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April 21, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-21

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£ti. ian iI j
Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Pearson Must Solve
Economic Problems

Y, APRIL 21, 1963


What One Must Learn
Can't Always Be Taught

EDUCATION CAN be divided into two parts.
There are those things that can be taught
and those things that must be learned. The
things that can be taught are the facts that
make our complex society and its even more
complex future possible. The things that must
be learned are the morals, the values, and the
ways of dealing with life that make our com-
plex society livable, and these are things that
cannot be taught. Not that beliefs could not
possibly be drummed in to the extent that
they would become one's own, but that in a
free society we would not want them to be.
The job of a university is to serve society
by broadening the field of knowledge. It must
do this by advancing the frontiers of what is
known by humanity and increasing what is
known to each member of humanity. That is, it
should both help man to learn and teach men
what man has already learned.
To do this, a university must be a place to
learn those things that can't be taught as
well as those that can.
HOW DOES one learn those things that
can't be taught? One learns them in bull
sessions, on athletic fields, by reading good
books, by making friends, handling money,
joining a group, by doing all the things that
make one come to terms with life, and life
to terms with one in return.
These are not extracurricular activities that
interfere with the process of getting an edu-
cation, they are an integral part of that
process. How many people have questioned and
perhaps changed their faith, which to those
who believe in God should be the most im-
portant thing in the world, since coming to the
And how many have learned for the first
time how to get along on their own-to lead, to
follow, and to find meaning in life? No one
will deny that facts are necessary, that without
engineers who knew how to manipulate ma-
terials, and even philosophers who knew how
to manipulate ideas, our society could not
exist. But neither are these skills of any benefit
to the individual or society unless the individual
has developed the personal qualities that enable
him to utilize his potential.
And that we are a democracy means still
more to education. It means that to be a know-
ledgable citizen is a duty and that, therefore
and for other reasons, a university education
broad enough to include those things that all
citizens should know, is a right belonging to
all those who could benefit from it
It means, too, that since all things cannot
be taught to all men at a university, a uni-
versity is obligated before all else to teach
students to be worthy participants in society.
The Levato
T HE UNIVERSITY announced a significant
seriesof advances in research Friday, en-
hancing its stature as Michigan's research
center. It sold 30 acres of North Campus land
for the private development of space-age, rare
metals research, gave 13 more North Campus
acres to the federal government for. two lab-
oratories and set up an industrial systems
;At the same time the University cheered the
feat of present and past University faculty mem-
bers who shot a rocket within 25 miles of the
Explorer 17 satellite, getting significant cross-
checked data about the upper atmosphere.
However, the University did not ignore that
life and social sciences and the humanities. It
agreed to co-operate with several other major
universities to establish a broad biological and
social science oriented tropical studies center
in Costa Rica, which will teach and/research
the problems of the area. This institution will
be important both tb Central America, which
will benefit from North American educational
know-how, and to the North American studies
of this region. The center will start with
tropical biology, but will branch into the social
sciences as it develops.
T HE HUMANITIES, too, were strengthened as
the University lured a to-notch philoso-
pher from Swarthmore to serve as philosophy

department chairman. Prof. Richard B. Brandt
is a humanist who has a deep interest in the
social sciences, Vice-President for Academic
Affairs Roger W. Heyns explained. Prof.
Brandt's appointment brings depth to both
humanities and social science studies at the
University, for such a philosopher can infuse
meaning into the increasingly cold scientific
world of the social sciences.
Editorial. Staff
Editorial Directo City Editor
CAROLINE DOW........... Personnel Director
JUDITH BLEIER .............. Associate City Editor

