Sewnty-TLird Yw"
DrrD AND MANAGmD '! STU DEnT m Etivmtsrry of MICHIAN
.Truth Win Prevsu"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Profile of a Freshman State Legislator
Freedom T Think:
Freedom To Be Human
THE DISMISSAL of Prof. Leo Koch from
the University of Illinois is just one mani-
festation of an important struggle being waged
today on college campuses all over the nation.
This is no "student political game" or pro-
vincial involvement with sheer trivia. A uni-
versity is presumably one of the most intel-
lectually free places in our society. "Intellectual
freedom" is not a jargon label, but a condition?
which enables man to realize more fully his
Prof. Koch essentially said that due to the
many factors determining students' sexual
morality, some would be more prepared than
others for fuller sexual experience; hence it
would be "right" for students to live the way
which suits them and not the way 'which is
popularly theorized as the norm.
THE QUESTION of pre-marital sex itself,
however, is of least importance here. The
vital problem is that intellectual censorship
was exercised. The university was imposing a
restricted, pre-determined set of values,/spe-
cifically those believed to be conventional, upon
members of its community.
Or, even worse, it was indicating: "Believe
what you want; just don't be honest about it.
Stick to the 'party' line." This commits man to
an inherent hypocrisy about what he actually
believes and what he must pretend to believe,
in order to preserve materialistic interests.
Those who insist upon blanket indoctrination
of long-held, conventional standards are fond
of saying thatthey are defending "civilization,"
preserving, as it were, the human qualities
still left to man.
But this could not be true. They are imposing
as rigid and systematic a mode of existence
upon him as would be imposed if he were a
beast. The machine and the beast are not
too far apart, and if the censors are really for
the development of man's humanity, they are
fighting the wrong enemy, creating what they,
say they wish to destroy..
beasts or "live" machines censors mold into
form, and human beings, is thought, resulting
in an intellectual and spiritual life a develop-
ment beyond rote expression. This thought
surely results in individuality, the quality of
being distinctly human.
The censors at Illinois, then, are doing in
reverse just what woud be done by a group
of self-appointed "molders" who insisted upon
imposing the concept of thoughtless promis-
cuity on all students.. For men are animals if
not permitted to think, to make their thoughts
known, to attempt to cite human differences
and manipulate their environment so as to
accommodate them. There have always been
men who insist that other men must live their
lives entirely in accordance with previously,
set forth rules, rather than trying to make the
"rules" a reflection of the needs and nature
of man.
The more numerous and dogmatic these rules
are, the less able men are to exercise free will
upon their condition; since thought cannot be
revealed or implemented, it eventually becomes
PROF. KOCH would have given in to the
powerful pressure of those enforcing the
"rules," he would have been spouting, in para-
phrase, the following words:. "I believe in the
standards the administration has told me to
believe in because they have told me to believe
in them."
This is really not too different from the
characters in Huxley's advanced society who
reiterate, "I'm so glad I'm. a Beta." (I'm so
glad I'm a Beta because they told me I ought
to be.) Koch would have given up the only
quality which distinguishes him as human-
that of thought. Koch did not abandon this
quality, but he lost his job as a teacher because
of it.
So the whole process of fighting for in-
tellectual freedom is more than a "silly battle"
being waged on campuses by wealthy, bored
students. It is as meaningful a battle as man
has ever engaged in-even for those who are
unaware that it is taking place. For it is a
battle which will eventually determine whether
human beings are to remain human or to
evolve into stone machines. giving only the
"right" answers.
DURING HIS first three months
as a state legislator, Rep.
Richard A. (Honest John) Guzow-
ski (D-Detroit) has become some-
thing of a legend in Lansing.
