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March 24, 1963 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-24

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CH 24, 1963



THEMIChi'a..v Bury - a Sn



Spring Weekend Breaks Long Monotony

The wild West is coning to
Michigan in the person of Oedipus
Tex with the Western Complex,
who will be playing a leading role
in this year's Spring Weekend,
April 26-2.
While Spring Weekend, which
alternates every other year with
Michigras, is traditionally one of
the m'ost colorful events of the
season, this year's "Way-Out
West" theme portends an even
more way-out phenomenon. One
indication: the designated colors
which will characterize the way-
out theme are red, purple and
The round of events which have
been scheduled for the weekend
have been designed to provide the
entire campus opportunities to join
in and enjoy the festivities.
The excitement will get under-
way at 3:15 p.m. Friday when
a parade of covered wagons, buck-
boards and haywagons will travel
from N. University down State
Street to Ferry Field, where the
rest of the afternoon's gala events
will take place.
Housing units will pair up to
build and decorate the covered
wagons. Trophies will be awarded
for the best Western scene de-
picted-from a high noon duel on
the Diag to the P-Bell as a West-
ern Saloon with a full chorus of
dancing girls.
The afternoon will also be mark-
ed by a rain of balloons filled with"
prize coupons from a helicopter;
over Ferry Field. Twisting and
folk singing will also be part of+
the day's fare.+
Two Bands
Friday night piomises to be a]
wild evening, carrying on the tra-

Production of Ties
Is Costly Process


CANOE RACE--Every time Spring Weekend rolls around the flotsam in the Huron River increases.
The above canoe is attempting to free itself from an uncharted reef before it sinks. The onlookers,
striken with grief, are singing "Nearer My God to Thee." The orchestra is not pictured. Other items of
interest are the tennis shoes pictured fourth from the right which are pango peach velveteen.

Contrary to the allegations of
ignorant, conservative bumpkins,
ties are made, not born.
Behind the time spent in choos-
ing a tie are numerous steps in-
volved in the production of a neck-
tie-costly ones, as you will find
out in the upcoming price rise.
For a high-quality necktie, the
manufacturer may import Euro-
pean wools or silks. This involves a
trip to Europe by the manufac-
turey or his buyer. In the plant,
the fabric must then be cut, to
pattern form.
Lined or Backedj
Then the cut material is either
lined or backed, and sewn together.
From here, the tie saunters to the
stock-room, where it awaits or-
ders from the retail store. After
being packed, shipped, displayed,
and bought, it is yours.
Like the state which invariably
goes Republican or Democratic,
the tie looks unexcitedly forward
to a stable, good year with few.
changes expected in styles. Ann
Arbor merchants predict few in-
This spring will see somewhat
wider ties, from two and three-
quarter inches to three inches.
Most of the varied materials will
be back, with silk shantungs, fou-
lards, and silk reps expected to sell
Club, Bow
Among the specialized ties, club
and bow ties are selling well. One
merchant commented that, in ad-
dition to faculty, students wear
bow-ties. "It takes a unique person
to wear bow-ties; the kind of per-
son who doesn't particularly care
what others think," he said.
Colors will be, as usual, brighter
for the spring than for the fall.
While green is not as popular as
it used to be, brown is gradually
taking its place.

ditional All-Campus Dance in the
Intramural Building "Gambling
Hall." There will be two bands
and the atmosphere-will be strict-
ly Western.
Here will be a great opportunity
to see . and take advantage of
"genuine" gambling halls. Once
again, pairs of houses will be com-
peting, this time in building and
operating their own casinos. These
establishments marked with an
aura of authenticity-real gamb-
ling equipient.
The various booths will be set

up to create just the right effect
as an L & L Harold's Club or a
Dodge City's House of Virtue.
All types of gambling equipment
provided by the Spring Weekend
Central Committee, will be in use.
These include: big six wheels, over
and under, chuck-a-luck, crap
table, bingo and beat the dealer.
The casinos are to be operated
as a theoretical profit-making
venture (using play money), and
trophies will be awarded on the
basis of the uniqueness of the
booths and the profits made.
To fill out the evening, Can-
Can girls will be appearing and
silent movies of the old West-
starring Tex Ritter and Charlie
Chaplin-will be shown.
Western Saga
Between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Saturday the saga of the West
will be re-enacted in two of the
most frolicking events of the week-
The canoe race at Island Park
and Riverside Park on the Huron
River will find houses paddling
wildly to the cheers of their part-
ner houses. During the afternoon,
many individual contests, in which
anyone may enter, will also take
Probably the most hilarious
event of the weekend will be the
buckboard races. The vehicles will
travel a path simulated by the
Central Committee to resemble
the first real Western trek.
The wagons will be those used
in the Friday afternoon competi-
tion but will be undecorated,. They
will be driven by women and
pulled by the men!
Topping off the weekend will be
the traditional Skit Night staged
in Hill Auditorium Saturday
night. Six skits are scheduled for
the Western theme.
Along with the presentation of
the skits, Can-Can girls will be
entertaining and the Friars will be
Trophies Presented
Between skits trophies will be
presented to the winners of the
various events of the weekend. As
a climax to the evening, the Skit
Night winners will be given their
As usual, Spring Weekend prom-
ises to be as fun-filled and hectic
as ever. There are a total of 38
pairs of housing units which will
Ghillie Returns
To Shoewear
An ancient shoe style, the ghil-
lie, is making something of a
comeback. Its history, which dates
back to nineteenth century Scot-
land, is being oriented towards the
present with new refinements.
Present-day ghillies include such
commercializations as stitched
welt front and tassle with elastic

