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February 16, 1963 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-16

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ers UpsetTech; End Winless Skein

M' Matmen Crunch Badgers

new look" Michigan hockey
stormed past Michigan Tech
ere last night.
Huskies, outplayed for
of the game, saw any hopes
ving into first place in the
A shattered. But they will be
to set a few things straight
it at 8 p.m.
Leh Al Renfrew had high
for his team. "They really
d out there. No doubt about
is was their best game."
Gray Returns
Gray, who returned to the
or the first time since early
ry, was severaly tested on
11 occasions. Once he made
ctacular skate save and an-
time 'he slid across the

goal-mouth and took the puck on
his pads after a well-executed
Michigan Tech play.
But the Huskies could only get
the puck by him once. Michigan
defensemen blocked many shots
and the forwards did an excellent
job of back-checking to thwart
many a Tech rush.
Bottling up the Huskies' offense
was only a part of the story,
though. The other part is told
by the Wolverines' determined
play and probably the best pass-
ing exhibition put on this season.
Fast First
Senior Don Rodgers notched the
only score of a very fast first
period to put Michigan ahead 1-0.
Dave Butts stole the puck from

a Tech defenseman right at the
center red line and skated in all
alone on goalie Garry Bauman.
Butts tried to fakce him into com-
ing out of the net, but he would
not budge.,
Bauman managed to block the
shot as Butts skated past the

goal. Then Rodgers swooped in
on the puck, which had not been
cleared, and knocked it home as
the goalie sprawled on the ice.
In a busy second period Bauman-
turned back 16 shots--but he let
a hard slap shot by Gary Butler
past him into the far side of the

Indiana Beats Tankers;
NCAA Records Broken

net at 11:35. Larry Babcock sent
a good pass up to Gordon Wilkie,
who then drew both Husky de-
fensemen over in front of him
before setting up Butler perfectly
for a clear shot at the net.
Michigan came out in the third
period determined to widen its
2-0 lead.
Pressure On
But John Ivanitz teamed up
with Roy Heino and Gene Rebel-
lato to put the pressure on Their
work paid off as Ivanitz took a
nice pass in front of Gray and
slapped it into the lower left-
hand corner to make the score 2-1.
Tom Pendlebury came back
with a tally just two minutes
later. It was a low screen shot
that hit on the inside part of the
goalpost and then behind Bau-
man into the net.
Jack Cole put on the finishing
touch with a counter into the
short side of the goal with just
1:20, remaining. Both Cole and
Ron Coristine, according to Ren-
frew, played the best games of
their careers.

Michigan's wrestlers rode rough-
shod over Wisconsin yesterday.
29-2 and-no doubt about it-
raised the mercury level of Wol-
verine Big Ten title hopes more
than a couple of degrees.
Coach Cliff Keen's mat crew
disposed of the Badgers while
losing nary an event, picking up'
Michigan's fifth win in as many
Big Ten starts. The Wolverines
will have just about enough time
to catch their breaths before tak-
ing on Indiana this afternoon.
Meet time is 4:00 in Yost Field
House following the basketball
game with Ohio State.
Two quick pins and a decision
boosted the Blue grapplers out in
front of the Badgers, 13-0, before
the visitors could managge to
crack the scoresheets.
Carl Rhodes started off the
Michigan point parade in the
123-lb. spot when he scored a
"roll-over" pin on Badger Mike
Ptacek. The five-pointer came

with Rhodes leading 4-1 in the
second period with 7:17 gone.
Armelagos Scores
Captain Nick Armelagos was
next-and Michigan picked up
three more digits as the 130-
pounder grabbed an early 4-0 ad-
vantage on ahtake-downand re-
versal in the first period and
held on for a 6-3 decision.
Gary Wilcox wrestled his first
match for Michigan this year
after a semester's absence, and
two seconds after he stepped on
A Rout!
123-lbs.--Rhodes (M) pinned Pta-
cek, 7:17.
130-lbs.-Armelagos (M) d. Pow-
ell, 6-3.
137-lbs.--Wilcox (M) pinned Nat-
ley, 5:38.
147-lbs.-Keen (M) and Sackerson
drew, 1-1.
157-lbs.-Miller (M) d. Ironside,
167-lbs.--Bay (M) d. Mergen, 5-3.
i77-lbs.-Arcure (M) d. Roberts,
Hwt.--Barden (M) pinned Pillath,

.end of a Famine

nan G Gray
nte D Rodgers
D .Kartusch
C Wilkie'.
raper W Butler
son W Babcock
st' Period Scoring: M-Rodgers
ts) 15:05. Penalties: T-Wim-
(tripping) 2:32; M--Butts (in-
rence) 8:51.
cond Period Scoring: M--Butler
kide, Babcock) 11:35. Penalties:
Cole (holding) 1:32; M-Rodgers
'ping) 6:53; T-4vanitz (hook-

ing) 9:11; M-Pendlebury (hooking)
9:11; M-Newton (hooking) 15:42.
Third Period Scoring: T-Ivanitz
(Rebellato, Heino) 12:34; M--Pendle-
bury (Butler, Wilkie) 14:44; M-Cole
(Kartusch, Butler) 18:40. Penalties:
8-Pallante (tripping) 8:30; T -
Wimmer (tripping) 12:42; M-Kar-
tusch (hooking) 18:48.


