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April 02, 1963 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-02

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Gymnasts Achieve Season's Goal in NCAA Win

Scheduled hourly, Friday afternoon,
April 5

Looking for Newt Loken? Don't
try the Yellow Pages.
You'll find the Michigan gym-
nastics coach somewhere between
the lower stratosphere and the
upper ionosphere, still feeling the
after-effects of the Wolverines'
first NCAA championship, won
Saturday at Pittsburgh.
Loken has every right to share
the glory of the victory with his
team. All year long, he's been
pointing his team towards the ti-
tle, and the merit of his coaching
was borne out by the fact that the

Another service of Alpha Phi Omega

Wolverines succeeded beyond their
wildest expectations.
It seems that the view was
pretty widely held by the other
41 coaches at the meet, since
they named Loken the country's
outstanding college gym coach for
Pace Setters
In the final analysis, the Wol-
verines' total of- 129 points was
the result of getting out in front
and staying there. In Friday's pre-
liminaries, they set the pace by
collecting 21 points in the all-
around, as opposed to chief rival
Southern Illinois' 15. At this point,
SIU also trailed in number of
places qualified in the finals, 15
to 13.
Michigan never came close to
losing the lead. In the floor exer-
cise they picked up 15% to South-
ern's eight, and on the Tram-
poline they bla.nked the Salukis,
20-0, to gain a 561/2-23 lead. The
Wolverines then proceeded to gain
some more ground on the side
horse and high bar before bowing
to SIU on the longhorse, -12-11,
even though they did gain the
first place spot.
Builds Lead
But on the parallel bars, 'they
nailed the coffin shut, 25-4, to
jump to an insurmountable 120-
522 edge. After this, SIU was able
to pick up some ground on the
still rings and in tumbling, and
wound up with 73 counters, a far
cry from Michigan's point output.

The Wolverines' 129 was a new
record for the NCAA under the
present scoring system. However, it
will have to be decorated with an
asterisk a la Roger Maris because
a new event, the longhorse, was
introduced this year, increasing
the number of points which can
possibly be scored by one team.
Larose Shines
The undisputed champion of the
champions was Captain Gil La-
rose, who scored 52% points all by
his lonesome, considerably more
than third-place Iowa's 33. With
the all-around title under his belt
at the beginning of Saturday's ac-
tion, Larose began slowly, tying
for fifth in floor ex, after having
tied for second in the prelims in
that event.
After Larose picked up six more
points by placing fifth on the
sidehorse, he began to pour it on.
He notched an excellent 96:5 on
the high bar to overtake and pass
Southern California's Gary Buck-
ner and win the crown. Buckner,
who led the field going into the
finals, eventually fell to fourth
behind Michigan's Arno Lascari
and SIU's Dennis Wolf, who tied
for second.
Larose then moved to the long-
horse, where two vaults valued at
95 points apiece enabled him to
rise from third after the prelims
to another national title. In this
process, he passed Pittsburgh's
Jack Lehner, who, like Buckner,
qualified first but fell to fourth,
and Sid Oglesby of Syracuse, who
maintained his second-place rank-
ing. Larose edged Oglesby by .9125
points, the slimmest possible mar-
The flash from Montreal then
finished out his college gym ca-
reer by taking third on the paral-
lel bars. The jinx which affected
Buckner and Lehner in their events
seemed to follow him to the p-
bars, as Larose, who had a 97.5
to lead the field Friday, had only
an 89.5 the next day to drop two
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This time, Lascari scored the
97.5 and took the championship,
with Penn State's Tom Seward
copping second. The junior Las-
cari, who only last week qualified
as an alternate on the United
States Pan-American team, col-
lected 27% points for his squad,
although he scored in just three
events. In addition to the high bar
and p-bars, he pulled in third in
the all-around, in back of Larose
and SIU's Fred Orlofsky.
Seward was also involved with
the Wolverines' scoring where floor
ex was concerned. Although the
Nittany Lion all-arounder quali-
fied first in the initial round, it
remained for Michigan sophomore
Mike Henderson, who has improv-
ed remarkably in this event in
recent meets, to tie him for the
honors when the smoke had clear-
ed. While Seward repeated his
preliminary score of 94, Hamilton
improved from a 93 to a 95 to reg-
ister an identical average.
Sophomore Support
One of the major outcomes of
the meet was to establish Wolver-
ines Gary Erwin and Fred Sanders
as the two best Trampoline artists
in the country. After the first day's
action, Erwin compiled a 95.5 to
take a commanding lead over
Sanders and Ohio State's Ian Jar-
rett, who tied for second with 87.
As astronomical as his first mark
was, the high-flying Erwin re-
corded an even higher 96 the sec-
ond day to eliminate mathemati-
cally the rest of the competition.
Not to be denied, Sanders then
proceeded to chalk up a 95.5 to
leave Jarrett and everyone else at
the post.
Parenthetically, it should be not-
ed that Erwin and Sanders are
just sophomores and presumably
haven't reached their peak yet.
In addition to Larose, senior
Jim Hynds: also closed out his
Michigan career Saturday. Besides
winning up ninth in Friday's all-
around, Hynds finished in the
same position on the high bar,
and moved up to fifth on the p-
bars, Michigan's strongest event..
Michigan's other scores came in
tumbling, where Johnny Hamil-
ton, Phil Bolton, and Henderson
finished seventh, tied for eighth,
and tied for eighth, respectively.
The final standings of the
teams showed a few mild surprises.
Southern Illinois' second wasn't
startling, but Iowa perhaps gave