Guzowski received his nickname
from the days when he ran "Hon-
est John's used car lot; he gets
his reputation from a number of
highly unfortunate incidents, such
Calling for the resignations of
the presidents of the University,
Michigan State University and
Wayne State University;
Attempting to discharge a House
committee from further considera-
tion of one of his bills--a maneu-
ver considered almost treasonable
in the Legislature, especially when
it's tried by a freshman represen-
Telling the (Republican-control-
led House, after it had voted
against him, that ithad "just wel-
comed the Community Party into
Keeping voluminous files on any
subject remotely connected with
Communism-stacks of House Un-
American Activities Committee
statements, right-wing exposes,
T est.Ban
E HAVE HEARD primarily of
the difficulties involved in a
ban on further testing. Almost all
of the criticism has been levelled
at the possibility of cheating. The
other alternative or risk has sel-
dom been mentioned, namely, the
risk of unrestricted nuclear test-
ing, which would give the Soviet
Union nuclear parity with the
United States and alter the bal-
ance of power.
"As of this date, the balance of
power is in our favor. The balance
of power five years ago was even
more in our favor. Ten years ago
it was unmistakenly in our favor.
Had we been able to obtain a test
ban treaty six years ago, the So-
viet Union today would be, for
all practical purposes, a second-
rate power."
-Sen. Hubert Humphrey
college newspaper write-ups of
Communist speaker appearances,
And demanding (unsuccessfully)
gold office stationery, something
even the governor isn't allowed to
*~ * * .
SO GUZOWSKI has made a big
splash in Lansing; in fact, he has
introduced or co-sponsored 38 bills,
more than any other first-term
representative has brought up.
His most-publicized venture was
a proposed constitutional amend-
ment to prohibit state universities
from granting their facilities to
speakers "advocating, teaching or
urging subversion."
On Feb. 5, his resolution was
referred to committee. Two weeks
later it was still there. No com-
mittee action had been taken, and
none was contemplated for the
GUZOWSKI THEN threatened
to attempt discharging the com-
mittee. Still nothing happened.
After hesitating for fear of vio-
lating the long-standing tradition
against freshmen representatives
upstaging veteran legislators, he
nevertheless plunged in on Feb.
25 with a motion to force his
speaker bill out for a vote.
He argued that the speaking
appearances of individuals such as
Herbert Aptheker, Carl Braden
and Frank Wilkinson had demon-
strated a meek toleration by the
University, MSU and WSU of
"Communist organizational activi-
ties"on their campuses.
He demanded that the three
presidents step down from office
"until these serious charges against
them are cleared."
Finally, he warned his colleagues
that a "no" vote on his motion to
discharge would be "a vote for
* * *
GUZOWSKI was defeated, 75-6,
and the bill itself never did get
out to the floor. As the commit-
tee chairman explained, "You just
don't discharge committees in-
discriminantly around here."
Guzowski accepted his lesson
with some grace, apologizing on
the floor ("I didn't mean to imply
dishonorability on the part of
House members because of their
voting.") and conducting himself,
since then in a more subdued'
Prior to this uproar, Guzowski
had been noted only for a con-
sistent lack of success in elections,
until he finally won his legislative
race last fall.
... white charger
City Election Lacks
Excitement, C ontroversy
He is reluctant to talk about
his personal, background, except
that he's always been a staunch
Democrat and has lived in, his
district for the past 25 years.
Guzowski's district is an eco-
nomically depressed one, located
around Gratiot Avenue in Detroit's
east side. Negroes are increasingly
-moving into the area, taking the
place of Polish workers who are
moving out.
In 1961, Guzowski sought his
party's nomination as a Constitu-
tional Convention delegate, but
lost out in a close race with fellow
Democrat Coleman Young.
THEN' LAST YEAR, the two
hooked up again in a duel for the
Democrati nomination for legis-
lator, in a district where the Dem-
ocratic nomination is tantamount
to electorial victory.
This time, however, things were
more favorable for Guzowski. Be-
fore the contest, Young had be-
come embroiled with HUAC.
Guzowski explains that the
subsequent unfavorable publicity
about Young, who did not receive
official Democratic support, "pos-
sibly could have swayed the voters.
His activities weren't exposed un-
til after Con-Con."_
Another Detroit representative
has some additional light to shed
on tlAis race: First of all, Young
was over-confident after beating
Guzowski for con-con delegate and
didn't campaign as hard as he
should have.
