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March 01, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-01

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Prop os

A recommendation from the Honors Council to undertake a one-
year experiment in co-educational honors housing is currently being
consideredby the University.
The plan, geared to "increase the range of choices available
in the University residence halls" suggests the formation of two
honors housing units of 170 students each in South Quadrangle next
Prof. Robert O. Blood, Jr. of the sociology department headed a
six-man student-faculty committee which drafted the report for
the Honors Council. Chairman of the council, Prof. Otto Graf, an-
nounced its approval this_ week, and sent the report along to the
Office of Student Affairs.
Honors Students
Undergraduate honors students include those enrolled in literary
college honors, music honors and the Science Engineering program.
Present members of the Honors college would be eligible to elect
voluntarily the honors housing unit as their place of University

residence. However, current residents of two houses in South Quad-
rangle, which would be converted into the honors units, would have
first choice to return to those houses.
Juniors and Seniors
The Honors Council recommended that sophomores, juniors and
seniors comprise a maximum of two thirds of the number of
residents, and that they be allowed to select non-honors roommates
if they so desired.
Honors Students
According to the plan now under consideration, the remaining
one-third of the house would be made up of freshman honors stu-
dents, who would also be able to select non-honors roommates.
Individual non-honors students wishing to participate in the
experimental program would be admitted after all applying honors
upperclassmen had been accommodated.
The plan sets a quota of upperclassmen to make a total the same
as the proportion of upperclassmen in other university residence halls.
Non-honors upperclassmen would thus be admitted to fulfill that

proportion. Applications from non-honors freshman students would
be accepted if additional places were available.
Mary Markley
The council, in discussion on the proposed location of the honors
housing unit, originally considered Mary Markley Hall and South
Quad as possibilities. The report noted that arrangements have
arleady been made for conversion of those units into co-educational
housing units, and that "co-ed housing provides the most appropriate
ecological base for promoting the values this program is designed
to serve."
The council report envisioned an experiment which would also
consider possibilities for programs in "student-faculty integration
and extra-curricular education."
Specifically, the committee hoped that the "two houses will
develop extra-curricular programs of unusual interest, including
after-dinner speakers drawn from the faculty and from campus
visitors," and that facilities would also be used to implement pro-
grams currently undertaken by honors students through their Honors
Steering Committee.

Noting the objections of some students to the plan, the Blood
report contended that the proposed experiment, "subject to rigorous
scientific evaluation" is the best means to determine the validity of
arguments on both sides of the issue.
The Honors Housing Committee, reporting to the Honors Council,
made studies of the housing plans of the Martha Cook building, and
the Little-Green House experiment in East Quad. They also took
into consideration plans for co-educational housing in 1963-64, and
discussion of the idea of a "new college," which foresees a small
literary college of the University on North Campus which would
provide living and study facilities in the same area.
Doctoral Program
Prof. and Mrs. Stephen Kaplan of the psychology department
and Prof. Thodore Newcomb of the doctoral program in social psy-
chology would help in evaluations of the project during the one-
year experiment.
The Honors Steering Committee, a student group, also presented
its suggestions to the Honors Council, which made the final evalua-
tion of proposals.

See Editorial Page



Partly cloudy with possibility
of snow and wind.

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


U.S. Drawing Up
New Test Treaty
To Lower Demands For On-Site
Inspections on Russian Territory
WASHINGTON (P)-The United States is drawing up a new
treaty to ban nuclear weapons tests which contains lowered demands
being offered to Russia for inspections on her territory.
This announcement was coupled yesterday with an administra-
tion spokesman's statement that the chances of a sneak Soviet atomic
test series without detection "are vanishingly small."
Jacob D. Beam, an assistant director of the United States Dis-
armament Agency, spelled out the Kennedy Administration's defense.
%of its test ban effort in a speech

