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March 17, 1963 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-17

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o yola Rambles, Downs Illinois,


Bearcats Eke Out Wmin, 67-60

By The Associated Press
EAST LANSING - All-America
Jerry Harkness put on a one-man
show with 33 points last night and:
led third-ranked Chicago Loyola'
to a 79-64 triumph over Big Ten
co-champion Illinois, sweeping the
free-wheeling- Ramblers into the
NCAA basketball semifinals at
Louisville, Ky., next weekend.
A Jenison -Fiuld House crowd of
9,459 saw Harkness turn the title
game of the NCAA Mid-East Re-
gional into a rout with 18, points
in the first half in a whirling bar-
rage that gave Loyola a 20-point
edge at 58-38 by the middle of the
second half.
Consolation Victory
In the consolation curtain raiser,
sixth-ranked Mississippi State dis-
played keen form at the free throw
line to outlast Bowling Green of
Ohio 65-60 even though 6'11" Fal-
con Nate Thurmond grabbed an
amazing 31 rebounds.
Illinois, No. 8 in The Associated
Press final poll, was completely
stunned by the fantastic floor
work and shooting of the 6'2"
Harkness and at one stage early
in the second half went scoreless'
almost five and a half minutes.
During that span Loyola piled up
13 points for a commanding 53-
34 lead.
In grabbing their 27th victory,
against only two defeats, the
Ramblers relied almost entirely on
Harkness to build up a 38-30 half-
time lead.
The Illini led only once at 11-9
with the game little more than
5 minutes old. But then Harkness
found the range and with 8 min-
utes left in the half Loyola had
a 10-point cushion at 29-19.
Loyola played its five stars until
only 70 seconds of the game re-
mained and then/Chuck Wood re-

placed John Egan. At that
Loyola was ahead 79-58.
Loyola, making its firstT
trip in history, had lost i
regular season only to B
Green and Wichita.

In the

After Illinois' Dave Downey,
who led his team with 20 points,
scored two quick field goals at the
outset of the second half, trim-
ming Loyola's lead to 40-34, the
Illini went into their scoring fam-
ine and didn't hit again until Bill
Burwell's basket with 12:27 left
to play. By then the Ramblers were
in front 53-36.
Loyola stormed through the
NCAA Mid-East test with two
earlier triumphs, including a rec-
ord 111-42 waltz over Tennessee
Tech at Evanston, Ill., Monday

night and a 61-51 verdict over
Mississippi State here Friday
In the heralded clash with the
all-white Mississippi State club,
Harkness scored 20 points and led
all players in the two-night scoring
in Jenison Field House with 53
Harkness, who holds every
school scoring record at Loyola,
displayed amazing accuracy right
from the start, hitting on seven
of his 12 shots from the field in
the opening half. Loyola's team
shooting mark at the half was 40
per cent against 36 per cent for
Mississippi's State's Bulldogs led
from the start against Bowling
Green's Mid-American Conference

champions. Leland Mitchell led
the attack with 23 points, 13 com-
ing on 14 free throw attempts.
The triumph, which marked
Mississippi State's controversy-
spiced first appearance in an
NCAA basketball tourney, gave
the Maroons a 22-6 over-all record
as the sixth-ranked team in The

Associated Press national poll.
Mississippi State Friday night
made its debut in competition
against teams with Negro athletes
losing 61-51 to Loyola.
had several Negro stars, including
Bowling Green's Falcons also
6'1" Nate Thurmond, who gave
the Bulldogs considerable trouble

Leafs Down Hawks, 3-0;
Take Over First Place

Oldahoma City Player
Asked To Shave Points

By The Associated Press
LAWRENCE, Kan.-The Okla-
homa City University basketball
coach, Abe Lemons, said one of his
players was approached early Sat-;
urday by a man who proposed a3
fix on a game last night in the,
NCAA Midwest regional \tourna-;
Lemons said the player was 7-
foot Eddie Jackson of Waco, Tex.,
a junior who transferred to Okla-I
homa City last spring from
The Oklahoma City -team, de-
feated 78-72 y Colorado in the
first round Friday night, drove to

