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February 06, 1963 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-06

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President Urges
Government Aid
For 'Mentally Il
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President John F. Kennedy's far reaching pro-
posals to offer federal help to the mentally ill and retarded went to
Congress yesterday and drew little comment.
The first special mental health message ever sent to Congress
by a President called for a sweeping program which would return all
but a small proportion of the 600,000 hospitalized mentally ill to a use-
ful life.
Cut Retardation
It would also cut drastically into the 126,000 new cases of mental
retardation each year. He called for unspecified spending to help

Senator Asks
Time Limit
WASHINGTON (M-Senate ma-
jority leader Mike Mansfield (D-
Montana) aimed a one-two punch
yesterday at the Senate's 21-day-
old battle over its anti-filibuster
Joined by 15 other senators, he
filed a petition to limit debate on
a motion to call up a proposed
rules change that would permit
three-fifths of the senators voting
to put a time limit on a filibuster.
A two-thirds majority now is re-
He also announced he will move
today to table the motion to take
up the proposed rules change.

Fulbright Investigates
Foreign-Paid Lobbies
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Chairman J. William Fulbright (D-Ark) refused
yesterday to give names or cite specific cases under study by the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee after a two. and a half-hour
closed hearing on activities of foreign-paid lobbyists in the United
The committee spent most of the session questioning Undersecre-
tary of State George W. Ball, after brief interrogation of Edward R.
" Murrow, director of the United

Soviets See Threat in Pact

Viet Forces
By The Associated Press
NAM CAN, Viet Nam-Govern-
ment forces estimated yesterday
they have boxed 10,000 Commu-
nist supporters into a vast man-
grove swamp at the southern tip
of Viet Nam.
The troops hope to starve them
into cooperation w i t h i n two
The American-supported opera-
tion marks the first attempt by
government forces to probe the
jungles south of Nam Can.
In Washington, a top Air Force
general implied yesterday Army
helicopters might not have been
shot up by ambushing Communist
guerrillas in South Viet Nam last
month if they had been protected
by Air Force planes.
Lt. Gen. . Gabriel P. Disosway
said there had been no such am-
bushes between last November,
when orders were issued for es-
cort by fixed wing planes, and
what he called the "recent unfor-
tunate incident" near Saigon.
In that incident, on Jan. 2 at
Ap Bac, 11 of 15 Army helicopters
were struck by Communist fire
and one of them was lost.
Disosway brought more into the
open in a growing dispute be-
tween the Air Force and the Army
over Army plans to develop a
bigger. air arm of its own.
He suggested that a long look
must be taken "before we start
duplicating in another service
what is available and proven."
Suggest Lowering
Of Smoking Age
Special To The Daily
LANSING-A bill lowering the
legal age for purchasing of cig-
arettes from 21 to 17 years old was
introduced into the House Mon-
day by Representatives Harry A.
De Maso (R-Battle Creek), E. D.
O'Brien (D-Detroit), Michael No-
vak (D-Detroit) and William Ro-
mano (D-Warren). The bill was
sent to the House Judiciary Com-

finance a broad network of com-
munity mental health centers-24-
hour operations, set for emergen-
cies and aimed at diagnosis, pre-
vention and treatment.
The President also offered a va-
riety of new programs that would
cost $31.35 million the first year.
They would provide more care,
training and rehabilitation for the
mentally ill and retarded; more
pre-natal, maternity and child
care aimed at reducing mental re-
tardation, and more research cen-
ters to probe causes of mental ill-
Health Programs
President Kennedy will send
Congress a special message Thurs-
day outlining his proposals for leg-
islation to promote the nation's
health programs.
This was reported yesterday by
Democratic congressional leaders
after their weekly breakfast with
The general health message will
aim at alleviating the growing
shortage of doctors, dentists and
nurses and increasing hospital and
nursing home facilities. It presum-
ably will deal also with a plan to
help increase the capacity of med-
ical and dental schools.
. Youth Plan
The congressional leaders re-
ported that another special mes-
sage on a youth opportunities pro-
gram will be submitted by Kenne-
dy next week.
Last year, Kennedy lumped his
controversial proposals for medi-
cal insurance for the aged under.
the Sociay Security system with
his general health program. This
time, the plan will be submitted
separately in a special message
later, dealing with problems of the
Secretary of Welfare Anthony J.
Celebrezze has said the health in-
surance program, which died in
the last Congress, is being rede-
signed this year in an effort to
make it "more palatable."
Large Segment
The youth opportunities pro-
gram will be aimed at reducing the
number of young people who drop
out of school and fail to find jobs.
These people constitute a major
segment of the unemployed.
House Speaker John McCormack
(D-Mass), in a statement read to
newsmen, emphasized the stress
which Kennedy wants placed on
his mental health legislation, go-
ing to Congress yesterday.

... anti-filibuster

De Gaulle Hints
U.S. Expansion
Prompted Veto
By The Associated Press
PARIS -French President
Charles de Gaulle dropped a hint
yesterday that his real reason for
shutting the Common Market door
on Britain was to bar further
American economic expansion into
The Kennedy-Macmillan talks
in the Bahamas in late December
figured in this disclosure.
"The big affair at present," de
Gaulle was quoted by deputies, "is
the international situation and the
European problem."
In Strasbourg, Walter Hallstein,
chairman of the European Com-
mon Market commission, yester-
day indirectly accused de Gaulle
of trying to impose French domi-
nation on the continent.
He also said "the manner in
which one of the member govern-
ments took and announced its de-
cision to break off these negotia-
tions is not in conformity with the
duties of the community."
May Provide
Base Schools
WASHINGTON tom)-The gov-
ernment may have to provide
schools at some military bases in
Alabama, Georgia and South Car-
olina this fall if children living on
the stations are to attend non-
segregated schools, Welfare Assist-
ant Secretary James M. Quigley
said yesterday.
He discussed consultations with
local authorities to implement a
policy announced in March 1962:
that segregated schools will not be
considered suitable for such chil-
dren after September 1963.
The Justice Department, in a
separate action, has filed suits'
seeking desegregation of schools
in Mobile and Madison Counties in
Alabama, in Harrison County,
Miss., Bossier Parish (county), La.
and Prince George County, Va.