Cites 'Facets
Of Freedom'
HOUSTON--Freedom has more
than one meaning and cannot be
defined from one set of stand-
ards, a University economist said
today in a lecture 'at Rice Uni-
Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding, co-
director of the Center for Re-
search on Conflict Resolution,
cited three facets of freedom
which must be defined before the
freedom of one man or of one
society can be compared to that
of another. Confusions' of these
facets of freedom is a source of
much political controversy and
the cause of many false images
in the world, Prof. 'Boulding ex-
"The first and most obvious
dimension of freedom is power;
that is, the generalized ability
to do what we want.
"In this sense it is almost
equivalent to wealth or riches.
The richer a man is or the richer
a society is, the better able it is
to do what it wants,\to do. The
greatest of all limitations on
freedom is poverty."
This dimension of freedom may.
be thought of as the absence of
boundaries which may be asso-
ciated with technology, with law
or custom, and with psychological
factors, he explained.
"A slave and a free laborer may
be equally poor, equally unable
to enjoy many of the good things
of life, equally unable to travel.
But in one cas e the boundary is
perceived as the will of another,
that is, the master; whereas, in
the other case the boundary is an
impersonal one imposed by the

in Rochester.
A Concession
Beam described reduced inspec-
tion demands as "a concession ...
to scientific progress,'not to the
Soviet Union."
Announcing the drafting of the
.new proposed treaty, state depart-
ment press officer Lincoln White
said United States negotiators at
the Geneva Disarmament Con-
ference would offer it there to
supersede the United States draft
treaty proposed last August. He
said just when the treaty will be
presented, or if it will be offered,
are not yet determined for cer-
Officials said the new version
would incorporate revisions at-
tributed to scientific advances in
detection techniques and other
changes in the United States po-
sition which have developed since
last summer.
Seven Inspections
The new version, White said,
will include the stipulation an-
nounced last week that seven
yearly on-the-spot inspections in-
side Russia will be sufficient to
police a test ban if other safe-
guards are included.
This is a drop from the previous
United States demand of 8 to 10
inspections, which in turn .was
preceded originally by a demand
for 20 inspections.,
The revised treaty proposal is
also expected to omit requirements
for international observers at
seismic inspection stations and in-,
clude provision for unmanned,
automatic "black box" seismic de-
tectors at various points in the
Soviet Union.
The Soviets have spurned the
latest Western overtures at Ge-
neva and have offered a maximum
of three inspections, a figure un-
acceptable to the West.

For Lloyd
The Board of Governors of
Residence Halls yesterday dis-
cussed the current issue of dress
regulations changes in Alice
Lloyd Hall, but took no actionon
the matter, deferring it to the
Office of Student Affairs for con-
sideration and final action.
University Vice-President in
charge of student affairs James
A. Lewis said that his office will
make a decision regarding the
rules' change "by the middle of
next week." There will be discus-
sion of the question at a meeting
of OSA staff today.
Assembly House Council's re-
quest for a new grant of author-
ity to approve women's rule
changes will also be discussed,
and the OSA will make a decision
on that next week too, Lewis said.
"Since the reorganization of
OSA began, we have not defined
the lines of authority on these
questions," Iewis explained. Be-
fore the reorganization, final
authority rested with the Dean of
Women, "but now that we no
longer have such an office, we
must relocate functions within
the present structure." He indi-
cated that it is possible that AHC
will be granted some new author-
ity in line with the reorganiza-
"Until I make a decision about
Assembly authority and review
the new dress regulations, they
are not in effect," Lewis noted.
Discussing the progress of plans
for co-ed housing, member of the
board Frank Shiel reported that
architect's drawings for Mary
Markley'Hall have been submit-
ted to contractors fox bids, and'
that South Quad plans will be
ready within two weeks. "It will
be impossible to allow single
rooms in Markley because of the
loss of revenue incurred," he said.'
Charlene Hager, '64, co-chair-'
man of the IQC-Assembly Co-ed
Housing Study Committtee, an-
nounced that Markley Hall willj
be open to men this Saturday "so#
that they may come in and see1
the the rooms and facilities in
Markley and have a better idea
of the type of living which they
will have if they decide to move
there in September." South Quad
will be open to women March 9,
she added.




Four -Year

Says Court Decision 'Hostile'

