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April 05, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-05

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RailStrike Threatens
Macmillan's Proposals


Senate Committee Cuts
Pentagon Budget Bids

U.S., Cuba Restraining Rebels


Expand Economy


Romney u:Criticizes iBill
0 Aid for Unemployed
By The Associated Press
LANSING-A heavily-amended unemployment compensation bill
passed Tuesday by the House has been deemed "not acceptable" by
Gov. George Romney.
Criticizing provisions which they said could deny striking workers
an appeal to the courts and would involve national unions as well
as the state locals, Romney and his legal aide, Richard C. Van Dusen,

World News
Roud ti
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -tThe nation's
unemployment rate took its big.
gest nose dive in more than four
years last month. The Labor De-
partment reported yesterday that
the seasonally adjusted rate in
March fell to 5.6 per cent of. the
work force after soaring to 6.1 per
,cent in February. It was the great-
est monthly improvement since
November, 1958.
passed yesterday an administra-
tion bill to give cities $375 million
to strengthen mass-transit sys-
tems in an effort to save down-
town areas from strangulation by
traffic. ,
Nike-Zeus missile-killer has scor-
ed its fourth successful intercept
of a ballistic missile warhead in
mid-Pacific, the Pentagon an-
nounced yesterday. The tests are
aimed at developing a missile cap-
able of intercepting and destroy-
ing enemy ICBM's before they
reach their target.

"will attempt to work out a com-
promise with House Republicans.
The Senate has already passed a
Romney-sponsored "Ford-Canton"
bill over-Democratic protests that
it leans too far in favor of man-
Other Action
In other legislative action,
House Democrats began work on
implementary legislation for the
r new state constitution.
A committee headed by Rep. E.
D. O'Bien (D-Detroit) plans to
propose plans of implementation,
much to the dismay of House Ma-
r jority Floor Leader Robert E. Wal-
dron (R-Grosse Pointe), who
claimed that this work is supposed
to be done by a bi-partisan com-
Sen. Garry E. Brown's (R-
Schoolcraft) joint resolution for
such a group was reported out of
the House Committee on Rules
and Resolutions Wednesday.
Taxation Bills
However, Waldron said he would
amend Brown's resolution to ex-
clude taxation bills from the spe-
cial committee's scope, since these
will be considered in a special leg-
islative session in th' fall.
In the Senate, committees have
reported out Romney's bills for
state economic expansion and in-
dustrial growth.
Lunik Nears Moon;
Plan No Landing
MOSCOW (R) - Tass reported
last night that Lunik IV is on its
last lap to the Moon and will pass
close to the surface, indicating no
landing is planned, The announce-
ment of position and the last re-
ported speed of the 3,130-pound
flying laboratory would put it at
its destination some time early this
morning, Moscow time,

Walkout Hits
Export Hike
Union Protests Plans
To Cut Down Jobs
LONDON (M)--A looming rail-
road strike threatened yesterday
to kill at birth Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan's plan to ex-
pand the British economy.
As the rail crisis deepened, the
House of Commons debated the
implications of the government's
new budget, designed to expand
the national economy by four per
cent a year.
There was general recognition
inside and outside Parliament that
Britain could not boost exports
and step up industrial productivity
in the face of a prolonged rail
walkout. 1
Protest Program
Britain's 474,000 railroad work-
ers were as aware of this as the
rest of the nation. Nevertheless,
they moved toward a walkout to
protest a sweeping modernization
program which would cut down
Sydney Greene, leader of the
National Union of Railwaymen,
conferred with Richard Beeching,
the business tycoon who authored
a plan to shake up the railroads
to get the system out of the red.
Greene told newsmen afterward,
"as things stand at the moment, it
looks as if there will be a strike."
Union To Decide
Union leaders arranged to meet
Monday to plan its date and
Beeching's plan would reduce
the railroad work force by 70,000
men, close a third of the stations
and abandon 5000 miles of track.
The aim is to lop off the system's
dead wood and inake it competi-
tive with road transport.
The government's expansion
budget was introduced in Parlia-
ment Wednesday by Reginald
Maudling,. chancellor of the Ex-