Mansfield favors the three-fifths
proposal, and said he would vote
against the tabling move. He pre-
dicted it would fail.
Strength Test
The vote on the tabling motion
would come immediately and
would provide a test of the strength
of two opposing sides-Southern-
led conservatives who favor the
present two-third majority rule
which permits them to talk civil
rights to death and a liberal group
that wants to make it easier to
shut off debate.
It is possible the Southerners
may also vote against tabling to
avoid moving any closer to a vote
on the rules change, killing the
value of the tabling vote as a test.'
If the tabling move fails, Mans-
field's debate-limitation petition
will automatically come to a vote
one hour after the Senate meets
on Thursday. If it passes the re-
quired two-thirds majority of
those voting-67 if all100 senators
vote-debate on the motion to take
up the three-fifths proposal would
then be limited to one hour for
each senator.

States Information Agency.
It met informally to circumvent
a ban by Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-
Mont), Senate majority leader, on
committee meetings for the dura-
tion of a Senate floor fight over
changing the anti-filibuster rule.
No Request
No request for permission to
meet was made by Fulbright, and
the committee staff said members
were notified to appear for the in-
formal session.
Ball testified at a similar for-
eign relations hearing Monday,
opening an investigation into ef-
forts by high paid United States
agents for foreign powers to in-
fluence United States policy deci-
He was noncommittal on leav-
ing yesterday's session but did say
that the committee went into some
specific cases.
Cuba Action
In other action, calls for an in-
vestigation of how much this
country knows about what is going
on in Cuba arose In both houses of
Congress yesterday.
Members grew increasingly edgy
over charges that the Soviet mili-
tary threat in Cuba is more dan-
gerous than the Kennedy admin-
istration admits.
In the Senate, assistant Demo-
cratic leader Hubert H. Humphrey
of Minnesota called a news con-
ference to urge a public congres-
sional inquiry at which the head
of the Central intelligence Agency,
among others, would be question-
Republican Criticism
In the lieuse a brief but sharp
debate broke out over Republican
criticism of Kennedy administra-
tion policies. Rep. William E. Min-
shall (R-Ohio) proposed a joint
congressional investigation into all
federal intelligence agencies.
Rep. Samuel S. Stratton (D-NY)
accused Sen Kenneth B. Keating
(R-NY) of "talking through his
hat" when he said the Russians
are maintaining missile bases in
Katanga Chief
Leaves Congo
ga President Moise Tshombe slip-
ped out of Katanga last night,
leaving some believing he may
never return to Congo politics.
Informants said the Katanga
president flew to Northern Rho-
desia for medical treatment.
A spokesman for the United Na-
tions said the Katanga leader had
complete freedom of movement.
The Congo central government
yesterday took over the Katangan
Surete-the internal security po-
lice that guarded Tshombe in his
days of power.
Tshombe still commands a pow-
erful following among the people
of Katanga and even some backers
of the United Nations campaign
that ended his secession want him
to remain as a political force in a
united Congo.
Tshombe said he was handing
over presidential duties during his
absence to his former foreign min-
ister, Evariste Kimba.



world News Roundup

< The
- fRetort






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Bj The Associated Pressj
MONROVIA -The government
announced yesterday it had uncov-
ered a plot by Liberia's army com-
mander to assassinate Liberian
President William V. S. Tubman
and seize power.
* * *
MOSCOW-Top Soviet Admiral
Sergei Gorshkov said yesterdayj
Russian submarines have success-
fully fired rockets from under wa-
ment investigated y e s t e r d a y
whether a new black terrorist
group killed five whites in a terri-
tory to be set up as an African
self-ruled enclave. A mob of 100
African men attacked the whites
with knives, battle axes and spears
early yesterday morning,
* * *
NEW YORK-Four states now
have ratified the proposed anti-poll
tax amendment to the- United
States Constitution. The measure,l
must have the approval of three-
fourths of the states to become
PECOS-Dr. John Paul Dunn,
who last year claimed he was pos-
sibly the first to tip the Federal
Bureau of Investigation to the f i-
nancial activities of Billie Sol
Estes, has been barred for the
second time from practicing medi-
cine at Pecos' only hospital.
* * *
LONDON-Lord Samuel, elder
statesman of Britain's Liberal
Party and a powerful influence
since the Edwardian reform era,
died yeserday at the age of 93.
- *
HOUSTON-The Manner Space-
craft Center confirmed yesterday
that * the scheduled April space

flight of astronaut Leroy Gordon
Cooper Jr. will be delayed due to
wiring problems in the launch ve-
JACKSONVILLE--Brutal waves
lashed at south Atlantic beaches
throughout yesterday and hamp-
ered ocean shipping. Gale warn-
ings were displayed from Cape
Canaveral to Nags Head, N.C., and
the Weather Bureau said that
stretch of seacoast can expect
rough waves and high winds to
continue into today.
* * *
NEW YORK - Although the
stock market appeared to be head-
ing for a substantial decline in
yesterday's activity, buying of
aerospace issues upped over-all
trading and paced a late recovery
drive. Final Dow-Jones industrials
showed thirty industrials down .70,
20 railroads down .05, fifteen utili-
ties at .35 and 65 stocks at .30.
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