Secondly, Guzowski towards the
end of the campaign allegedly
distributed folders andnpamphlets,
printed in Polish, which contained
racial slants against Young, who
is a Negro. This apparently had
the desired effect upon the still-
substantial Polish element in the
district. Young, alas, could not
read Polish; "before Coleman
realized he was in danger, it was
too late," the legislative source
Guzowski won fby four votes.
THE 38 BILLS he has introduc-
ed dealt with a wide variety of
topics. Some of his more signifi-
cant proposals included increasing
the state residence requirement
from 1-3 years in order for in-
dividuals to qualify for general
welfare relief, exempting property
under construction from taxation
and permitting Sunday sales of
alcoholic liquor if approved by the
local government.
Some of his less significant leg-
islation included requiring hunting
licenses to state whether or not
the particular hunter should wear
glasses, abolishing the require-
ment of two years' practice as
apprentice before barbers are al-
lowed 'to get a license, making all
police cars carry fire extinguishers
and removing a requirement that
funeral parlor directors be licensed
NEVERTHELESS, the brunt of
Guzowski's fame rests with his
Red-hunting activities.
Hi files are amazing. Among
the contents are:
A case history of the Wilkirson-
Braden troubles before HUAC; an
interesting booklet entitled "Coi-
mies on the. Campus," by Floyd
McGriff, a mellodramatic account
of Communist infiltration of that
"little Red schoolhouse" (WSU)
since 1947;
A collection of advertisements,
appearing in The Daily and the
WSU Daily Collegian, for National
Guardian Magazine, New World
Review and the Global Book Store
-the latter three considered by
Guzowski Communist-dominated;
A copy of Braden and Wilkin-
son's speaker application, made
out for their appearance here last
spring by the Democratic-Social-
ists and countersigned by two Uni-
versity professors;
An assortment of issues of
"Township News," a suburban De-
troit chain of virulent right-wing,
Red-fearing newspapers;
A collection of articles on Fair
Play for Cuba;
HUAC documents on the Com-
m nist Party organization in
Michigan, plus a mass of material
on Herbert Aptheker and his
Communist Party organ, "Political
of Guzowski's understanding of
Communism does not match the
extensiveness of° his files.
While he claims to be well-
versed on the theoretical party
documents-he says he's read
Communist Manifesto and works
of Trotsky-in reality his know-
ledge is quite shallow.
Guzowski sees absolutely no dis-
tinction between Communism and
socialism-after all, "Russia isn't
Communist, it's a socialist state,"
he said. "It's like hand and glove."
He believes that Communists
have taken over the socialist par-
ties, the Americans foreDemocratic
Action and the American Civil
Liberties Union; he declares that
it is unpopular even to be anti-
Communist right now and "in 10
years it'll be a lot worse.,
Guzowski would like to see the
University prohibit Communist
speakers once and for all, and he
also urges it to "institute pro-
grams of comparative government"
to forestall the spread of Com-
Thessituation of Reds on the
state campuses "has gotten serious
enough so that the presidents
think they are above the law,"
Guzowski asserted. If things don't
improve, he would like to place
the universities back under the
direct jurisdiction of the Legisla-
ture, and take away their con-
stitutional autonomy.
It isn't really a question of how
widespread the Red movement is
right now, he concludes. "If the
Communists gain even one con-
vert, it's worth it all to them."
THERE SEEMS to be little ques-
tion that Guzowskl possesses an
absurdly oversimplified 'view of
Communism, and thus far has
beendunable to resist unwarranted
To be sure, everyone likes Hion-
est Johnspersonally;nhe is jovial
and friendly with his colleagues.
And one must admit he is ener-
Yet his antics have won him no
respect. House Minority Leader
Joseph Kowalski (D-Detrot) re-
portedly has told Guzowski to ease
off' on his publicity seekpingy and
stop embarrassing the Democratic
Party. His standing among Repub-
licans is equally low.
Additionally, Guzowski is hardly
in any position to influence the
legislative process behind the
scenes. He is a freshman legislator,
and when the chips are down
freshman legislators are seen and
not heard. His committee assign-
ments appear as if he were de-
liberately being buried: he is the
lowest-ranking member on the
Horticulture, Public Safety and
Tuberculosis Hospital Committees.