Kansas City after the game, to
stay at the DowntownergMotor
Lemons said Jackson told him
a man sat down beside him in the
restaurant and asked, "What
would it take to keep you from
scoring 20 points tonight?" Okla-
homa City was matched against
Texas, the other first-round loser,
in a game for third place last
The man was quoted as saying
he had won a lot of money cn the
Cincinnati - Texas game Friday
night. Cincinnati won 73-68.'
Lemons said Jackson reported
the incident to him at 2 a.m. The
coach said he sent Jackson to bed
and called the Federal Bureau of
Investigation. 5oo n afterward,
Lemons said, an agent talked to
Jackson by telephone and got a
description of the man in the
At Kansas City last night,
Henry A. Fitzgibbon FBI agent
in charge, said he had not heard
of any such °incident and that it
wouldn't be in the FBI's jurisdic-
tion. Kansas City police said they
knew nothing about it either.
Jackson played in the game
against Texas.

By The Associated Press v
TORONTO - The Toronto
Maple Leafs swept into first place
in the National Hockey League
last night by shutting out the
Chicago Black Hawks 3-0.
The Hawks fell to second. The
game was enlivened briefly in the
third period by minor battles.
Ron Stewart led the Leafs to
victory by scoring two goals, his
15th and 16th. Bobby Pulford
scored the third Leaf goal.
For the Leafs, it was their sec-
ond shutoutsvictory of the season.
Don Simons had an easy time,
stopping only 15 shots none of
therm dangerous. Glenn Hall in
the Hawks nets was peppered with
The victory moved the Leafs one
point ahead of the Hawks and
three ahead of the Montreal Cana-
Only the brilliant play of Hall
kept the score down. The Leafs
were robbed Many times on power
plays, and Hall made a brilliant
save on Dave Keon on a breaka-
way play in the third period.
Canadienis Win, 5-3
MONTREAL - The Montreal
Canadiens broke out with three

goals in less than two minutes
early in the second period to de-
feat the Detroit Red Wing 5-3 last
The victory kept the Canadiens
hopes of winning the National
Hockey League championship
alive, boosting them to within two
points of the second-place Chicago
Black Hawks and three points of
the first-place Toronto Maple
Montrealcgoalie Jacques Plante
played a cool, sharp game to
thwart the Wings. Detroit had a
38-26 edge in shots on goal.
Ralph Backstrom scored for the
Canadiens in the first period, and
veteran Dickie -Moore, Bob Rous-
seau and Billy Hicke scored with
a minute and 56 seconds early in,
the second period to give the Ca-
nadieris a commanding 4-0 lead.
Detroit came back to narrow the
score to 4-2 on goals by Vic Sta-
siuk and Gordie Howe.
Howe's goal, his 35th of the
season, increased his lead in the
league scoring race over the New
York Rangers'' Andy Bathgate to
five points. It also earned the 34-
year-old right winger $1,000 due
to a bonus clause for 35 goals in
his contract.

By The Associated Press
LAWRENCE, Kan.-Top-rank-
ed Cincinnati, the coolest team
on 10 feet, fought back inspired
Colorado 67-60 last night and won
the Midwest NCAA regional bas-
ketball tournament for the fifth
straight year. Cincinnati had trail-
ed by as much as nine points in
the first half.
Texas, a five-point loser to Cin-
cinnati Friday night in another
thrilling struggle, took consolation
honors in the regional with a 90-83
victory over Oklahoma City Uni-
All-America Ron Bonham and
6'8" George Wilson lit the fuse,
and the coolest of them all, Tom
Thacker, took it from there for
the hard-earned triumph. It kept
alive the Bearcats' hope of win-
ning an unprecedented third
straight National Collegiate cham-
They'll play the Far West re-
gional champion in the national
semifinals at Louisville next Fri-
day night in the second game of
a doubleheader. The opener will
match Duke and Chicago Loyola.
Cincinnati obviously has a job
on its hands this time if the strug-
gles they had here in the regional
are any indication. They breezed
through the last two years with
hardly a flutter.
Although they've won 25 of 26,
games this season and lost their
only game by one point, the Bear-
Wins Class ' A'
Swim Crown'-
Special To The Daily
Sea Holm swam away from all
competition last night in the
Michigan State High School Class
"A" swimming championships to
take first place.
The Sea Holm team amassed
961/ points-second-place Grosse
Pointe only had 45 /-by virtue
of having a man score in each of
the ten events. Ann ;Arbor finish-
ed third with 421/2.
Dave Cushing got one of Ann
Arbor's two firsts when he 'won
the 100-yd. breaststroke. Ann Ar-
bor also picked up a first when
they won the 200-yd. freestyle re-
lay with a time of 1:32.3, setting
a state record in the process.
Of the ten events held, eight
state records were set. A national
record was set in the 100-yd. but-
terfly. Bill Jennison won the event
in the record time of 0:50.6.
Double winners in the meet were
Ken Wiebeck of Thurston and
Pete Adams of Pershing. Wiebeck
set state records while winning
the 50- and 100-yd. freestyle
events, while Adams set a record
in the 200-yd. freestyle and won
the 400-yd. freestyle in non-rec-
ord time.
The final standings:


