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March 06, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-06

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gi tigt

47141P 1

Cloudy with scattered
showers in afternoon

See Editorial Page

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


NEA Speakers Cite Problems



Cowley Considers.
Decision Making
CHICAGO -Prof. William H.
Cowley of Stanford University
'looked "to both: the past and the
future in considering "Decision
Making in Higher Education" at
the 18th National Conference on
Higher Education here Monday.
He emphasized that crucial is-
sues facing the American college
today will not primarily be de-
cided as matters of logic, but will
be tied to the social forces which
have always governed the univer-
sity. K
"The four-year college is in
trouble today," Prof. Cowley said.
"The' undergraduate student bod-
ies .are under the control of the.
deans of arts and sciences and the
arts and sciences faculties - a
group interested primarily in re-
search rather than general edu-
"This pattern has evolved from
a reorganization at Harvard in
1890 which has spread to almost
every campus since then. Contin-
uing confusion has resulted, as the
research point of view has come
to dominate the teaching of un-
dergraduates who are seeking gen-
eral education. We have seen a
destructive conflict between the
educational and research functions
of higher education," he said.
Pro. Cowley maintained that
the solution to this and other
problems facing the university
can only come through "participa-
tion of all interested groups, both
on and off campus: the president,
faculty, students and general pub-
lie as represented by the trustees."
He stressed the importance of
the faculty in the decision making
process and said further, "the
more enlightened institutions in-
clude students in decision making."
Prof. Cowley said computers will
be helpful in the future but warn-
ed, "knowledge of historical forces
and trends will continue to be cru-
cial and decisive. So will human
intelligence and imagination."
Forum Notes
Realign-m ent
"I believe Congress is open to
democratic pressure although per-
haps this only out of despair,"
Thomas Hayden, Grad, said last
Speaking at the fifth of the
Voice Forum series on American
Society on "Politics and Realign-
ment," he listed Congress as be-
ing the single most important
organization in the complex of
today's bureaucracies, receptive
to public pressure for a change
in the country's present political
Despite the fact that the pres-
ent organization of Congress is
almost hopelessly prevented from
acting decisively on anything,
Hayden said he felt its isolation
from the people can be overcome
if those who are in power un-
Justifiably, or those who are in
powerr because others are silent,
were removed. They can be re-
moved if people will talk, he said.
Organize Constituencies
He stressed the importance of
people organizing as constituen-
cies to act for values they would
like to see come into being in
their society.
Political realignment will never
be achieved until the individual
begins to see the intrusion of
national and international events
into his own life.
"Only when he sees the cold
war entering into his own life as
a thinker, worker and person,

who desires a certain amount of
freedom from total anxiety, will
he realize the necessity-of work-
ing for such realignment," Hay-
den said.

... praises conference
Special To The Daily
CHICAGO-President John
F. Kennedy sent a special mes-
sage to the participants in the
18th National Conference on
/Higher Education, which was
read at the opening general
session of the Conference Sun-
day evening.
The President's message fol-.
"Higher education today is
confronted with a task of un-
precedented magnitude a n d
complexity. It must double its
physical capacity within a
single decade. It must set and
maintain new standards of ex-
cellence. It must continue to
lead man's explorations into
the realm of the unknown. But
the responsibilities of higher
education do not belong to the
colleges and universities alone.
They are the responsibilities of
the nation, and their burden
must be shared by the people
as a whole, for the critical de-
cisions facing higher education
today are decisions which will
shape the world of tomorrow.
"Throughout the course of
history, wise men have ob-
served that the strength of a
nation depends upon the edu-
cation of its youth. In our own
proud history of freedoh and
progress, higher education has
played as essential, crucial role.
"Upon its continued strength,
and vitality depend our hopes
for a promising future.
"I am confident that this
18th National Conference on
the Association for Higher Ed-
ucation will contribute much
toward a ,solution of the diffi-
cult problems facing education
and the nation.
"My warm greetings and
best wishes are extended to all
your members as you begin
this important work."

