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April 17, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-17

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Steel Firms Continue
Major Price Increases
On Selected Products

Cuban Refugee Council
Splits on Anti-U.S. Stand

Fight African Student Union

Macmillan Participates
In Search for Radicals
JONDON ()-British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan took a
personal hand yesterday in the search for "the Spies of Peace," ban-
t}e-bomb extremists who made public important civil defense secrets.
Angered by this latest breach in security, Macmillan cut his
saster holiday short and hurried back to London from Birch Grove,
his country home in Sussex. The Prime Minister and Home Secretary
Henry Brooke met behind closed doors, discussing a problem bound to
create a storm in Parliament.
Scotland Yard
While they talked, Scotland Yard agents pressed a search for
those responsible for preparing and distributing a pamphlet describ-

Views Allied
WASHINGTON (AP) - Undersec-
retary of State George W. Ball said
yesterday there are several ways
still open by which France can
participate in an interallied nu-
clear force. But Ball did not ar-
gue that France will automatically
be included.
His dispussion of the French role
was in a Voice of America broad-
cast interview, and appeared to
differ with reports out of Parisi
NATO meetings last week that
French- aircraft stationed in West
Germany would be part of the pro-
jected interallied nuclear force.
But, while Ball did not refer to
nuclear forces already operating
under NATO, a State Department
spokesman said this was not. sig-
nificant. He said Ball had assum-
ed it was understood that existing
forces would be embraced in the
proposed nuclear command. These
forces include two squadrons of
French fighter-bombers in West
Germany which are to be equipped
with United States nuclear bombs
under United States control.
The Ball interview was recorded
Monday, Secretary of State Dean
Rusk represented the United
States in the Paris talks, return-
ing last Thursday evening..
Ball said the interallied nuclear
force "will consist of the British
V bomber force and three Ameri-
can Polaris type submarine forces'
which will be added later."
He also noted that when Britain
gets Polaris submarines-expected
about 1970-the submarines will be
committed to NATO along with
some additional United States
forces. In the meantime, he said,
the United States is discussing
with its European allies the crea-
tion of a multilateral nuclear
force "in which the non-nuclear
nations as well as the nuclear pow-
ers can participate."
. When Ball was asked what role
he foresaw for France, he did not
mention the fighter bomber units
already assigned to NATO in Ger-
many but emphasized that ways
of cooperation and participation
are open to the French if they
wish to use them.

*ing official arrangements for run-
ning Britain in the event of a nu-
clear attack.
The pamphlets were distributed
in the name of an action group
called "Spies for Peace" to Lon-
don ban-the-bomb marchers over
the Easter holiday.
The march was sponsored by
the Campaign for Nuclear Dis-
armament. Leaders quickly disso-
ciated themselves, however, from
the distribution of the pamphlets
and from the clashes with police
that occurred in London's West
End Monday night.
Marchers Arrested
During the struggles 74 march-
ers were arrested. Many of them
appeared in magistrates courts
yesterday and were fined from
two to 10 pounds ($5.60-$28) or
were released on bail.
The pamphlets passed out along
the line of march gave the loca-
tion of a bunker in the country-
side near Reading designed to
house a regional seat of govern-
ment in the event of a nuclear
strike at Britain.
Call- Witness
In Thresher
court yesterday named the skipper.
of a submarine: escort vessel as a
party to the inquiryin the loss of
the nuclear submarine thresher
with 129 lives.
Named by the courts-but not
charged-was Lt. Cmdr. Stanley
W. Hecker, 36, skipper of the ves-
sel Skylark.
The court said to Hecker:
"The evidence in question re-
flects that you failed to inform
higher authority of all of the in-
formation available'to you perti-
nent to the circumstances at-
tending the last transmissions re-
ceived by Skylark from Thresher
on April 10, as it was your duty to
do, for an unreasonable length of
Meanwhile in Washington, the
restriction which the Navy has
placed on the depth to which
Thresher class submarines may
dive, pending completion of in-
vestigation into the loss of the

