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April 18, 1963 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-18

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redict8 Decrease
.n Variable Annuity


accumulation units is divided into
the total market value of the
stocks, determining the value of
that month's accumulation unit
When the member retires, his
accumulation units are converted
into annuity units, which deter-
mine his retirement income, sub-
ject to reconsideration in March of
each year.
Savings Accumulate
When stock market prices are
low, a fixed monthly deposit buys
more accumulation units than
when they are high. Thus, a mem-
ber's savings for the future build
up faster when the market is low
than when it is high.
CREF sells its annunities only to
hose who also hold annuities from
Teachers Insurance and Annuity
Association, of which it is an af-
filiate. Rules prevent any member
from putting more than half of
his total deposit to the organza-
tions into the variable annuity.
Thus, he is protected in the event,
of a market crash:'
The 1962 annual report of
CREF and TIAA calls it a "very
long-term systematic program for
investment of retirement sayings"
in which market "highs and lows
and short-term fluctuations have
relatively little importance." It
also states that last year's market
dip had no effect on the number
of participants in the program.
CREF's aim is to protect the
retiree from inflation, since stock
market prices tend to move up
and down with the cost of living.
TIAA and CREF together paid
out more than $19 in retirement
incomes last year.
Prof. Judah Goldin of Yale Uni-
versity will open the sixth annual
Zwerdling lecture series at 4:15
p.m. today in Aud. C with "Com-
ing into Contact with the Greeks."
He will speak on "The Midrash:
The Way to Interpret with Dar-
ing and Truth" at 8:15 p.m. today
at Hillel.
European Neutrals .. .
Prof. Jacques Freymond, director
of the Institut Universitaire des
Hautes Etudes Internationales at
Geneva, will speak on "The Euro-
pean Neutrals in the Atlantic Com-
munity" at 4:15 p.m. today in Aud.
C. The colloquium is sponsored
by the political science depart-
India Art...
Prof. Paramod Chondra of the
University of Chicago will speak
on "Bundi Painting" at 8:00 ppl.
today in Rackham Amph.
I qI

(Continued from Page 2)
The Seminar on Economic Develop-
ment will meet today 4 to 6 p.m. in Rm.
301, Economics Building. Prof. Carter
Goodrich of Columbia University will
speak on "Argentina as a New Coun-
Doctoral Examination for William
Charles Kaska, Chemistry; thesis: "The'
Interaction of Alkyl and Aryl Alumi-
num Compounds with Unsaturated Sys-
tems," today, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, J. J. Eiscr.
General Notices
Students Planning to Take Prelim-
inary Exams for the PhD in Linguistics
during the current spring semester are
requested to inform Prof. Marckwardt
in writing by April 22 of their inten-
tion and to indicate the exam or exams
which they wish to take.
At the Meeting of April 4, the follow-
ing cases involving fraternities were
heard by the Joint Judiciary Council:
Zeta Psi-Participation in an unreg-
istered party at which alcoholic - bever-
ages were consumed. The Council fined
them $130.00, $65.00 suspended.
Phi Sigma Kappa-Participation in
an unregistered party at which alcohol-
ic beverages were consumed. The Coun-
cil fined them $110.00, $55.00 suspended.
Triangle-Participation -in an unreg-
istered party. Council issued a written
Delta Tau Delta-Participation in an
unregistered party. Council issued a
written warning.
Student Government Council Approval
of the following student-sponsored ac-
tivities becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All pub-
licity for these events must be with-
heldvuntil the approval has become ef-
IQC-Anderson House, All-Campus
Dance, April 19, 8:30-12:00, East Quad.
Michigan Christian Fellowship, Reg-
ular meeting, Dr. James Bedford lectur-
ing on demonology, April 19, 7:30 p.m.,
African Student Union, Annual Ban-
quet and Ball, guest speakers, April 27,
6:00 p.m., Anderson Room, Union.
Parking Information: Effective April
18, Lot N-17rat the Northwest corner of
E. Washington at S. Forest will be
restricted as follows: East bay for open
meter parking. West bay for staff paid
Ipermit parking.
Theabove restrictions are on a tem-
porary basis until further notice.
Piano Majors Recital: A recital by
piano majors in the School of Music
will be presented on Fri., April 19, 4:15
p.m. in Lane Hall Aud. Student per-
formers will be Barbara Christoph, Re-
becca West, and Lynn Bartholomew
playing the compositions of Haydn,
Bach, and Schumann. Open to the pub-
lic without admission charge.
Symphony Orchestra: The Univ. of
Mich. Symphony Orchestra, with Josef
Blatt, conductor, will present a con-
cert on Fri., April 19, 8:30 p.m. in Hill
Aud. Compositions they will play are
by Tchaikovsky, Wagner, and Bizet.
Open to the public without admission
Doctoral Examination for James Mar-
tin Carman, Business Admin.; thesis:

