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April 18, 1963 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-18

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"RIL is, 1963


laseball Team Begins Home Season

Michigan's defending NCAA
baseball champions under new
head coach Moby Benedict will
open the regular season this after-
noon at 3:30 p.m. against Eastern
Michigan at Ferry Field.
The Wolverines returned Mon-
day from Arizona where they com-
piled a 5-3 record. Eastern Mich-
igan' has a 1-1 record after de-
festing Detroit and losing to
Bowling Green.
Veteran Team
Benedict will go with practically
an all-veteran team but was un-
decided about who would be his
starting pitcher yesterday after-
noon. One veteran who will not
play today is junior Dave Camp-
bell who will be out of action for
awhile with a fractured toe. Soph-
omore George Skaff will replace
Catcher is the only other posi-
tion where a sophomore will def-
initely start. "You can say that
Adams will start at catcher," said
Benedict. "I don't know whether
it will be Pete or Chuck Adams,
though." Both are sophomores who
are attempting to fill the void left
by the graduation of Joe Merullo.
In the outfield, from left to
right, are seniors Jim Steckley,
and Denny Spalla and junior Ron
Tate. Tate and Steckley lead the
team in hitting with averages of
.400 and .368, respectively. Spalla
is hitting .259 but hit .367 during
the 1962 Big Ten season.
Veteran Infield
'Besides Skaff, the infield con-
sists of junior Harvey Chapman at
third base, and seniors Dick Honig
and Captain Joe Jones at short-
stop and second base, respectively.
Chapman led the team in hitting
for the whole season with a .313
Jones had a Big Ten average of
U-M Sbailors
prepare for
The Sailing Club open meeting
at? 7:45 tonight in the Union Ball-
room signals the beginning of the
spring season for the Michigan
Sailing Club.
With a fleet of ten Jet 14's and
one MIT Dingy, the club offers
pleasure sailing, lessons, inter-
club and intercollegiate racing and
comradship at their Base-Line
Lake site outside Ann Arbor.
A ride pool. system .provides
transportation between . the lake
and the side door of the Michigan
Union for about 150 student mem-
bers. Faculty, Ann Arbor and sur-
rounding area residents also are
members of the club, which pro-
vides private moorings as well as
a communal fleet.
The club will open its facilities
to all prospective members this
weekend. Members will offer sails
in the boats and rides from the
Union on both Saturday and Sun-
day. Further explanation about
the club, slides picturing past ex-
ploits of members, refreshments
and general "sail-talk" will be
featured at the open meeting,
The Sailing Club offers a chance
for many students to get acquaint-
ed with sailing that would prob-
ably never come in contact with
it, Commodore Joe Buck said.
Novices can learn all aspects of
sailing, from trimming the sails
to the finest points of racing.
Members maintain and suport
the entire fleet and grounds. The
joy of feeling a boat lift with the
wind is the same on a small lake
as it is on the ocean, one member
has said. One of the unique things
about a University sailing club is

that it provides the atmosphere
for a "community of part time
sailors" to thrive, another member
Weekly meetings, which offer
policy discussions, novice and rac-
ing schools are held in 311 West
Engineering Building each Thurs-
da.r yat 7:45 p.m. New members
are always welcome.
The club's intercollegiate rac-
ing team has won several national


.362 last season and,Honig's aver-
age was .345.
Benedict said he probably would
save his ace, Fritz Fisher, until
Saturday's doubleheader at Mt.±
Pleasant. Fisher was credited with
three of the Wolverine wins in
Soph Pitchers_
"I'm seriously considering start-
ing one of my sophomores," said
Benedict. The three newcomers-
Clyde Barnhart, Marlin Pember-
ton, and Jerry Hribar-each pitch-
ed about six innings in Arizona
and Benedict would like to give
them some more experience be-
fore the Big Ten season starts.
If Benedict decides to go with
a veteran, he can start either
senior Dave Roebuck or junior Jim

Benedict regards the Hurons as
a tough opponent. This seems to
be an accurate description since
Golf Anyone?
The University of Michigan
women's golf team will have an
organizational meeting at the
Women's Athletic Building to-
day at 5:10 p.m.
Golf Manager Arlene Alton
emphasized that the meeting is
not a tryout meeting for the
team. Any woman is welcome
who wants to learn about the
opportunities involved in join-
ing the team.
Eastern defeated Detroit in its
opening game. Detroit beat Mich-
igan twice last season and the