It must point out that all that is good, true,
and beautiful is not red, white, and -blue; that
advocates of deficit spending or medical care
or unemployment insurance are not necessarily
pinkos or out-and-out Communists, and that
the other political party is not the most chisel-
ing asinine group of men ever assembled-in
addition to teaching, a person to earn a liveli-
HOW THEN, does all this relate to the Uni-
versity? It does so in several ways. It tells
the University that perhaps it is more impor-
tant to have political science or economics as
distribution requirements than a foreign lan-
guage. It tells it, too, that maybe even engineers
should be somewhere exposed to a liberal edu-
cation, that maybe they should learn to think
before they design their next atomic bomb or
pesticide-or automobile for that matter.
Moreover, it tells the University limits. It
tells it that there are things that must be
learned outside of the classroom, and that it
must leave time for this learning to take place.
It means that it shouldn't push its sort of
academic experience into the residence halls
after all, and that maybe there is more to
Homecoming or intermural sports or The Daily,
than a place to let off steam. It means there
should be time to participate, and it should
not be necessary to smoke a pack of cigarettes,
drink half a dozen cups of coffee, and sleep
five hours a day as well as lose five or 10
years of one's life in order to do so.
All this also makes a demand that the
undergraduate not : be forsaken for graduate
students and research. To teach is as important
as to learn, and the University must keep this
in mind. And, as a part of the University, so
must the faculty, who all too often are un-
willing to teach freshmen, the undergraduate,
the honors undergraduate, or anyone at all
because they believe they have more important
things to do.
They say that the individual is losing his
identity in the world of the organization man.
Juvenile delinquency is continually rising. That
democracy can work is yet to be proved, and,
polls that illustrate the astounding lack of
knowledge on. the part of voters, as well as
the abysmally low voter turnout in even the
most important elections go quite far in
casting a doubt.
It is unjust to say that the University, or that
all the colleges and universities in the country
are responsible for this. Yet at the same time
it is equally hard to see how this trend might
be stopped until such time as they see that
the process of education includes developing
individuals and citizens-as well as economic,

Autonomies Sometimes Conflict

comes Canadian prime minis-
ter next week, he will inherit the
problems of a drifting and divided
While the April 8 election gave
Canada a more stable government,
it did not give one party a par-
liamentary majority and the po-
tential successes of Pearson's pro-
gram will be blunted by his reli-
ance on coalition government.
The election was indicative of
Canada's problems. Despite the
publicity about nuclear weapons,
the major issue was Canada's nag-
ging recession. Nationalism is an
important issue, but is secondary
to unemployment. Its effecti t to
divide the country and prevent
one party from attaining a major-
* * *
CANADA HAS been drifting
downward economically since the
mid-1950's when its raw-materials
boom petered out. The market for
Canada's minerals dried up as the
Korean War after-effects disap-
peared and a chronic unemploy-
ment problem was created in the
urban areas.
The country was also plagued
by a balance of payments problem,
importing more than exporting.
The gold reserves behind the Ca-
nadian dollar shrank. Outgoing
Prime Minister John Diefenbaker,
in one of the neatest political
tricks, hid this crisis until after
last June's election, then got a
loan from the International Mon-
etary Fund.
Further, Canada will be ad-
versly affected by the Common
Market and Britains changing
trade patterns. Even with Britain
outside the European Economic
Community, Canada's trade will
decrease as world trade patterns
are forcing Britain to deal more
with Europe than with the Com-
monwealth. Britain is no longer
so dependent on Commonwealth
raw materials, but needs to sell
more o fits finished goods to Eur-
* * * *
DIEFENBAKER made little pro-
gress against these problems. He
followed conservative, hard-money
economic policies which did little
to ease unemployment. Two years
ago, he switched to a more liberal
economic policy, but the continu-
ing export drain checked him in
that direction.
Pearson plans to follow the tra-
ditional "pump-priming" approach
to curing the Canadian economy,
but he too will be faced with an
inflationary danger. Already, ex-
perts from the International Mon-
etary Fund are warning against
heavy deficit spending.
The new prime minister, like his
predecessor, seems to lack a pro-
gram for meeting changing Com-
monwealth trade patterns. He has
indicated that he plans to take a
pragmatic approach, patching up
strained relationships with both
London and Washington. Perhaps
he will follow President John F.
Kennedy's offer for closer trade
ties with the United States and
will help Kennedy take advantage
of the Trade Expaision Act. The
president last year offered to re-
vise United State's trade restric-
tions at a special world trade con-
ference of the General Agreement
on Tariff andTrade nations. No-
thing has come of this proposal
nearly a year old.4
IN WHATEVER course of action
he takes, Pearson will be bound