* Seaborg Stresses
Science Education
Daily Correspondent
CHICAGO - Over 1700 of the
nation's leading educators have
gathered here for the 18th Na-
tional Conference on Higher Edu-
The conference, which opened
Sunday, has for its theme, "Crit-
ical Decisions in Higher Educa-
In the keynote address Glenn
T. Seaborg, chairman of the
United States Atomic Energy
Commission, declared that the
world has embarked on a "third
revolution"-the scientific revolu-
tion-which will have increasing
influence on the future course of
higher education.
Drastic Change
Seaborg, a Nobel Prize winner
and chancellor of the University
of California at Berkeley, said
that the last 25 years have seen
"a drastic changel in the relation-
ship between science and eco-
nomic creativity and between
science and society." '
Looking to future products of
this revolution, he warned that
his predictions, however dramatic
and sensational, will prove not
too radical but too conservative.
Perhaps the day will come, he
said, when agrogenetic engineers
will produce a form of plant life
that can turn sunlight and car-
bon dioxide directly into meat
and milk. He predicted new psy-
chochemicals which may someday
be able to "minimize the tensions
and frustrations that lead to
crime and war, or to help keep
a captive nation subservient to
a totalilitarian regime.
Creative Evolution
Seaborg said that higher edu-
cation must be prepared to "ex-
pand and accelerate the process
of creative evolution" and "in-
sure that this process serves and
gives further meaning to the
modern Western concept of the
individual as the focus of human
In a world "dominated increas-
ingly by science and technology,"
Seaborg commented that "tens of
thousands of young men and
women are leaving the halls of.
higher education each year with
allegedly liberal educations but.
who in fact have little or no
knowledge of science."
He suggested that universities
"adopt axsystematic policy of in-
cluding in non-science depart-
ments men who have a special
interest in and knowledge of
science as it relates to these fields.
The three-day conference will
conclude tomorrow with an ad-
dress from Max Kohnstamm,
vice-president of the Action Com-
mittee for the United States of
Europe. Several Michigan profes-
sors and administrators have par-
ticipated in discussion groups.

Set Hearing
To Consider
Delta Units
To Examine Proposal
For Piggyback System
The House Ways and Means
Committee will hold hearings to-
morrow on the "piggy back" Delta
College plan in the second phase
of House consideration, Rep. Ar-
nell Engstrom (R-Traverse City)
announced last night.
The plan which would set up a
four-year degree granting institu-
tion at the Delta site in addition
'to the two-year Delta College
passed, the House Education Com-
mittee Feb. 23. The committee,
however, only conditionally re-
ported out the measure pending
consideration by the Ways and
Means Committee.
The Ways and Means Commit-
tee has been busy with capital
outlay proposals, Engstrom, in Ann
Arbor to study Medical Center
needs, explained, and has not had
time to schedule a hearing.
Meanwhile, no one has been
chosen to introduce the competing
University and Delta plan for a
University-degree granting branch
at Delta in the Senate, Maurice
Brown, chairman of the Delta
Board of Trustees, said last night.
Brown, who is in charge of se-
curing legislative support for the
University-Delta plan, indicated
that officials are now gauging pub-
lic reaction to the proposal.
Definite plans for introducing
the plan into the Senate, where
there is more support for it than
in the House, should be ready by
next week, Brown said.
Court Rules
Zeilner Case
Trial Invalid
The court case against Robert
Zellner, field secretary for the
Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee, was declared a mistrial
last week after the jury in Mont-
gomery, Ala., failed to come to a
decision on charges of "false pre-
Zellner was arrested on Jan. 8
on the Huntington College campus
and charged with conspiracy. The
charge was later changed to vag-
rancy, and an additional charge of
false pretenses was added because
of a check Zellner had written on
the day he was arrested. The vag-
rancy charges were dropped on
Feb. 19.
Zellner was charged with false
pretenses because he had written
a check which at the time had no
money behind it, but SNCC depos-
ited funds into Zellner's account
several hours later. 11




roman Explains Admissions
Inundated under a flood of applications, the Admissions Office is
working "with no dramatic changes" to handle the ever-increasing
load of selecting prospective University students, Director of Admis-
sions Clyde Vroman said yesterday.
Applications so far this year have risen 17 per cent over the
comparable period last year, but it is "still too early to draw any con-

... admissions policy
B aS rContinues
PARIS OP)-The strike in the
coal mines of France was almost
100 per cent effective yesterday in
labor's first big challenge to
French President Charles de
Gaulle's authority.
Hundreds of thousands of work-
ers in other industries backed the
miners with symbolic, 15-minute
walkouts. De Gaulle met with key
cabinet members but apparently
withheld any action.
Many of the nation's miners be-
gan a tes tof strength with the
government Monday by refusing
to obey an official order to report
for work. The defiance spread yes-
terday to the big northern fields,
which employ about half the na-
tion's 200,000 miners.
There was nothing to indicate a
quick end to the strike. Both gov-
ernment and unions cautiously
voiced the hope that talks for a
settlement will start soon.
Each side was making obvious
efforts to avoid violence that could
make a settlement more difficult,
and union-government contact
was reportedly being maintained.
But unions and government were
equally anxious not to give any
sign of weakness. French Labor
Minister Gilbert Grandval said
that talks could not be started un-
til production is resumed in the
government-run mines.
Union leaders protested against
the presence of riot police forces
in the strike areas.
French Premier Georges Pompi-
dou, Grandval, .and Michel Mau-
rice-Bokanowski, minister for in-
dustry, met with de Gaulle to dis-
cuss the situation and there was
no announcement after the hour-
long meeting.