Titans reportedly have another
good team this season.
Coach Bill Crouch said he in-
tends to start junior Fred Hurbert
on the mound against the Wolver-
ines. Ron Saunders, a 30-year old
outfielder from Windsor, Ont., is
one of the team's leading hitters.
Saunders drove in both Huron
runs with two hits in four trips
to the plate in the 9-2 loss to
Bowling Green Tuesday. His over-
all average last season was .329.
There are twelve lettermen re-
turning to the squad and the big
problem for Crouch is to find a
third baseman and another out-
fielder. Other standouts on the
squad besides Saunders are Ken
Mirer with a .339 average last
season and Ken Johnson with a
.333 average.

Holds Boxing
Public Hearing
Senate committee agreed yester-
day to tap public sentiment be-
fore deciding whether to ban box-
ing in Pennsylvania.
The Judiciary General Commit-
tee unanimously agreed to hold at
least a one-day public hearing
May 1 on a bill which would out-
law both professional and amateur
boxing in the state.
The bill was introduced in the
senate under bi-partisan sponsor-
ship last month following the
death of Davey Moore in a feath-
erweight title bout in California.
Cries to prohibit the sport be-
came louder in Pennsylvania after
amateur boxer Francisco Velas-
quez was injured fatally in a bout
at Carbondale April 6.
Indiana 7, Cincinnati 4
Notre Dame 17, Ft. Lee 2
Detroit 6, Wayne State 3
Central Michigan 10, Kalamazoo 8
Iowa 8, Bradley 4
Nebraska 17, So. Dakota State 12
Connecticut 6, New Hampshire 0
Wake Forest 12, Georgia Southern 10
Queens (NY) 6, Brooklyn 5
VMI 5, Georgetown 0

... team leader

Nelson's Stroke Stolen by Chet the Jet'

1. With graduation coming up, looks
like we'll have to start thinking
about the future.
My philosophy is to live
from day to day.
$. Hardly likely, since 93 per cent
of all men and women get married.
Is that so?

When it happened to Alexander
Graham Bell, he sued.
Bit Richard (Breezy) Nelson
couldn't get a patent, and when
it happened to him, he just kept
on swimming.
Nelson, a 5'11", 165-lb. Mich-
igan senior, might still be the best
breaststroker in the country if
he'd been able to protect his
stroke from opportunists the way
Bell did his telephone.
When Nelson closed out his col-
lege career earlier this month with
a share of his third straight NCAA
title at 100 yds., it went largely
unnoticed by swimming f a n s
around the country.
Jet Commands Respect
Instead, most chose to bow their
heads in respect to another breast-
stroker, Indiana's Chet (The Jet)
Jastremski, who for two years has
cleaned up in Big Ten and AAU
championships but has never been
eligible for the collegiate title, be-
cause his school has been on
NCAA probation since 1960 for
football recruiting irregularities.
Since Jastremski has defeated
all comers for the past two years,
he is considered, and rightly so,
the world's premier breaststroker.
But ears in Ann Arbor perk up
when Jastremski is designated as
the one who "revolutionized" the
stroke, changing it from one of
grace and rhythmic flow to one
as violent-and almost as fast-as
the others.
Nelson Reaches Breakthrough
The story goes back to April 2,
1960, when an unheralded Michi-
gan freshman - Nlson - became
the first breaststroker ever to
break 1:03 for 100 yds. by win-
ning the indoor AAU champion-
ship in 1:02.4. He beat Jastremski.
The scene then shifts to March
4, 1961, when a Michigan sopho-
more-again Nelson, but not so
unheralded - became t h e first
breaststroker ever to break 1:02
for 100 yds. by winning the Big
Ten championship in 1:01.8.
Again he beat Jastremski, but this
time by just a hair.
It came almost as an anticlimax
when Nelson won the NCAA cham-
pionship at 100 yds. later that
month in .1:02.1. Jastremski, of
course, was not there.
That made Nelson the Ameri-
can, National Collegiate and Na-
tional Collegiate championship
record-holder and one of the hot-
test pieces of swimming property
Gets Better, But...
Since that time, Nelson has low-
ered his best 100 time to 1:01.3
and his National Collegiate cham-
pionship record to 1:01.7.
All the other records, however,
now belong to Jastremski, who
has become the first breaststroker
to break 1:01, 1:00 and the only
keep trim