Sailing, Water-skiing, Swimming, Canoe-tripping.
Musicians (strings and winds), Guitar, Electronics.
Experienced, fully qualified men and women, post-graduates preferred.
Applications now available at the Student Placement Office. Complete
and return without delay to Mr. B. Wise, 821 Eglinton Ave. W.,
Toronto, Ontario.'
Interviews on FRIDAY, MARCH 22nd.1

Star Teams Picked;
Frasca Year's, Best

cats have been making a habit of
falling behind at the start and
then roaring back.
They had to do it again last
night against a fired-up Colorado
club with much the same person-
nel that lost to Cincinnati by 27
points in this same regional final
a year ago.
Down by 21-12 wth less than 7
minutes left in the first half, the
Bearcats pulled themselves back
with relentless pressure and un-
wavering confidence and trailed
only 32-31 at the half.
After Ken Charlton, a mighty
man for Colorado, had made it 36-
31 in the second half, Cincinnati
went to work. In the next 6 min-
utes, Bonham scored eight points
and Wilson nine-accounting for
every Cincinnati point in a burst
that produced a 48-42 lead.
It was here that Thacker took
over, partially because of the great
clutch player that he is, and par-
tially because Tony Yates, the fine
Cincinnati playmaker and defend-
er, had incurred his fourth foul
and had to leave the game.
He rattled in 10 points in the
next 6 minutes, two on beautiful
steals, and Cincinnati bolted into
a 60-52 advantage. By that time,
Yates was back in and the Buf-
faloes from the Big Eight Confer-
ence never got closer than six
points after that. What little
chance Colorado might have had
left was lost when the 6-6 Charl-
ton twisted his right knee and
missed most of the late action.
Charlton wound up the top
scorer with 23 points while for
Cincy, Bonham had 22, Thacker
18 and Wilson 15. Thacker had 13
rebounds and Wilson 10.
Texas, a young team that ought
to rank among the best in the na-
tion next year with eight or nine
top players returning, had too
much over-all strength for Okla-
homa City in the consolation open-
er of the doubleheader before
about 8,500 at Kansas' Allen Field-
Seven Longhorns scored nine or
more points as Coach Harold
Bradley, closing out a 20-7 season
that included the Southwest Con-
ference championship, fo'llowed
his usual system of substituting in
-regon State
By The Associated Press
PROVO, Utah-Tall Mel Counts
led Oregon State to a 83-65 vic-
tory over Arizon State University
Saturday in the finals of t'he Far
West NCAA regional basketball
The Beavers and 7' Counts will
represent the West in the NCAA
semifinals and finals at Louis-
ville, Ky., next weekend.
The University of San Francisco
came from behind and withstood
a last-minute Bruin surge to beat
UCLA 76-75 in the consolation
Counts was a demon on defense
and offense. He scored 26 points,
controlled the backboards and
time and time again reached out
a long arm to block an Arizona
State shot.
Oregon State jumped off to an
early lead and never was headed.
The Beavers left the floor at half-
time with a 43-38 advantage and
gradually increased that margin
throughout the second period.
The Beavers, contained Arizona
State's two big men. The 7-foot
Counts hovered over 6-8 Art
Becker of the Sun Devils and held
him to 13 points.

