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Cloudy turning fair
with diminishing winds
Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
Majority at Hearing,
Speaks for Passage
Fair Housing Ordinance Receives
Support from Churches, Individuals
About 185 people filled the Ann Arbor City Council meeting room
last night to witness the second public hearing on the proposed fair
housing ordinance where a majority of the individuals, who expressed
opinions, urged immediate passage of a strong bill.
The University did not send a representative to testify at the
hearing. Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns said
yesterday that University President Harlan Hatcher met with him and
the three-man advisory committee on fair housing yesterday afternoon.
They discussed the preliminary draft of a report on the University's
'relations to a fair housing ordi-
nance. He said that no decision to
send a representative to the hear-
ing came out of the meeting.
Expects Final Report
President Hatcher commented
that he expects the final report,
but does not know when. "When
it is complete, I will decide wheth-
- er to send a personal representa-
4 tive to a hearing," he added.
He also said that the commit-
tee's findings will be "helpful to
the community and the council,"
but would not specify in what way
it would be helpful.
Of the 29 people who spoke at
the hearing, two opposed the ordi-
nance, saying that it should be
put to the voters for ansadvisory
vote rather than being acted on
by council itself.
-U Voices Opposition
Mrs. Ruth Hobbs, president of;
the Ann Arbor Board of Realtors,
HARLAN HA TCHER said she "feels there has been er-
... fair housing roneous thought about the board,
which is not against fair housing,
but has been working for it."
RRESTS Speaking for herself, she said "I
am opposed to the ordinance, I1
feel we should do these things be-
H a t cause we wish to do them."
"It would be beneficial if the
proposition would be put to an ad-
lieistration visory vote of the people," she con-
Another Ann Arbor resident pre-j
By RASHEL LEVINE sented a petition to council with
Nineteen Negroes attempting to 300 signatures urging that council1
rgintenforos mting erearrest should hold an advisory city vote
register for votMig were arrested by secret ballot "in order to get a
in Greenwood, Miss., yesterday. full opinion." She said "for my
The Negroes, walking in pairs part I am positive that in many
from their voting headquarters, cases intimidation, exists. Council
were ordered by police to disperse. will never know the true and hon-
When they refused they were est opinion without this vote."
taken to jail. They are being Urges Strong Action
held on charges of disorderly con- Student Government Council
duct and disobeying an officer. President Thomas Brown, '63BAd,
Curtis Lary, Greenwood police presented the views of SGQ and
chief, told the Negroes to disperse said "either a strong ordinance or
several times. He said they would none at all should be. passed. A
not have been stopped if they had weak ordinance could become a
dispersed. mockery."
Court Hearing Representatives of several church
A formal court 1hearing will be groups also addressed council, each
held today on a government re- advocating the immediate passage
quest for a court order banning of a strong ordinance with amend-
Interference with Negro voter reg- ments. Miss Henricka Beech of the1
istration efforts. Another march Ann Arbor Council of United
to register will also be held, which Church Women said the ordinance
will be led by the Negro clergy- was a good beginning.
rnen of Greenwood. Rev. Daniel Burke, a represen-
Mrs. Diane Bevel, Student Non- tative from the board of trustees
Mrs Dine eve, Sudet Nn-of Beth Israel' Community Cen-
violent Co-ordinating Committee ter hrIsraeCoftye n-r
~le scrtay said that there tea representative of the board
wasl a great deal of police brutal- of trustees and the congregation of
was a gthe First Unitarian Church and a
ity. "When a man who was being
pus"he aundwby thespolice layrepresentative of the vestry of
pushed around by the ponce lay Trinity Evangelical L u t h e r a n
down, three policemen came over, Church all voiced support of the
removed t h e i r identification ordinance with the amendmentF
badges and began picking him up defining multiple-dwelling units ast
sevedrlpting," heim d hgrndcomposed of three or more units.
several times," she said. Cites Discrimination t
'Pathetic Sight' Mrs. Gwendolyn Baker, repre-
"The violence created was a pit- senting 22 Negro property owners,
iful and pathetic sight. Such vio- said that the owners felt forced to
lence should touch all Americans," buy in a certain are'a of Ann Ar-
the Rev. D. L. Tucker, a Green- bor because of discrimination. She
wood civil rights leader, reported. urged adoption of a strong housingX
The issue is clearly whether or ordinance.
not Negroes have the right to Barbara Cartwright, coordinator
walk singly or in groups if they of the Council of Churches' HOMEE
wish to register to vote, Hollis program, said that the legislation
Watkins, vice-president of the should be as inclusive as possible1
Council of Federated Organiza- and Council should not delay int
Lons, commented. passing it. "Those who urge pa-
COFO sponsored a mass meet- tience are not called on to be'
COFO +n nsra mass.11p njmet-patient," she said.
