Peter Gets Appointment
To UN Science Parlay
Florida Offieials, AAUP Hit Censorship
n --=
THE SAFE WAY to stay alert
without harmful stimulants
Hollis W. Peter, director of theI
Foundation for Research on Hu-
man Behavior, has been named a
United States delegate to the
United Nations Conference on the
Application of Science and Tech-
nology for the Benefit of the Less
Developed Areas, beginning Mon-
day in Geneva.
The sole representative from
this area, Peter will join nearly
2000 delegates from more than
80 countries in the Palais des
Nations. The conference was call-
ed by the UN Economic and So-
cial Council in a resolution spon-
sored by five nations, including
the U.S.
Peter is scheduled to present
a paper to the conference Feb. 16
on "Guidelines in the Process of
Delegates will be seeking prac-
tical means to match recent ad-
vances of scientific and techno-
logical progress all over the world
to specialized needs of developing
Both natural and human re-
sources will be examined, along
with industrial development, com-
munications and transportation,
health, education, social problems
and research.
Their work is considered part
of the UN's "Decade of Develop-
ment," first stiggested by Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy in Septem-
ber, 1961, when he told the UN
General Assembly that, "Political
sovereignty is but a mockery with-
out the means of meeting poverty
and illiteracy and disease.'"
Experienced as a social re=
searcher and coordinator in both
governmental and private capa-
cities, Peter first joined the Foun-
dation for Research on Human
Behavior in 1952.
NoDoz keeps you mentally
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Next time monotony makes
you feel drowsy while driving,
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Another fineproduct of Grovet.aboratories.
GAINESVILLE - Florida Gov.
Farris Bryant, state cabinet offi-
cials, University of Florida Presi-
dent J. Wayne Reitz and the Amer-
ican Association of University Pro-
fessors have denounced the state
board in control's proposed censor-
ship rule on state universities.
The proposed censorship regula-
tion includes strict censorship of
all public statements by univer-
sity personnel and. requires that
contact between universities and
all state agencies will go through
the board.
* * *
EAST LANSING-The only so-
lution to race problems is com-
plete segregation of whites and
Negroes Malcolm X of the Mus-
lims in America said recently at
Michigan State University. He
added that Negroes do not want
either segregation or integration,
but, they want "separation that al-
lows them to control their own
economy, government and affairs."
EUGENE - A motion to join
USNSA was defeated by the Ore-
gon student senate by a vote of 18
to. 8. This was the second time
this year a notion raised in the
senate was defeated.
** *
MEDFORD, Mass. - The Tufts
student council rejected member-
ship in the United States Student
Association recently. In a referen-
Ii . I
dum where 1,192 students voted,
863 voted against and 329 for
joining USNSA. A majority vote
either way would have required
1,507 students.
* * *
FORT WORTH-Texas Chris-
tian University soundly rejected a
motion to join the Southwest re-
gion of USNSA by a margin of 1,-
108 to 196.
If TCU had voted for joining,
the division, which includes Rice
University, would have been en-
larged and the Southwest region
vice-chairman would have been
appointed to the national commit-
,,* * *
versity will vote on a referendum
on Feb. 21 to decide whether to
retain membership in USNSA.
The major issue in the vote is
whether the $1,300 paid for mem-
bership by the student government
is justifiable in terms of returns
from participation.
EUGENE - The Oregon state
board passed a resolution declar-
ing that they will oppose and pre-
vent discrimination based on race,
color or religion on all campuses
under their jurisdiction.
The board has requested that the
presidents of two universities make
reports on organizations on their
campuses and submit a similar re-
port two years later. The board
also reported that each of the 17
sororities and 32 fraternities at
Oregon State University and that
all fraternities and sororities at
the University of Oregon are "free
to select and initiate new members
without racial, color or religious
« 0s"
MONTREAL-The Student So-
ciety of McGill University was foil-
ed in its attempt to present United
... gets paid
ty bylaw which was passed in
spring of 1961.
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CHAPEL HILL-University of
North Carolina students have re-
lented and' will pay noted conserv-
ative William F. Buckley his full
$450 fee for a speech made there
last month.
Previously, they had balked at
giving him the total sum, charg-
ing that Buckley had violated the
"moral obligation" of his speak-
ing. contract by merely reading a
magazine article he had written.
ITHACA-James A. Perkins was
unanimously appointed president
of Cornell University, succeeding
Deane W. Malott who will retire
July 1. Perkins was selected from
more than 150 nominees and will
resign as vice-president of the
Carnegie Foundation and the Car-
negie Corporation to assume his
new post.
