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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
Overcast through tomorrow,
brief periods of light snow
Peru Junta Holds Crisis Parley
LIMA (P)--Peru's military boss-
es held an extraordinary session
last night to deal with what junta
leader Gen. Richardo Perez Godoy
described as a crisis.
"There is a crisis and the rea-
sons will be revealed later," Perez
Godoy told newsmen in the na-
tional palace before returning to,
the meeting.
Perez Godoy would neither con-
firm nor depy rumors that he was
resigning because of a dispute
among the 12 junta members over
national elections set for June 9.
He said as long as he is a mem-
ber of the junta the elections will
be held as scheduled "with all
parties participating."
However, it was understood
Barnett Wins Approval
For Primary Proposal
JACKSON M)-Ross Barnett's proposal for presidential primary
elections won a smashing 101-12 House victory yesterday paving
the way for states rights control of Mississippi's electors next year.
The measure, which provides parties must hold primaries when
two slates of electors are nominated, had passed 30-11 in the Senate
Rep. L. L. McAllister, the state's first Republican legislator
in four decades, said in the only opposition speech the big question
was the purpose of the bill, which
r had been described in the Senate
D etails as a Hitler-like power grab by
states righters.
that powerful elements within
the armed forces were pressing
the junta to outlaw the leftist
Apra Party of Victor Raul Haya
de La Torre because of a grudge
going back to the 1930's when the
Apra Party was involved in a
bloody clash with the army.,
Haya won a plurality but not
the required majority in presi-
dential elections last year which
the military annulled in ousting
the elected democratic regime of
President Manuel Prado.
The military gave as its reasons
alleged fraud in the election.
Critics accused the military bosses
of trumping up the charges to
block the possible election of Haya
by congress, which was to have
decided the presidency because the
balloting was inconclusive.
The United States held up rec-
ognition of the military govern-
ment until after it gave assurances
that free elections would be held
within a year and all democratic
parties would be permitted to take
Gen. Nicolas Lindley, Minister
of War and one of four joint pres-
idents of Peru's ruling junta, quit
last night. Lindley gave no reason
for his resignation.
Lindley said the crisis was not
connected in any way with the
scheduled June 9 elections to re-
place junta rule. "They will be
held anyway," he said.
He claimed support for his de-
mand that Perez Godoy get out.
"It is the opinion of the junta
that Perez Godoy should quit,"
he said in an interview. "He has
to go. All the armed forces want
him out. If Perez Godoy does not
resign the armed forces will take
action "
He gave no reason for his anger
with Perez Godoy except to say it
was "the way he was behaving."
Congo Ends
Tribe Revolt
BAKWANGA, The Congo (P)
Congolese government troops have
beaten down a secessionist revolt
by the Mpuku Tribe, the "Rat
People" of South Kasai, but vio-
lence remains a constant threat in
this diamond-rich province.
The rebellion left in its wake a
Treaty To
Define Border
Mississippi SNCC Worker Shot
Red Chinia, Pakistan Sign
string of burned villages, road- I
side graves, ruined crops and
stories of rebel cannibalism.
It is estimated 100,000 Africans
--men, women and children--are
still hiding in the bush, too
frightened to return home. More
than 60,000 are being fed by Cath-
olic and Protestant relief organ-
No Official Count
No official count has been made
of those who died in the revolt
or were slaughtered in reprisal
raids by Congolese soldiers.
Eric Packham, British head of
United Nations Civilian Operations
in Kasai, estimates 300 or 400
were killed. American missionaries
put the death toll as high as
Today UN Liberian troops were
hunting down warriors still at
large. Some 300 rebel prisoners
have been handed over to the
Packham told newsmen some of
the insurgents have modern auto-
matic weapons. Most are armed
with spears, machetes and home-
made guns.
"Our patrols report that some
people are drifting back to their
villages," Packham said.
