expense, all copies of
certification and inspection are
sent to the University.
At the request of the OSA, the
city will investigate any designated
apartment. University Environ-
mental Health Department offi-
cials may go along with the city
inspectors if the office wishes. If
overcrowding or safety violations
are found, the landlord is given
90 days for compliance. Failure to
comply is a misdemeanor.
* * *
THE OSA acts as arbitrator be-
tween landlord and students, but
if one is taken to court, the office
withdraws from the dispute.
The OSA will, however, appear
before municipal court when a
University student is arraigned for
a misdemeanor. in this case the
University acts a a bonding agent
and offers counseling for the stu-
dent. If the situation is indicated,
it will turn over references on the
mental health of the student. The
parents are not necessarily called
in on the case.
At the circuit court level, when
the student has committed a fel-
ony, the parents are always called
in and the OSA can take no part
in the proceedings.
The University is clearly willing
to safeguard the interests of its
personnel by working directly with
the city. And these measures do
not conflict with the interests of
the city.
* * *
BUT IN FAIR housing legisla-
tion the interests of the two are
not so clearly lined up. The Uni-
versity must carefully determine
the role it can take in ending

discrimination against its faculty
and students. Here again the au-
tonomies of the two institutions
are at stake.,
If the University pressures the
City Council into passing an or,
dinance, then it would in effect
have representation on the council
which it does not and should not
lave if the council is to work to-
ward the community's interests.
But if the council takes no action
to solve the present discrimination
problems affecting University per-
sonnel, then the University would
be sacrificing its independence as
a -cosmopolitan institution to the
prejudices of local residents.
President Harlan H. Hatcher
has pointed out that the Univer-
sity cannot dictate legislation to
the city.
The'University should play only
a communicative role in determin-
ing fair housing legislation. In-
stead of listing legislative require-
ments it needs fulfilled by coun-
cil, it should present information
on community discrimination as
it affects the University,
* * *
AND FAR MORE important
than presenting information to the
representative council or quietly
making public detailed facts and
figures is communication of this
information to the community.
The community must be con-
This means testimony at pub-
lic hearings--not for the council
but for the community. This
means clear, concise ,statements
of the problems of discrimination
-neither ambiguous generaliza-
tions nor demands for -specific
types of legislation. It is the Uni-
versity's responsibility to com-
municate the problem-it is the
council's responsibility to attempt
any workable solution.
Probably the University's inter-
ests in this issue will turn out to
be close to those of the commun-
ity: no doubt both wish to see an
effective fair housing ordinance.
University-city relations are ex-
cellent. Continual communication
and cooperative arrangements
have allowed the city of Ann
Arbor and the University to fol-
low their separate ends without
serious lasting conflict.

To the Editor:
WHAT IS a nation? Who is a
people? To whom shall be
given the prerogative of deciding
which deserves the chance to de-
velop, or which shall be destroyed.
The fate of a nation hangs pre'.
cariously in the hands of a few
men who have taken upon them-
selves the decisions of life or death.
All will speak of necessity, all will
shift responsibility; those who
work for destruction will do so
arduously and without compunc-
tion while the rest will avoid, art-
fully, the nagging pangs that
something must be done.'
We in' Israel are tensely aware
of the destructive powers of those
who surround us. Grman scien-
tists (with Swiss co-operation) are,
according to recent disclosures,
ensuring that at any moment she
could be destroyed in a matter of
seconds. Yet Israel's fate will not
be that of an isolated victim. I
challenge the inhabitants of all
nations to feel secure and at peace
when the lives of two million
people, in a strategic part of the
world, are thus threatened.
After 14 years of independence,
Israel is changing her role from
an object of pity and charity to
that of a self-sufficient and pro-
ductive state. Her socio-technical
aid to developing nations has been
decisive in determining the bal-
ance of power in the cold war, and
her very geographical position
plays an important part in keeping
that balance. Yet the balance will
be easily upset if the arms build-
up means that decisions will be
made because of fear and, there-
fore, compromise. We must all re-
member that the fate of Germans,
Americans, Swiss, British, Egyp-
tians-the world, in general, is at
Life means struggle, struggle
means commitment to a cause
which does not vitiate the value
of our existence. Our lives can
never be free as long as millions
remain enslaved and we do noth-
ing to help them. If we remain
passive to the fact that bacterio-
logical and nuclear warfare is an
imminent reality, we condemn all
those who wish for a better life.
Indifference is death, for inthat
passivity we shrug our shoulders to.
the plight of mankind whose sup-
pression means our supression.
Lest we forget the level to which
mankind sank in the last war, and
that war is not required to test
that low level; lest we forget that
it is easier for a man to be a con-
trolled machine and lose himself
in anonymity than be an indepen-
dent thinker; lest we think that
one nationality is less penchant
to corruption than another, and
thus excuse ourselves; lest we for-
get that in the interrelated world
body, the danger of one. fraction
threatens the whole; lest we for-
get, we must protest actively
against the destruction of our
freedom and our lives.
-Miriam Dann, '64
(Junior year at Hebrew
University, Jerusalem)