LASTLY, he might lose his
House seat altogether in fall of
'64. With the redistricting of
troit, the Democratic representa-
tion there will drop from 28 to
about 22, and Guzowski just might
get lost in the shuffle,
But he still has one more year
to shine in Lansing. And during
that time, we can depend on him
to continue riding out grandlyon
his, white charger, bellowing
against the evil of Communism
and battling furiously to protect
Michigan colleges from a danger
which doesn't exist.
"WITHIN THE last year, many
university administrators
have assumed the right to sift
ideas which speakers wished to
discuss on invitation of various
student groups, and they have for-
bidden the expression of Ideas by
persons they considered unquali-
fied or subversive. Dne contrast
has been the president of the Uni-
versity of Minnesota, Owen Wil-
son, who commented:
"'We believe it would be a dis-
service to our students and an'
we wereto deny Mr. Benjamin
Davis an opportunity to speak.
Over-protected students might at
once assume that Davis had some-
thing to say which was too strong
for our reason and our convictions.
"'The university is the product
of. a free society. It iIs neither
afraid of freedom, nor caneit serve
society well if it casts doubts on
the ability of our free institutions
to meet the challenge of doc-
trines foreign to our own."'
-William W. Van Alstyne
in The Nation
Clear-Eyed Approach
AN ANGRY letter in Thursday's Cardinal
denounced the state legislature as "rotten
and reactionary." It was, to say the least, an
intemperate and distorted view' of the, repre-
sentative arm of the state. It does, however,
indicate an attitude that is present on the part
of many students.
By the same toke#, a good many legislators
have taken a view of non-resident students that
is equally distorted and unfair. The political
and socially radical segment of students on
campus have become the image of the non-
Each stereotype reinforces the other. Every
demonstration on campus provokes comments
in the capitol about "out-of-state radicals."
Every blast at the "radicals" provokes sneers
at the "know-nothing" Hicks.
THE LATEST SGC presidential election
brought with it the usual politics, pressure
and liberal disappointment. Liberals and con-
servatives focused the greatest pressure on IQC
president Kent Bourland, because he was the,
last Council member to decide his vote.
In the absence of comment from Bourland
explaining his vote for Brown, there'is much
speculation concerning Bourlands motivation..
The likeliest answer is his desire to remain
independent of the "liberal bloc" while voting
for most of the liberal-sponsored motions. If
this is the case, his timing of the show of
"independence" came at an awkward time
for the liberals, and for Bourland himself,
who has seemed to prefer liberal programs.
HI' VOTE is unquestionably inconsistent
with the best interests of IQC, which should
better have looked to Miller for effective leader-
ship in the drive toward student and organiza-
tional autonomy.
In any case, whatever the rationale and
interpretation of Bourland's vote, it is unfair
and childish to place on his shoulders the en-
tire responsibility for Miller's loss. He was one
of 19 members responsible, and while his
previous votes and IQC interests indicate in-
consistency, 'he was not alone in his vote for
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director . City Editor
r mA TfW T bnVl PX - ~ann.. ,.+,....
THIS KIND of stereotyping is not just in-
Accurate; it is dangerous. For it leads to a
cleavage between the two institutions that does
the University and therefore the state great
damage. A legislative body unsympathetic to.
the makeup of the University can scarcely be
expected to respond favorably to its financial
No stereotype grows without a core of truth.
It is unfortunately true that some intemperate
political activity on the part of a segment of
students (classified as "Rathskeller radicals")
was, from a pure political point of view, foolish.
Specifically, the packing of a committee cham-'
ber two years ago in protest over a HUAC reso-,
lution drove home the stereotype of "non-state
radicals" to many legislators.
It is also true, however, that the legislature
has failed and has failed repeatedly to under-
stand and meet the needs of the University
as an educational institution. Some representa-
tives have shown an abysmal lack of under-
standing of the nature of an educational in-
stitution, where political and social diversity
is a definite positive good in stimulating debate.
and in provoking a cross-exchange of ideas and
WE BELIEVE the legislators, many of whom
are Unliversity alumni, care about the pres-
ervation of the university as a great school.