Boos Cites
On Delta
Rep. William A. Boos (D-Sag-
inaw) noted yesterday that the
Legislature does not want to get
into "open warfare" with Michi-
gan's ten state-supported colleges
over expansion in higher educa-
This desire is indicated by the
Legislature's failure to approve
plans for the establishment of a
degree-granting institution on the
Delta College campus, which would
operate under the auspices of the
In a letter to University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher, Boos urged
the University to go ahead with
plans to set up a program accom-
modating 200 students of the jun-
ior year level at Delta. President
Hatcher indicated yesterday that
he had not yet received the letter.
Full Authority
Boos commented that the Uni-
versity has full legal authority to
go ahead with the plan.
"If the University were to spon-
sor such a program, they could not
be criticized any more than they
are now," Boos said, referring to
censuring of the University from
the Michigan Council of College
The plan closely coincides with
an interim proposal now in the
hands of the Legislature which
would place the control for such
an operation with the University.
Proposal Completed
The proposal was drawn up with
the help of President Hatcher,
Executive Vice-President Marvin
Niehuss and Delta officials and
was introduced approximately twos
weeks ago.
"Right now everyone seems to be
waiting for organizational ideas
from Gov. George Romney's blue-
ribbon educational study commit-
tee," Boos said. The committee was
formed for the purpose of provid-
ing workable plans for growth of
higher education.
"Many people on both sides of
the Delta expansion argument are
peppering the governor's office,"
Boos noted.
U. S. Prestige
Rests on Vote
By Canadians
By The Associated Press
OTTAWA - Canadian elections
have not generally been much of
a spectator sport for Americans
south of the border; this one is. ,
The Canadian election April 8,
for the House of Commons is in
a way a direct referendum on how,
Canadians feel about the United
States. A central issue in the3
campaign and in the political up-
heaval that caused disbandment
of the last Parliament has been,
whether Canada should accede to;
American pressure and accept
atomic weapons for its air forces.
Regardless of the heat and in-;
terest developed in the election,
the results could well leave the,
situation just as it was last winter3
with no party holding a majority.
And the new government will in-
herit some formidable and famil-;
iar problems. '
The most publicized of these
persisting problems is the decision
Canada will have to make about
allowing its air forces to be armed
with United States nuclear war-
heads to fulfill its commitments<
to the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization and the North Ameri-
can Defense Command.
See CANADIAN, Page 2 t
Of University
Whittaker Calls for Rebirth of Morality
' 1
"The breakdown of American morality is as great a threat to
this country's future as any external enemy," the Honorable Charles
E. Whittaker, retired United States Supreme Court justice, said at
the Law School's annual case club banquet last night.
He explained that the only way to achieve this end is through
a rebirth of personal morality by labor, business and political leaders.
- Whittaker cited nepotism on the
part of our elected representatives
as a blatant disregard of morality.
"If this practice were carried out
" covertly and discovered by the
Jnewspapers, there would be a
tremendous scandal," he said.
However, the fact that congress-
By GLORIA BOWLES men openly put wives and children.
By GLRIA BWLES on the payrolls and still occupy
Six members of the Faculty places of honor;is an unmistak-
Senate's Student Relations Com- able signofmoral degeneration.
mittee and 14 members of Student Breach of Trust
Government Council last night He named four economic abuses
discussed student-faculty govern- on the part of industrial execu-
ment.- tives as a "breach of public trust."
On April 15 the SRC will pre- Executives whose salaries are "ade-
sent the Senate with its recoi- quate, if not excessive," have em-
mendations on an SGC'proposal ployed stock options, elaborate re-
to place students on eight ,major tirement funds, profit sharing and
policy-making Senate committees. dividend credit to "pyramid, their
Ralph Kaplan, '63, former chair- incomes."
man of Council's Committee on These four practices make it
the University and framer of the impossible for them to "sanely
student-faculty government pro- bargain about spiraling costs and
posal, said Council had passed a make it difficult to convince the
"moderate" motion to take prac- public and government of indus-
tical steps only to-test a student- try's needs.
faculty government structure, but "Labor is guilty of the same
a vague restlessness and a retreat kind of personal greed," he said.
on the part of the University A recent labor convention voted
seemed to be delaying considera- to try to reduce the work week
tion of the proposal. from 40 hours to 35 while keeping
Questions Capability wages constant, in effect, raising
Prof. Wallace T. Berry of the wages by 12.5 per cent.
