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February 22, 1963 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-22

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Wegman Cites Scholar's Role

hie scholar's roles are those of
municating knowledge, search-
for the truth and maintain-
leadership, Dean Myron E.
,man of the public health
>ol said recently.,
:dressing 300 initiates of Phi
'pa Phi honor society, Dean
;man stressed the scholar's role
he community as well as the
ersity. He said that "scholar-

ship is useful as a basis for ac-
tion, but has no utility when used
simply to acquire knowledge."
Role of Leadership
Dean Wegman noted that the
university is no longer an isolated
community of scholars. Today,
scholars must assume a role of
leadership. He emphasized that
the scholar is among those people
best qualified to lead, and that it

.oss Urges Student Action
gainst Sbcial 'Status Quo'

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-v
and in a series on student political
action and student political apathy.
The views of United States National
Student Association President Den-
nis Shaul will be featured in the
concluding article.)
There is a need for students
vho take an "instrumental view"
f the world--"that attitude to-
rards yourself and the world
rhich sees the self as an ap-
ropriate vehicle of action," Stu-
ent Government Council member
tobert Ross, '63, said in a recent
Ross explained that the "in-
trumental view sees the individual
s potentially powerful in his so-
jal environment. The world is not
n immutable 'given', but a set
f conditions which should be
hianged if they are not meeting
uman needs and aspirations."
Ross fears that the present gen-'
ouncements is available to officially
ecognized and registered organizations
nly. Organizations who are planning
o be active for the Spring semester
hould register by Feb. 25. Forms
vailable, 1011 Student Activities Bldg.
* * *
Alumni Assoc. Student Governor
tard, Conference, Feb. 23, 9:30 a.m.
Toff ee, 10 .a.m. Meeting, Henderson
oom, League. Speaker: President Har-
in Hatcher: "Alumni Responsibility."
* * *
Congregational Disciples E & R Stu
ent Guild, Cost Luncheon Discussion,
eb. 22, Noon, 802 Monroe. Speaker:
enry Wallace: "Issues of Automation."
* * *
Mich. Christian Fellowship, Feb. 22,
30 p.m., Union. Speaker: Dr. K. E.
oulding, Prof. of Economics, "The
hristian Ethic in a Technological So-
Voice Political Party, Platform Meet-
ag-open meeting for debate on and
rafting of Voice platform for the com-
ig SGC elections, Feb. 23, 11 a.m.,
nion, Rm. 3M-N.
DIAL 2-6264'"
Shown at 1:00-5:05 & 9:18
Shown at 3:10 and 7:25

eration is losing this "instrumental
view" by refusing to consider so-
ciety's problems and possible so-
lutions to them.
Almost Educated
He criticized the "comfortable,
almost-educated, about-to-be-pro-
fessional and largely respectable
middle-class students" for abdi-
cating their political roles.
The liberal leader, on the other
hand, sees possibilities for action
in the individual's capacity as
student, future intellectual and
citizen, Ross said. He went on to
cite possible types of student ac-
"We can reject rules that en-
courage us to be childlike and as
helpless as children in our habits
of thought," Ross remarked.
The student's citizen role also
includes an interest in partisan
party politics. "We can join, and
fight, and ring doorbells and hand
out leaflets for what we believe-.
and not leave it to the other
fellows." Ross called citizen par-
ticipation in politics "the greatest
threat to the status quo in this
Future Intellectuals
As future intellectuals, students
can be "serious publics to the men
of power," to whom these leaders
feel responsible. They also can be
educators of the general public,
Ross commentedi
But, in a total view of American
society, Ross terms democracy "in
neglect, disuse and abuse. Policy
drifts with hysteria sand even at
times without humanity."
He pointed to the Port Huron
statement of Students for a Demo-
cratic Society, entitled "Alterna-
tives to Helplessness," which
places confidence in "insurgent
political reform on the community
level which will force our political
parties to be. responsible."
University Action
Ross condemned any restriction
of activity to the problems posed
by national and international poli-
tics. He suggested universities as
a target for student action.
"Universities must be reformed
to create that spirit of mind and
intellect which is prepared to face
creatively the problems our na-
tion and our educational system
face," he contended.
Ross spoke before an assembly
of students at Kalamazoo College,
following by one week the appear-
ance of SGC President Steven
Stockmeyer, '63.
AMRCASM O' excrt am Frwreo
Friday, March 8th-8:30 p.m.
One performance only
Tickets on sale at
Sound Center, A.A.
Ford Aud., Grinneul's,
Marwil, Northland-.
Land of Hi-Fi, Gd.R*
mail orders filled by Ford. Aud.

