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February 20, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-20

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See Editorial Page


Sir iEan
Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Freezing drizzle,
turning to snow flurries



Change Affects
New Freshmen
Vroman Notes Continuing Influence
of Performance in High School
College Board examinations will be a permanent requirement for
all prospective freshmen, Director of Admissions Clyde Vroman said
This ends a two year "exploratory period" in which Michigan
high school students applying to the University were required for the







In Plan for

Full-Year Operation


.college boards
He p f u
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
fourth of a five-part series on Uni-
versity research and its relationship
to Michigan and Ann Arbor.)
R4esearch is the hope of Michi-
The state which has been in eco-
nomic doldrums in recent years
considers research a vital stepping
stone to its economic recovery.
Automation, decentralization and
a change in the types of growth
industries has robbed Michigan of
its economic vitality. Michigan fell
from receiving 10 per cent of all
defense contracts to three per cent
as the armed forces switched from
a conventional to a nuclear, elec-
tronic type of defense.
The airplane and missile in-
dustries on the coasts and the re-
search centers around Harvard
University and the University of
California prospered while indus-
trial Michigan did not.
"Recent statements by Secre-
tary of Defense Robert S. Mc-
Namara and presidential science
advisor Jerome B. Weisner have
emphasized the fact these indus-
tries are dependent very heavily
upon new technological develop-
ments and upon research," Vice-
President for Research Ralph A.
Sawyer said.
Political leaders of both parties
have seen the same relationship
and encourage research.
"Research has not all that might
to develop Michigan industry,"
Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair),
chairman of the Senate Appropri-
ations Committee, said recently.
"There should be more emphasis
on programs that develop new
ideas and industries."
See RESEARCH, Page 2

first time to take the exams,
Vroman said.
He emphasized that it is not "a
dramatic change" and that the
major factor in admission of
fresmmen would continue to be
their high school records.
Work Important
"How well they worked for four
years is more important than how
well they ran for three hours,"'
Vroman commented.
However the experiment with
in-state college board exams has
shown that it is one of the, best
ways of identifying "a student's
capabilities and advising him on
whether he is wise to come to the
University," Vroman said.
College Boards were first made
a part of the admission require-
ments for out-of-state students in
1957 after a similar two-year trial
The college boards, in addition
to being one indicator of pre-
paredness for work at the Univer-
sity, can also help in such func-
tions as advanced placement, and
counselling the student in regard
to the direction of his college
However, Vroman noted that
"we are not trying to encourage
score competition.
"The determining factor in ad-
mission of freshmen will not be
small variations in College Board
The decision to put the explora-
tory project on a permanent basis
came after consideration of the
early results by faculty commit-
tees within the individual schools
and colleges.
Printers Veto
Wagner Plans
For Mediationt
NEW YORK (P)-Mayor Robert
F. Wagner failed again to arrange
new peace talks yesterday in the
printers strike that has led to a
74-day blackout of New York's
nine big newspapers.
After conferring for nearly four
hours with leaders of the printers,
Wagner set up a meeting for today'
between publishers and eight non-
striking newspaper unions. The
subject to be shorter hours, one
of the key issues in the deadlock.
Walter N. Thayer, president of
the Herald Tribune, told newsmen
The Democratic mayor talked
with publishers yesterday and one
of them, Walter N. Thayer, presi-
dent of the Herald Tribune, told
newsmen at the time:
"I am very pessimistic . . . I do
not feel that any more federal,
state and city intervention would
be helpful."
Bertram A. Powers, strike leader,
replied "Mediation is a tool in
negotiations. I'm not pessimistic.
I'm never an optimist, but I'm
always hopeful."