"The Demand for Durable Home Furni-
ture," Fri., April 19, 8th Floor Conf.
Room, School of Business Admin. Chair-
man, D. R. G. Cowan.
Doctoral Examination for Siavash Esh-
ghy, Mechanical Engrg.; thesis: "The
Effect of Longitudinal Oscillations on
Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer from
Vertical Surfaces in Free Convection,"
Fri., April 19, 229 W. Engin. Bldg., at
4:00 p.m.. Chairman, V. S. Arpaci.
Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. will in-
terview at the Bureau of Appts. on
Thurs., April25 not on Fri. as pre-
viously stated. Call Ext. 3544 for an
Federal Service Entrance Exam will
be held on May 11. Applications for
this exam must be filed no later than
April 25. Exams are held at the down-
town Post Office, Main & Catherine
212 SAB-
Kelly Girls-Miss Nancy Seelye is in-
terviewing at Summer Placement. Her
hours are Wed. from 2-4 p.m. and
Tues. & Thurs. from 3-5 p.m.
Smith, Hinchman & Grylls Assoc.,
Inc., Detroit, Mich.-Positions open for
Arch., Struct., Mech. & Elec. Drafts-
men. Male or female.
National Curb Numbering, Inc.,701
Fairway Dr., Champaign, Ill.: Will in-
terview men students for jobs during
the summer. Jim Hagan will interview
in Room 3500 Student Activities Bldg.
Fri., April 19, from 1 to 5 p.m. Salary
can range from $75 to $90 per week.
Come to Summer Placement for fur-
ther information,
Gaylord Container Div., of Crown Zel-
lerbach Corp., Columbus, Ohio-Indust.
Engrg. position now open at Baltimore,
Ohio plant. Require degree in Indust.
or Mech. Engrg. Should have a high
interest in areas of Methods Improve-
ment Work, Standards, Job Evaluation,
& Plant Layout, with 1-5 yrs. of exper.
Conn. Civil Service-1) Girls' School
Counselor-Degree with courses in
Psych. & Guidance. 2) Social Worker
III-Degree plus 2 yrs. exper. in social
or group work in a public or private
agency serving families & children. Res-
idence waived for these positions. Apply
by April 24.
City of Milwaukee Civil Service -
Budget Technician II & III-Degree
with major courses in Publ. Admin.,
Bus. Ad., Econ., Math or Engrg. U.S.
citizenship. From 3 to 5 yrs. exper.
depending on level of position. (MA
may be sub. for 1 yr. exper.). The exam