By JEAN TENANDER apparently angered by the SNCC
James Travis, a field worker for voter registration drive.
the Student NonViolent Coordi- Travis, Robert Moses, who also
nating Committee, was shot in the is a field secretary for SNCC,
back Mriday in Laflore County, and an Associated Press reporter
Mississippi, by a group of whites were driving home after work on
Hallstein Makes Strong Plea
To Begin New Atlantic Pact
'Project X'
Provost Clifford E. Erickson of
Michigan State University last
night defined Project X as "a
continuous program of curriculum
organization" and denied that it
had been responsible for any fac-
ulty resignations.
"I don't know of any faculty
resignations because of Project X,"
he said, despite the statement by
Prof. Bernard Duffey that his
decision to leave the university
was "immediately motivated" by
the project.
Erickson said that the project
contains "few specifics" and that,,
contrary to resigning professors'
criticisms, much of the program
is left up to the faculty. "We just
ask them to look at the problems
of increased enrollment, research
and faculty salaries and to work
out the academic reorganization
that will make these things pos-
However Prof. Duffey asserted
that "it is frustrating for faculty
members to feel that they aren't
consulted about a major change in
organization and curriculum," im-
plying that the faculty was riot
playing an extensive role in plan-
nling the program.
Erickson noted that the pro-
gram has been under way for
about two years and was not a
sudden change in policy.
Prof. Duffey and three other
members of MSU's faculty who are
resigning in the fall claimed that
the handling of Project X, which
is formally called the Educational
Development Project, exemplified
their reasons for leaving.
One Party Control
"It is obviously aimed at keep-
ing Mississippi from becoming a
two-party state," McAllister said
in his first speech since election
last month.
Rep. Thompson McClellan, a co-
author who handled the measure
on the floor, retorted "Woe come
that day. We'll be just like New
York City and Chicago. We'll have
control by minority groups."
McClellan said the bill "was
going to prevent us from dividing
the Democrats of Mississippi (in
the general election) ."
No Primary
NEW YORK (A)-Walter Hall-
stein, president of the European
Common Market Commission, yes-
terday made a strong plea for
Atlantic partnership in the "fore-
seeable future" between America
and a European Community that
will "one day" include Britain.
Hallstein rejected the idea of
Europe as a "third force" between
East and West and objected to
proposals for an "Atlantic com-
munity" in which a united Europe,
as he put it, would one day be
The third option of an Atlantic
partnership, he said, is the "choice
not only of Europe but also of the
American government ... for -the
foreseeable future, partnership re-
mains our ideal."
Talks with Kennedy
Hallstein, who is leaving later
tonight for Washington and talks
with President Kennedy and top
officials, addressed a select au-
dience of nearly 1000 business and
industry leaders and faculty mem-:
bers at Columbia University.
Some observers saw the speech
as an attempt to pacify that part
of the American public opinion
which was dismayed by Britain's
failure to get into .the Common
Market. They felt Hallstein came
here to "bury the hatchet" and
chart a new course for the future.
"In the first place we must
resist the temptation to indulge
in sterile recriminations," said
Hallstein, who in the eyes of the
British, at least, was next to
French President Charles de
Gaulle largely responsible for the
break-up of the Brussels talks in
No Comment
"When the negotiations were
suspended . . .it could not fairly
be said either that they had al-
ready failed on technical grounds
or that they were already on the
verge of success," Hallstein said.
I in 1 !Y 7 7 T nn s r n" r "" it
McClellan said no primary l FACULTY SALARIES :
would be required unless two slates
of electors were approved at .the
party state convention.
The Republicans would have to
pay the cost of a primary becausej
state law requires a party poll
one-third of the vote in the pre-
ceding presidential race to qual-
ify for state-financed primaries.
Under the party primary bill,
the state party conventions would
meet after the national nominat-
ing conventions and hear delegates
report on candidates and plat-
forms. Then the state conventions
of either party would nominate
presidential electors.