is the scholar's duty to com-
municate his knowledge to help
guide members of the community.
Dean Wegman defined the
scholar's' role as one of searching
for the truth. To illustrate the
importance of the word "truth"
to the scholar, he pointed out
that many academic institutions,
among them the University, use
that word in their motto.
Obstacles to Truth
In discussing the scholar's
search for truth, Dean Wegman
referred to the four obstacles to
truth which Roger Bacon cited
in the 13th Century. These ob-
structions which the scholar faces
are "subservience to authority, ad-
herence to custom, submission to
popular prejudice and covering ig-
norance by an ostentatious dis-
play of knowledge."
Dean Wegman outlined the uni-
versity's role in scholarship as "an
attempt to build up independence
of thought." He pointed out that
though the scholar should always
take pride in his work, he must
realize that it is always incom-
plete. Because of the "changing
character of truth," Dean Wegman
said, the "reward for scholarship
is the need to keep on studying."
Draft .Board Sets
.Deferment Test
Students wishing' draft defer-
ment may now apply for the April
18 selective service qualification
test. Applications, available at all
Michigan draft boards, must be
postmarked no later than March
28. The examinations, which will
be given at 21 colleges in the
state, seek to determine "aptitude
for continued study."

SGC Kills
Voting Plan
By Districts
Student Government Council re-
jected a plan for election of Coun-
cil members by geographical dis-
tricts at its meeting Wednesday
Council member Robert Ross,
'63, objected to the proposal on
grounds that it did not accurately
reflect the student population dis-
Another objection, voiced by
Daily Editor Michael Olinick, '63,
was that the representatives would
have "no kinship" with their con-
stituents. He noted that a num-
ber of students who voted in one
district in a spring election would
have changed their residences in
the fall.
The proposal, brought before
Council by its Committee on Stu-
dent Concerns, called for the elec-
tion of Council members through
districts. It would divide the cam-
pus area into seven districts, each
district electing two representa-
tives to SGC.
"This system would increase
campus respect for Council and
for the president and vice-presi-
dent," committee chairman Sherry
Miller, '65, argued.
In other business, SGC adopted
the Credentials and Rules Commit-
tee suggested procedures for the
upcoming campus elections. It also
approved the recommendation of
Gail Dunham, '65, as elections di-
The Council granted recognition
to the following organizations: the
Finance Club, the Industrial En-
gineers, the Phileutherian Society
and the Physical Therapy Club. It
granted ad hoc recognition to the
Students for Cudlip and White for
Board of Regents Committee.


Students- Publish New Journal
Of Social Psychology Writings

The purpose of the new Mich-
igan Social Psychology Student
Journal, as stated in the editorial
of the first issue, is "to create a
microcosm of the publishing ex-
perience for students and to pro-
vide feedback on their work from
faculty and other students."
J. Alan Winter, Grad, and
Daryl Bem, Grad, are the co-
editors of the Journal.
Winter said the social psycho-
logy program students decided a
year and a half ago to provide
some means (outside of the for-
mal structure of course work) for
communicating about their work.
'the first step was to gather term
papers and place them in the psy-
chology department library.
Few Students
"Very few students made use of
this method. This year, discussion
of a journal came up at one of
the social psychology meetings,
and Daryl and I decided to get
it started," Winter said.
The first issue, which contains
five papers suggested by instruc-
tors of the 1961-1962 pro-semi-
nars, is not widely distributed.
There are eight copies in all,
available in the psychology de-
partment library, program office,
graduate reading room and Men-
tal Health Institute library, Bem
The five articles in the Journal
are: "Grooming A-B-X for the
Computer Age," by Bem; "Talcot
Parsons: A Theory of Action?"
by Jack Fowler, Grad; "Conform-
ity Processes in Interpersonal Be-
havior," by Ronald Lambert,
Grad; "Theology as Axiomatics,"
by Winter; and "A Conceptual
Analysis of 'Common' and
'Shared' in Terms of Interpersonal
Cognitions," by Jorge Garcia-
Bouza, Grad.
Important Part
"The most important part of
the Journal is the feedback on