Eight Firms
Hike Prices
Within Week
President Silent
On Latest Boosts
NEW YORK (P)-Price increases
on steel touched off last week
snowballed through the industry
United States Steel, by far the.
biggest producer, and three other
major steelmakers joined the se-
lective price rise parade in a mat-
ter of hours,.
With four firms that announc-
ed markups earlier, they produc-
ed more, than 55 per cent of the
nation's steel in 1962.
Abortive Drive
Significantly, two of the com-
panies that fell in line yesterday
held aloof from an abortive drive
a year ago for a $6-a-ton across-
the-board increase.
These were Inland Steel Co.,
large Chicago area producer, and
Armco Steel Corp., based in Mid-
dletown, Ohio.
Unlike last year, the swing this
time is to boosts on a comparative
handful of important steel items
-in most cases plates, sheets,
strips and galvanized products.
Kennedy View
President John F. Kennedy last
Thursday pronounced this type of
increase acceptable, so long as it
doesn't widen out to the'point of
becoming general.
As yet, the pricing actions gave
no sign of raising the storm of
protest that quickly met across-
the-board steel increases a year
ago and played a big part in their
Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp.,
the number four producer, was the
other major firm that took its
place in line during the day.
Other Firms
Still to be heard from among
steel's big 10 were second-ranking
Bethlehem Steel Corp., fifth-rank-
ing National Steel Corp., seventh-
ranking Youngstown Sheet & Tube
Co., ninth-ranking Kaiser Steel
Corp. and 10th-ranking Colorado
Fuel & Iron Co.
Republic Steel Corp., number
three concern, raised prices Mon-
For the most part the markups
ranged from $4 or $4.50 a ton on
hot rolled sheets and strip to $7
a ton on galvanized items amount-
ing to roughly three or four per
U. S. Steel, which said increases,
averaged $4.85 a ton and covered
items representing 29 per cent of
sales, and Inland, appeared to have
posted the smallest boosts.

MIAMI (J)-Cuban Revolution-
ary Council President Jose Miro
Cardona, publicly rebuked by the
United States for his purported
bitter denunciation of United
States policy towardComns
Cuba, faced a fight yesterday for
council support of his stand.
The Council, through which the
United States government has
dealt on exile matters, was report-
ed split on the issue.
Six of 12 revolutionary groups
comprising the body were repre-
sented as ready to accept Miro's
resignation when the matter comes
to a showdown tomorrow night.
Controversial Letter
Others indicated they would re-
Ject his offed to quit.
Council members said they be-
lieved the text of Miro's contro-
versial resignation letter, lambast-
ing United States policy and re-
portedly charging the Kennedy
Administration reneged on anti-
Castro action offers, would be
made public after tomorrow's
council meeting despite reported
United States pressure to the con-
The Miami News quoted sources
close to Miro as saying he had
been threatened with deportation
if he released the text.
Deportation Threats
The News also said Miro has
been told that if he makes public
the 20-page document "no. exile
would ever again be admitted in-
side a United States government
office." Miro has had such access.
The allegation was denied by a
State Department spokesman in
Washington. Press Officer Lincoln
White said, "This report is with-
out foundation. No deportation
proceedings have been threatened
or contemplated against Miro
Cardona or any other exile lead-
The council will decide at its
forthcoming session not only
whether to accept Miro's resigna-
tion, but whethertoddisband or to
name a new president and con-
John H. Crimmins, chief of the
State Department's Cuban affairs
office in Miami, said he was study-
ing the situation closely.
Set To Enact
With the new constitution's vic-
tory margin finally set at 7,766
votes, Michigan lawmakers are or-
ganizing to implement its provi-
Sen. Garry E. Brown (R-School-
craft), a former con-con delegate,
will head a committee of six sen-
ators and six representatives in
deciding which parts of the docu-
ment need immediate legislative
attention and which will need it
Its report is expected June 4,
the final day of the spring legis-
lative session. A tentatively-plan-
ned 18-member committee will
take it from there, working
through the summer to prepare
specific implementation proposals
for action in the special legislative
session next fall.

... rebuked

Requests Aid
Of Kennedy
Rights Commission called on Pres-
ident John F. Kennedy yesterday
for an all-out effort-possibly in-
cluding the withholding of federal
funds-to force Mississippi to pro-
tect the rights of its Negro citi-
"There is an overriding cpnsti-
tutional obligation to make certain
that federal funds are expended
in a manner which benefits all
citizens without distinction," the
commission said in a special report
to the President at his Palm
Beach, Fla., vacation-home.
The commission has been study-
ing the Mississippi situatipn close-
ly for several weeks. Staff Direc-
tor Berl I. Bernahard flew to Jack-
son yesterday for a special session
last night of the Mississippi ad-
visory committee.
There was no immediate reac-
tion from the vacation White
"Since October, 1962," the report
said, "the open and flagrant viola-
tion of constitutional guarantees
in Mississippi has precipitatedvser-
ious conflict which, on several
occasions, has reached the point
of crisis ... each week brings fresh
evidence of the danger of a com-
plete breakdown of law and or-
Offer Pardon
To Vietnamese
SAIGON ()--Vietnamese Presi-
dent Ngo Dinh Diem yesterday of-
fered a conditional amnesty to
South Vietnamese who are fight-
ing his government under the
Communist flag.
Diem invited all men and wom-
en "who have been deceived, ex-
ploited or enrolled by force by the
Communists" to rally to the side
of the national government.