The Grant subcommittee report, with the ex-
ception of the recommended tuition increases,
clearly stated that the university's needs had
to be met, and that the budget increases were
basically sound.
This is why we are urging students to 'make
their views heard to the legislature. This is
why we endorse a proposed "open hearing"
where students can put their beliefs across to
legislators. A factual presentation of the stu-
dents' side of the tuition controversy will con-
vince the legislators, if they sincerely care about
the students and the university. We believe
they do care.'
There are "Chester Rurals" in the statehouse,
who do not comprehend the nature of the
University. There are also "Chester Beatniks"
on campus who have a complete lack of under-
standing about the nature of the state and its
people. But the time for stereotyping is at an
We must see to it that the legislators hear a
factual well-presented case against tuition. And
we must approach the controversy with the
firm belief that the men at the capitol want
to help the University. If they do not, then the
fight is hopeless. But if they are concerned, as
we believe they are, a clear-eyed approach to
battling tuition can and will have a benefical
University of Wisconsin
IT MIGHT BE NICE to say that
the excitement k has now died
down after Monday's municipal
elections. However, such a state-
ment might be somewhat inaccur-
ate, for the excitement never real-
ly got started.
There were few surprises in the
election, unless the retaining 'of
the Division St. "dry line" Is con-
sidered as such. The Republicans
won council seats in their four
safe wards and the Democrats
picked up their usual seat from
the first ward.
A few sparks were provided by
the fair housing issue, but appar-
ently they only affected the Ne-
gro population. The voter turnout
was abnormally heavy (87 per
cent) in Negro areas but remain-
ed at a fairly normal level (about
60 per cent) throughout the rest
of the city.
* * *
ALTHOUGH the question of a
fair housing ordinance did not
appear on the ballot, a good many
organizations backing such an or-
dinance have felt that the Repub-
licans on the city council have
been stalling on it. For this rea-
son Negroes might have felt that
a vote for the Democrats would
be a vote for speed in enacting
such an ordinance.
Apparently the average Ann Ar-
bor voter who was not concerned
directly with a fair housing ordi-
nance did not see any reason to
deviate from his normal voting
(or non-voting) patterns.
And ift's easy to see why. The
main features of Ann, Arbor's poli-
tical campaigns are the numerous
coffee hours held in private homes
throughout the city at which can-
didates speak.
These affairs are generally at-
tended by the party faithful from
the area in which the affair is
being held. Most of the people at
these functions are old friends for
whom the event is a social func-
tion as well as a political one.
* * *
HENCE these coffee hours, the-
oretically designed to let voters
meet candidates, are merely serv-
ing as centers for Republicans to
hear Republican views and Demo-
crats to hear Democratic views.
Controversy is not being created;
views are merely being reaffirmed.
For local Republicans this is
good strategy. Ann Arbor has been
a Republican city for a good many
years and voters are not likely
to change their habits if the is-
sues of the campaign are clouded
and the candidates humdrum.
The Democrats, on the other
hand, must strive to create clear-
cut, meaningful issues that will
"dry line," it can probably be at-
tributed to the reluctance of vot-
ers east of the line to have bars
in their own neighborhoods. West
side residents who already have
bars on their side of town were
evidently not as anxious to have'
bars on the other side of the city
as the east side residents were to
keep them out.
In the dry line vote, we can see
the essential ingredient missing
in the mayoral and council races:
torate on the east side became
torate ono the east side became
aroused and voted down a proposal
that had little organized opposi-
In the other races, little inter-
est was' aroused. An apathetic
electorate followed old habits and
elected the usual slate of candi-
Joint Government and the Squelch'
ON THE first day after spring
vacation, the Student Rela-
tions Committee of the University
Senate will take to that body its
recommendations regarding a stu-
dent-faculty government.
The SRC is acting on a motion
passed by Student Government
Council on February 13, when,
Council asked that students be
placed on eight major policy mak-
ing committees of the Senate.
Council hoped that appointment
of students would be the first
step toward the long range and
very desirable goal of a joint
Prof. Charles Lehmann and five
members of his committee sat
across the table from 14 Council
members last Wednesday night to
discuss that very plan.
