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April 03, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-03

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Partly cloudy, becoming windy
with showers late today














Hairline Victory
Passes Document
Wire Services Confuse Final Tally;
Jubilant Democrats Add To Melee
An erroneous teletype machine, the excitement of an election
night and the jubilance of those Democrats who thought the con-
stitution was defeated combined to make Monday night one of the
most confusing of the year.
Michigan does have a new constitution, even though it will
not go into effect until Jan. 1, 1964.
The final tally was 810,180 "yes" votes over 799,420 "no" votes,
leaving a margin of 10,760. Most of the confusion stemmed from
inaccurate newswire reports, as the state's two main wire services,
-the Associated Press and United







'U' To Offer Honors Housing

The University will offer an
honors housing "opportunity" next
fall, using two houses in Markley
Female honors students can
choose to live in Blagdon House
with another .as yet unspecified
house in Markley available for
men, Prof. Otto G. Graf, director

_ -'

of the Honors Council, said yes-
Letters are currently being sent
out to all freshmen, sophomores
and juniors in the honors pro-
gram informing them of the hon-
ors housing option. Letters will
also be sent to all of next year's
freshmen who have so far been
accepted into the honors program.

Rebels Stage
New Attacks
In Argentina
planes and artillery bombed an
shelled a government tank colum
near La Plata last night in a ne
outburst of the navy-led revolt t
unseat President Jose Maria Gui
d The latest clash broke out in
residential section of La Plata
about 35 miles south of Bueno
Aires, two hours after Guido'
command claimed Argentine rebel
had been routed from most of th
strongholds they had seized ina
sudden anti-Peronist uprising yes
The rebels answered govern
ment victory claims with warning
that the Argentine fleet, led b
the aircraft carrier Independencia
was steaming full speed towar
Buenos Aires to deliver a knock
out blow to Guido's regime.
Rebel marines who had hel
downtown Buenos Aires most o
the day abandoned the capita
about dusk, and Gens. Benjamin
Menendez and Federico Toranzo
Montero, the two bitterly anti
Peronist army men who served a
figureheads for the naval upris-
ing, were reported to have fled
aboard the icebreaker San Martin
Guido's command also claimed
other insurgent units had been
chased from such important in-
land cities as Cordoba, about 400
miles northwest of Buenos Aires.
Faculty Urges
Strong Stand
On ordinance
The faculty of- the literary col-
lege has urged that the Univer-
sity take a "position in favor of
a strong and fair housing ordin-
ance for Ann Arbor," in a resolu-
tion passed by the faculty with-
out a dissenting vote at their April
meeting Monday.
The resolution, introduced by
Prof. Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
of the mathematics department,
"Resolved, that the faculty of
this college believe that the Uni-
versity should take a position in
favor of a strong and fair hous-
ing ordinance for Ann Arbor which
effectively protects the civil rights
of all its residents."
Prof. Kazarinoff explained that
he was concerned with the role of
the University in getting the or-
dinance passed by City Council.
"I hope that the University takes
an active part before the Council
in obtaining an effective ordinance
for the community," he said.
U.S. To Arm
French Planes
WASHINGTON (1) - Nuclear
weapons under United States con-
trol will be attached this week to
French fighter-bombers stationed
in West Germany, defense , de-
partment sources said last night.
Officials said the action is be-
ing taken under a bilateral agree-
mnent between the United States
and France which was first ne-