The Longhorn platoons, with
each sub seemingly just as good
as the man he replaced, were
more than enough to overcome
the Chiefs' twin gunners - blond
Bud Koper and smooth-working
Gary Hill, who combined for 46
of the Chieftains' points.
Duke Champs, 73-59
COLLEGE PARK-Duke's sec-
ond-ranked Blue Devils fought off
ten cious St. Joseph's of Phila-
delphia last night and won the
title game of the NCAA Eastern
Regional basketball tournament
The underdog Hawks fought on
even terms before favored Duke
went ahead for keeps on a field
goal by All-America Art Heyman
with 15 minutes left to play.
Although Heyman nact an off
night by making only three of 14
shots, he added 10 points from the
foul line for a total of 16 and as-
sisted his teammates on about 10
field goals.
Jeff Mullins, the other half of
Duke's 1-2 scoring punch, led the
way with 24 points and Fred
Schmidt added 20 as the Blue
Devils gained their 20th consecu-
tive victory.
The Blue Devils, champions of
the Atlantic Coast Conference,
will take a 26-2 record into the
NCAA semifinals at Louisville,
Ky., next Friday.
North Dakota
Hockey Title
By The Associated Press
NEWTON-Swarming North Da-
kota shattered Denver's perfect
NCAA rceord 6-5 and won the
1963 National Collegiate hockey
championship last night with jun-
iors Don Stokaluk and Al McLean
leading the way.
However, Bob Hammill's third
goal of the game in the final per-
iod for Denver kept the issue in
doubt until the final buzzer.
r With revenge as an added in-
centive and tremendous speed as
their weapon, the green-shirted
Sioux handed the three-time for-
mer champion Pioneers their first
defeat in eight NCAA starts.
North Dakota, beaten in three
out of five earlier meetings with
Denver, including the Western
League playoffs, spurted into a
3-0 lead in this ninth all-Western
final in the 16-year history of the
Stokaluk, of Port Arthur, Ont.,
and McLean of New Westminster,
B.C., scored two goals apiece for
the winners while Dave Merri-
field and Bob Bartlett chipped in
with a pair of assists each.
Sophomore goalie Joe Lech was
inmense if seldom tested in the
Sioux nets, particularly after Den-
ver chopped down a 6-2 lead to
a two-goal edge on tallies by
Greg Lacomy and, Hammill in the
middle period.
At that juncture Lech halted
Billy Staub on. a solo rush. Later,
while flat on his back, Lech
caught a Ron Levingstone blast
high over his head. Both had
looked like sure scores.
Although they battled furiously
Denver could not completely over-
come the psychological advantage
of these critical stops.
Lech was called upon to make
only 12 -stops compared to 33 by
Denver's Rudy Unis.
Lacomy got the two Denver
goals Hammill did not account
for while Jack Matheson a"d'
Ernie Dyda also registered single
scores for the winners.


By The Associated Press v
NEWTON, Mass.-Tony Frasca
of Colorado College, who resigned
his post a few hours earlier, was
named college hockey Coach of
the Year last night while All-East
and All-West teams were picked.
Frasca is the second successive
man so honored who resigned. A
year ago Jack Kelley of Colby
won the same honor and resigned
to take a like post at Boston Uni-
Frasca received the Spencer
Penrose Memorial Award as a
highlight of the NCAA coaches'
banquet preceding the national
championship game bewteen Den-
ver and North Dakota.
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Frasca directed Colorado Col-
lege to its first winning record,
12-11, and a fifth place finish in
the Western Hockey League. Prior
to this season, Frasca teams had
gone 0-for-34.
The former Cambridge Latin
star was honored at the same
ceremony at which John Snooks
Kelley of Boston College was in-
stalled as the American College
Hockey Coaches Association presi-
The all-star teams announced:
Goal-Gary Bauman, Michigan
Tech. Defense-Don Ross, North
Dakota; Lou Nanne, Minnesota.
Forwards--George Hill, Michigan
Tech; Bill Staub, Denver; Dave
Merrifield and Al McLean, both
of North Dakota tied for the third
Goal - Richard Broadbelt, St.
Lawrence. Defense -Dave John-
ston, Harvard; tie between Cal
Wagner and Pat Brophy, both
Clarkson. Forwards-Bob Brink-
worth, RPI; Dates Fryberger,
Middlebury; Jack Leetch, Boston
Johnston and Fryberger are re-


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