WASHINGTON (P)-Counsel for
Pennsylvania told the Supreme
Court yesterday that a decision
against Bible reading in public
schools would be an expression of
hostility to religion.
John D. Killian III, Deputy At-
torney General of the State, con-
tended such a decision would vio-
late the requirement of the Con-
stitution's first amendment that
government remain neutral toward
Pennsylvania law, requiring the
Post To Begin
Rep ublishin g;
Breaks Strike
NEW YORK (M)-Mrs. Dorothy
Schiff, owner of the New York
Post, bolted the ranks of major
New York publishers yesterday
and announced she is reopening
her paper on Monday.
The 161 - year - old afternoon
tabloid is one of nine major New
York dailies which have been
blacked out since a strike of
union printers began Dec. 8. No
immediate end of the strike was
in sight, although renewed peace
talks are 'scheduled for today.
"I think the strike has gone
on long enough," Mrs. Schiff told
a news conference. "I see no evi-
dence of a settlement."
In breaking with fellow pub-
lishers, Mrs. Schiff also resigned
from the Publishers Association
of New York, the central agency
through which the newspaper ex-
ecutives hitherto have maintained
a solid front against the strik-
ing AFL-CIO International Typo-
graphical Union.
In a statement, the Publishers
Association said Mrs. Schiff's de-
fection "does not alter the firm
determination of the other pub-
lishers in the association to con-
tinue to press for a satisfactory
agreement to end the current
Mrs. Schiff, who is publisher
and editor-in-chief of the Post,
added that she felt New York
should have at least one news-
paper to lighten the costly black-
out. The city has been without
mass circulation papers for 83
Army Attempts
To Halt Rumor
is trying to set at rest rumors
that have magnified a routine
anti-guerrilla training maneuver
into an allegedly mysterious plan
to train thousands of United Na-
tions troops on United States soil.
Some alarmed citizens have
written and wired Sen. Richard
B. Russell (D-Ga), chairman of


ibmit Plan

reading of 10 Bible verses as part
of daily school-opening exercises,
was ruled unconstitutional by a
three-judge Federal court in Phil-
adelphia. The ruling was on com-
plaint of Unitarian arents of
two school children who said the
Constitution guarantees them
complete freedom to shape and
mold the religious orientation of
their children.
Arguing for reversal of the low-
er court ruling, Killian said the
Bible-reading practice extends
back to colonial days in Pennsyl-
vania. He insisted the reading is
not a religious practice but an
educational one.
Philip H. Ward III, Philadelphia
attorney for the Abington Town-
ship School Board, said religious
instruction was not intended by
the legislature and' denied that
the readings amount to such in-
"The statute says the purpose
was to bring lessons of morality to
children, and the people of Penn-
sylvania picked a common source
of morality-they picked the
Bible," he told the high court.
IFC Disciplines
Two Houses
For Violations
Tau Epsilon Phi and Sigma Nu
fraternities have been censured
for rushing violations, tPe Inter-
fraternity Council executive com-
mittee reported to the Fraternity
Presidents' Assembly last night.
The FPA, in its monthly meet-
ing, tabled a motion admitting
the Evans Scholars to IFC.
The TEPs were found guilty of
serving liquor to rushees on the
first Sunday night of rush, Feb.
10, and were censured for their
As there is no specific regula-
tion for punishing this violation,
the case has been referred to the
Office of Student Affairs with
the request that it be returned to
the IFC executive committee for
further action, IFC Administra-
tive Vice - President Frederick
Riecker, '63, explained.
Sigma Nu was fined $75, $50
of which were suspended, pend-
ing no further rush violations
through spring, 1965, for expend-
ing a pledge pin too early. The
fraternity had giventhe pin out
Feb. 17-three days before pledge
cards were to be offered. This!
action was in violation of the
rushing provisions of the IFC by-
An IFC executive committee
motion to recognize Evans Scho-
lars was tabled to allow fraterni-
ties time to consider their re-
quest for IFC admission, Recker

Opposing the arguments of
Ward and Killian, Henry W. Saw-
yer III of Philadelphia, counsel
for those challenging the statute,
argued religious teaching cannot
be separated from Bible reading.
He challenged the state's use of
the Bible as a teacher of moralit 7,
saying "you can't use the word
'morality' to cover religious exer-

. Delta college

To Request
Name Fall of 1963
As Date for Starting
Junior-Year Courses
The University and Delta Col
lege have decided to approach the
Legislature and Gov. George Rom-
ney with a joint-resolution to es-
tablish a four - year, degree-
granting school at Delta to be
called The University of Michigan
at Delta, the University announc-
ed yesterday.
In a special session Wednesday
night, the Regents approved "a
plan which it would be willing to
see presented to the Legislature as
a basis for a formal agreement" to
start a branch campus at Delta
perhaps by. this fall, Executive
Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss
said. The Delta Board of Gov-
ernors had already approved the
tentative plan.
Vice-President Niehuss indicat-
ed that no one has as yet been
chosen to introduce the resolution.