Press International, couldn't seem
r to agree on the fate of the new

An early report from the A.
sociated Press stating the con
stitution had lost led importar
Democrats to hold a celebratio
dinner and issue victory state
ments. The faulty report was du
to duplication in recording ballot
ein the Wayne and Oakland Count
d areas.
n Both the Detroit Free Press an
W The Daily, the only mornin
o papers in the state in operatio
- at that hour, held up publicatio
to get the correct story. The Fre
a Press had declared the constitu
, tion defeated, but halted thei
,s presses to change their front page
s The Daily waited until 3:30 a.m
s when passage seemed imminent.
e Different Interpretation
a Interpretations of the hairlin'
victory (the 10,760 margin wa
about .6 of one per cent of th
- total vote cast) differed as bot
s Democrats and Republicans claim
y ed the results indicative of in
, creasing support for their plat
d forms.
Democratic State Central Com
mittee Chairman Zolton Ferenc
d claims that Gov. George Romne
f "suffered defeat at the polls. H
l asked for a mandate, or at leas
a a consensus from the voters an
o got neither."
- Romney, on the other hand
9 hailed adoption of the constitu-
- tion as a "citizen's victory-the re
suit of the most massive citizen'
. effort in Michigan history."
d Wait for Official Canvas
a In spite of the closeness of th
final figures, no leading Democrat
seemed unwilling to call for a re-
count until the official canvas o
votes is in.
Although officially the new con-
stitution does not take effect un-
til next year, the document as
drawn up by the constitutional
convention provides for the im-
mediate establishment of a com-
mission to study reapportionment
of the Legislature.
"The commission shall proceed
to district and apportion the Sen-
ate andHouse of Representatives
according to the provisions of this
Constitution," the document'reads.
The commission is charged with
producing a suitable apportion-
ment plan for ratification by the
state Supreme Court.
Russian Chief
Invites Chinese
To Showdown
MOSCOW W) i- Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev has turned down
a Communist Chinese proposal
for a Red summit meeting in Pe-
king and instead invited Mao Tse-
Tung to Moscow for a face-to-face
showdown on Communist su-
There was no immediate reac-
tion from Peking on the Tass an-
nouncement yesterday of the in-
vitation to Mao to visit Moscow
this spring or summer.
A New China News Agency re-
lease from Peking said only that
the Soviet ambassador to Peking,
S. V. Cherovenko, had delivered
the letter to Premier Chou En-Lai
and other Chinese party leaders.
The feeling in Moscow was that
Khrushchev hoped Mao would ac-
cept his alternate suggestion and
send a representative for talks
that might help clear the air over
the deep Moscow-Peking rift be-

SGC To Consider Proposal
On Student-Faculty Body
Student-faculty government-the student proposal and possible
modification of it-will be considered by Student Government Council,
A representative of the Faculty Senate and chairman of its Com-
mittee on Student Relations, Prof. Charles F. Lehmann of the School

Under the plan, honors students
will have the option of bringing
their non-honors roommates with
In line with the current prac-
tices of the Office of Student Af-
fairs in regard to housing policy,
present residents of Blagdon House
will also have an option to stay,
Prof. Graf said.
He also noted that faculty mem-
bers may serve as resident ad-
visors if any faculty express a
willingness to do so. Otherwise,
staff personnel will be chosen
through, "normal procedures" of
the OSA.
Extension of Experiment
Peter A. Ostafin, assistant to, the
vice-president for student affairs,
saw the project in many ways as
an extension of the experiment
in East Quadrangle's Greene
House and Markley's Little House
this year.


.j.. main address

Fisk To Speak
In Convocation
Dr. James B. Fisk, president of
Bell Telephone Laboratories, will
deliver the main address at the
University Engineering H o n o r s
Convocation April 26 at Rackham

"- of Education, will meet with Coun-
cil at 7:30 p.m. Prof. Lehmann's
committee will take its recom-
mendations on student - faculty
government to the Faculty Sen-
ate in April, and is currently con-
sidering a motion passed by SGC
which asks that two students be
placed on eight major Senate
Meaningful Unity
The SRC chairman said yester-
day that "a viable, meaningful
unity in the governing of the Uni-
versity community" was desirable
but noted that "it takes a long
time to construct something that
is useful."
Chairman of the Senate Advi-
sory Committee on University Af-
fairs, Prof. Wilbert J. McKeachie
of the psychology department, said
in a letter to SGC that he has
"a strong personal interest in the
proposal and believes that it mer-
its serious consideration."
Also favoring the plan in "prin-
ciple" Regent C a r 1 Braeblec
(Roseville) commented that "the
idea of closer communication and
participation is reasonable" and
said "no doubt the SACUA will
respond favorably or else present
some equivalent plan."
Faculty Opposition
However, a number of faculty
members have expressed opposi-
tion to the proposal, with some
against student appointment to
Senate committees.
Prof. John W. Reed of the Law
School wrote to Council saying
that it is a "fallacy" that the af-
fairs of the University should be
'governed' by a body made up of
students and faculty."
In passage on Feb. 13 of the
student-faculty government mo-
tion recommended by its Commit-
tee on the University, Council
noted that "the ideal of a free'
inter-change of knowledge and be-
lief is essential to the effective
functioning of any educational
community," and added that "in
order for such an ideal to prosper
it is imperative that students and
faculty think of each other as
equal members in a community of
scholars, with common concerns.
and common abilities."
Council noted that "initial test-
ing steps toward a joint govern-
ment" should be taken and re-
quested that students be appoint-
ed to Senate committees.