1 1 2-4
00 1-1

Saves T
Gray (M)
'-\Bauman (T)

13 8 7-28
13 16 8-37

WoVverine Cagers Host
)hio State in Rematch

Special To The Daily
records were shattered last nightf
by the almost unbeatable Indiana
diana (Stock, Nakasone, Schmidt,
Schulhof); 2. Michigan. Time-3:36.9
(new NCAA record).'
200-YD. FREESTYLE-1. Townsend
(I); 2. Verhoven (I); 3. Berry (M).
50-YD. FREESTYLE-1. Jastremskit
(I); 2. Hayden (I); 3. Burns (M).
1. Stickles (I); 2. Tremuwan (I); 3.
Longstreth (M). Time.-4:18.6 (newJ
NCAA record).
DIVING-1. Gilbert (I); 2. Cox
(M); 3. Densley (I). Points-309.05.
200-YD. BUTTERFLY-i1. Schmidt
(1); 2. Schulhof (I); 3. Moore (M).
Time-1:55.8 (new NCAA record).
100-YD. FREESTYLE - 1. Berry I
(M); 2. Thrasher (M); 3. O'Neill (I).1
260-YD. BACKSTROKE-1. Stock
(I); 2. Bartcht (M); 3. Stickles (I).
500-YD. FREESTYLE-1. Sommers
(I); 2. Berry (M); 3. Townsend (I).
tremski (I); 2. Nakasone (I); 3. Bo-
dolay (M). Time--2:12.7.
Indiana (Newman, Schuhof, O'Neill,
SchmIdt); 2. Michigan. Time--3:20.8.
1000-YD. FREESTYLE-1. Sommers
(I); 2. Berry (M); . Dudley (M).1
DIVING-5 METERS-1. Chandler
(M); 2. Boothman (M); 3. GilbertI
BeatySets t
Mile Mark,
NEW YORK P)-Jim BeattyI
let loose with a relentless killingI
drive in the final half lap and(
smashed his own indoor mile rec-t
ord with a time of 3:58.6,, in the
Baxter Mile at the New Yorkx
Athletic Club Games last night. 1

swimming team as they sank
Michigan by a total score of
Michigan's tankers managed
just two first places, one by Frank
Berry in the 100-yd. freestyle and
the other in diving by John
The Hoosiers' marks were set
in the 400-yd. medley relay, 400-
yd. individual medley, 100-yd. but-
terfly, and 1,000-yd. freestyle.

Resurgent Track men Trounce Penn State

k shot at the Big Ten cham-
nship is at stake this after-
n when Bill Buntin squares
against Ohio State's Gary
adds at 2 p.m. in Yost Field
['he largest home crowd in many
irs is expected to turn out to
ness the return match between
second and fourth place teams
s the second clash between the
Sold Out
All reserved seats for this
fternoon's basketball game
ith Ohio State have been sold
ut, according, to ticket mana-
er Don Weir.
Game time is 2 p.m. in Yost
leld House. The freshman
eam will be taking on the
aw Club beginning about
gue's leading scorer, 6'. Bradds
h a 31.0 point average in Big
n competition and the leading
ounder, 6"1" Buntin who hauls
wn an average of 16.1 per game.
Bucks on Top
The first meeting between the
: teams was last month at'
lumbus, when the Bucks trailed
)st of the game but still man-
ed to come out on top, 68-66.,
keep trim

In that one, Buntin fouled out
with 15 points and 13 rebounds,
while Bradds led Ohio with 33'
points and 15 rebounds. Today,
with John Harris back in the line-
up and Buntin anxious to avenge
last month's two-point decision,
(just one of three Buckeye two-
point margins in Big Ten com-
petition) the Wolverines, backed
by home court support will seek
an almost do-or-die victory.
Ohio State stands in a tie for
second place with Minnesota, just
one game behind pacesetting Il-
linois which has its hands full
with hot-shooting Indiana in a
late afternoon television game. A
victory for Ohio and an upset by
Indiana would throw the race
into a two-way tie.
The Wolverines are squarely on
the spot in this afternoon's tilt
since another defeat would give
them an even-up, 4-4, record and
would all but eliminate them from
any title shot and could possibly
drop. them to a tie for seventh
place in the standings.
More Than Bradds
The Buckeyes' potency isn't
limited to Bradds. A pair of for-
wards, Jim Doughty and Doug
McDonald, are good on offense
and excellent on defense, which
shows why few teams have been
able to score very many points
against OSU. You Just can't get
very close to the basket against
Guard Dick Reasbeck is, with
the exception of Jimmy Rayl,
about the hottest-shooting back-
court man in the Big Ten, and is
sure to give Wolverine fans fits
if he's on. The other guard,sDick
Ricketts is a. good shooter and
a fine playmaker, and serves to
round out a team which makes
plenty of trouble for everyone .in
its way.

