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March 12, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-12

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oss, Stockmeyer


The veterans of student government at the University, liberal
leader Robert Ross, '63, and moderate Steven Stockmeyer, '63,
current president of Student Government Council both predicted
a liberal victory in Wednesday's elections.
Stockmeyer, who sees "a good chance that liberals will get a
majority on ;Council," cited the electoral campaign of three Coun-
cil incumbents on the liberal side as a reason for the probable
liberal victory. Incumbents seeking seats are Kenneth Miller, '64,
Howard Abrams, '63, and Bary Beth Norton, '64.
"Incumbents always have the edge in publicity and knowledge,"
noted Stockmeyer, who also saw the "good campaign" conducted
by the liberals as a major factor in the predicted liberal edge.
Stockmeyer noted that conservatives and moderates who have
held a Council majority "have had nothing to be disturbed about
and thus failed to arouse interest in their candidates."
Conservative Candidates
Stockmeyer said it would have been "desirable" for the
moderates to organize. He thinks conservative candidates are
"potentially as good" as the liberals, but less experienced, and
not as well informed.

Ross, on the other hand, asserting that moderates support
"candidates far less able than those the liberals endorse," pointed
to the liberal political party Voice which formulates a platform and
encourages informed candidates.
He also noted -that the campaign accentuated liberal issues,
"because the liberals have brought issues before the campus. The
moderates have not introduced a single new issue, a single sub-
stantive issue but only reacted to the proposals of the liberals,"
he added.
Important Election
Ross, predicting election of at least four of the five candidates
endorsed by the liberal Voice political party, called this election
important because of the probable change in the political align-
ments of Council.
The retiring leader sees the liberals facing a "test," as they
will have a majority to pass and implement those programs they
have advocated in platform statements.
Ross also thinks the future of student government at the
University will hinge on the success of liberals to implement their
programs. A moderately-dominated Council, Ross noted, has not
asked for basic changes in Council structure and power; a liberal
failure to carry out changes aimed at increasing the effectiveness

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value of s
issues elei
"well rout

LiberalC Majority
It government might result in a re-evaluation of the Stockmeyer said even an overwllelming "yes" vote would not
tudent government in general, he said. be a "valid expression of student opinion" because the question
Ross and Stockmeyer called this election neither an as phrased does not attack the ex-officio question. He said that
ction or a personality contest. Ross, however, termed the liberals were not dealing in "practical realities when they summon
ty voting an "organizational election," pointing to the high democratic philosophic principles in advocating a restructur-
nded Voice slate and asserting that "there is no better ing of Council." A Council without ex-officios would make it dif-
organization on the campus than Interfraternity Coun- ficult for Council to "keep the little condifence" it now has with
the student body, Stockmeyer said. Stockmeyer also fears admin-
meyer disagrees, lamenting what he sees as a lack of istrative dissatisfaction with current proposals to bar ex-officios
organizational efforts and asserting that "when the from Council.

fraternity and sorority system wakes up to the liberal attitudes
regarding membership selection and the Harris report," they may
no longer be "nonchalant and apathetic."
Both Stockmeyer and Ross predicted more "yes" votes than
"no" votes on the referendum question, which declares that "all
Council candidates should be popularly elected." However, they
also predict that the vote will not be sufficient to constitute an
expression of student opinion.
Referendum Vote
In order to pass, the referendum must be supported by seventy-
five per cent of the students voting in the regular election, or by
3000 voters, whichever is larger.

First Ballot
Both Stockmeyer and Ross predicted that no candidate would
be elected on the first ballot and both called the Wednesday
election "important."
"Council is going to have to show a sense of maturity," noted
Stockmeyer. He thinks that the "irresponsible liberal implementa-
tion of liberal programs" may find student government fighting
for survival in several years.
Ross, on the other hand, sees the election as a turning point
for liberal political forces- who will probably have a Council
majority for the first time in recent history, and be given the
opportunity to effect new policies and programs.