one to break :59. He has estab-
lished new standards of :58.5 for
the 100 and 2:09.0 for the 200.
Jastremski didn't become a con-
sistant winner until last year as
a junior, and that's when national
magazines started labeling him the
"new" type of breaststroker, who
looked more like a tugboat or a
retreiver than a? swimmer because
he used a shortened arm stroke
and kick that made ,him take more
strokes per lap.
But there are those close to
Michigan swimming circles who in-
sist that Jastremski reached these
major breakthroughs by copying
Nelson's faster arm stroke.
Don't Forget Glide
Michigan Coach Gus Stager
agrees that this might be true but
chooses to emphasize that it was
the use of Nelson's longer glide
between strokes which helped.Jas-
tremski more than anything else.
"Both of them swam fairly
fundamentally the same," Stager
commented. "But the change you
could really notice in Chet after
Breezy beat him in the Big Tens
two years ago was the way (In-
diana Coach Jim) Counsilman
stretched him out in the water
and lengthened his glide like
Then he made motions showing
how Jastremski used to take his
arm strokes-in close to his body.
Nelson says he always used a
faster-than-normal arm drive and
that Jastremski carried it to an
extreme - and a very successful
Stay in First Gear
"It's a fast, jabbing arm stroke
and operates on the principle of
'turning over' faster," he explain-
ed. "It's like a racing car going
in first gear all the time.
"You've got to give Chet a lot
of credit. It takes guts to swim
a 200 like that, but he's really
strong and can drive himself."
It is conditioning which Nelson
openly admits is the difference
between himself and Jastremski,
a powerful 5'9", 170 lbs.
"In high school I never really
had to work out very hard, and
swimming was a lot of fun for
me," he explained.
Wins State Meet
(Nelson was state high school
breaststroke champion his junior
year for Grand Rapids South but
was defeated as a senior by Jon
Baker, now a teammate of his at
"In college you have to throw
out an hour a day with these new
kids coming up," he continued.
"It's not so much fun any more.
Guys who worked out hard in high
school are used to it, but for us
who never did it's pretty hard."

Nelson has always felt he could
at least get by in the 100, but he's
never had much success at the
longer distance, and he's the first
to own up. "You have to be in
better shape to swim a good 200,
and that's why I don't like it as
Nelson's best 200 time is 2:17.0,
and while he has consecutive
NCAA titles at 100 yds. his best
performance at 200 yds. came last
year when he finished second to
Minnesota's Virg Luken in the
NCAA meet.
Down a Little
This season Nelson never did
quite reach his peak of previous
years. Besides having to settle for
a tie for first with Princeton's
Gardiner Green in the NCAA 100,
he failed to qualify in the 200.
"I think I was mentally fa-
tigued," Nelson said. "With three
big meets in a row (Big Ten, AAU,
NCAA), I never really started to
feel good the whole time until the
last 50 yds. of the 100."
It's a good thing he did start
to feel good then. Nelson was dead'
last in the six-man finals of the
NCAA' 100 at the halfway mark
and just did manage to catch
Green, the man he had victimized
the year before with his charac-
teristic strong finish.
Likes to Sprint
"I almost always try to swim
from behind, especially in the
100," he commented. "A lot of
guys have a sense of timing, but
I've never really learned to pace.

myself in a race. By your senior
year you get to know the strategy
of the other guys, though."
Since Nelson is a senior, he has
swum his last race for Michigan,
but he may not be through com-
peting for good.
He plans to take a fellowship
at Ohio University next year and
will help coach the team as part
of his graduate work. After that
he would like to return to compe-
tition in the Navy, just as former
Southern California backstroker
Charlie Bittick did this year.
No More Jastremski
And if Nelson does make his
comeback, Jastremski probably
won't be around. Chet The Jet
plans to retire after this year to
enter medical school.
"It'll take 11/2 years for the pack
to catch up with Chet, providing
he does retire," predicted Nelson.
"If he doesn't, he'll probably go
faster. I think the times in the
100 will start to level out around
And that's a far cry from the
days B.B. (Before Breezy) when
all it took to hold the American
record was 1:03.0.
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