-T o Vi ew
Student Government Council
will consider a proposal for ex-
tensive changes in SGC structure,
and a motion requesting Univer-
sity financial support for frater-
nities and sororities, at its regular
meeting tonight.
Also on the agenda is a pro-
posal that would recommend lib-
eralization of women's hours to
the administration, and another
motion for Council reorganization.
A report from the Committee
on Student Concerns advocates
electing Council members from
geographical districts and elimi-
nating ex-officio voting power.
In a motion from Howard Ab-
rams, '63, SGC would request the
Regents and the administration
to lend University financial sup-
port to fraternities and sororities
that lose their current means of
support by following non-discrim-
inatory membership selection poli-
The motion asks the Regents to
make a public commitment to such
It explains that financial de-
pendence on alumni or the na-
tional organization can force fra-
ternities and sororities to follow
policies that they do not favor
but must accept as conditions for
receiving funds.
The geographical districting
proposals recommend a Council
of 14 members elected from seven
campus districts. The president
and vice-president would cam-
paign as running mates and be
elected from the campus at large.
Ex-officios would not have vot-
ing power or the responsibility of
attending Council meetings.
However they would be able to
join the body at any time, have
full speaking rights, and the power
to introduce and second motions.
The number of these ex-officios
would be extended to 10, adding
the heads of Graduate Student
Council, the International Stu-
dents' Association, and Inter-
Cooperative Council.
Another motion from Abrams,;
related to the committee's pro-
posals, asks for a Council of 15
See TO VIEW, Page 2
Ask Settlement
In Border War
MOSCOW (P)-The Soviet Un-
ion and Laos called in a joint
communique yesterday for a
peaceful settlement of the border1
dispute between India and Com-
munist China.


A bill which would save Uni-
versity fraternities and sororities
an estimated total of $79,000 per
year by exempting them from
taxes on their personal furnish-
ings has been filed by Sen. Stanley
G. Thayer. (R-Ann Arbor).
The measure stems from pro-
tests made by affiliate alumni
against the intention of city of-
ficials to begin levying such a
tax, he said.. Governmental units
are empowered 'to tax any pro-
perty they wish unless it is spe-
cifically exempted by the state
Fraternities and sororities "have
a rough time making ends meet"
even without this additional fi-
nancial burden, Thayer said. He
introduced a similar proposal last
year, but it was defeated.
Alumnae Opposition
Most of the opposition locally
has come from sorority alumnae,
city assessor Howard Ledbetter
reported last night. Until two
years ago, the city had not moved
to tax affiliated units for their
personal furnishings, such as fur-
niture and household equipment.
Since then, Ann Arbor officials
have attempted to place the
houses on tax rolls, "but refraineI
after pressure was applied. How-
ever, if the bill fails this year,
we'll have no choice but to start
instituting the tax," he remarked.

Panhellenic Association Presi-
dent Ann McMillan, '63, and Of-
fice of Student Affairs Assistantl
for Fraternities John Feldkamp
estimated the yearly cost for each
of the 24 sororities and 43 fra-
ternities with houses would aver-
age about $1500 and $1000 respec-
Alumni Discussions
Discussions with city officials
have been handled by alumni,
rather than Panhel, Interfrater-
nity Council or the administration,
because the houses are owned. by
alumni corporations, Miss Mc-
Millan and Feldkamp explained.
Presumably, if the tax were ap-
plied, the alumni corporation fi-
nancial advisors would collect the

necessary funds from the student
At present, city living units with
personal furnishings valued at less
than $5000 are exempt. Frater-
nities and sororities generally fall
very much above this level.
Cooperatives, however, usually
have only about $1500 worth of
furnishings, and hence would not
be affected by either the tax or
Thayer's bill. Inter-Cooperative
Executive Secretary Luther Bu-
chele said.
When the city started the pro-
ceedings two years ago, it request-
ed fraternities and sororities to
submit an assessment of the value
of their furnishings, Ledbetter
said. But most have not complied.