clusions" about overall applica-
tion figures, Vroman noted.
It may be indicative that stu-
dents are simply applying earlier
this year or are making more mul-
tiple applications than in past
years, he said. The total admis-
sions picture will not become clear
until the newly-admitted students
are required to send in their $50
enrollment deposits in April.
Hold Place
"Until then, we hold the stu-
dent's place for him. The deposit
forces the student to decide where
he is going to go. If he does not
give a deposit, after the deadline
we assume his place is open," Vro-
man said.
The overall applications picture
is still unclear, despite the in-
crease in the number of them re-
ceived, because the size of this
year's high school senior class is
about the same nationally as last
year, he said. The first wave of
the post World War II "baby
boom" will not hit colleges and
tiniversities until next year.
Vroman also saw a "slight ad-
justment" in the University's
"over-admission" policy to accom-
modate recent trends. Under this
policy, the University has "over-
admitted" about 30 per cent more
students than it could accommo-
date on the assumption that a cer-
tain number of them would not
show up.
Fewer 'No-Shows'
In the last few years, there
have been fewer and fewer "no
shows." Thus a slightly smaller
number of students will be "over-
admitted" this year.
As far as out-of-state students
are concerned, Vroman noted that
the decision on ratio of in-state
to out-of-state students is not
made by his office but by the fac-
ulty and administration..
His office's only objective is to
work toward a cosmopolitan stu-
dent body that is academically
qualified, he said. Noting that the
University has students from all'
of the other 49 states, Vroman said
that out-of-state admission policy
is based on competition within
geographical areas for admission
to the University.
Area Competition
Thus students in - out-of-state
areas from which the University
receives many applications have
their individual chances for ad-
mission reduced by the large
amount of competition for admis-
sion within that area.
Vroman noted that tthis policy
is designed "to help us get a rep-
resentative cross-section of the
population of the United States."
Another factor taken into consid-
eration is the distribution of Uni-
versity alumni across the nation.


"..jazz concert

To Include
'U Project
In Pro grani
Engstrom Says Group
To Fashion Scheme
For Capital Outlay
Planning money for a children's
hospital in the Medical Center
will be among the items recom-
mended later this week for capi-
tal outlay planning funds, Rep.
Arnell Engstrom- (R - Traverse
City) said last'night.
Engstrom and members of his
committee reviewed Medical Cen-
ter needs with University officials
yesterday and will meet this
morning with University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher and other
administrators to discuss Univer-
sity capital outlay and operating
budget needs.
He said that the Joint Legis-
lative Committee on Capital Out-
lay, of which he is chairman, will
meet later in the week to prepare
this year's capital outlay budget.
{e noted that the committee faces
a March 20 deadline to report
a bill out and must act now.
Follow Recommendations
Engstrom expects his commit-
tee to go along with the joint
commtitee recommendation. He
added that it will follow Senate
decisions on operating funds.
"The committee was impressed
with the need for the children's
hospital and with continuing prb-
gress on hospital renovation," he
The University has requested
$1.3 million for the plans of the
$7.9 million children's hospital. It
seeks $920,000 for continuing the
two-year program of hospital re-
No Figures
Engstrom set no figures that
his committee will recommend.
The committee toured the hos-
pital last night and met with
Executive Vice-President Marvin
L. Niehuss, Assistant to the Vice-
President for Business and Fi-
nance John McKevitt, Medical
School Dean William N. Hubbard
and University Hospital director
Albert C. Kerlikowski. It also con-
fered with several Medical School
faculty members.
The University has been seeking
the children's hospital since 1951
and a second Medical Science
Unit since 1950, when it agreed
to expand its freshman class to
200 students a year.
Out of 'Quick Action'
Both were left out of Gov.
George Romney's "Quick Action"
$1.5 million capital outlay plan-
ning program proposed Feb. 21.
Instead Romney proposed plan-
ning funds for a dental school and
architecture college buildings.
Neither were discussed at today's
session which was concerned with
the Medical Center.
Engstrom also praised Univer-
sity use of the former Veterans
Readjustment Center Bldg. The
building now called North Out-
patient Bldg. houses clinics of the
internal medicine, neurology and
pediatrics departments, the offices
of professors emeriti and medical
illustration and child health units.
The Legislature closed the VRC
last summer claiming that its
services could be offered at a
Grand Rapids soldiers' home. It
gave the VRC $50,000 to phase out
the operations.
Romney Silent
On Committee

Somewhat unexpectedly, no
word has come yet from Gov.
George Romney regarding his ap-
pointments for the all-citizen
"blue-ribbon" committee to study
state education.
Vice-President and Director of
the Dearborn Center William E.
Stirton, one of a number-of indi-
viduals asked by the governor to
,.rnm..nd mlified andiAtes