Music School asserted that stu- Hold Line
dents have sometimes shown "We must draw the line on
themselves incapable of managing wage and price increases before
their own student affairs and ask- we get deeper and deseper into the
ed if they could legitimately seek mire," he said.
increased role. The average American has
However, most of the SRC mem- changed in the past few years
bers agreed that students have a from the owner of a small busi-
"vital interest" in University de- ness enterprise to an employe in
cision making, but were uncertain a large corporation. The country's
of the appropriate means for stu- economic complexion has also
dents, to participate. changed because people have com-
Prof. David. H. Stewart of the mitted their future paychecks to
English department noted that long term payments. Mammoth,
after three years on the staff it powerful labor unions have bar-
was his impression that the Fac- gained for annual wage increases.
ulty Senate had "very little" pow- Whittaker noted, however, that
er, and that student appointmenit "you can't increase labor costs
to its committees would be inef- without eventually effecting the
fective. Prof. Charles B. Perrow price of the product produced."
of the sociology department said He announced that at the present
the Senate "has less power than time, 80 per cent of the cost of
it should." steel goes for labor costs.
Debate Merger Standard Too High
Prof. Charles Lehmann of the "We have set a high standard,
education school, chairman of the that we probably can't afford,"
SRC, suggested that students and he said. "Our prices have been
faculty might wield more influence raised above those on the world
with separate organs, but Council market."
member Gary Gilbar, '65, said that The trend has been established
two "ineffective groups should be to allow industry tax deductions
working together toward effective- for expansion, but we are "already
ness." producing more than we need."
Disagreement on the goals of He explained that these products
appointment of st u d e n ts to cannot be sold on the world
SACUA committees came when market without subsidies from the
Council member Michael Knapp, government (to make up the dif-
'64, called for a "pragmatic" ap- ference between the domestic rate
proach. They should be satisfied and that being offered abroad.
with roles as observers now. The crisis is further compound-
Daily Editor Michael Olinick, ed by the fact that the- govern-
'63, asked that the groups not lose ment has increased spending while
sight of a long-range goal of stu- reducing personal income taxes.
dent-faculty government, and in- The solution for this vicious
dicated that a .half-way accept- cycle is obviously, although poli-
ance of the plan could be less tically unpopular. "We must hold
desirable than its total rejection. the line on labor costs," he said.1
'U' To Set Phase-Out Plans
-Daily-Karl Menhart
LAW BANQUET-Dean of the Law School Allen F. Smith (left),
former United States Supreme Court Justice Charles E. Whittaker
(center) and Arthur V. Brooks, '63L (right), attend the annual
case club banquet held last night.
Phoenix Seeks Methods
For Further Financing
Plan allows
New Building
Voters To Determine
Fate of Bond Issue,
Suitability of Locale
The University is expected to
announce today tentative plans
for phasing out University High
School in favor of a joint arrange-
ment with Ann Arbor for use of a
new high school which may be
constructed on North Campus.
The plans depend on whether
Ann Arbor voters approve a high
school construction bond issue and
on whether North Campus proves
to be a suitable location for the
The phasing out would be spread
over a three-year period. The move
would allow the University addi-
tional facilities for training high
school teachers. In return, the
University would have donated
North Campus property for 'con-
structing the new high school.
* Transition
The transition would not be
completed until 1966.
The other non-high school pro-
grams conducted at University
School would not be affected.
Letters were sent outyesterday
to the parents of University High
School students . explaining the
reasons for the change.
Increased Applicants
The transition to an Ann Arbor
operated high school would aid the
University in accommodating a
higher number of teaching certifi-
cate applicants without the Uni-
versity building a new high school
The University has been confer-
ring with Ann Arbor school offi-
cials on the feasibility of coop-
eration in this area for some time.
If the bond issue fails or if the
decision of school authorities is
against locating a unit on North
Campus, the plans will be aband-
oned or deferred.
One of the major questions was
the problem of whether it is bet-
ter for teachers to be trained in a
laboratory school or in a regular
school system under normal con-
SEC Offers
'Mild' Report
On Securities
The Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project is considering new
means 'of financing when the $2 million raised by the last fund drive
in 1959 runs out.
The project has a budget of approximately $400,000 a year.
Funds for it had been raised by soliciting alumni and industry
support. The University contributes slightly less than $100,000 a
year, recognizing the Phoenix lab-
oratory's work in teaching and
academic research, Phoenix Direc-
tor Prof. William Kerr of the nu-
clear engineering department ex-
He said that a 'fund drive did
not commit the project to an-
other one, once its money ran out.
Because of this, alternate means'
of financing the project were dis-
cussed at last month's meeting
of the Development Council.
Several Alternatives
He cited several alternatives the
project could use:
1) Industry could be encouraged
to contribute smaller amounts over
an indefinite period, rather than
a large amount over a fixed time;
2) The University could increase
its share of paying the Phoenix
laboratory costs. Currently it pays
slightly less than 50 per cent of
its cost;
3) The project could attempt to
be self-supporting. However, this
is. probably unfeasible as there is
not enough revenue available from
fees to cover the project's research
and educational activities; or
4) The project could seek fed-
eral grants to maintain it as well
as for specific projects. This is un-
likely as the federal government
tends to support specific research
projects by contracts or grants.