by Canada's political divisions
which have created two minority
government parliaments in a row.
The splits fall two ways. One is
along ethnic lines with French-
Canadians demanding more and
more stridently a greater part in
Canadian life. The other is an
urban-rural division which plagues
most countries.
Twenty-four seats in the new
parliament are held by the right-
wing Social Credit Party under its
fiery, French - Canadian dema-
gogue Real Caoette. Caoette's
party picked up a surprising 30
seats in the last parliament, main-
ly at the expense of the Liberals.
This strength was gained by
strongly campaigning on French-
Canadian dissent and promising a
great voice in Ottawa for them.
Caoette joined Diefenbaker, did
nothing but harrangue over Que-
bec television and eventually de-
serted the Progressive Conserva-
tives to force the inevitable elec-
tion. The Liberals regrouped and,
using popular Quebec Primier Jean
Lesarge, captured back six Socred
seats by playing the Socred game.
Their economic cause against the
Diefenbaker regime proved more
effective than Socred ethncism
* * *
Canadian party has an urban-
rural coalition that would give it
representation in all parts of the
country. The Liberals took the ur-
ban and depressed eastern Canada,
but once in the prairie lands that
extend from Western Ontario, they
were stopped cold. The Progres-
sive Conservatives won in the
West, but were swamped in the
East. Socred strength showed
mainly in Quebec and the New
Democrats who have both rural
and urban elements in it are too
weak to carry the country.
Thus the major political job of
Pearson is to rebuild the rural
support which the Liberals en-
joyed during their 22-year reign
from 1935-1957. This is a difficult
task as Diefenbaker assideously
wooed the prairie farmers while
in office and has become intrench-
ed in the West. Pearson also has
competed with strong New Demo-
crat and Socred provincial organ-
The election of Pearson, the
least nationalistic of all Canadian
leaders, indicated that hyper-
sensitive nationalism is not the
major issue as the American press
claims. It is important, but when
the pocketbook issues came to the
fore, this one was rejected by the
Canadian electorate. All the other
parties were against Canada re-
ceiving nuclear arms, but Pearson
reminded the voters of Canada's
commitment to North American
defense. Pearson won.
* * *
SO THE NEW prime minister
will patch up relations with Wash-
ington. As a foreign minister and
diplomat he is familiar with' the
United States and has worked very
closely with it. He is also a devotee
of the New Frontier and has
adapted his political style to it.
This will encourage harmony with
Hopefully, Pearson will end the
senseless bickering with the United
States and reduce Canadian touch-
iness, toward this country. It is
Canada's benefit that her econ-
omy become closely allied with the
United States. Canada and the
United States are,;'each other's
bestecustomers and only through
expanded trade can Canada pull
out of its doldrums.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second of three articles dealing with
relations between the University and
the City of Ann Arbor.)
OPERATING a state educational
institution in a large town
when each has the power to in-
fringe on the other's autonomy is
at best time-consuming.
Ideally, neither should be sub-
ordinated to the other. The Uni-
versity, being a sate institution
with students from all over the
United States and the world, has
responsibilities to society which
require it to follow larger in-
terests in preference to those of
the people who happen to live near
And the Ann Arbor community
has a right to conduct itself with-
out intervention from a source
outside it. Its reputation and char-
acter should not be overshadowed
by the University. So much for
ideal situations.
SINCE THE University is a
state institution, municipal or-
dinances including those on zon-
ing do not apply to its property.
In locating its women's coopera-
tive housing project on Oxford Rd.,
the University met a great deal
of resistance. The project marks a
radical departure from conven-
tional women's living quarters in
'that it combines large-unit effi-
ciency with individuality. In the
design of the buildings themselves,
the University followed technically,
the city's zoning and building code
Residents protested the con-
struction of the Oxford project,
though, arguing that it would de-

stroy the character of the neigh-
borhood. Property values would be
lowered, traffic would be increased
and the safety of children would
be lessened. They also claimed that
if the buildings were allowed, a
precedent would be set for the
University to invade any land at
its convenience.
Clearly both the University's and
the city's independence was at
stake. The city had set the char-
acter of the Oxford Rd. area. If
it did not have the power to stop
the University from altering that
character, then its independence
from the University was chal-
The University had set its goals
in forwarding women's' housing.
If it did not have the power to
prevent stiffling of its plans be-
cause of local interests, then its
freedom from the local government,
was threatened.
CONTINUAL communication in
planning is needed to keep' Uni-
versity-city relations excellent. It
presents a working basis and helps
prevent situations from developing
in which one institution would be
forced to submit to the other's
One factor which aggravated the
controversy was that by the time
many residents knew the details
of the University's plans, construc-
tion had progressed beyond the
point where it could reasonably
have been stopped or changed. So
even\ if the University did take
into account the local residents,
it did not consult with them. At
one point a court injunction to
stop construction was considered,
but eventually the situation was

