Excavations Show Prosperity
on "The Changing Face of An-
cient Athens."
These discoveries have led to a
greater understanding of Athens
at its summit of prosperity, he
Thompson cited as examples of
great progress the Parthenon, the
Stoa of Attalos, the Theceum and
the burial chambers. The burial
chambers, dating from two cen-
turies before the Trojan War, have
revealed great prosperity due to
numerous funeral offerings of gold
and ivory jewelry and clay vases.
Evidence of Nobility
The burial chambers, approxi-
mately the size of bedrooms, show
evidence of having belonged to
noble families.
The clay cases made in Athens
are indistinguishable from others
made in Greece at the same time.
This similarity indicates that an-
cient Athens shared the culture
of the mainland.
The restoration of the Parthe-
non is still in progress. In 1930
the columns of the Parthenon were
re-erected, but a great deal of
work remains.
The restoration of the Stoa of
Attalos, built in 2 B.C., was com-
pleted in 1956.
The Theceum has been estab-
lished as the temple of Hepaistos,
the god of metal-working. A great
deal of sculpture and a garden
have been uncovered around the
House Urges
Worker Aid,
Workers displaced by automa-
tion need rehabilitation if they are
to succeed in becoming useful
members of society, Prof. Robert
House of Ohio State University
said recently.
This retraining can be effect-
ed only by bringing out some
change in the basic attitudes of
the unemployed, Prof. House told
industrial training executives.
"Learning must be defined as
changing behavior, and this is best
brought about by simply telling
the workers what they are to learn
instead of having them guess at
the right answers as in current
testing programs," he continued.
Pierpont Recommends
Better Grant Records
Researchers supported by pri-
vate foundations should maintain
more accurate records, Vice-
President for Business and Finance
Wilbur K. Pierpont warned re-
Vice-President Pierpont, in a
notice in the Research Reporter,
noted that foundations, under fed-
eral pressures, are instituting post-
grant evaluations to determine
how their money is being spent.
He said the foundations are in-
terested in finding out how their
grant is being administered, the
persons working on its funds, the
pay rates and the accomplish-
ments financed by the grant.
Canadian Election To Measure U.S. Prestige
form hoping to strike a widespread
response among large groups of
Foreign Ownership
For - Canada's weak economic
condition is often blamed by its
citizens on foreign ownership or
control of more than 60 per cent
of its manufacturing, almost 75
per cent of its mining and 80 per
cent of its oil and gas industries.
A persistent problem is Canada's
continuing unfavorable balance of
trade. Lately the deficit resulting
from Canada's overseas buying, of
more than it sells has been run-
ning close to $1 billion a year.
About half of the deficit stems
from money going out of the coun-
try in the form of interest and
dividends to foreign investors,
mainly American. Living next door
to the world's richest country
doesn't help Canadian feelings of
Bonjour Monsieur
Another Issue in Canada is the
growing discontent of 5.5 million
French-speaking citizens. This is
especially evident in Quebec prov-
ince where the French-Canadian
population is centered. Canadian
Premier Jean Lesage has come out
for Pearson but the Socreds have
their main strength in Quebec. The
Liberals must hold on to their
seats there and add more, if they
are to win a parliamentary major-
The French-Canadians claim
they are treated as second-class
citizens and are demanding fairer
representation in federal civil
service positions and in private
Paper Money
French nationalism has been ex-
ploited by the Social Credit Party,
which now bears little resemblance
to the original party that flourish-
ed in Alberta in the 1930's. It then
advocated monthly payments call-
ed dividends to all Canadians, as
well as issuance of paper money
to wipe out national debts.
The Socreds soared from ob-
scurity before the 1962 election,
and its 30 seats gave it a balance
of power in the last Parliament,
Robert N. Thompson, a former
missionary and chiropractor from
Alberta, is Socred party leader. But
the real spokesman is fiery dep-
0 100 200 0 -jOe2
Parliam ents Since Liberals Prog. Conservatives
Prog. Conservatives' Liberals
W orld W ar I.C.Federation SocioI-Credit r n
SCdi1953 Sca-rdt16
0. 100 200 OthNew Dem. Partyt
o., lo 2 Others
iberals j Prog. Conservatives
rog. Conservatives Prog. Conservatives Liberals
.C.Federation Liberals Social-Credit 1963
ocial-Credit 1945 C.C. Federation New Dem. Party
r Social-Credit 1957
Others her . N
uty party leader Real Caouette, a
Quebec automobile salesman, who
grasped the nationalistic senti-
ment as a vote-getting issue last
Larger Representation?
It may be that the Socreds will
come out of this election with an
even larger number of Quebec's 15
seats than the 26 they won after
the last election.