an indication of things to come by
placing third, after having finish-
ed second to Michigan in the Big
Syracuse, winner of the Eastern
Intercollegiate title, copped fourth,
just ahead of Penn State, peren-
nial power in that part of the
country. But highly-touted Wash-

ington, who won the Western Uni-
versities title, had a disappoint-
ing ninth, behind sectional rivals
USC. the defending NCAA-champ,
California, and UCLA, who were
sixth, seventh, and eighth. Wis-
consin finished 10th to be the
third Big Ten representative
among the leaders.


HIGH BAR. KING-Gymnastics Captain -Gil Larose shows the
form which enabled him to become NCAA high bar champ at
Pittsburgh this weekend. Larose also took the all-around and
longhorse titles, and scored points for the Wolverines in three
other events.
Senate To Quiz.NFL
Officials. in Fix .Probe


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WASHINGTON (P)-- S e n a t e
sources said yesterday National
Football League officials are sure
to be called as witnesses in a
Senate investigation of gambling
on sports events.
The Senate investigations sub-
Dukie, Snider
Sold, to Mets
S.PTRBRFl.()The New York Mets announced
last night the purchase of veteran
outfielder Duke Snider from Los
Angeles Dodgers for an amount
over the waiver price.
Mets' President George Weiss
made the announcement, confirm-
ing reports circulating for a week
that the 36-year-old slugger who
had his greatest days in a Brook-
lyn uniform was headed back for
New York.
The purchase price was not an-
nounced, but the transaction will
cost the Mets in the neighborhood
of $30,000-$40,000.
Water Polo
Bob Clark accounted for eight
of his team's total as Phi Gamma
Delta defeated Sigma Alpha Epsi-
lon, 12-0, in the fraternity water-
polo championships at the I-M
pool last night.C

committee, headed by Sen. John
L. McClellan (D-Ark) is deep in
a preminary investigation of the
impact of gambling on the sports
The inqury, designed to deter-
mine whether the evidence would
merit public hearings, deals at the
moment with professional football,
college basketball scandals, and
the controversy iow raging over
charges that former Georgia Ath-
letic Director Wallace Butts =fed
vital information to Alabama
Coach Paul Bear Bryant before
their teams played last fall. Butts
and Bryant have denied. the
charges, first published by the
Saturday Evening Post.
McClellan had refused to say
what his staff investigators are
learning. But in reply to a report-
er's question he acknowledged
that his aides are checking on the
adequacy of the NFL's precautions
against involvements between its
players and known gamblers.

(Based on the hilarious book "The Question Man.")

A well-bound copy of the He-
brew English Bilingual New
Testament will be sent abso-
lutely free without any obliga-
tion to any Jewish student or
person desiring a copy upon re-
quest. Please write
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Grand Rapids, Michigan


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Cincinnati 4, Kansas City 1
Pittsburgh 3, Minnesota 0
Philadelphia 5, St. Louis 4
Chicago (N) 13, Boston 3
Washington 4, Milwaukee 2
Baltimore 6, Los Angeles (N) 1

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