Ask Affiliate Tax Break

Ineffective Increase
Impedes Transition
Prospects Dismal for Provision
Of $411,000 for Implementation
Year-round operations are on the shelf for this year,
Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns report-
ed yesterday.
The University had requested $411,000 to implement' this
year's summer session which was to have laid the ground
work for a full-year calendar.
However, Gov. George Romney's recommended appro-
priation increase for the University of $1.55 million Is not suf-

ISpace, Exploration
Presents Problems
Engineers must be aware of the social impact of their tech-
nological discoveries, Prof. Samuel D. Estep of the law school said last
"In space research and exploration, society is going to have the
same kind of problem it now has with the atomic bomb. We've got
to be internationally minded whether we like it or not."..
The problem of atomic energy and space administration are
evidence that nations cannot solve their own technological problems

Education Bill
Wins Approval
Of Democrats
ministration's package approach
to education legislation apparent-
ly has won the approval of Demo-
crats on the House Education
At a caucus yesterday commit-
tee Democrats reportedly voted
overwhelmingly to support one big
bill embracing a variety of pro-
grams dealing with all levels of
When President John F. Ken-
nedy wrapped up 24 proposals in-
to one $5.3-billion bill there were
sharp protests from the commit-
Most members favored concen-
trating on one or two of the pro-
grams and letting the others go.
But seven days of hearings, in
which witnesses have stressed
overall deficiencies in the nation's
educational system and a need for
dealing with them in concert,
rather than piecemeal, h a v e
switched a majority to the Admin-
istration view.
The Democrats also voted to ex-
tend the hearings for another
week. They had been scheduled to
wind them up Friday.

independently from the solutions
of other nations, Prof. Estep con-
Behind Science
"Law seems to be behind science
and technology. Lawyers do not
have the answers to many prob-
"A legal system is dependent on
a monopoly of force. We have not
worked. out an effective monopoly
of force in space. Until then, in-
ternational rules are theories only
and not effective law," he said.
One of the problems which will
require solution in the future is
the ownership of the moon. Var-
ious answers to the problem can
be found through analogous situ-
ations, one of which falls under
the "concept of control." Under
this concept, a nation owns a ter-
ritory if it sets up a dominion
over it.
Maintain Establishment
The concept of control requires
that a nation have the ability to
maintain its own establishment
on the moon. "From this, one
could say that no one owns the
moon," Prof. Estep noted.
Another analogous situation
arises from present attitudes to-
ward Antartica. There are sta-
tions on the continent which come
close to being permanent. How-
ever, under the understood agree-
ment, nations have the right to
occupy territory but do not have
the right to own it.
"All nations have agreed to hold
the situation in limbo. But the
legal problems are merely held in
abeyance. One could argue that
the moon should be like Antar-
"Space needs to be explored,
and we can afford it. So if we
can get the legislators to approp-
riate money, we should conduct
space explorations," Prof. Estep
"There will be competition for
money. Projects must be screened
through legal and political means.
The amounts of money are so
large thatengineers cannot ignore
the problem of convincing society
to spend the money."
Another technological problem
requiring international solution is
in satellite communication. Fre-
quencies must be clear during the,
critical time when rockets are first
Also, channels must be kept
open and available. At present,
the United States and Russia are
monopolizing frequencies.
"When smaller countries be-

United States,
Offers allies
NATO Force
WASHINGTON (M)-The United,
States is prepared to. help the
European allies create a NATO
nuclear missile force based on
submarines, surface ships or both,
a United States official said last
Ambassador Livingston T. Mer-
chant is scheduled to leave here
Friday for Paris for the first of a
series of consultations with NATO
leaders in Europe. Paris is head-
quarters of the North Atlantic
Treaty Council. He will go as a
special representative of Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy.
His mission is to promote as
quickly as possible the formation
of a nuclear weapons command
and the organization of a nuclear
weapons force within NATO.
The basic project goes back sev-
eral years, into former President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's Adminis-