Opposite to the extreme right-
wing Socreds is the New Demo-
cratic Party, successor to the so-
cialist Commonwealth Cooperation
Federation, which also originated
in the western provinces. Its lead-
er is the Rev. T. C. (Tommy)
Douglas, former Socialist premier
of Saskatchewan and father of
Saskatchewan's medical care plan.
He is trying to convince voters
the NDP is the only party clearly
committed against nuclear weap-
ons for Canada, and he hammers
away for democratic planning by
the government to bolster the
economy and provide full employ-
ment. The unemployment problem
threatens to grow worse as post-
war babies come of age and start
looking for jobs.
Predicts Win
On. Feb. 6 Pearson predicted the
Liberals would win 175 seats in
the House. The real contest for the
Liberals will be in Quebec between
the Liberals and the Sbereds.
If Pearson wins, it will indeed be
a "feather in his cap"; for in 1958,
right after he took control, the
Liberals suffered the worst elec-
tion defeat in the party's history.
They retained only 49 of the 105
seats they held in the previous
Since then, Pearson, a Nobel
Peace Prize winner and a former
president of the United Nations
General Assembly, has been work-
ing hard at turning himself from
a diplonat into a politician.
The minority parties, who agree
on only one thing, Canadian rejec-
tion of nuclear weapons for NATO
forces and home defense, seem
likely to draw votes from Canada's
oubstantial anti-nuclear groups.
So it could well be that the elec-
tions will produce still another
minority government.
"To be able to provide this in-
formation, University faculty and
staff members should insure that
adequate records are maintained
on the administration of funds re-1
ceived under foundation grants
and that these funds are used
only for the purposes for which1
they were granted," the noticer
Vice-President Pierpont denied
that the foundations intend to in-
terfere with the administration
of grants, but noted that these
evaluations are needed to meet
congressional pressure.
He pointed to a case involving
a New York private research firmj
whose federal funds were suspend-
ed after the National Institutes ofj
Health found the money was not,
being used for proper purposes. #
Congress has also been investi-
gating activities of foundations to
determine if they should keep their,
tax-free status.
Vice-President Pierpont cited a
1955 memorandum issued to school
and college deans and institute
directors outlining proper record=-
keeping procedures. He invited
faculty and staff members to use
business office help in keeping
such records.
He noted two related problems
of foundation record keeping. In-
dividuals whose organization is
indirectly connected to the Uni-
versity and who use University fa-
cilities should notify the business
office. Further, faculty officers of
such organizations should be
Scroll Chooses
New Members
Scroll Senior Women's Honor-
ary had its annual spring tapping
March 28. Scroll honors affiliated
women for scholarship, leadership,
and prominence in extra-curricu-
lar activities. Initiation will be
held April 21 in the Women's
The new members are: Judith Caille,
'64; Anita Dolgin, '64; Vicki Elmer, '64;
Gail Evans, '64; Gretchen Groth, '64;
Joan Gusten, '64; Mary Ellen Knake,
'64; Judith Lewis, '64; Patricia Lutes,
'64Ed; Esther Mallen, '64 Ed; Laura
Mosley, '64; Elisabeth Snow, '64; Bar-
bara. Victor, '64; Katherine Wunsch,
'64 SM.
We ,of
welcome you to use
the facilities of our
'U 'Creates
New Office
For Hospital
A Medical Center personnel
office was established Monday,
Charles M. Allmand, University
personnel officer, announced re-
This new branch will include
present personnel activities of the
University Hospital, M e d i c a l
School and Nursing school.
"The purpose in establishing the
Medical Center personnel office,"
Allmand said, "is to improve per-
sonnel services for this rapidly
growing area, particularly with
respect to personnel requirements
for medical research programs and
the technical personnel required
for the University Hospital."
A Medical Center personnel of-
fice should better serve those re-
sponsible for teaching research
and patient care that constitute
the Medical Center because this
office would be closer to the place
of the work of the personnel and
would be familiar with their prob-
Robert K. Richards will be per-
sonnel administrator in the new
Unit Sponsor's
Mfalaria Talks
Prof. G. Robert Coatney, chief
of the laboratory of parasite chem-
otherapy at the National Insti-
tute of Allergy and Infectious Dis-
ease, will speak on "Malaria: Mon-
keys, Mosquitos and Man" at 4
p.m. today in Rm. 1300 Chemistry
Prof. Coatney will talk on "Drugs
and Their Role in Worldwide Ma-
lara Eradication" at 4 p.m. to-
morrow in Rm. 1300 Chemistry
The lectures are part of a series
of "Pharmacy Alumni Lectures"
sponsored by the Alumni Fund of
the pharmacy college.