... poetry readings

House Approves ABC Bill;!
Michigan Gets Federal Aid
By The Associated Press
LANSING-After one and one-half years of bickering, the House
overwhelmingly approved a bill to bring federal aid to dependent
children of Michigan's unemployed workers yesterday.
The bill, after seeing an 89-14 vote in favor of passage in the
House, will now move to the Senate where easy passage is anticipated.
Benefits to Michigan communities will total $11 million a year
with Detroit alone getting $2 million. Rep. Joseph J. Kowalski (D-
Detroit) estimated that Michigan has lost $30 million in federal aid
by failure of the Legislature to
adopt the program when it wasC OMPA RISON:
first available. I

Real Conflict
He said he believed only if a
real conflict were developed about
meaningful issues could the
hopeles sstalemate among polit-
ical parties begin to open up from
below. "Unless this conflict oc-
curs, however, nothing but in-
creasing solidification can be the
result," he added.-
Prof. Norman .Thomas of, the
political science department said
he believed there- were two par-'
ticular government institutionsI
responsible for the current im-
passe in American politics. The
first is the separation of powers
existing in the national govern-
ment htween the executive and


Before final passage of the bill,
the House engaged in heated de-
bate over an amendment to au-
thorize welfare departments to dis-
tribute birth-control information
to welfare recipients. Rep. Carroll
C. Newton (R-Delton) ,sponsor of
the amendment, said it would
merely be writing into the law a
practice already widely used."
One of the Democrat's chief ob-
jections to the birth-control
amendmwr- was that if informa-
tion were circulated to one
class of people, hose on welfare,
it might as well be given to all
Rep. William A. Ryai (D-De-
troit ( maintained that Newton was
trying to stop the bill by inserting
a highly controversial amendment.
The birth-control amendment
was defeated 71-70.
The bill will go to the Senate
with the following provisions: per-
sons who have been collecting wel-
f,.a nvmn -v v,.ri nr1fn. Ja Tn. 1_

Mendel Views Stalin's

Josef Stalin possessed incom-
parably greater power than Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev, Prof.
Arthur P. Mendel of the history
department explained.
No blocs, factions or interest
groups really threatened Stalin's
por~siton. all the attention
S c aw the Soviet Union has
changed, e should consider the
important areas in which it re-
mains the same," he continued.
Closed Society
It is still a closed society, dom-
inated by an elite party (the Com-
munist Party of the Soviet Union)
intensily committed to a dynamic
This elite is willing and able to
,s , rlliv ,+T o -e madnn i - l

for cultural experience and expres-
sion, he explained.
"Whereas Stalin was able to
consolidate his position by work-
ing mainly through the secret
police, even reducing the party to
a subordinate administrative role,
Khrushchev is limited by , other
leading personalities as well as
competing interest groups," Prof.
Mendel continued.
Increased Power
Although Khrushchev has in-
creased his power, especially since
the June 1957 anti-Party crisis,
there is evidence to support the
contention that there are limits
to what he can and cannot do,
particularly in the area of punish-
ing rivals.

whoever controlled the party, con-
trolled Russia.
"It should also be considered
that many of his programs cor-
responded more closely to the as-
pirations of both party and non-
party Russians than did those of
his adversaries," Prof. Mendel ex-
Finally and most important was
the absolute, inhuman and per-
haps psychopathic ruthlessness
that characterized Stalin's cam-
paign to liquidate rivals and en-
force policies, he noted.
In the crisis following the death
of Stalin at 9:50 p.m. Thursday,
March 5, 1953, many changes were
made in the positions of the party
and government aparatus.

Power Position

Noted Artists
In Art Festival
The Union is again sponsoring
the annual Creative Arts Festival,
March 9-25.I
Many University cultural facili-
ties will be used, in addition to
guest performers and lecturers.
Programs will be presented in all
the creative arts: photography,
painting, poetry, and music.
Creative Arts
Highlights of the Festival in-
clude photography displays, art
shows, concerts, faculty poetry
readings, forums, lectures and re-
citals. All forms of exploring and
participating in the creative arts
will be offered.
Famous artists will give talks
and demonstrations in their re-
spective fields, including James
Dickey and W. D. Snodgrass giv-
ing readings of their poetry, the
San Francisco Ballet performing
and Raymond Katz lecturing on
"Symbolism in Synagogue Art."
Dave Brubeck's quartet will play
at Hill Auditorium, Harold Clur-
man, director, critic and author,
will speak on "Scope of the Thea-
tre" and Norman Mailer will be a
featured speaker.
'U' Contributions
The University will also con-
tribute to the Festival. The Folk-
lore Society will give a concert of
folksongs, and an original produc-
tion of the Gilbert & Sullivan So-
ciety will be featured. The Indian
Students and the League will spon-

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