articles. Each copy of'the Journal
has comment sheets for students
and faculty. This also will give us
an idea of how many people read
it," Bem said.
"The Journal's format is not
fixed, and in the future it may be
possible to provide each person
with a copy. If it is continued, the
Journal will have a student edi-
torial board to review papers and
decide on a definite format to be
followed," Winter explained.
Arabic.. .
The Arab Club and the Near East
Club will hold a panel discussion
on "Teaching the Arabic Lan-
guage" at 8 p.m. today, in the
East Conference Rm., Rackham
Bldg. Speakers will be Professors
Ernest McCarus and James Bella-
my of the Near Eastern studies
department, Sami Makarem, Grad,
and M. Elgarh.
Prof. Gordon Peterson of the
speech department, director of
the Communications Science Pro-
gram, will speak on "On the Na-
ture of Speech" in a psychology
department colloquium at 4:15
p.m. today in Aud. B.
Social Work...
Prof. Daniel R. Miller of the
psychology department will mod-
erate a panel discussion on "Con-
temporary Practice of Social
Work" this morning at Wayne
State University, in the opening
session of the "Tri-U Conference."
Professors Clarice Freud, Paul
Glasser and Eugene Litwak of the
social work school will join their
colleagues from WSU and Michi-
gan State University for afternoon
The University President's Club
will hold its first annual meeting
here today. Some 70 alumni who
have made large donations to the
University are expected to attend.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.-Bureau of In-
dustrial Relations Personnel Techniques
Seminar No. 77 - Seminar leader, Dr.
Ralph Nichols, Chairman, Dept. of
Rhetoric, Univ. of Minn. "Improved
Communications through Listening
Training"; Third Floor Conference Rm.,
Mich. Union.
2:30 p.m.-Dept. of Physical Education
Lecture-Dr. Bruno Balke, Chief Biody-
namics Division, Civil Aeromedical In-
stitute, Federal Aviation Agency, and
Prof. of Research Physiology, Oklahoma
Univ., "The Assessment of Functional
and Metabolic Competence in Health
and Disease": School of Public Health
4:15 p.m.-Dept. of Psychology Col-
loquim-Dr. Gordon Peterson, Director,
Communications Science Program: Aud.
B, Angell Hall.
7:00 and 9:00 p.m. - Cinema Guild
Commemoration Program for the Civil
War Centennial-Audie Murphy and Bill
Mauldin in "The Red Badge of Cour-
age"; shorts, "The True Story of the
Civil War" (from Brady photographs)
and "A Time Out of War": Architecture
7:30 p.m.-Gymnastics-U-M vs. Univ.
of Minnesota: Intramural Bldg.
8:30 p.m. - Univ. Musical Society
Chamber Music Festival - Budapest
String Quartet, complete cycle of Bee-
thoven string quartets: Rackham Ad.
8:30 p.m.-Professional Theater Pro-
gram Shakespeare Festival-Assoc. of
Producing Artists Resident Company of
the U-M in "The Merchant of Venice";
Trueblood Theater.
General Notices
Spring Sem. Fees: At least 50% is due
and payable on or before Feb. 25, 1963.
Non payment of at least 50% by Feb.
25 will result in the assessment of a
delinquent penalty of $5.00. r
Mail payments postmarked after due
date, Feb. 25, 1963, are late and subject
to penalty.
MAIL EARLY - Payments may be
made in person at the Cashier's Office,
1015 Admin. Bldg. before 4:30 p.m.
Feb. 25, 1963.
Ben and Lucile Braun Scholarship:
Applications for this scholarship are
now available at 2011 Student Activi-
ties Bldg. Undergrad. students who
have completed at least 15 hours at
the Univ. with grades of '"B" or better
and who need financial assistance
may apply. Applications must be com-
pleted by March 1, 1963.
The Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship
with a stipend of $1,000 is being offered
by the Alumnae Council of the Alumni
Association, for 1963-64. It it open to
women graduates of any accredited col-
lege or university. It may be used by a
University of Michigan graduate at any
college or university, but a graduate
of any other university will be requir-
ed +o use the award on the Michigan
campus. Academic achievement, per-
sonality and leadership will be con-
sidered in granting the award. Appli-
cations may be made through the Of-
fices of the Alumnae Secretary, Alumni
Mdemorial Hall or the Alumna Council
Office. Michigan League, and must be
filed by March 15, 1963. Award will be
announced at League Installation Night,
April 22, 1963.
The Lucy E. Elliott Fellowship with
a stipend of $1,000 is being offered
by the Alumnae Council of the Alumni
Association for 1963-64. It is open to
women graduates of any accredited col-
lege or university. It may be used by
a university of Michigan graduate at
any college or university, but a graduate
of any other university will be required
to use the award on the Michigan
campus. Academic achievement, crea-
tivity and leadership will be considered
in granting the award.
Applications may be made through
the Alumnae Council Office, Michigan
League or Alumni Memorial Hall, and
mustbe filed byMarch 15, 1963. Award
will be announced at League Installa-
tion Night, April 22, 1963.
The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholarship
is announced by the Alumnae Council
of the Alumni Association for 1962-63.
The award is variable and is open to
both graduate and undergraduate wom-
en. The award is made on basis of
scholarship, contribution to University
life and financial need.
Applications may be made through
the Office of the Alumnae Secretary,
Alumni Memorial Hall or Alumnae
Council Office, Michigan League and
must be filed by March 15, 1963. Recip-
ients will be announced at League In-
stallation Night, April 22, 1963.