Prog. Conservatives
C.C. Federation
Lib. Lab.
(members appointed for life;; not elected)
Liberals ..........59 Ind. ..... 2
Prog. Conservatives .. 37 Ind.-A......1
Vacancies, 3 - Total --102
( f"I Wasa a Tee-age 1 The Man
Love of Dobie Gillis," Xtc.)
Newfoundland .......... 1
Prince Edward Island ... 3
Nova Scotia ............... 9
New Brunswick .....,.... 4
Quebec 14
Ontario +4
SC NDP Vacant
0 0 1
0 0 0
20 1
6 0 0
35 26 0
44 0 6
PC L SC NDP Vacant
Manitoba ..................,...11 1 0 2 0
Saskatchewan ..,................... .5 1 0 0 1
Alberta .....................15 0 2 0 0
British Columbia ..............b... 6 4 2 10 0
Yukon-Northwest Territories ... 1 1 0 0 0
. P seature
r-.w v. isa r-r
548 Church St.
662-3055 or
2222 Fuller Rd.
663-8155 or
+X r1Wr i 4SCr 'Y, v . . Lt w ..i. .w .+ 1..A. x } "",'.} Vtr .''''v . <
g y t g e r .; . " . . : f . 5 . ." : tr. {.a"5f . S F 5* 5v ^' " " " . : " :
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has returned
to the Church Street Solon
In your quest for a college degree, are you becoming a narroW
specialist or are you being educated in the broad, classical
sense of the word?
This question is being asked today by many serious observers
--including my barber, my roofer, and my little dog Spot-
and it would be well to seek an answer.
Are we becoming experts only in the confined area of our
majors, or does our knowledge range far and wide? Do we, for
example, know who fought in the Battle of Jenkins' Ear, or
Kant s epistemology, or Planck's constant, or Yalsalva's maneu-
ver, or what Wordsworth was doing ten miles above Tintern
If we do not, we are turning, alas, into specialists. How
then can we broaden our vistas, lengthen our horizons-be-
come, in short, educated?
Well sir, the first thing we must do is throw away our curri-
cula. Tomorrow, instead of going to the same old classes, let
us try something new. Let us not think of college as a rigid
discipline, but as a kind of vast academic smorgasbord, with
all kinds of tempting intellectual tidbits to savor. Let's start
sampling tomorrow.
!' '1
fectious Disease, "Malaria: Monkeys,
Mosquitos, and Man": Rm. 1300, Chem-
istry Bldg.-
8:00 p.m.-Dept., of Zoology Special
Public Health Seminar-Dr. Johannes
Holtfreter, Prof. of Zoology, Univ. of
Rochester. "Fusions, Fissions, and FUnc-
tion of Macrophages";: in. 3087, School
of Public Health.
4:10 of Speech Student
Laboratory Theatre-Presents Tennessee
Williams' poetic drama, "The Purifica-
tion" in Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg.
Admission free.
High Energy Physics Lecture Series:
Prof. Toso Kato, Dept. of Mathematics,
Univ. of California at Berkeley, will
speak on "Principle of Invariance of
Wave Operators." In Rm. 311, W. Engrg.
Bldg. at 4:00 p.m. This is sponsored by
the Institute of Science and Technol-
ogy and Dept. of Mathematics. April 4.
General Notices
Student Goyernment Council Approval
of the following student-sponsored ac-
tivities becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All pub-
licity for these events must be with-
held until the approval has become ef-
Economics Society, Economics lec-
ture, April 15, 8:00, Multipurpose Room.
Voice, Literature Tables, 'April 18,
9:00-5:00, Fishbowl.
Voice, Forum, April 28, 4:00 p.m.,
The Summer Session Announcement
is available in 3510 Admin. Bldg.
Phillips Prize Exam in Latin and
Greek: Open to Freshmen and Sopho-
mores. Thurs., April 18 from 7-9 p.m.
In Rm. 25 Angell Hall. Competitors
must sign up not later than Tues.,
April 16, in the Departmental Office,
Rm. 2026 AH.
Final Payment of Spring Semester
Fees is due and payable on or before
April 22, 1963.
If fees are not paid by this date:
1) A $10.00 delinquent penalty will
be charged.
2) A "Hold Credit" will be placed
against you. This means that until
payment is received and "Hold Credit"
is cancelled:
1) Grades will not be mailed.
2) Transcripts will not be furnished.
3) You may not register for future
4) A Senior may not graduate with his
class at the close of the current semes-
3 The Dean of your school or college
will be given a list of delinquent ac-
Payments may be made in person, or
mailed to the Cashier's Office, 1015
Admin. Bldg. before 4:30 p.m., April 22.