Elector Slates
Ten per cent of the delegates
could nominate a slate of electors,
permitting both conservative and
loyalist factions to submit slates.
Party primaries would then be
held to determine which slate went
on the ballot in the general elec-
tion under the party label.
The losers could still qualify a
slate of electors by petition, but
would not get the party symbol.
Southern Schools Lose Ground in Fight
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The South has
lost ground during the past four
years in its effort to catch up with
the national average salaries paid
to college faculties, according to
a recent article in the Washington
According to a report by the
So u t h e r n Regional Education
Board in Atlanta, average salaries
for professors in Southern colleges
were $1122 less than the national
average four years ago and are
$1520 less than the national aver-
age today.
The report, "Financing Higher
Education," notes that while
salary levels in the South have
increased 19 per cent for instruc-
tors and 26 per cent for full pro-
fessors during the period, salaries
elsewhere rose 22 per cent for in-
structors and 27 per cent for pro-
Iowa Captures Track. Crown
MADISON-Iowa, sneaking up
on co-favored Michigan and Wis-
consin and running past them in
the final event, Vthe record-
smashing mile relay, captured the
53rd annual Big Ten Indoor
Championship here yesterday.
In so doing, the surprosing Iowa
team amassed 43 points. Michigan
placed second to the Hawkeyes
with 41 points and ahead of Wis-
consin in third place with 40.
Going into the final race, however,
it was the Badgers who had the
lead with 38 points to Michigan's
and Iowa's 35. This was after an
afternoon of action that had al-
ready seen six Big Ten Indoor
records broken or tied.
Must Win Relay
At this point, for Michigan to
take the meet it was necessary for
the Wolverine trackmen to place
ahead of the Iowa mile relay team
while Iowa was, in turn, beating
Wisconsin. Leading off for the
cindermen was Dave Romain run-
fing against Gary Richard for
After the first leg, it looked as
if Michigan might be on. the
verge of pulling off a finish that
they needed. Romain passed the
baton to Talt Malone ten yards
in front of Scott Rocker, who was
running the second leg for Iowa.'
At this point in the race, Iowa
and Michigan rapidly left the Wis-
consin relay team behind, al-
though it should be noted that
Such budgetary facts of life rob
the South of potentially good fac-
ulties, the Board said, because
young people in the region enter
higher paying professions and
those persons dedicated to teach-
ing go to other parts of the nation
where salaries are better.
Southern institutions have chos-.
Clams Story
Winthrop College student gov-
ernment president Mary Anne
Garrison said last night that Fri-
day's Associated Press story saying
that the college was "ready to
accept a Negro student" and that
student statements to the press
have to pass through the school's
public relations office was incor-
rect in its interpretation.
The AP story said the South
Carolina college for women had
issued the statement on readiness
after a story appeared in the Rock
Hill Evening News quoting a num-
ber of students as saying the col-
lege was ready for such steps.
Miss Garrison said it had always
been the policy of the college to
require press releases to pass
through the public relations office.
She said the Evening Herald had
asked only three students about
their opinions on whether the col-
lege was prepared to admit a
Negro. Because of this, the admin-
istration, in agreement with the
Student Senate, informally de-
cided that it should be made clear
to the press that in the future
they indicate the number of stu-
dents they had spoken with when
reporting campus opinion.
Charles Walters, news editor for
the Evening Herald, said the News
had polled over 20 students' opin-
ions on the question. The only ex-
planation he could offer for Miss
Garrison's differing story was that
only three of the students who had
been asked their opinion stayed to
have their picture taken.
Look for UAR i
Peace Gesture
CAIRO (M-President Gamal
Abdul Nasser of the United Arab,
Republic is considering a phased
withdrawal of some of the 23,000
U.A.R. troops in Yemen, informed
sources reported yesterday.