Warhawkery New Menace

WARHAWKS,.mainly Republicans, but many
Southern Democrats, are continuing to
hamstring flexible American foreign policy.
Their - anti-Communist-no-matter-what atti-
tude, their demand for United States propaga-
tion of the free enterprise system, even at the
expense of friendly socialist states and their
opposition to United States peace efforts has
made President John F. Kennedy's life dif-
This attitude reflects a short-sighted view of
foreign affairs that follows a belated emerg-
ence from isolationism. In a sense it is a per-
version of isolationism to strident ethnocentric-
Perhaps the most glaring example of this
short-sightedness is Sen. Barry Goldwater's
audacious scheme to invade Cuba. Goldwater
suggests that the United States, under the guise
of the Organization of American States, in-
vade Cuba. Until that happy day, the United
States should blockade Castro's island and
encourage the exile raiders to create as much
havoc as possible.
THE 'ROUBLE with this plan is that it is
as blatent a violation of international law
and morality as anything -the Communists
attempt to perpetrate. It would clearly violate
the sovereignty of an independent state which
is not at War with the United States. Any
blockading and repressive shipping measures
violate the freedom of the seas, a cherished
American and Western heritage, and unleasing
Cuban exiles will only create confusion and in-
stability in the Caribbean
Even if Goldwater and his friends fail to
consider the ethical aspects, the plan won't
work even on cross power considerations. Any
active attempt to interfere with s'ipping will
lose the United States iaore support in 'West-
ern Europe than it would gain in isolating
Castro. Further, the exiles have already at-
tacked the ships of American allies as well as
the Soviets.
However, such suggestions have a demogogic
appeal at home. The Kennedy administration
..., . . ' -- a

cannot pursue a flexible and sometimes less
belligerent attitude toward Cuba, for it will
seem like "appeasement." This is making the
administration's job of controling the poten-
tially dangerous Cuban refugees extremely dif-
The Clay report on foreign aid, while os-
tensibly prepared for the Democratic admin-
istration, reflects another aspect of war-
hawkery. Apparently under pressure from some
of its members, Clay's group added a sentence
to its report urging the United States to en-
courage the free-enterprise system abroad. This
will make many nations suspicious of foreign
aid for they have chosen a collective road for
developing their countries. This method is as
valid as free enterprise, for each country has
its own basic conditions to work with. Free
enterprise will not solve everyone's problems.'
FURTHER, the report praises a provision of
last year foreign aid approoriation cutting
off aid funds to nations which exnropriate
United States property without Anick repay-
ment. This provision is somewhat arbitrary
for often the seized firms have not given the
customers the proper servce-as in Brazil-
and the country does not immediately have
the funds to rectify the situation. The United
States should be more lenient in such cases
and accept future promises to pay.
Lastly, the demand for more military foreign
aid and less economic and technical aid con-
tinues. This policy has proved disasterous, for
often United States-supported armies become
so powerful that they rule the country at the
expense of democracy and the welfare of the
masses. The armies often represent the feudal
upper class of the country and are used to
repress demands for reform. In Latin America,
this aid policy has proved particularly dis-
THESE DEVELOPMENTS and others caused
by the warhawks stiffen United States policy
and make it less able to meet changing world
situations. More importantly, the stringent
warhawk crv fnr the tnnh line can lead to


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