be entering the weekend's compe-
Of these, 35 pairs will be partici-
pating in the canoe race, 25 pairs
in the buckboard race and covered
wagon parade, 10 pairs in the
Friday night gambling and six
pairs in the Skit Night competi-
Held first in 1953, Spring Week-
end is co-sponsored by the Michi-
gan Union and the Women's Ath-
letic Association. All proceeds go
to charity.
Spring Weekend was climaxed
with an all-campus dance held in
the Intramural Building. Booths
were constructed for the dance,
but Sarah Vaughan supplied the
main entertainment.
In 1961, the late April event had
as its unifying theme "Jest in
Time." A parade from the Diag to
Yost Field House began the fes-
tivities on a Friday afternoon.

To the woe of pacifists, a style
known as the regimental is becom-
ing very popular. The regimentals
are the colors of the different
British regiments. They are usually
bright bands of colors.
Moldy Green
Consistent with University spirit,
maize and blue ties lie on the
retailer'sshelves until they turn
a moldy green. It seems Michigan
men are ashamed of their school,
or are too proud to find a need to
display their affiliation. Perhaps
they just revolt at the combina-
i Regardless of the immature fads
in other less sophisticated types of
apparel, the necktie is not unduly
disturbed. For him, life will go
Men's Bikinis
Become Trend
In Swimsuits
This year's bathing suits reflect
a fashion-wide trend with a switch
to light, colorful fabrics tailored
to ease the heat and enhance the
Madras designs, vertically strip-
ed patterns, and cool functional
seersucker lead the parade of
swimwear for both men and wo-
Suits covering less anatomy are
a featured part of this year's col-
lection, as bikinis make their de-
but for men.
Although it is difficult to jazz
up a bikini with much of any-
thing, much less a madras pat-
tern, in-vogue designers have done
wonders with a minimum of cloth
and two or three well-placed
One's first reaction is bound to
be skepticism and wariness, but
we predict an eventual unanimous
verdict in favor of the new style.
Last year's slim styles in sleek
blacks, grays and whites are being
replaced by a new wave of color.
Brilliant oranges, purples, pinks
and blues will be seen in intricate
floral patterns.
keep trim


Happy Tongues Can Moisten
Colorf ul New Exotic Stamps

PURE CORN-This really isn't what it looks like at all, mother!
Actually, this not-so-passionate scene takes place on a merry-go-
round at Island Park, scene of a recent Spring Weekend. More
such horsing around may occur this year-why not come and find
out for yourself?
. ..v } M +.:.;.4}R Y. .vo:... .i.. \4k4.. .. .. k t ...ad. ......"$
For that something
eXtra, to wear,
to USe, to see,
come in and browse
Phone NO 8-6779 0 601 East Liberty
4 A . r .f." tV t"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . ......Fo r . ...-............th a t ...........-......,..so m e.th in g ......... . .*..'..,................
.F; ~ ......- . . . . ... ...-..-...,........, . . . .
...,,.....extra,.....".to...we... .. .. ...}

Spring fashions in stamps will
feature exciting new colors in bold
new designs.
White laces are definitely in.
The perforated strips lend the
stamps a frame which sets the
print out vividly.
Broad patches of solid color
have now been accepted by stamp
experts as pointing out a new
trend. The stamps will be coming
out in coral, tangerine, aquama-
rine and pango peach.
Other Colors
This year the stamp will be
stuck on the upper-right hand
corner of the envelope. The five-
cent George Washington stamp
goes well with white envelopes,
although it can be used over other
colors as well.
In general, larger stamps will
go with the larger envelopes in
keeping with this year's vertical
look. Paris envelope designers con-
tinue to exert their influence with
the traditional "par avion."
New this spring is the provincial
North Carolina commemorative
stamp, which will make its ap-
pearance within two weeks. Fresh
from the presses will be the West
Virginia Centenary of Statehood
commemorative stamp on June 20.
Even newer were the Montgomery
Blair and Andrew Jackson stamps
which came out yesterday.
Foreign imports include the
Canadian Sir Martin Frobisher
and Casimir Stanislaus Grzowski
commemorative styles.
Jackie Kennedy is reputed to be
experimenting with new bold color
and pattern combinations of
stamps and envelopes, including

possibly a radical placement of the
stamp itself.
Sen. Barry Goldwater is con-
tinuing to use the standard four
cent Lincoln style.
Fashion experts and journalists
welcomed with glee the news that
standard five cent stamp would
have George Washington facing
towards the inside of the envelope.
Previous stamnps had Lincoln fac-
ing off the envelope and away
from the address - very poor
make-up, they said.

-Across from the Ann Arbor Bank, 1107 So. U.
Store Hours: 9:00 to 5:30, Mon. & Fri. 'til 8:30


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Hand Woven
India Madras

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wa //j 72e--





for Spring-
Co-ordinated sport coats and slacks.
A special pair of slacks is shown y
with each sport coat, selected for blending
in texture and color.

oiF" 'A
4p f



Regular 35.00 Quality


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