See Editorial Page




Occasional cloudiness and drizzle,
rain and snow tomorrow

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Measure Passes First Reading


On Scholarship


With minor revisions, the Hu-
man Relation Commission's pro-
posed. fair housing ordinance un-
animously passed first reading at
the Ann Arbor City Council meet-
ing last night.
The ordinance will now go to a
public hearing March 19 and then
ta second hearing, as yet un-
The minor revisions were moved
by Lynn Ele'y, first ward Demo-
cratic councilman. They mostly
constituted'style changes.
However, a suggestion by the
American Civil Liberties Union. for
an addition to the section on in-
junctive .procedure was included.
tiguit from the criteria deter-
mining a multiple housing accom-
modation; to include a dwelling
under the definition of a housing

unit and to expand publicly as-
sisted housing to include housing
presently financed by government
The addition stated, "Adequate
notice and opportunity to be heard
in accordance with due process is
to be given to all parties." All the
proposed revisions were approved
and passed by the council.
Eley and Eunice Burns, first
ward Democratic councilwoman,
also proposed seven substantial
changes to the fair housing law.
These changes will be referred to
the HRC. for consideration. They
will be reported back after the
public hearing.
Eley moved to dcrease the num-
ber of , housing units defining a
multiple housing accommodation
from five to three, to remove con-

Roosevelt Views Possibility
Of Future HUAC Abolition
Special To The Daily
DETROIT--Rep. James Roosevelt (D-Calif) predicted Sunday
that the House Committee on Un-American Activities will be abolish-
ed "sometime-and I can't say when."
Abolition will come when the American people understand the
basic issue-individual rights-and when HUAC chairman Francis E.
0 Walter (D-Pa) retires, Roosevelt

Mrs. Burns's motions call for
coverage of non-multiple housing
accommodations by the financial
institution discrimination section
and refusal by the city to grant
building permits or utility services
to builders who refuse to sign a
non-discrimination guarantee.
Real Estate Broker
She also seeks to make unlaw-
ful discrimination by real estate
brokers or by residential builders
or developers.
In similar action, second ward
Republican. Councilman William
Bandemer moved that the section
on financial discrimination be sim-
plified to include only the grant-
ing of financial assistance. The
detailing of financial operations is
redundant, he said.
The council also filed comment
from various organizations con-
cerned with fair housing legisla-
Recommend Changes
In a communication to the
council, the Committee for Hous-
ing Legislation recommended that
multiple housing accomodations
be defined to include three or
more units or lots, whether or not
contiguous, under the control or
ownership of any person.
The committee also called for
coverage of real estate brokers,.
builders and advertiser advertising
and retention of the injunction
and financial institution sections.
In other action the council au-
thorized an engineering contract
for the improvement of Fu'.ler Rd.
and Glen, which lead to the North
Voice Defends
Joseph Chabot, '63, chairman of
Voice political party, defended
charges that Voice had endorsed
a candidate for president of the
literary college without notifying
the other candidates.
Robert Flaxmann, '64, a candi-
date for LSA president, charged
that Voice endorsed Roger Low-
enstein, '64, without giving other
candidates a chance to appear.
Chabot said that Voice's pri-
mary obligation was to its plat-
form and it was up to individual
candidates to come seeking sup-
port. There were several meetings
at which literary school candi-
dates could have spoken, he said,
and Lowenstein was the only one
to take advantage of the oppor-

Henninas Says
Policy To Yield
The aim of the British colonial
policy is to lead countries to self-
government u n d e r conditions
which will assure their people a
reasonable standard of living,
John D. Hennings, attache for
colonial affairs at the British
Embassy in Washington, D.C.,
He added that the British "hold
disdain for target dates for in-
He asserted that the stimulus
of the British toward independ-
ence of colonies has been "hu-
manitarian" since the slave trade
days. "Colonization has never
been wholly altruistic, nor wholly
"A frightening gap separates
the African standard of living
from that of advanced societies,"
he said.
Many African leaders are west-
ern-educated and are ambivalent
to the West. Hennings encourages
nonalignment. "They have yet to
learn that the best foreign policy
is self-interest."
Detail Support
Of Candidates
The International Students As-
sociation and WCBN editorial com-
mentators Robert Price, '64BAd,
and Harry Doerr, '63, made separ-
ate endorsements yesterday for
candidates for Student Govern-
ment Council.
ISA endorsed Howard Abrams,
'63; Michael Royer, '64; Kenneth
Miller, '64; Henry Wallace, '64E;
Edwin Sasaki, Grad, and Mary
Beth Norton, '64. For Union Board