The following sponsored student
events are approved for the coming
weekend. Social chairmen are reminded
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre's

that requests for approval for social
events are due in the Office of Student
Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noon
on the Tues. prior to the event:
FEB. 22-
Allen Rumsey-Open open.
Trigon-Initiation dance.
FEB. 23-
Alpha Delta Phi-Record party.
Alpha Epsilon P-House party.
Alpha SigmanPhi-Ratskeller party.
Alpha Tau Omega-Party.
Anderson-Open open.
Beta Theta P-Open open band party.
Chi Psi-Band party.
Cooley-Dance open open.
Delta Chi-Record party.
Delta Sigma Phi-Informal party.
Delta Sigma Theta-Party.
Delta Theta Phi-Band party.
Hayden House-Open open.
Lambda Chi Alpha-After Rushparty.
Phi Alpha Kappa-Square dance.
Phi Delta Theta-Dance.
Psi Upsilon-Party.
Sigma Alpha Mu-Band party.
Sigma Chi-Party.
Sigma Phi Epsilon-House party.
Stockwell-Sledding party.
Tau Delta Phi-Ballroom party,
Theta Delta Chi-Record dance.
Theta Xi-Dance party.
Van Tyne-Open open and dance.
Williams-Corridor party.
Zeta Beta Tau-House party.
The following part-time jobs are
available.Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Placement
Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg.,
during the following hours: Mon. thru
Fri., 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5:30
Employers desirous of hiring stu-
dents for part-time or full-time tem-
porary work, should contact Bob Cope,
Part-time Interviewer, at NO 3-1511,
Ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Rm. 2200, daily,
S-Engineering or technica students to
sell slide rules. Substantial commis-
1-Who is at the MS or PhD level in
Physical or Organic Chemistry to
do research. 20 hours per week.
I-Native Voicer from Mexico. 5 to 10
hours per week.
4-Museum guides needed. For someone
with a Natural Science background
at least at the Junior level who is
interested in gaining some experi-
ence In their field of study.
1-Lifeguard needed. Must have a
Senior Life Saving Certificate. The
hours are Mon. thru Fri., 11:30 a.m.
to 1 p.m.-Fri.; 3 to 6 p.m.--Satur-
day, 10 to 11:30 a.m. and 3 to 5:30
2-Engrg. or technical students to sell
slide rules. Substantial commission.
1-Half-time temporary secretary to
start March 6, and work thru March
29. Shorthand and secretarial experi-
ence is required.
2-Key punch operators to work full
or part-time for six to eight weeks.
1-Native Voicer from Mexico. 5 to 10
hours per week.
4-Museum guides needed. For someone
with a Natural Science background
at least at the Junior level who Is
interested in gaining some experi-
ence in their field of study.
The next filing date for the Federal
Service Entrance Exam (FSEE) is
Thurs., Feb. 28 for the exam on Sat.,
March 16.
U.S. Food & Drug Administration, De-
troit, Mich.-1) Chemists-male or fe-
male with 30 hrs. of Chem. 2) Inspec-
tors-male with 30 hrs. of science-
various capacities, all levels of degrees
in all sciences. Exper. required for
some of the positions. For field &
Washington locations.
Financial Adjustment Co., Chicago,
IW.-Seeking men & women who have
a basic knowledge of sound money-
mgmt. principles to train as family
financial counselors. Will work with &
give advice to financially pressed fam-
ilies. Helpful educ. & employment bkgd
would be in family econ., home mgmt.
banking, consumer educ. county-ex-
tension work, credit work & social
City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina
-Administrative Assistant - someone
with the personality & ability to be-
come City Manager sometime in the fu-
ture. Degree supplemented by grad
courses in Public Admin. Exper. in re-
sponsible line or staff dept. functions
in a public jurisdiction, pref. in muni-
Renold Chains Limited, Chicago, 111.
-Openings for BS-MS: Electrical, In-
dust. & Mech. Engnrs. Type of Work:
Sales. Trng. in United Kingdom. First