for these positions may be given in the
Ann Arbor area. Apply by May 9.
Linde Co., Div. of Union Carbide
Corp., Indianapolis, nd.--Openings for
Engnrs. & Scientists for research oper-
ations in the high temperature field.
Openings Include: ME, ChE, Phys.
Chemist, Solid State Physicist, Develop-
menf Engnrs., Prod. Engnrs. & Sales
Veterans Admin. Hosp., Fort Meade,
South Dakota-Opening for Clinical So-
cial Worker. MA in Social Work. Will
start at Grade GS-9 or GS-10.
Mead Johnson & Co., Evansville, Ind.
-1) Budget Accountant-Will counsel &
advise the mgmt. of a major div. of the
Co. on matters of a fiscal & budgetary
nature. 2) Supervisor, General Account-
ing-Would involve supervision & per-
formance of general acc't. functions.
Both of these positions require a des
gree in Acc't. or Bus. Ad. & a minimum
3 yrs. exper. in general, budget, audit
or publ. ace't. CPA helpful but not re-
Mendota State Hosp., Madison, Wis.-
Openings available in Activity Thera-
py Dept. Particularly interested in grad-
uates with degrees in Recreation, Phys.
Educ., Soc., Social Work, etc.
Wilson & Co., Chicago, 111.-Openings
as follows: 1) Chemist-man-BS Chem.
2) Lab Tech .-man or woman-mini-
mum 2 yrs. college chem. 3) Prod. Su-
pervisor-man-BS Bacti., Chem., or
Med. Sci. 4) Statistical Typist-woman-
excellent typist--stat. exper. desirable.
Kimmel's Barber Shop, Pontiac, Mich.
-_Seeking Journeyman Barber with a
State License, that would be interested
in vacation & holiday work.
Anaconda Aluminum Co., Louisville,
Ky.-Opening for Production Engnr.
(trainee). Will work in Fabrication Div.
Engrg. graduate, pref. Mechanical. Pre-
fer graduate who has been out of school
a yr. or so & who has completed his
initial military service obligation.
Management Consultants, Detroit,
Mich.-1) Quality Control Chemist --
pharmaceutical, young. 2) Pharmaceu-
tical Production Pharmacist-experienc-
ed. Both positions in Detroit.
Tulane Drama Review, Tulane Univ.,
New Orleans, La.-Managing Editor of
the Tulane Drama Review. At least a
BA with strong trng. in literature &
theatre. Should be interested in pub-
lishing. Exper. necessary in proof-read-
ing, lapout design. Deep interest &
knowledge of the threatre required.
State of Washington Civil Service -
Library Supervisor I-4 yrs. clerical ex-
per., including 2 yrs. library exper.
I3, 4MAY

For further information, please
General Div., Bureau of Appts.,;
SAB, Ext. 3544.
Part- Time

The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Placement
Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg.
during the following hours: Mon, thru
Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Cope, Part-
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, Ext. 3553.
1-Electrical Engnr. Junior or Senior
with at least a '3.00 grade average.
Must be a U.S. citizen and able to
get security clearance. Must also
have transportation. %-time posi-
tion on a long-term basis.
-Several odd-jobs available.
1-Experienced camera repairman or
someone with good mechanical ap-
titude and has worked with small
mechanical moving parts.
1-Technical typist who can use an
interchangeable keyboard to work
20 to 30 hours per week until the
end of the summer.
1-Registered Nurse to work at a girls
camp from June 18 to August 17.
Must be single. Excellent living con-
1-Registered Nurse to work %-time,
from June 17 thruAugust. Will be
drawing blood from patients. Hours:
7:45 a.m. until 12 noon.


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The German Club Presents:
a comedy by Duerrenmatt
Friday, April 19
8:30 p.m.
Arena Theater-Frieze Bldg.
Admission: Temporary Membership





Read and Use Daily Classified Ads


TONIGHT at 8:15 p.m. at HILLEL
jointly with Beth Israel Center

PROF. JUDAH GOLDIN, of Yale University
"THE MIDRASH: The Way to. Interpret
With Daring and Truth"
Also at 4:15 today and tmorrow, in Aud. C, Angell Hall
Dr. Goldin speaks on:
4/18-"On Coming Into Contact with the Greeks"
4/1 9-"The Place and Meaning of the Biblical Story"
sponsored by Near Eastern Studies Dept. of U/M -

'"The Harli6m Streetsinger"
"One of the most astounding singers anywhere . .
-Sing Out
"Unparalied as a guitarist"-.Lamont Cranston


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Fly the jets from coast to coast,
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Marital Status: Single (may be
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Education: High school gradu-
ate with 2 years of college or
public contact experience de-
Please contact the
Bureau of Appointments
for date and time of
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This pen can save you important money on car-
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A beautifully expressive gift. 1


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cluster, front bucket seats,
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glide automatic* and other
sporty features.


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