Project Expansion
However, the project should ex-
pand, Prof. Kerr asserted. He said
that the project was considering
extending the power level of the
reactor and expanding it for more
elaborate experiments.
The reactor was designed about
10 years ago, Prof. Kerr noted, and
should be modernized.
In addition, the number of ap-
plications for Phoenix support of
atomic energy-related research
has increased, he said. The project
spends approximately $100,000
supporting such work.
Brazil Offers
Aid to Bidault
'Quick Action'
'Outlay Scheme
Advances Plans
Gov. George Romney's $1.11
million "quick action" capital out-
lay program, now awaiting House
action after Senate passage, will
turn preliminary plans for a new
dental school and medical science
buildings into working plans ready
for construction bids.
The dental school building, Dean
William R. Mann of the dental
school said, will include three
floors of classrooms, clinics, re-
search space and faculty offices.
It will be located northeast of the
current dental facilities where a
parking lot and the Temporary
Classroom Bldg. are now located.
Thenew buildings would allow
the school to increase its enroll-
ment from 97 to 150 students. It
will also permit the school to
train 75 instead of 39 dental hy-
Detailed Plans
The Medical School hopes to
complete detailed planning within
a year and a half for the second
medical science building, Assistant
Dean of the Medical School Alex-
ander Barry noted recently.
He said that preliminary plans
for the building have been com-
pleted and that state money will
be spent preparing detailed plans
for the building. The University
has been seeking this structure
since 1950.
The second medical science unit,
will be located next to the new
Buhl Human Genetics Bldg. and
will be connected to the first med-
ical science unit. Beal House, cur-
recently on the site, will be torn
down, Barry said. A passage will
join the Buhl Human Genetics
Bldg. and the proposed structure.
New Facilities
The new building will house the
Medical School's anatomy, physi-
ology, microbiology and. genetics
departments, he noted. It will con-
tain lecture halls, classrooms and
Ing last nign to increase Te numn
bers and courage of people who'
try to register, Rev. Tucker said.
Leave Gregory
Negro comedian Richard Greg-
ory, who was with the group that
tried to register, was not bothered
by police. Several of those taken
to jail were elderly women.
The officers who jailed the Ne-
groes were armed with riot sticks.
They received aid from county
"I will stay here until the fed-
eral government does something
about police brutality and allows
these people to go to the court-
house to vote," Gregory said.
FCC Lowers
lphone Rate
Kerwin, Wickens Win Law Competition
NEW YORK (MP)-The stock
market advanced yesterday in ap-
parent reaction to what some fi-
nancial leaders considered the mild
tone of the Securities and Ex-
change Commission's report on
the securities business.
The SEC report to Congress gave
the securities industry a generally
good bill of health but said it had
found some "grace abuses."
It proposed new legislation, reg-
ulations and tighter controls.
Possibilities of the. SEC inves-
tigation, which was sparked by
disclosure of manipulations on the
American Stock Exchange more
than a year ago, have been thrash-
ed out on Wall Street for many
The commission will recommend
these legislative proposals:
1) Authorizing standards of
character, competence and finan-
cial responsibility as conditions
for entry into the business;
2) Requiring all firms and in-
dividuals to be subject to the
authority of one of the self-
regulatory agencies (the stock ex-
changes or the National Associa-
tion of Security Dealers);
3) Granting the commission
dietdisciplinary controls over
individuals and perfecting NASD
controls; and
4) Providing the commission
with intermediate sanctions over
firms and individuals short of out-
right revocation of a firm's broker-
Frank J. Kerwin Jr., '63L, and
William E. Wickens, '64L, were
declared last night the finals win-
ners for the thirty-eighth annual
Henry M. Campbell Competition
sponsored by the case clubs of the
Law School.
They were chosen as the better
of two remaining groups in the
competition which originally began
with 32 groups, arguing cases un-
der mock courtroom conditions.
, The runners-up, Charles K.
Dayton, Grad, and William C.
Law School Allen F. Smith and
Professors Samuel D. Estep and
Jerold H. Israel of the Law School.
In the hypothetical case argued
yesterday, Mander vs. Davis, the
"respondent" Davis was asking for
a writ of mandamus from the state
supreme court. He claimed the un-
constitutionality of two aspects of
his state's election process: the
apportionment established by a
1952 constitutional amendment
and a public law which compelled
disclosure of a candidate's race,
religion and residence to be print-
ed on the ballot.
apportionment was justifiable as
a means of guaranteeing minority
"I do not deny that the repre-
sentation is disproportionate, but
I do deny that this prevents equal
protection of the law guaranteedj
by the constitution," he said.
His co-partner, Wickens, asked,
the court "to make a delineation
between what is distasteful and
what is unconstitutional." He said
that the law requiring candidates
to place race and religion on the
ballot is "clearly within the bounds
of +he consttinand einartilr_-
m ...'