Hatcher Says
No Housin
University P r e s i d e n t Harlan
Hatcher said yesterday that he
had just received and reviewed the
preliminary draft of the fair hous-
ing report from his three-man ad-
visory committee, but that there
"seemed to be nothing in the re-
port which would change the Uni-
versity's position, "which is to
send no testimony to the Ann
Arbor City Council."
The City Council will hold its
second public hearing on the pro-
posed fair housing ordinance from
7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. tonight in
the old City Hall.
President Hatcher indicated that
he planned to meet as soon as
possible with Professors Donald
Pelz, program director of the Sur-
vey Research Center, Samuel El-
dersveld of the political science
department and Luke K. Cooper-
rider of the Law School, the mem-
bers of the president's fair hous-
ing advisory committee, to discuss
the data and analysis contained in
their report.
As of last night, President
Hatcher did not plan to send a
University representative or any
other form of statement or testi-
mony to the public hearing.
The University did not send a
representative or testimony to the
first hearing, held on March 20.
At that time President Hatcher'
said that "if as the ordinance de-
velops, it appears that a substan-
tial number of University person-'
nel are affected, or that further
testimony on the part of the Uni-
versity is indicated, then we w ul
have a representative present."
The University has sent a letter
to Mayor Cecil O. Creal and the
City Council stating that it'
"heartily favors a fair housing.
It pointed out that the Univer-
sity does not wish to "dictate egis-
lation" to the city but that it
does wish to work with the com-j
munity, since housing problems
are "so closely linked with the
University as the residence of so1
many faculty and students of
every race." '
Berkeley Nears
Bill Rejectionr
BERKELEY OP)-A proposed or-e
dinance to ban discrimination inI
Berkeley housing tumbled towardX
defeat by a 5-to-4 margin withc
more than one-third of the votes 1
counted from yesterday's munici-c
pal election.e
With 100 of 275 precincts re- s
porting, the count stood 6,225 for 1
the measure and 8,090 against.I
The margin remained constant4
throughout the early counting.
An estimated 70 per cent ofL
Berkeley's 52,936 registered voters
turned out, with voting heaviest
in the city's exclusive hill areas.
Wallace J. S. Johnson, mayoral I
andidate who opposed the or-s
dinance, was leading Dr. Fred S. 7
Stripp, a backer of the measure,V
by a 6-to-15 ratio. a

The College of Engineering
nounced that the subject of
talk will be "The Responsible

.honors housing


Fisk has combined a distin-
guished career in industrial re-
search with outstanding scientific
service to the government, accord-
ing to Dean Stephen S. Attwood of
the engineering college.
Fisk has been chairman of the
United States technical delegation
at the Geneva Nuclear Test Ban
Conference both in 1958 and 1959.
He was also director of the Divi-
sion of Research of the Atomic
Energy Commission in 1947-1948.
At the annual academic full-
dress affair, 25 outstanding Uni-
versity engineering students will be
honored with distinguished
achievement awards, and 36 others
who have achieved grade averages
of 3.6 or better will be recognized.

That experiment, proposed by
Prof. Theodore. Newcomb of the
psychology and sociology depart-
ments, attempts, to link the resi-
dence hall experience with the
classroom experience. As much as
possible, students in these two
houses were put into the same
classes and house personnel were
chosen with special care.
The honors housing proposal
will allow extension of this pro-
gram, which this year only includ-
ed freshmen, into upperclassmen,
Ostafin said.
'Informal Locus'
He added that honors housing
would give honors students an "in-
formal locus" which will help them
to take fullest advantage of the
honors program.
Prof..Graf noted that the major
similarity between the Little-
Greene experiment and honors
housing is the "relationship in
time and climate pf experimenta-
Ostafin cited as the reason for
selecting Markley its lounges,
conference rooms and other facil-
ities which will provide room for
honors activities.
Honors housing has been under
consideration for several years.
This year, Prof. Robert O. Blood
Jr. of the sociology department
wrote a report setting out a ra-
tionale for the program and a plan
for implementation.

