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February 24, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-24

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_U x AYFEaRUARt24,t193 s V I 14 A r IA WV- U. 1 4 1.U .t11 L ..NJ

Cuba Claims U.S. Ship

Venezuela Head Needs Army

V iolates

Water Limit,

Releases Photographs


To Continue
ate minority leader, Sen. Everett
M. Dirksen (R-Ill) reportedly has
told President John F. Kennedy
th'e Republicans will continue to
critteize the administration's han-
dling of the Cuban situation.
Administration leaders in and
out of Congress haveaccused sond
Republicans of making inaccurate,
irresponsible and dangerous charg-
es about Cuba for political pur-
poses. And these Democrats have
urged a return to what they call
the tradition of bipartisanship in
international affairs.
The state department said the
United States is waiting for an
answer to its formal protest
against the shrimp boat incident.
The department had no other im-
mediate comment on the Castro
speech or the Dirkseri remarks.
A Republican congressman also
charged the state department
with deliberately misleading mem-
bers of Congress and the press last
fall on the Cuban situation.
Rep. Thomas M. Pelly (R-Wash)
registered'his complaint in a let-
ter to Asst. Secretary of State
Frederick G. Dutton.
"I believe the facts regarding the
offensive military buildup in Cuba
were in the possession of the state
department when it issued the
summary stating there was no evi-
dence of Cuban offensive capabili-
ties, including offensive ground-
to-ground missiles under Soviet
direction or guidance," Pelly said.
At the state department, Press
Officer Lincoln White said the
letter would be studied and a
reply would be sent to Pelly.
House Passes
Judgeship Bill
LANSING--The House of Rep-
resentatives passed and sent to the
Senate a bill which would estab-
lish a second Washtenaw County
Circuit Court judgeship Friday.
The House acted after the Wash-
tenaw County Board of Supervisors
passed a resolution calling for
the second judgeship.
The House gave the bill "imme-
diate effect" which means that if
passed by the Senate the gover-
nor could immediately appoint a
second judge who would serve un-
til fall, 1964.

.. . accusations

Russia Recalls
GENEVA ()-The Soviet Un-
ion's chief disarmament negotia-j
tor flew to Moscow yesterday amid
reports the Kremlin wants to gen-
erate a summit conference by en-
tangling nuclear test ban talks
here with the cold war issues of
Cuba and Berlin.
First Deputy Foreign Minister
Vasily V. Kuznetsov presumably
will consult with Premier Nikita
Khrushchev and other Soviet offi-
cials. There was no word from So-
viet sources here on when Kuznet-
sov will be back.
United States negotiator Wil-
liam C. Foster left the conference
for Washington consultations ear-
lier in the week and is due back
today. Diplomatic sources said he
had hoped to get Kuznetsov com-
mitted to real negotiations on a
treaty for banning nuclear test-
Kuznetsov's d e p a r t u r e, too,
comes as Britain's new negotiator,
Sir Paul Mason, prepared to make
his first speech to the conference
tomorrow. Mason succeeds Sir
Michael Wright, who has retired.
Kuznetsov's departure created
disappointment but no surprise in
Washington. It was viewed there
as past of the declining pattern in
the negotiations. Kuznetsov refus-
ed Friday to back down from the
Soviet stand for a limit of two
or three on-site inspections on So-
viet soil against cheating on nu-
clear tests.
He even threatened to with-
draw that Soviet offer.