Trouble between the Bulgarian
government and African students
first came to light when the stu-
dents demonstrated on Feb. 12,
against what they called govern-
ment opposition to an All-African
Student Union at Sophia Univer-
According to the Bulgarian Tele-
graph Agency, the foreign students
are allowed to organize themselves
into national groups which carry
out cultural and educational ac-
tivities as well as champion the
interests of their members before
Die fenbaker
Holds Post.
OTTAWA (JP)-Canadian Prime
Minister John Diefenbaker delay-
ed his resignation yesterday and
Liberals were reported planning
to assume power Monday instead
of Friday, the original target date.
Liberal Party Leader Lester B.,
Pearson had predicted he would
take over from Diefenbaker and
his Conservatives Friday.
Diefenbaker gave no reason for
his delay in resigning.
Cabinet Meeting
He had been expected to hand in
his resignation to ailing Gov. Gen,:
Georges P. Vanier, Queen Eliza-
beth I's representative in Cana-
da, after a meeting with the out-
going cabinet yesterday.
But before going into the cab-
inet meeting Diefenbaker told
newsmen he did not /plan to see
Vanier until noon today and that
he would then call another meet-
ing of his cabinet.
After the two-hour cabinet ses-
sion, Diefenbaker said his cabinet
will meet again tomorrow morning.
He added that he did not know
whether this would be the last
Changeover Procedure
The procedure in a changeover
of governments is for the outgo-
ing prime minister to submit his
resignation to the governor gen-
eral. The governor general then
names a successor, in this case it
will be Pearson if normal proce-
dure is followed. Pearson's party
took 130 seats in the 265-member
Parliament in the national elec-
tion April 8.

Bulgarian authorities. This is in
accordance with an agreement be-
tween the Bulgarian government
and the governments of foreign
Robert Kotey, a Ghanaian stu-
dent who was studying in Bulgaria,
said that students wanted an or-
ganization that would "defend our
interests in the absence of police
protection, one that would bring
African students together in the
true spirit of Pan-Africanism and
would try to foster friendship be-
tween Bulgarian youth and the
Africans--not a political organi-
Government's View
The Bulgarian charge d-affaires,.
Kiril Chterev, in a special Daily
interview, noted "our government
did not have anything against the
formation of a student union. Sev-
eral of the African governments
were against ,such a union because
they wanted their students to be
interested in their studies rather
than in politics."
BTA claims that the majority
of African students did not want
this union and were blackmailed
and threatened with murder by
the Ghanaians. The government
opposed the organization because
it did not have complete African
stud~nt support and African gov-
ernmental consent. The initiators
of the group were Ghanaians who
wanted to impose the will of their
nation on all other Africans, BTA
There are 370 African students
in Bulgaria on state scholarships.
This scholarship pays for travel-
ling expenses, room and tuition
fees. The students live in the same
apartment building as Bulgarian
Poor Conditions
BTA says all needs are met by
the scholarship. However,,)Kotey
complains that the living condi-
tions were poor and there was not
enough money. The scholarship is
twice the maximum scholarship
that Bulgarians can receive.
Cheterev contends that only 70
students have fled the country,
but Kotey says many more have

Diefenbaker finally conceded de-
feat Saturday, after tabulations
of servicemen's votes gave Person's
Liberals two more seats in Parlia-
ment and six members of the
small Social Credit Party pledged
their support to the Liberals.
Pearson and Diefenbaker met
Monday to arrange a change of
government. It was at that meet-
ing that Pearson predicted he
would be sworn in Friday.



World News Roundup

petitioning for:




Is your

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Assistant Secre-
tary of State Edwin M. Martin
called on the Latin American na-
tions yesterday to put aside their
traditional devotion to "noninter-
vention" in favor of a greater
stress on joint efforts against
Castro's Cuba and other anti-Dem-
ocratic influences in this hemis-
* * *
LOS ANGELES - An uprising
against Cuba's Fidel Castro is

Let us get it
in top shape

scheduled for May 1, a leader of
Cuban exiles said yesterday. Jose
Norman, who says he revealed the
location of Russian missiles in
Cuba two days prior to President
John F. Kennedy's announcement,
said the uprising would be plan-
ned exclusively by Cubans.
* s *
HAVANA-Cuban Prime Min-
ister Fidel Castro has accepted
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush-
chev's offer to visit Russia and
will travel to Moscow later this
year. A communique yesterday
said they will discuss relations be-
tween their countries.
WASHINGTON - Sen. Clifford
P. Chase (R-NJ) called yesterday
for a congressional investigation
to find out whether the United
States is pumping too much of its
resources into the space program.
Case said the Senate Space Com-
mittee of which he is a member
s h o u 1 d undertake a "pretty
thorough review of the whole
space program."
NEW YORK - The New York

stocks ended mixed after a see-
saw session yesterday. The Dow-
Jones 30 industrials closed down
.45, 20 railroads down .12, 15
utilits up .13, and 65 selected
stocks down .06.

What a big
difference it makes

You may pick

for Spring



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