* * *
CAMBRIDGE-The dean of ad-
missions at Harvard University re-.
ported that applications are run-
ning about five per cent behind
last year's figures for the same
Revenue from the ten dollar ap-
plication fee may decline, and if
the downward trend continues, an
increase from ten to fifteen dollars
may be necessary to replenish the
* * * -
ITHACA-The executive board
of Cornell University's student
government has refused to amend
the Student Code to include a pro-
vision that "there shall be no mix-
ed company overnight in all stu-
dent living accommodations."
Defying a faculty recommendat
tion for such a clause, the stu-
dents said only that Cor'nell should
discipline "disorderly and irre-
sponsible conduct such as harm-
ful or disorderly behavior which is
the result of drinking, or destruc-
tion of property, or public sexual
behavior which is clearly inde-
* * *
PRINCETON-The Undergrad-
uate Council at Princeton Uni-
versity has asked the university to
eliminate the Chapel Rule, which
requires freshmen to attend re-
ligious services at least once every
two weeks. ,
*« *
CAMBRIDGE - The Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology will
,begin construction later this year
on a $3 million space research cen-
ter, financed by a National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration
COLUMBIA - Members of the
Congress on Racial Equality are
planning to file a law suit against
the University of Missouri for al-
leged discrimination in housing.
Racial clauses in dormitory con-
tracts, affiliate bias clauses and
segregated off-campus university-
approved housing lists constitute
the basis for the CORE charges.
* * *
MADISON-The University of
Wisconsin faculty has asked the
United States commissioner of ed-
ucation to clarify new regulations
concerning fellowships from the
National Defense Education Act
and National Science Foundation
Last fall Congress eliminated
the requirement for an affidavit
disclaiming Communist P a r t y
membership, but then empowered
the two foundations to revoke
awards "if they are not in the best
interests of the United States." The
Wisconsin faculty requested a
more precise definition of this cri-
terion and also asked that stu-
dents be granted a hearing in such
* * *
EUGENE-With three fraterni-
ties already on the ropes, the Uni-
versity of Oregon is conducting an
extensive investigation into fra-
ternity hazing practices during hell
President Arthur S. Flemming
condemned physical abuse of
pledges after state legislators had
threatened to investigate. Alpha
Tau Omega, Delta Upsilon and
Sigma Nu have been charged with
hazing by Oregon's interfraternity
* * *
PALO ALTO-Stanford Univer-
sity has received F five-year $2.5
million Ford Foundation grant for
teaching and research programs
for studies of Europe, Africa, East
Asia and the Communist bloc.
r * *
PRAGUE-Although last sum-
mer's Communist - run World
Youth Festival held at Helsinki
was expected to be discontinued,
apparently Communist officials
are planning to conduct another
one in 1965.
A Czechoslovakian youth maga-
zine, in an article entitled "On to
1965-the year of the next Festi-
valI", proclaimed "great interest"
among young people of various
countries in preparing for the fu-
ture convention.
HAVANA-Students at the Uni-
versity of Havana reportedly have
demanded the dismissal of long-
time Communist Juan Marinello as
rector, on the grounds that he is
inescapably identified with Soviet
(over Cuban) interests.
Premier Fidel Castro has been
engaging in lengthy discussions on
the matter with the Havana stu-
dents, considered his most reliable
source of support.
* * *
OTTAWA - TTnless millions of
dollars for research in the humani-
ties and social sciences are ex-
p e n d e d, Canadian universities
within five years will be filled by
third-rate students taught by
third-rate American teachers, a
Canadian foundation survey re-
cently declared.
It urged the immediate estab-
lishment of a national center for
such research and a cabinet minis-
try to coordinate social science and
pure scientific research.
These days a typewriter is
a must for every college
student. Act now and you
can rent or buy a new port.
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314 south State
... barred from Canada
States Communist Patty chairman
Gus Hall as a speaker recently
when Canadian immigration offi-
cials intercepted Hall at Mon-
treal's Dorval airport and deported
him as an undesirable alien.
* * *
EVANSTON--Alpha Tau Omega
and Lambda Chi Alpha, the last
two Northwestern chapters with
discriminatory clauses in their na-
tional constitutions, have been re-
leased from operating under them.
The fraternities compliance"
came nine months before the re-
quired deadline of Nov. 1 and is in
accordance with an inter-fraterni-
" f
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