... defines AHC role

told the metropolitan Detroit
chapter of the American Civil Lib-
erties Union.
Roosevelt, the oldest son of for-
mer President Franklin D. Roose-
velt, said he is "much encouraged"
because "little by little the issue
is getting understood." He noted
that this has taken a great deal
of perserverance by groups such as
ACLU and that at times it has
been "a lonely fight."
Congressmen Hesitant
He explained that congressmen
are hesitant about abolishing'
HUAC because it would be "a
slap in the face" of Walter, an
elderly man with much seniority,
to remove him from chairman-
ship of a standing committee of
the House.
The congressmen told the meet-
ing that many representatives such
as John Lindsay (R-NY) support-
ed making HUAC a subcommittee
of the House Judiciary Committee
but would not vote against appro-
priations for HUAC because they
think this would damage "the im-
age of the issue we. are fighting."
Rooseveltsnoted, though, that
the votes against appropriations
have increased from six in 1961 to
22 this year (two were absent dur-
ing the roll call two weeks ago).
"We've got the fastest growing club
in the United States," Roosevelt
Predicts Cautionj
He predicted that HUAC will
proceed "with the greatest cau-
tion" now, and that the commit-
tee will use its record $360,000 ap-
propriation chiefly to reprint old
materials. "I think they will try
to avoid any controversial new
hearings," Roosevelt said.
He said that this year's con-
gressional campaign to abolish
HUAC had as its focus the point
that HUAC violates both civil and
economic rights, that it directly
harms "many wholly patriotic, in-
nocent people" by undercutting
their freedoms of speech and as-
sociation, and by putting their jobs
in jeonardy.

D irect AHC'
'Set Outline
Of Wants'
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis told Assem-
bly House Council yesterday that
it should list in writing the
authority and power which it de-
sires before negotiations are re-
opened between the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs and Assembly con-
cerning the latter's role and posi-
Lewis was asked to attend the
meeting to clarify the recent con-
troversy centered around the Alice
Lloyd Hall d r e s s regulation
changes and Assembly's recent re-
quest for a grant of authority.
"I would not attempt to define
the authority of Assembly with-
out much more extensive discus-
sion," Lewis said, but he com-
mented on the past role and
function of Assembly.
"It has assumed responsibilities
concerning the mechanics of
women's housing. It has been a
tremendous women's organization
in the area of housing as an arm
of the Dean of Women," Lewis
explained. .
"Now that the office of Dean
of Women no longer exists, its
responsibilities rest within the
structure of the OSA, and Assem-
bly and the residence hal'3 now
relate to the OSA exactly as they
once related to the dean of
women. In acting on the dress
regulations, the OSA assumed no
power that it did not historically
possess," Lewis asserted.
Lewis indicated a hope of clari-
fication of Assembly authority
"this spring to go into effect next

Professors Discuss
Merits of Constitution
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of two articles concerning
a non-partisan analysis of major sections in the proposed state
Furnishing a "balanced," impartial examination of the
proposed State Constitution, seven faculty members in Michigan
are attempting to "help the serious citizen make his decision"
for the April 1 ballot.
The professors on the Inter-University Faculty Committee
on Constitutional Revision each took one section, evaluated it,
discussed their appraisals with colleagues, then put together a
final draft which is due to come out (at their own expense) in
booklet form tomorrow.
The committee was co-ordinated by Prof. Samuel J. Elders-
veld of: the political science department.
The professors and their section of analysis include:
APPORTIONMENT - Norman Thomas of the political
science department;
CIVIL RIGHTS - Milton Greenberg of Western Michigan
EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT-Robert L. Friedman of the
political science department;
FINANCE AND TAXATION - Daniel R. Fusfeld of the
economics department and Dorothee S. Pealy of the Bureau of
Hospital Administration;
HIGHWAYS-Edgar Waugh of Eastern Michigan Univer-
JUDICIARY-Harold Spaeth of the University of Detroit;
LOCAL GOVERNMENT-Arthur W. Bromage, chairman of
the political science department.
This section forces a hard choice for the voter: "is it better
to insist upon an ideal or to accept an imperfect improvement,"
Prof. Thomas declared.
The "ideal" is actually any one of three accepted models
of representation: strictly by population, primary emphasis on
population while taking into account social and economic in-
terests and geographic phenemona, or proportional representa-
tion (which rejects the single-member district stystem).
The apportionment article falls closest to the second
theory, especially in the Senate. Here, the five most populous
counties, containing 57.5 per cent of Michigan's citizenry, will
have only 47.4 per cent of the senatorial representation, al-
though this is a significant increase over the present figure
The metropolitan areas would be guaranteed their full
quota of seats set down in the constitution; furthermore, they
would receive their seats before the smaller counties
In the House, straight popular representation is more
closely approximated, but is limited mainly by the requirement