post probably in United Kingdom. Lo-
cation: Wythenshawe, Manchester, Eng-
land. See Engrg. Placement, 128-H W.
Engrg. for further information.
J. L. Hudson Co., Detroit, Mich.-
Industrian Engnr. for material handling,
planning & scheduling, BS Indust.
Engrg. Exper. not required but prefer
some up to 3 yrs.
Large Insurance Co. In Detroit Area-
Mortgage Loan Appraiser-BA with min-
imum 2 yrs. real estate, finance apprais-
al courses. Some business exper. Will be
in training to solicit mortgage loans on
residential property & conduct ap-
praisals of real estate.. Military obli.
must be completed. Prefer married man.
Devoe & Raynolds Co., Inc., Louisville,
Ky.-1) Polymer Chemists-PhD in Or-
ganicor Polymer Chem. 2) Polymer
Product Dev. Chemists-ES & MS Or-
ganic or Polymer. 3) Indust. Coatings
& Formulators-BS Chemists or Chem.
Engnrs. 4) Trade Sales & Construction
& Maintenance Coatings-BS Chem. or
Chem. Engnr. Will interview at Chem.
Placement March 27.
B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio-1)
Jr. Engnr. Design-BS Electrical Engrg.
Must have strong desire for electrical
circuiting design work. No exper. neces-
sary but some in circuit design desirable.
2) Tech. Field Service Engnr.-BS Engrg.
(Mech., Civil, Arch., Plastics or Chem.).
Minimum military completed. Exper. in
buildingmproduct dev Will travel widely.
* *s
Forafurther information,Aplease call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
212 SAB-
The Wagon Wheel Playhouse, Warsaw,
Ind.--Will open June 24 for its eighth
season. Will be auditioning for: Singers,
Dancers & Actors on Wed., Feb. 27 at
the Mich. UnionRoom 3- from 9
a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Must provide your own accompaniment.
Camp Nahleu, Mich.-A coed camp.
Will interview students for camp posi-
tions on Tues. & Wed., Feb. 26 & 27.
Do not call for appointments, come to
Summer Placement.


Forest Beach Camp, New Buffalo,
Mich.-Sponsored by Chicago YWCA.
Will interview for horseback riding di-
rector, unit leader (9-12 yr. olds). busi-
ness manager, & cabin counselors. In-
terviews will be on Tues., Feb. 26.
Camp Somerset, Maine-Girls' camp.
Will interview girls who will be 21 by
June 10 for waterfront, sailing, golf,
tennis, riding, tripping, & mountain
climbing. Will interview Mon., Feb. 25.
VIEWS--Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedule at 128-H West
Engrng. for the following:
FEB. 26-
Aluminum Co. of America, All Co. lo-
cations--BS: ChE, E,IE, ME & MVet.
BBA & MBA: Bus.Ad.-(Accounting).
Dev., Des. & Prod. Sales.
FEB. 26-2n-
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.,
Entire du Pont Co.-BS-MS: ChE, EE,
EM, IE, Mat'ls., All Phases of Chem.
Biochem. BS: Physics. MS: Math. R. &
D., Des., Prod. & Sales.
FEB. 26-
S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc., Racine,
Wis.-BS-MS: ChE, IE & ME. All De-
grees: Org. & Phys. Chem. R. & D.,
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 43 plants
in 20 states thru-out the U.S. & Cana-
da-All Degrees: ChE, EM, ME & Chem.
-(Org., Phys. & Inorg.). BS-MS-Prof.:
CE. MS-PhD: Physics. BS-MS: EBE, IE.
BS: E Physics & Sci. Engrg. R. & D.,
Des., Prod. & Sales.
Sangamo Electric Co., Springfield,
111.--All Degrees: BE. BS-MS: EM & ME.
BS: E Physics & IE. R. & D., Des., Prod.
& Sales.
Sundstrand Corp., Rockford, II.BS-
MS: BE, M1E & Met. BS: E Physics &
IE. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Tech. Writ-
U.S. Gov't-(Navy), U.S. Naval Engrg.
Experimental Station, Annapolis, Md.-
All Degrees: ChE, BE. ME, Met., NA &
Marine & Physics. BS: B Physics. Men
& Women. R. & D.

H I LLEL is pleased to announce
An Informal Hour
The distinguished Rabbi and communal leader
of Cong. Shaarey Zedek, Detroit
Thursday, February 28, 4:45 P.M.
All Are Welcome 1429 Hill Street
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation






Shows at
7-9 P.M.



Sizzling farcel Deliciously ingenious,
grandly diabolicl A film that will
go down as one of the great comedies!
Mastrolanni staggers us with a droll
performance that is nothing short of
classic. Director Pietro Germi is a master
of farce...a gemius! --o* sfiN.. me



'..+.C INEMA GUILD r a
John Huston's Production of
Stephen Crane's





i L1sii ir


Filled with Fun and
Loaded with Laughs


El 1 11, 1: 1 M EM" c i







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