Mail payments postmarked after due
date, April 22, are late and subject to
penalty. Identify mail payments as tui-
tion and show student number and
Doctoral Recital: James Miller, tenor,
will present a recital on Fri., April 5,
4:15 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall, in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree Doctor of Musical Arts,
Horace H. Rackham School of Grad
Studies. Accompanying him will be1
Helen S. Miller, piano, and assisting
will be James Toy and Thomas LeVeck,
violins; Mathhew David, viola, and
Jackson Brooks, cello. The compositions
of Buxtehude, Telemann, and Richard
Strauss will be performed. Philip Duey
is the chairman of Mr. Miller's doc-
toral committee. The recital is open
to the general public.
Dept.of.Biochemistry: Dr.. W. A.
Wood, Mich. State Univ., will speak at
4:00 p.m., Fri., April 5, in M6423 Medi-
cal Science Bldg. Entitled, "Enzymatic
Dehydrations Involving Tautomeric Re-
arrangements.'' Coffee will be served
in the Dept. of Biological Chemistry,
M5410 Medical Science Bldg. at 3:30.
Overseas Employment Opportunities:
The United Church Board for World
Ministries will have a representative
at the Bureau of Appointments on
April 18 to interview students and pro-
fessional persons who are interested in
church-related service overseas. There
is a need for Teachers, Nurses, Doctors,
Ministers, Social Workers, Lab Techni-
cians, Agriculturists, and other Special-
ists. For the teaching openings a bach-
elor's degree is required with a major
in the subject to be taught. Practice
teaching or, teaching experience is de-
sirable. For appointments or addi-
tional information contact the Bureau
of Appointments, Education Division,
3200 SAB, 663-1511, Ext. 3547.
Beginning the week of April 15, the
following representatives will be at the
Bureau to interview candidates for the
school year 1963-1964:
(Continued on Page 5)
P pantings-pottery-sculpure--prints-drawings
New show featuring indoor and outdoor sculpture,
oil and 'watercolor paintings
206 E. WASHINGTON I2-9 weekdays except Wed.
ANN ARBOR 12-6 Sat. and 2-5 Sun.4
to Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
for Tickets .. .
Thurs. $1.50, Fri., Sat. $1.75
Write AA Civic Theatre, Box 87
please enclose self-addressed stamped envelope
18, 19, 20
We will begin the day with a stimulating seminar in Hittite
artifacts. Then we will go over to marine biology and spend a
happy hour with the sea slugs. Then we will open our pores by
drilling a spell with the ROTC. Then we'll go over to journalism
and tear out the front page. Then we'll go to the medical school
and autograph some casts. Then we'll go to home economies
and have lunch.
And between classes we'll smoke Marlboro Cigarettes. This,
let me emphasize,.is not an added fillip to the broadening of
our education. This is an essential. To learn to live fully and
well is an important part of education, and Marlboros are an
important part of living fully and well. What a sense of com-
pleteness you will get from Marlboro's fine tobaccos, from
Marlboro's pure filter 1 What flavor Marlboro delivers! Through
that immaculate filter comes flavor in full measure, flavor with-
out stint or compromise, flavor that wrinkled care derides,
flavor holding both its sides. This triumph of the tobacconist's
art comes to you in soft pack or Flip-Top box and can be lighted
with match, lighter, candle, Welsbach mantle, or by rubbing
two small Indians together.
When we have embarked on this new regimen-or, more
accurately, lack of regimen-we will soon be cultured as all
get out. When strangers accost us on the street and say, "What
was Wordsworth doing ten-miles above Tintern Abbey, hey?"
we will no longer slink away in silent abashment. We will reply
loud and clear:
"As any truly educated person knows, Wordsworth, Shelley,
and Keats used to go to the Widdicombe Fair every year for
the 'potry -writing contests and three-legged races, both of
which they enjoyed lyrically. Well sir, imagine their chagrin
when they arrived at the Fair in 1776 and learned that Oliver
Cromwell, uneasy because Guy Fawkes had just invented the
spinning denny, had cancelled all public gatherings, including
the Widdicombe Fair and Liverpool. Shelley was so upset
that h1a . ,li.,v,.mr.P.l in;. h t of ms.m; v TRpafR QwAnt 4to
The w1d girl'
from Greenwich Village...
the lonely man
from the Midwest.."
the shocker
that throws away
.Did you tel your
wife about me?"
PROFESSOR NEEDLER of the Political Science Dept.
aind I
-11 11- 4Z 1 11I
w ? ?