r Must Rise

These events reflect the University's concern
with maintaining all disciplines here, not just
"The University is constantly engaged in
the ones that are easily and lavishly financed,
strengthening knowledge and education,"
Heyns explained. "It is not just concerned with
the biological and physical sciences."
Heyns has said the University does not
consider physical and life sciences one side
of a teeter-totter and humanities and social
sciences the other. It does not believe that
when one side goes up, the other side must
necessarily go down. Rather, all disciplines
are on an elevator, which the University is
constantly trying to lift.
HOWEVER, many dangers threaten the ele-
vator. The populace sees physical sciences
-especially space-age research-as a major
force in lifting Michigan out of its economic
doldrums. The University has done little to
dispell this impression and, in fact, has in-
tensified it. Even Friday, as the announcement
of the new research facilities was being made,
the administration and especially the Regents
were pointing out its economic usefulness and
the number of jobs the metals laboratory will
This impression generates great interest and
support in the physical sciences at the expense
of their educational value and of support for
other less glamorous fields. Thus far the
University has largely resisted pressures to
dilute other areas or to abandon its no-product
research stand.
A second problem is related to the first. The
space-age sciences have much national appeal,
and the federal government is eagerly pouring
funds into such research. The University with
equal alacrity has been picking the money up
and supporting the less-popular fields out of
its endowment funds. But.,since federal funds,
having doubled every four years since World
War II, grow much more rapidly than endow-
ment funds, there are potential imbalances.
THUS FAR, the University has maintained
the elevator. The social sciences and human-
ities have also been prospering although in a
lpianpt lar wa, v. Soialscience research

settled after University assurances
that provisions would be made to
meet safety and traffic require-
* * *
JOHN R. LAIRD, chairman of
the City Council's University-City
Committee, said that the Univer-
sity had been passing on its plans
on the Oxford project to the city
principally as an information ser-
He added that the University
has taken very positive steps to-
ward furnishing additional infor-
mation to the city and, toward
working with the city to imple-
ment its plans. "It is. now very
definitely a cooperative arrange-
ment," he said.
Previous communication ar-
rangements are still being used.
For several years, someone from
the, University administration has
sat on the City Council Planning
Commission. The council's Uni-
versity-City Committee is com-
posed of four members from the
city government and' four from
the University. The University re-
views all general planning with the
city Planning Commission. In the
past, the Regents have, requested
Planning Commission studies for
the North Campus and the medical
center. As a result of these con-
tacts. communication is almost
ONE OF the problems now being
worked out between the city and
the University is the access to the
medical center. At present the
front of the center is on Catherine
St. facing down Observatory. The
medical center planning study
calls for switching the access to
the north side of the medical cen-
ter. Agreement must be reached
over financing of extra highway
planning and construction.
The University also consults
with the city when it sells land to
private parties. Since its property
before a, sale is un-zoned, the
University considers the pur-
chaser's proposed usage. It also
relays its intentions to the city
administrator. For instance, the
future zoning of the botanical
gardens property wassagreed upon
before the land was sold
The communication runs both
ways. The city also keeps the
University informed on its plans,
such as the centralbusiness dis-
trict "Guide to Action."
STATE LAWS give the Univer-
sity special privileges which allow
it to act almost without check in
expanding its facilities and fur-
thering its goals.
Presently, conflicts that arise
do so before plans have been im-
plemented. But situations will con-
tinue to arise in which the Univer-
sity is going to run into resistance
no matter what its plans are and
in spite of the previous communi-
cation involved. Again, both the
University's and the city's auton-
ony from each other would be
In' instances of conflict, there
may be no way ot except to
make concessions. But autonomy
is not a "yes" or "no" thing. In
the minds of both University ad-
ministrators and local residents
there seems to be a peculiar fear
of setting precedents. If the Uni-