DSG Organizes Campaign
For Direct Election of SGC
The Committee for a Democratic Student Government, which
received ad hoc recognition from Student Government Council Wed-
nesday evening, met yesterday to organize for the referendum cam-
paign for direct election of SGC members.
Kenneth Miller, '64, former SGC administrative vice-president,
was chosen chairman of the committee, and Mal Warwick, '63, vice-
chairman. The committee seeks to obtain passaze on March 13
of the referendum proposal that %

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all members of SGC be directly
elected by the student body. Miller,
defining the aims of the organiza-
tion, cited the importance of the
referendum as an expression of
student opinion and outlined the
chief objections to ex-officio vot-
ing rights on SGC.
Warwick, noting the non-par-
tisan composition of the commit-
tee and the multi-partisan impact
of the issue, called for aid from
interested students of all political

Won't Tolerate
Soviet Forces
WASHINGTON (A) -Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara
said yesterday that the United
States will not tolerate use of
Soviet troops to combat any pop-
ular uprising in Cuba.
There has been speculation that
the 17,000 Soviet soldiers are t\
protect Premier Castro's Cuba.


Red Chinese Economy
Stresses Agyriculture

Yamahiko To Play Shamisen Lute

Daily Guest Writer
The University is noted for the
variety of its concert life; even for
Ann Arbor, however, the program

set for 8:30 p.m. Monday, in Aud.
A will be unique.
At that time.Kayro Yamahiko,
the sixth, will perform a series
of old musics for voice and the
three-stringed shamisen lute. Her

repertoire consists of music that
is rare, not only here but also in
Japan itself. The genres known as
kato-bushi, ogie-bushi and sono-
hachi-bushi represent styles of
music that were popular during
the theatrical Edo period (1600-
1868). She will also perform short
songs (ko-uta) of the type still
heard in the better geisha houses
of today..
The numeral after her name
means that she is the sixth per-
son to achieve this professional
name since the founding of her,
specialty, kato-bushi, in the early
18th century. As played today,
this music has a quiet sensuality
which has the power to evoke the
spirit of romance as it existed in
the 18th century.
Much of Miss Yamahiko's music


The present economic situation
in Communist China stresses ag-
riculture but as soon as possible,
it will reconcentrate on heavy in-
dustry, Prof. Choh-ming Li, chair-
man of the center for Chinese
studies, University of California
at Berkeley, said last night.
Peking has made industrial
achievements but ran into diffi-
culties in the last decade because
of its own mistakes in agriculture.
The regime must be "desperately
and conscientiously seeking out-
side loans from the socialist de-
mocracies. If this aid does not
come, they will maintain industry
while trying to increase agricul-
tural output," Prof. Li said
In 1961 Communist China re-
duced its emphasis on heavy in-
dustry. There followed a sharp
increase in unemployment be-
cause of the closing of many fac-
Soviet Technicians
Some curtailment reasons were
the withdrawal of Soviet techni-

Sources have speculated that
Sen. William Leppien (R-Saginaw)
might be approached for the job.
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns noted that
the resolution as he envisions it
will merely ask for legislative sup-
port for the University-Delta
plan. Both he and Vice-President
Niehuss said that additional funds
will be necessary to finance the
junior level program which would
be initiated in September under
the plan, but that these funds
wvould be sought only after the
resolution -was approved..
The Co-ordinating Council for
Public Higher Education will also
be asked to endorse the, plan. r.Last
month the group refused to back
the proposal as it then stood.
New Plan
The new University-Delta plan
states that at the outset, Delta
would furnish the physical facili-
ties needed for the junior-level
with the University paying all
operating expenses of the branch.
It also calls for private financial
suport from the thumb area to the
tune of $4 million. The Wicks
Corp. of Saginaw has already
promised Delta $1 million, if a
junior-senior level program were
Due to the shortage of time,
the University and Delta would
only initiate a program for jun-
iors, starting this fall. The f ol-
lowing year the senior-level would
be introduced. . These plans are
all contingent upon the avail-
ability of necessary funds and
Legislative approval.
Sophomore Class
In September the branch would
probably be able to accommodate
200 juniors, taken from the pres-
ent sophomore class. The report
says that admission standards for

Chinese economy
1962, however, the basic feature
of the communes were scrapped;

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