O0fficials Set
Navy Vessel
Premier's Speech
Accuses Americans
HAVANA () - Cuba yesterday
accusedgthe United States Navy of
violating its waters Thursday and
released a photograph of an an-
tenna-studded ship cruising off"
A caption accompanying the
photograph identified the vessel
as the U.S.S. Oxford and said it
"penetrated Cuban jurisdictional
waters." In the foreground of the
picture was a Havana seaside drive
landmark. The hazy photo appear-'
ed to be that of a converted mer-
chantenan that often can be seen"
from the Havana waterfront cruis-
ing across the horizon.
The charge followed a midnight
speech by Cuban Premier Fidel
Castro accusing the United States
of creating artificial tensions and;
making the seas off Cuba unsafe
for navigation. Castro denied that
his planes had attacked an Amer-
ican shrimp boat in the Gulf of
Mexico three days ago.
The Cuban press also publish-
ed pictures of eight men whose
capture the government reported
Friday, accused of launching coun-
terrevolutionary raids from Key
Elbow, a tiny British island in the
Key Sal group.,
Cuban , Foreign Minister Raul
Roa called on British Ambassador
"Sir Herbert Stanley Marchant Fri-
lay to discuss government charges
that rebel raiders are using the
British-owned key.
An embassy spokesman describ-
ed the session as "amicable," how-
ever, and added that he did not
think Roa made a formal protest.
Castro's midnight speech was to
the first meeting of the United
Party of Socialist Revolution,
Soviet-style monolithic organiza-
tion which will supplant old polit-
ical parties and rule the country.
World New
By The Assod
BERLIN-Four busloads of Russ
States authorities from entering W
wreath-laying ceremony at the Sov
took the action at the request of Bri
Russians that groups of military per
near Brandenburg Gate, could not
States-manned Checkpoint Charlie.
DAMASCUS-Yemen President
dered formation of electoral commis
three days to supervise elections G

By ROBERT SELWA would not allow him to take of-
Next to the palace of the presi- fice," Prof. Needler pointed out.
dent of Venezuela is an army bar- The army supports Betancourt
racks. as the best available choice be-
Noting this, Prof. Martin C. cause he maintains good relations
Needler of the political science de- with the United States and be-
partment recently described the cause he does not step on the ar-
close ties between the government my's toes, Prof. Needler remarked.
and the army in Venezuela. The only hope for an extreme
"In Venezuela either the presi- left wing leader to take over Vene-
dent is the head of the army or zuela would lie in a long guerrilla
the prisoner of it," he commented. war like Fidel Castro's, together
U.S. Visit with desertion by the enlisted
The current president is Romulo men in the army. This, Prof. Need-
Betancourt, who has just visited ler adds, is unlikely because Bet-
Betancourtd who has.justvisited ancourt has broad support.
the United States. Betancourt, He has the support of the oil
Prof. Needler pointed out, may workers because he helped orga-
soon enjoy the unique distinction nize them in the 1930's and has
of being the first elected civilian consistently defended their inter
to serve out a five-year term as ests since then, according to Prof.
preoif Nedler said he thinks that Needler. And Betancourt has the
Betancourt will "make it," despite
the continual attempts by terror-
ists to make it impossible for him
to carry out his program or even
to govern.
Thdey armynremains th poerHears Betanc
today in Venezuela, and Betan-H e r Be a c
court has the support of the army.
Betancourt is a democrat, Prof. MIAMI BEACH (t)-The AFL
Needler insists, but cannot govern quicker tax cut than President Jo:
as democratically as he wishes he plus a big boost in government spe
could, because of the army. ion.
Next? The federation's executive cou
The Venezuelan constitution in a sheaf of economic policy s
limits the president to one five- lack enough impact to jolt the eco
year term at a time; he can't perity. In essence, the labor chief
succeed himself. So-who will suc-peiyInsecethlaocies
ceed Betancourt? called for. condensing Kennedy's
Prof. Needler makes no firm pre- net $10 billion proposed tax cut
diction but does say that there is over the next three years into an
not likely to be too much of a immediate reduction of t h a t
change since the government must amount, retroactive to Jan. 1.
always have the support of the
army. "In the unlikely event that Reduce Taxes
an extreme left-wing candidate They complained that Kennedy's
would win, the army probably program, if enacted, would reduce
taxes less than $3 billion during
{ t the current year.
The union leaders said a new re-
cession is threatening this year-
the fifth since World War II-
unless the government primes the
economy's purchasing power.
The council statement said the
Kennedy tax cut plan may tempor-
arily curb adverse economic trends
"but it is altogether inadequate to
reduce the large gap between sales
and the economy's increasing abil-
ity to produce."
Betancourt Meets;
Venezuelan President Romulo
Betancourt met yesterday with the
United States labor leaders and
assured Miami's Cuban exile col-
ony that "procedures in motion3
will result in the freedom of the
Cuban people."
The president described him-I
self as militantly aggressive in
the move to "put an end to the
ROMULO BETANCOURT enslavement of Cuban people" by
... civilian post Castro and the Russians.
AFL - CIO President George
Meany said Betancourt had been;
waging "a courageous fight fors
sdue democracy."
American labor is fully aware,1
Meany said, that a loss of liberty
iated Press for workers anywhere representst
a loss of liberty for workers every-
sian soldiers were barred by United where. He added that misery and
Vest Berlin yesterday, delaying a hunger are threats to the entire
iet war memorial. The Americans Western Hemisphere, wherever
tish authorities, who had told the they exist.
sonnel going to the war memorial, Betancourt said American labor
enter West Berlin at the United has been constant in criticizing
dictatorial regimes, even at times
* when the United States state de-
partment was supporting totali-
Abdullah Al-Sallal yesterday or- tarian governments in L a t I n
ssions through the country within America.