precincts were from out-state.
The, count stands: 815,745 fc
cumbent Eugene B. Power of Ann.
for Thurber; 768,895 for Repub-<
lican Ink White of St. Johns.
Narrow Victory
Commenting on his narrow vic-
tory, Cudlip said that "I wish to
thank the people and hope to jus-
tify their confidence in me." He
indicated that it had been a "good,
hard campaign."
Cudlip emphasized the fact that
he had tied his campaign to the
support of the new constitution.
He believes that the new educa-
tion article will work to the good
of the University and expressed
surprise that the document pass-
ed by so "narrow a margin."
Regent Thurber is "awaiting the
results of the official canvass
which will be completed in the
next two weeks" before making
any decision about a recount. He
pointed out that the present vote
totals are all unofficial.
'Razor-Edge' Vote
The canvass checks the accur-
acy of each precinct's totals. "In
a razor-edge decision such as this
election, just a few errors here
and there can spell the difference
between victory and defeat," the
apparently defeated Democrat
The election of Power and Cud-
lip places three Republicans and
five Democrats on the Board. Pre-
viously the split had been 6-2.
Cudlip is a partner in a Detroit
law firm and served as a delegate.
to the Constitutional Convention
from his local district. He is a'
1927 graduate of the Law School.
Other Boards
The election of members to the
other university governing boards
was also altered after the late
morning returns. One Democrat'
and one Republican was elected to
each. Republican Stephen S. Nis-
bet passed up his Democratic op-
ponent Jan Vanderploeg to se-
cure a seat on Michigan State'
University's governing board. Dem-
ocrat Donald Stevens retained his
early lead to win the other open
seat. The final vote totals were Nis-f
bet, 804,021; Stevens, 791,671; Re-I
Publican Arthur K. Rouse, 785,-1
476; Vanderploeg, 774,472.E
Republican Alfred H. Whittakert
unseated his incumbent Democrat-
c opponent Michael Ference, who
ed last night, for a position on l
Wayne State University's govern-t
ng board. Incumbent Democrat<
Leonard Woodcock retained his
seat, as was indicated yesterday.
Totals ranged: Woodcock, 809,355;l
Whittaker,u791,107; Ference, 785,-
,83; Republican Marshall V. 1
NJoecker, 770,938.C
Election day turned out to be a
half victory for each party in the
race for positions on the univer-
sity governing boards. The onlyr
bet lost by both Democratic candi-s
dates for one board-the Universi-
ys-was one on the weather. Re-i
gents Thurber and Power took outc
an insurance policy which wouldX
have paid them $6500 if it hadc
rained more than one twentieth t
Qf an inch in Detroit between 3 t
P.M. and 8 p.m. Monday-when
nost of the voters go to the polls.
They lost the bet despite cloudy -
skie and dr7.Ru ran

Gets SecondSeat
InRegents ace
Late-Reporting Out-State Districts
Award Republican Slim Victory
Late yesterday morning Republican Regental candidate William
B. Cudlip of Grosse Pointe Shores inched ahead of his Democratic
opponent Regent Donald M. D. Thurber to gain the second open seat
on the Board.
When The Daily went to press at 3:30 a.m. yesterday, Pudlip was
39,179 votes behind Thurber. Even at 8 a.m. Thurber still led by 3300.
But later in the day with all but one precinct reporting, Cudlip had
captured the Regental post by a margin of 2,058 votes. All the late

... .,victorious


victorious Democratic in-
799,424 for Cudlip; 797,366

'UT' Designs
Explorer 17
The Explorer 17 satellite orbited
last night from Cape Canaveral
carried, as part of its payload, in-
struments for an experiment by
Space Physics Laboratory scient-
The instruments, designed by
the University scientists, are two
electron temperature probes to
study the structure of the atmos-
The satellite was launched by
the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration at 9 p.m.
and was put in orbit by a Delta
booster rocket. The satellite's
orbit will carry it around the
earth at a height of 155-580 miles.
Early radio signals indicate the
Explorer reached its orbit, but its
exact path around the earth had
not been determined.
In addition to the two electron
probes, the 410-lbs. instrument
package also carried mass spec-
trometers and two different types
of pressure gauges.
There is also a sun-moon aspect
sensor to determine the relative
positions of the sun and the moon.
The flying laboratory, complete-
ly encased in a stainless steel
shell, features a new pulse code
mnodulation telemetry system de-.
signed to send data to earth in a
igitalformthat can be fed di-
r'ectly into a computer for an-
Previous satellites relayed data
n analog form, which had to be
converted to digital before com-
puter insertion. The new system
could save up to several weeks
time in analyzing some informa-
The different instruments in the
payload will be turned on and off
for the experiments which will be

Ross Discusses Need for New Politics


"If every group in society were
to politically express its demands
on society and government and if
every poor person and Negro could
express his demands certain func-
tions of the government would be-
come rhetorical," Robert Ross,

"It is important to determine
what our politics are as opposed
to what our programs are," Ross
stressed. Sociologist C. Wright
Mills told us to be and to create
publics and to hold the elite's re-
spect, he said. "He told us we were
to be politically relevant as well

the United States today," Ross
said. He said he felt "we, today's
students, are the first group on
the left not directly related to
labor unions or to working class
problems generally."
Turning to elements in the his-
torv of American nolitics that he

'-U amaW

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