:. I

hootenanny Swings

'Three penny' Cuts Up

Twil long be remembered by
those who have seen it on the
stage, especiallyin its recent long
run revival off-Broadway. Based
on John Gay's immensely popular
Beggar's Opera of the early 18th
century, which also has met with
popular revivals, "The Threepenny
Opera" of' the movie screen will
be viewed with a certain amount
of laughter and pursed lips be-
cause unfortunately it is dated.
Playing at the Cinema Guild
for the last time tonight the film
was made in 1931 in Germany and
subsequently tracked down and
destroyed by the Nazi's after they
came into power. Only one com-
plete negative was found, and con-
sidering it is not the original and
is now 32 years old, the celluloid
and the sound track is in very
fine shape.
But some of the mishmash sen-
timentality and now stereotyped
emotion will cause uneasy discom-
fort for some viewers. Don't let
that happen to you. It is much
easier to fall into the sheer enjoy-
ment of the Bert Brecht-Kurt
Weill musical. Let Mack the Knife,
the unforgettable song of the same
name and all the music sink

Messer's new bride and the daugh-
ter of his greatest rival, Peachum,
the King of the Beggars, plays her
part dutifully and sings wonder-
fully, but even so, she must take
a back seat to Lotte Lenya. As
Jenny, the prostitute who is in,
love with Messer, she almost
steals the show. She is spurned
by her lover, betrays him and then
redeems herself by coming to his
aid. There is nothing new about
this in literature but Miss Lenya,
with her slight, upretty face, packs
a personality and presence that
lights up the screen.
And then there are the lyrics
to the songs. They have that "dis-
enchantment and wry optimism,"
as the opening titles of the movie
put it. They are the blood and
For instance, the narrator of the
story cuts into the action twice to
sing of how men's plans go astray.
Other lyrics sing of two people
getting married-the bride doesn't
know the bridegroom's name and
neither knows where the wedding
gown came from. And the army
recruits men without caring if
they are given the right name at
all. Poverty isn't honest, the story
shows, and at the end, Peachum
discovers the strength of the poor
combined with the wealth of a
fex It'q a nrett icnfused world.

LAST NIGHT'S hootenanny was
ample evidence that not all of
today's youth have become syn-
copated idiots, void of any spark'
of creativity or imagination This
year's production was slanted to-j
ward the blues. Well organized and
run, and with a great variety of
talent from the University, An-
tioch and Oberlin colleges, the
show drew a good crowd. They got
their money's worth. Our own
Huron River Boys, Mary Book-
stein, Joel Myerson, Chuck Craw-
ford and Dave Whitehorn, did a
good job with traditional bluegrass
numbers such as "Louisville Bur-
glar" and "Grandfather's Clock."
Oberlin's Barb Mueller handled
"Spring Hill Disaster," "Black is
the Color. . ." and other ballads
with much power and feeling but
it was difficult to hear her guitar.
Herb David (Inc.) displayed his
talents on the classical guitar and
mandola, and also demonstrated
some of the inherent peculiarities
of the Appalachian dulcimer.
Don Lawford and Bob Nelson
sang some good blues - "Fren-
nario" was especially well done.
They ingeniously h a c k e d up
"Wasn't That a Time" in con-
temporary "functioning - of - the -
Branyon sang "Black Mountain
Blues" and other ballads in a rich,
driving style. The show-stopper
appeared in the person of Ian

guitar style to the utmost.
It is a shame that University
regulations put a time linit on
the show, for most of thepe
forerscould have played all
night and most of the audience
would undoubtedly have been
there when they got through.
-Dick Pike

to the
To the Editor


CITIZENS of Ann Arbor and
students of the University
demonstrated yesterday in front
of Woolworths as part of a nation-
wide protest in sympathy with the
boycotts of various chain stores
in Birmingham, Alabama.
We should not forget that Sim-
ilar boycotts are now in progress'
in Pine Bluff, Arkansas and Jack-
son, Mississippi.
The Jackson-area Boycott Move-
ment, composed of SNCC, CORE
and NAACP are boycotting the
following national chain stores:
Bakers Shore, Bell Brothers Shoes,
Bomar Shoes, Butler Shoes, Gray-
son's Dress Shops, -H. L. Green,'
J. C. Penny, Lerner's Dress Shops,
National Shirt Shops, Nora Day
Shops, Owens Ltd., Parisian,
Schwnhilt. Shainbergs. Thom Mc-


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