* * *
IT WAS the most disappointing
of discussions. Previous intimat-
ions from informed sources in the
University-who had indicated
that prospects for student-faculty
government looked pretty grim-
seemed to be borne out by the
evening's discussion.
A number of liberals-those who
have most eloquently and vocifer-
ously touted the student-faculty
government proposal-were absent
from the meeting, or did not speak,
or spoke badly. Ralph Kaplan, for-
mer chairman of Council's com-
mittee on the University, who has
done more thinking on student-
faculty government than any other
individual on campus, gave an
ments. They ask why Council, ask-
ing for more powers, has not used
those already delegated to it by'
the Councilplan, particularly rela-
tive to withdrawal of recognition
from student organizations.
* * *
same individuals who label stu-
dents "ineffective" also point to,
faculty ineffectiveness, and lack
of power. "It is my impression,"
said Prof. Donald Stewart of the
English department on Wednesday
evening, that the senate has very
little power."
Other arguments are procedural,
as the assertion is made that a
Regental bylaw change is neces-
sary before students can be ap-
pointed to faculty committees.
Others note that an ultimate goal'
of joint government would also
signal vast changes in the Student
Government Council plan. Both
assertions are true, but neither
are valid arguments for the shelv-
ing of proposals for student-
faculty government.
Both the students and the fac-
ulty, then, admitted the relative
ineffectiveness of their own gov-
erning bodies during that Wednes-
day evening conversation.
* * *
THEY ALL recognized the prob-
lems of a corporate university
which gives the educated numbers
and turns them out in masses.
However, that segment of the Uni-
versity they criticized, though
sometimes in an indirect manner,
was not there to defend itself: the
Tln ..revnlfsnvi~r_ f''a of t
rather to place that segment of
the University in its proper per-
Though here only four years
students feel they have a great,
deal of intelligence and energy
to bring to the solution of prob-
lems at the University. These stu-
dents are particularly interested
in participating in decision-making
on the academic level. A Univer-
ity aimed to educating its youth,
and which does not consult its,
clientele on distribution require-
ments, registration procedures,
staffs, and the like is neglecting
that most vital member of the
University community.,
* * *
STUDENTS FIND themselves
bowing on bended knee in requests
to participate more fully in the
educational process. The hierarchy-
of the University is certainly con-
cerned about education in the fu-
ture, and is certainly anxious for
students to be active in educa-
tional affairs in their own com-
munities when they graduate.
They assume, perhaps, that the
student whose experience is limit-
ed to the classroom will suddenly
blossom in the "real" world, and
take on a feeling of his respon-
sibility to aid in the improvement
of American education on all
levels. University alumni organiza-
tions will ask for monetary con-
tributions from its graduates, and
at the same time, its administra-
tors have continually refused stu-
dent requests to make contribu-
tions which are much more
substantial than monetary ones.
"Moi.'a.rp hen nfere
fluence of the faculty. They be-
lieve 'that appointment of stu-
dents 'to eight major, committees
is 'the first step, the first way in,
and hope that it will pave the way
for more meaningful participation
* * *
OF A TOTAL university popula-
tion, there are a limited number
of students who engage in the
activities of "student organiza-
tions." In some cases, these stu-
dents have been unsatisfied by the
classroom experience, and have
found intellectual stimulation and
opportunities for individual crea-
tivity outside that classroom. A
number of them on the other
hand, are vitally interested in
their studies but feelta great
responsibility toward their own
university community whose ex-
cellence they wish to promote.
Such students, living in an im-
mense university community, are
not satisfied to exist in a void,
or in a little corner of that com-
munity, but have a great desire
to know it in totality. They think
their knowledge, their under-
standing, and their youthful en-
thusiasm can do a great deal to
improve that community. In long
range plans for student-faculty
government, in simple requests for
appointment to faculty commit-
tees, they are only asking to play
a greater role. They are aware
of the problems involved, but are
simply asking for a chance. They
are, at the same time, discouraged
with the current trends at the
University. Policy makers seem to
hb arnwinf cneErned with the