ate Armed Services Committee
made a surprise slash yesterday of
more than $400 million of the Pen-
tagon's requests for new aircraft,
missiles and other military hard-
The committee went along with
the House, however, in voting an
extra $363.7 million to provide two
more RS-70 experimental recon-
naissance strike aircraft than the
three Secretary of Defense Robert
S. McNamara insists are adequate.
But the senators rejected a
House-approved increase of $134
million to buy two nuclear-power-
ed hunter-killer submarines in ad-
dition to the six asked by Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy to seek out
enemy underwater craft.
If the Senate approves all the
cuts and additions it will mean a
reduction of $905 million below
the spending, authorization voted
by the House for the fiscal year
starting next July 1. The authori-
zation measure fixes ceilings for
military hardware to be included
later in the defense money bill
which will total more than $53.7
Chairman Richard B. Russell
(D-Ga) called his committee's
economy move "a very modest re-
duction in the numbers of aircraft,
missiles, spare parts for them and
research development."
As sent to the Senate by the'
committee, the bill carries $14,-
951,391,000 compared to $15,358,-
691,000 asked by the administra-
tion. The House had raised Ken-
nedy's total requests to $15,856,-
Even if Congress approves the
$363.7 million for the extra RS-
70s, the Pentagon may not use it.
It has refused in the past to spend
extra money Congress voted for
bombers and aircraft the admin-
istration deemed unneeded.

. .. budget cut
Reds "Tighten.
West Berlin
BERLIN 0?)-East Germany put
pressure on road traffic to West
Berlin yesterday and demanded
more control over the air corri-
Only three days ago, Soviet MIG
jets menaced a British private
plane in the air corridors. And the
Russians implied yesterday they
might shoot down the plane if it
tried to fly out of Berlin.
Despite t h e s e developments,
Allied officials doubted that the
Communists were about to put a
new squeeze on Berlin. One West-

Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON -- Cuba, as
well as the United States, appears
to be restraining hit-and-run oper-
ations which could set off a flash
war in the Caribbean.
President John F. Kennedy is
known to hope for at least two
results from the policy of crack-
ing down on forays against Cuban
targets, including Soviet ships. One
purpose is to try to make it easier
for Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev to continue pulling
Russian troops out of Cuba. An-
other is to reduce the danger of
accidental conflict.
Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Cas-
tro, authorities here believe, has
good reasons of his own to mini-
mize clashes. Castro knows that if
he angered the United States by
attacks on its shipping to the point
of provoking retaliation he might
force United States invasion. It is
assumed here that the danger of
invasion is his major fear.
Pressure from Khrushchev
Apart from this consideration,
Castro may have been pressured
by Khrushchev to leash his ag-
gressive impulses.
Kennedy made the United States
policy line clear at a news con-
ference Wednesday, deploring hit-
and-run raids by anti-Communist
Cuban refugees. He said they do
not constitute any "real blow at
They may give the Soviets rea-
son to continue their military force
in Cuba, or even increase it; and
bring about Communist retalia-
tion, which would require United
States military counteraction,
Kennedy added.
The Castro government has tak-
en two actions which high off i-
cials here consider very importast,