support of the rural peasantry be-
cause he has inaugurated land
Betancourt has given the peas-
ants land in the form of individual
rather than collective ownership,
Prof. Needler noted. Such generosi-
ty has been possible because Vene-
zuela has a low population density.
The government can give away a
lot of land because it is the biggest
Land reform and jobs are what
the common people want in Vene-
zuela; they do not have the feel-
ing for political democracy, Need-
ler has found. Asking peasants
why some are not critical of the
tortures of dictators, he was told
that these tortures occur "only
when you disagree!"
s Tax Cuts,
ourt Address
-CIO proposed yesterday a much
hn F. Kennedy has recommended,
nding, to avoid a feared new reces-
incil patted Kennedy on the back
atements, but said his programs
nomy into more widespread pros-
Report Wagner
To Offer Aid
In Paper Strike
NEW YORK (M)-Mayor Robert
F. Wagner said yesterday he will
suggest terms of settlement of New
York's 78-day newspaper blackout
if further mediation efforts fail.
The mayor stressed that any
settlement he proposed in the con-
tract dispute "would not be arbi-
tration. It would not be final and
"The parties will still have to
agree on the final settlement," he
Wagner added he would meet
publishers and striking printers in
city hall today to review the advis-
ability of further mediation ses-
President John F. Kennedy sug-
gested earlier this week that the
disputants "submit their differ-
ences to an independent deter-
mination of some kind."
The Publishers Association of
New York City meanwhile said the
blackout had cost the newspapers
more than $63.8 million.
In Cleveland, another newspaper
strike against the Plain Dealer
and Press and News went into its
86th day. The striking Cleveland
Newspaper Guild ratified a new
contract, but four other striking
unions have not come to terms.

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for every deb there's a

of Yemen's first tribal senate.
WASHINGTON -- The United
States and Britain reportedly
reached agreement yesterday on
steps that might be taken by the
allied powers to create a nuclear
force command under NATO. The
British have been told-that the ini-
tial United States contribution will
be in the form of Polaris sub-
* * *
appears to be coming up with a
mid-range ballistic missile which
could become a rival for the Navy's
Polaris as a weapon for surface
ships. The new weapon-as yet
unnamed-would be a mobile, mid-
range ballistic missile.
* * *
ian navy cancelled leaves of men
yesterday and ordered them to re-
port to their ships immediately.
Brazilian tempers were rising in
a dispute involving French har-
vesting of lobsters crawling the
Atlantic floor. The Brazilians say
the French are encroaching on
Brazilianlobster grounds but the
French insist the lobsters being
caught are far outside Brazilian
territorial waters.
MONTREAL - Liberal leader
Lester 1. Pearson declared yes-
terday that until disarmament is
attained, the West must have nuc-
lear weapons. For this reason
Canada should accept nuclear
warheads from the United States.


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