ficient to allow the University"
to work towards year-round
operations this year, he indi-
Expanded Offerings
Vice-President Heyns explained
that the University had not plan-
ned to offer a full 15-week term
this summer, but that the Univer-
sity had hoped to expand course
offerings and to begin adjusting
faculty salaries to balance them
with salaries for the fall and spring
semesters. Now these changes will
not occur, he said.
He commented thatdalthough
the University has decided to
shelve year-round operations for
next year, no other priority has
been fully determined at this time
concerning the way the University
will actually spend the $1.55 nil-
lion increase.
Last semester Dean Stephen
Spurr of the natural resources
school and assistant to the vice-
president for academic affairs had
described the plan for next year as-
an integrated year-round two and
a half semester operation, not a
three semester operation. This was
the extent of the University's com-
mitment to full-year operation, he
had indicated.
Same Old Thing
Because of the budget allocation
the University will simply offer a
traditional summer session, Vice-
President Heyns said. t
Although financing the full year t
calendar is impossible under the t
recommended budget, the new cal- l
endar will remain in effect. Stu-
dents will have to return to the t
University at the end of August. A
James E. Lesch, assistant to the t
vice-president for academic affairs, t
said- that the University will be s
forced to operate this year's sum- a
mer session at the same level as s
last year's.N
However, the new faculty salary I
pay hike which went into effect M
last July 1, will mean that it -will s
cost the University more money
this summer. t
Lesch indicated that additional A
money to meet the higher salaries e
is available for this summer. s

. same ummer session

Meandering Mac

Cites Antonio as Centra to Play
Daily Guest Writer
"The Merchant of Venice" has traditionally been treated as a
tour de force for the actor who plays Shylock.4
And it has somehow been mistrusted as being somewhat anti-
semitic. According to Richard Baldridge, who is directing the Asso-
ciation of Producing Artists' production of "The Merchant of Venice"
which opens at 8:30 p.m. today at Trueblood Aud., these are both
misconceptions of the play.
He feels that the merchant in "The Merchant of Venice" is
Antonio, and that Antonio is the central figure in the play, not
Shylock. This conception of the play holds together the often super-.
fluous last act after Shylock's defeat in the trial scene.
The production is being done in modern dress for several rea-
sons according to Baldridge. While it is still possible for the modern
audience to understand and identify with Shakespeare's drama, there
are many references and jokes that the modern audience generallyf
does not have enough readily available background to understand.
"This play lights up when placed next to its lineal descendants,
the problem plays, such as 'Measure for Measure' and 'Troilus and
Cressida.' Tt is . n1ra in which the rea.1 irn anti menninr is tn he


Voice Forum
U.S. Policies
"American Foreign Policy and
he Underdeveloped Nations" was
he top ic of Voice Political Party's
hird forum on American society
ast night.
Major questions, such as: "Have
here been inconsistencies in
American relations with authori-
arian governments, whether on
he right or left?" and "What
hould be the criteria for foreign
aid?" were discussed by Profes-
ors Henry Bretton and Martin
Needler of the political science
Department, and Prof. Richard
Meier of the natural resources
Prof. Meier, first of the panelists
o speak, said that inconsistent
American policies are not only
vident but also necessary. He
tressed the fact that it would be
unrealistic for the United States.
o follow a regulated and consis-
ent foreign policy to encompass
ll our relationships or even those
n a specific area.
He cited the example of the
Arab nations. These countries are
o diverse kin cultural and political
erms that we cannot treat them
as one.
A list of valid criteria for re-
eiving United States foreign aid
was drawn up by Prof. Meier:
1) The need for education, com-
munication, and basic utilities to
reate organization and provide
2) Investments in stable gov-
rnments yin the hope of making
hem self-supporting.
31 The recognition of past com-
nitments, such as in Algeria. -
4) Utilization of cultural ex-
hange programs fo' their own
5) Aid to disaster areas: earth-
uakes and floods.
The second speaker was Prof.
Bretton, who felt that the United
tates mostly by the influence of
rivate business interests, showed
bias to authoritarian govern-
:ents of the right, whose purpose
was to maintain the political, aco-


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