if they mean what they seem to of propaganda cover and bac
mean. up with the threat of stern
In a little-noticed message to forcement."
"all the military commands, revo- "We warn that the activ
lutionary instruction schools, and we denounce are illegal, cen;
troops of our revolutionary forces," able, and contrary to our poli
Raul Castro last Thursday warned he said. "They can only harm
against impromptu military opera- revolution in Latin America.
tions against other Latin American "Those who steal arms and s
countries. plies and seize ships and try
Raul Castro, armed forces min- organize expeditions are ac
ister under his brother, indicated against our revolution and, th
in his broadcast message that fore, they place themselves on
some of his followers had tried to side of our enemies.
go off on independent adventures. "Therefore, every member
Sees CIA Intrigue the revolutionary armed fo
He claimed that the United and every civilian surprised
States Central Intelligence Agency these activities will receive
had sought to trap Cubans into punishment deserved for such
such operations to give an excuse tivities, which are . . . irrespo
for United States attacks on Cuba. ble and compromise the inter
Raul Castro also argued that hit- of the nation."
and-run operations do not accom- The other conciliatory move
plish much, anyway, because "rev- Castro was the dispatch Tues
olutions are not exported." of an apology for an attack
The heart of his message, how- Thursday on an American ca
ever, was a hard warning, stripped ship, the Floridian.



Room 3-B The 'Michiga'n Union

Midas has mnost'


ern expert said it looks as if "the
Liberties Union Communists merely want to re-
L 1 mind us that they have the ability
to make things difficult for us."
Libe1l i But, he added, he might revise his
estimates if the harassments con-
NEW YORK OP)-The New York East German border guards at
Civil Liberties Union has attacked Helmstedt, the crossing point at
the constitutionality of a rare the western end of the 110-mile
charge of criminal libel brought highway connecting .West Berlin
against a newspaper editor for at- and West Germany, slowed down
tacking a judge's decision, traffic moving to and from Berlin.
"The doctrine against thepun- Meanwhile, the East German
ishment of a person for criticism government demanded that the
of a public official concerning the Western powers give it a voice in
performance of his duties, even of the control of passengers using
a judge, has been reiterated by the commercial airlines to fly in and
courts," the group said. out of the city.


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The Union's action stemmed
from a Brooklyn grand jury's in-
dictment of Arnold Fine, editor of
a borough newspaper.






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r H'


State and William
Services-9:30 and 1 1:00 a.m.
PALM SUNDAY. "Why All the Shouting?"
EASTER SUNDAY: "I Believe in the Resurrec-
tion," Dr. Fred E. Luchs preaching.
MAUNDY THURSDAY, 8:00 p.m. Communion
and Reception of new members.
56 Washtenow at Berkshire
- Erwin A. Goede, minister
Services and Church School at 9:30 and 11:00
a.m. "The Perils of Punishment," sermon
by Erwin Goede, minister.
1833 Washtenow Ave.
1e 1 1 :00 a.m. Sunday Services.
8:00 p.m. Wednesday Services.
tt 9:30 a.m. Sunday School (up to 20 years of
11:00 a.m. Sunday School (for children 2 ,to
6 years of age.)
A free reading room is maintained at 306 East
Liberty St. Reading Room hours are Mon-
day thru Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.
except Sundays and Holidays. Monday
evening 7:00 to 9:00.

State and Huron Streets, Tel. NO 8-6981
Dr. Hoover Rupert, Minister
Rev, M. Jean Robe and
Rev. C. J. Stoneburner, Campus Ministers
9:00 and 11:15 a.m. - Morning Worship.
"Who is This King Eternal?" Sermon by Dr.
This service is broadcast over WOIA (1290 AM
102.9 FM) 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
9:00 and 11:15 a.m .- Morning Worship.
"Who Will Roll Away the Stone?" Sermon
by Dr. Rupert.
This service is broadcast over WOIA (1290 AM
102.9 FM) 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
10:15 a.m. - Seminar: Topic, "Francis and
7:00 p.m.-Class: "Evangelists for the Un-
dergraduates?"-Salinger, Golding, Camus
and Becket-Tony Stoneburner.
8:30 p.m.-Open House, Jean Robe's apart-
ment. Note change of night from Monday.
7:00 a.m.-Holy Communion, Chapel.
7:30 a.m.-Breakfast, Pine Room.
4:00 p.m. - Student Coffee Hour, Wesley
5:10 p.m.-Holy Communion, Chapel.
6:00 p.m. - Grad Supper, Merrill Jackson,
speaker, "Psychology and Christian Faith."


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