The informants said the action 4
may be taken as a gesture toward
the current Middle East trip of
United Nations Undersecretary 1
en to give proportionally more
economicvrelief to instructors
than professors, the report noted
which means in effect that the
region is making less effort to
keep top quality and increase in-
Salary Reputation
"A reputation for academic ex-
cellence and relatively high sal-
aries usually go together," the
Board stated.
"The South's failure to provide
a greater spread between the sal-
aries of instructors and full pro-
fessors is made more serious by
the large pay differences between
the South and nation generally,"
the report stated.
"The facts are inescapable," the
Board said. "It takes more money
to attract the best minds to
Southern institutions, most of
which are still striving to achieve
national prestige.
Grows Wider
The Board noted that last year
Duke University became the first
Southern institution to receive a
Grade "A" in faculty salaries as
compiled by the American Asso-
ciation of University Professors.
Johns Hopkins, Florida Presby-
terian College and the University
of Virginia also have attained
high levels according to the na-
tional standard, it said.
The Board was established in
1949 to help Southern states im-
prove the quality of higher educa-
tion. Member states are Alabama,
Arkansas, Delaware, F10 rid a,
G e o r g i a, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Maryland, Mississippi, North Car-
olina, Oklahoma, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and
West Virginia.
from the
ship has
sonally I
the voter registration drivewhen
they were fired at by the car be-
hind them.
Only Travis was hit. As of last
night he had undergone surgery
and was reported to be recovering
in a Jackson, Mississippi hospital.
The Federal Bureau of Investi-
gation is currently conducting an
investigation of the situation. So
far it has been unable to identify
any of the individuals involved
in the shooting, Aaron Henry,
head of the Mississippi branch of
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People,
said yesterday.
SNCC has been working on an
intensive educational campaign in
Laflore County for the past two
months in an attempt to pave the
way for its work in voter regis-
tration. This weekend mnarks the
end of the first seven days SNCC
has been actively trying to get
people to register. They will con-
tinue to try to register people until
late spring.
Asked whether the shooting
might make people in the county
angry enough to overcome their
fear of voting, SNCC worker in
Laflore, Sam Block, said he
thought it could have this effect.
He pointed to an incident in Sun-
flower County three months ago
when two young women working
on voter registration were shot at
and injured.
Choral Union
Plans' Concert
The Toronto Symphon'y Orches-
tra will present the next concert
in the Choral Union series at 8:30
p.m. March 12 in Hill Aud.
The performance will feature
Ann Fisher playing "Concerto No.
3 for piano and orchestra" by
Other works include "Overture
to Leonore, No. 3" by Beethoven,
"Triptych" by Mecure and "Sym-
phony No. 4 in G major" by
AP Typoos
Now and then the teletype
operators give their editors
heart failure at the national
office in New York; the trauma
most often results from a typo-
graphical error.
A .recent one however laid
some unsuspecting editor up
for weeks to come. It went like
LONDON OP) - Sir Winston
Churchill, 88, died at the Savoy
Hotel tonight
The bell on teletype rang
frantically for a bit; then the
corrected copy was transmitted,
substituting 'dined' for 'died.'
Some days it just doesn't pay
to get up in the morning.
time was wasted. The problems
and difficulties involved were real
and fundamental ... and the pro-
gress made toward solving thcm
may yet prove useful in the fu-
However, Hallstein added: "It
would, in my view, be nourishing
a comfortable illusion to believe
that the negotiations with Britain
. .. could be taken up again to-
Rejects Critics
The West German official re-
jected criticism in American news-
papers and elsewhere that, as a
result of barring British member-
ship in the European Economic
Community, the Common Market
would run the risk of becoming an
"inward looking" body.
"As Europe moves toward great-
er political unity, it is equally na-
tural for her to move towards
unity in the field of defense. The
question that arises is whether
these two problems might not be
solved together and whether this
in itself might not also solve the
twin problem of spreading respon-
is no need to conclude
negotiations themselves
future British member-
been proved to be un-
Far from it . . . per-
don't believe that the
Rouses India
To Protests
On Kashmir
U.S. Remarks Show
Concern for Talks
On Indian Question
By The Associated Press
KARACHI - Red Chinese and
Pakistani authorities signed an
agreement in Peking yesterday de-
fining their 300-mile-long border,
which involves a part of Kashmir.