... scholarship criteria
Reveal Plan
For Airport
The University plans to operate
Willow Run as an independent
airport after the six airlines based
there move to Metropolitan Air-
Industrial companies from the
Detroit area have come to the
field looking for hanger space and
space to conduct research or lim-
ited production which would meet
the void after the airlines leave,
Floyd Wakefield, University air-
port supervisor, commented re-
Demand indications seem to
show that Willow Run would not
meet the fate of Chicago's Mid-
way Airport, which has turned
into a virtual ghost-town since
the major airlines have moved to
a new field, Vice-President for
Business and Finance Wilbur I.
Pierpont said.
Six Airlines
The six airlines now operating
out of Willow Run are Trans
World Airlines, United, Eastern.
North Central, Lake Central and
Mohawk lines.
The companies will move their
operations to Metropolitan be-
cause of its closer location to De-
troit and because of the more
adequate facilities for jet aircraft
The University bought the air-
port land and .acilithes from the
federal government for $1 after
World War II. The Ford B-25
bomber plant, located on the
field, was then deemed "surplus
Part of PIrgain
As part of the bai gain, the
University had to agree to oper-
ate and maintain the facilities as
a public airport.
If the University were to fail
to do so, theoretically the govern-
ment could reclam thefeld,
Wakefield said.
It will take about $250,000 to
$300,000 annually to run the air-
port at its present level. '
Reduction of Size

Take Action
Of Request
Of aculty
Expect To Release
Statement of Policy
'During Semester'
The University is conducting a
re-examination of its traditional
policy of awarding scholarships on
the basis of need rather than
scholastic ability.
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns explained
that requests trom members of
the mathematics department and
several others had motivated the
re-examination which "we have
been thinking about for some
He added that no committee has
been formed to pursue the problem
but various administrators are
working on it and a policy state-
ment will be forthcoming,"hope-
fully sometime during the spring
Nationwide Problem
The re-examination is a reflec-
tion of a problem that is being
debated all over the country, espe-
cially by the College Scholarship
Service of the College Entrance
Examinations Board.
Director of Admissions Clyde
Vroman explained that the mem-
bers of CSS had voluntarily agreed
that the fundamental notion of
need would help students best
and should be adhered to.
However, some well known insti-
tutions and some "Johnny come
lately institutions" have been go-
ing out and recruiting some top
incoming freshmen by offering
them scholarships on the basis of
scholastic ability whether there is
need or not, he continued.
A cademic Scholarships
"Harvard and some other schools
have traditionally allocated money
for national academic scholarships
and it is alright if only done in
reasonable amounts. However,
some of the newer institutions
have been actively doing it in or-
der to rapidly build up the quality
of their student bodies."
He added that one of the con-
structive practices concerning top
scholars has been that used by the
Ivy League schools who will some-
times get together and decide what
each school will offer the individ-
ual student. "They realized they
were playing against each other so
they decided it would be better to
get together and correct this."
'Heyns noted that such prac-
tices are very hard to uncover. He
added that "we should always be
concerned about bright students.
However, our first mission is to
help people who are really in need.
Once this is taken care of we
should worry about all scholar-
ships being maximally attractive
to bright students."
Council To Meet



SGC Candidates View Discrimination

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a two-part series outlining the
stands of candidates for Student Government Council on various policy
Eleven candidates for Student Government Council appeared at a
Panhellenic-sponsored forum last night which centered discussion
on discrimination in student organizations and the Harris proposal.
Endorsed by Council last week, and slated for Regental considera-
tion on March 22, the proposals of Prof. Robert G. Harris of the Law
School clarify SGC authority to enforce anti-discrimination bylaw
2.14 and a related Council regulation.
Seven candidates praised Council's passage of the Harris report
but urged caution in implementation of procedures to eliminate bias.
Several of the seven asserted the right of individual student organiza-
tions to set membership rules.
Voice Candidates
Four Voice candidates, running on the party's platform, asked

that "selection of members must be kept on an individual basis.
It is out of the realm of SGC to coerce an individual to make a
choice on grounds other than his own personal preference."
'Moderate Liberal'
Thomas Smithson, '65, who calls himself a "moderate liberal"
but asserts he does not stand with liberals on membership selection,
said that legally SGC has control over membership, but that he
would not go "beyond the letter of the law" in implementation. He
noted the original founding of sororities and fraternities as "private
clubs," and asserted that "discrimination is a private right" of these
Candidate John Rutherford, '64, called discrimination in sororities
and fraternities a "dead issue." Rutherford said that "every fraternity
has eliminated its bias clause" and that the five sororities which
have not submitted membership statements to Council will probably
be "forced into compliance."

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