India's government, claimant to
all Kashmir and antagonist'of Red
China in a border dispute of their
own, lodged an immediate protest.
Details of the pact-one of a
series which Mao Tze-Tung's
Communist regime has negotiated
with various neighbors-were an-
nounced here by a foreign minis-
try spokesman of Pakistan, which
is allied militarily with the West.
Bhutto Signs
Foreign Minister Zulfikar All
Bhutto signed for Pakistan.
Radio Peking quoted Bhutto as
expressing a desire for a peaceful
settlement of both the Kashmir
and China-India disputes.
On the Indian-Pakistani nego-
tiations about Kashmir's future:
"Our wish and prayer is, in the
interests of peace in this subcon-
tinent and peace in Asia, that this
problem is settled by honorable
and peaceful means."
On the India-China border
question: "I would like to appeal
to the Indian government to enter
into negotiations with the People's
Republic of China to settle this
problem, because this is the only
means and the only way by which
disputes can be settled."
Pakistan Profit
The spokesman implied Pakis-
tan profited from the settlement,
saying it gets control of six of
the seven passes in the disputed
area and 750 square miles more
than it demanded.
The Chinese had claimed 3400
square miles along the line from
Karakoram Pass to the Pakistani-
Afganistan boundary and in some
areas occupied the ground, the
spokesman said. Under the agree-
ment, he said, China will control
2050 square miles of largely moun-
tainous and uneconomic territo'y
while Pakistan gets 1350 square
miles of fertile land.
Simultaneously a New China
News Agency dispatch broadcast
from Peking disclosed Afghanistan
is next on the Chinese list.
The dsipatch said Red China
and Afghanistan have agreed to
begin negotiations on a boundary
treaty. It did not specify when.
In Washington, t h e United
States expressed concern today
that a new Pakistan-Red China
border agreement might endanger
negotiations between Pakistan and
India on a Kashmir settlement.
The carefully-worded state de-
partment comment sought to
avoid giving offense either to
Pakistan, a United States ally, or
to India, which gets United States
economic assistance.
The signing of the Pakistan-
Red China pact was disclosed to-
day at Peking, Red China's capi-
tal. Pakistan's foreign minister
Bhutto arrived in Peking a few
days ago.
Since China attacked India over
disputed mountain border areas
the United States has been press-
ing the Indian and Pakistan gov-
ernments to compose their dif-
ferences over the state of Kashmir.
It wants them to build more
friendly relations to help meet the
Red Chinese threat.
The United States argument is
that in the long run both Pakis-
tan and India are endangered by
China. --
Pakistan has protested United
States military help to India. In-
dia more recently has objected
to Pakistan's border treaty with
China, contending it involves
Kashmir territory India claims.
In such controversies the United
States is caught in the middle.
The state department said it
has not yet received a full report
on the Peking pact "but on the
basis of available information it
would annear that theaereeament
and increasing
Mary Comnone
"Whether or not one is a real
folk singer has become a debat-
able question-like did Shake-
speare actually write his plays,"
commented Mary of Peter, Paul
and Mary after their performance
last night. -
The argument is mainly be-
tween the ethnic camp and those
who like singers such as Joan
Baez and Bob Gibson. We believe
that we sing folk songs, but we
are not an ethnic group, she ex-
There are very few ethnic sing-
ers left and all of these are old.
Urban Singer
"We are urban singers singing
nts on 'Real Folk Singer'
-AP Wirephoto
EVENTUAL WINNER-Dave Romain of Michigan (right) is
. ...,... ,. 16 n m , *Im A fn e A hin the
songs in a folk idiom," Mary
Peter, Paul and Mary arrange
their own songs. "I know thou-
I °