Michigan ran past, through, but
mainly in front of Penn State
handing the Nittany Lions a 102-
38 shellacking.
By the end of the night seven
meet records, two fieldhouse rec-
ords and one varsity record had
been posted.
Captain Charlie Aquino, repeat-
ing his performance of last year,
ran the 1000 yard distance in
1:11.3. This time broke the pre-
vious Yost and Varsity record of
1:11.9, which was set by Aquino
last year against Penn State.
It was much the same story in
every event ran. Even track Coach
Don Canham found the perform-
ance of his charges hard to figure
after last week. "I've never had a
team that was so bad one week
(at the MSU Relays) and so good
the next," said the obviously de-
lighted Canham.
Initial Lift
Michigan was given the initial
lift which set the stage for the
rest of the night when the shot
putters slammed -their event and
George Puce put the 16 pound
sphere out 56'712".
The first running event of the
meet was the lone Penn State
bright spot. Living up to his ad-

vance billing, Hpwie Deardorff rans
away with the mile in a time ofr
3:08.5. This was one minute fasterc
than the old Yost Field Housec
record held by John Moule of
Michigan. The diminutive distance
man, however, was not impressedt
by his showing. Crossing the finisht
lined Deardorff exclaimed, "noth-c
ing to it."
Kent Bernard who runs with as
stride that would put a gazelle to
Penn Runs Dry
POLE VAULT: 1. Overton (M); 2.,f
Wade (M), Risoldi (PS) tie; 3. Hink-
son (M). Height-14'.T
HIGH JUMP: 1. Ammerman (M); C
2. Casey (PS); 3. Jones (M). Heightl
SHOT PUT: 1. Puce (M); 2.1
Schmitt (M); 3 .Soudek (M). Dis-
BROAD JUMP: 1. Grantham (PS);
2. Sweeney (M); 3. Niles (M). Dis-
MILE RUN: 1. Deardorff (PS); 2.
Hayes (M); 3. hyan (M). Time---t
4:08.5 (Yost Field House record).
440-YD. DASH: 1. Bernard (M);3
2. Bedick (PS); 3. Malone (M). Time
65-YD. HIGH HURDLES: 1. Nut- J
tall (M); 2. Grantham (PS); 3. Barn-
hill (PS). Time-:08.3.
1000-YD. RUN: 1. Aquino (M); 2.f
Lampman (PS); 3. Casto (M). Time
2:11:3 (Yost Field House and Var- I
sity record).J
60-YD. DASH: 1. Burnley (M); 2.
Mason (M); 3. La Due (PS). Time X
600-YD. RUN: 1. Hughes (M); 2.t
R4main (M); 3. Hibschman (PS).1
300-YD. DASH: 1. Hunter (M); 2.
Reese (M); 3. Gregg (PS). Time-
880-YD. RUN: 1. Kelly (M); 2.
Hayes (M); 3. Tuft (PS). Time-
TWO-MILE RUN: 1. Murray (M);
2. Bassett (PS); 3. Neahusan (M).
Time-9 :16.
65-YD. LOW HURDLES: 1. Mason
(M); 2. Nuttall (M); 3. Grantham
(PS). Time-:07.6.
ONE-MILE RELAY: 1. Michigan
(Romain, Reese, Aquino, Bernard);
2. Penn State. Time-3:20.8.

the mat to meet Dick Nalley at
137-lbs. it looked like the effort
might not have been worth it.
Nalley quick-as-a-flash picked
up two points on a take-down and
went for the pin. But Wilcox re-
versed him, and just five minutes
and 38 seconds later the Michigan
ace scored a fall to set the Wol-
verines on top of a 13-0 bulge.
Wisconsin picked up its only
two points on a draw in the 147-
lb. bout. The Badgers' John Sack-
erson and Jim Keen each scored
one point on escapes at the be-
ginning of the third and second
periods, respectively.
Wayne Miller's one point of rid-
ing time edged Wisconsin 157-
pounder Larry Ironside, 3-2, after
Ironside knotted the score on a
reversal in the third period. And
RiciC Bay, who, due to a taped
nose, looked more like the Phan-
tom of the Opera than Michigan's
man at 167-lbs., followed with the
5-3 measure of Paul Mergen.
Go-Go Joe
Keen used the meet to give
sophomore Joe Arcure his first
taste of varsity competition, and
Big Joe didn't let anybody down.
Trailing 3-2 with about 20 seconds
to wrestle in the 1771b. match,
Arcure nailed Harry Roberts with
a two-point take-down to give
Michigan an unassailable 24-2
It only remained for Jack Bar-
den to pin the Big Ten's 1962
heavyweight champion to make
the afternoon complete. It was a
cinch that Wisconsin champ
Roger Iillath wasn't giving any
weight away to the lighter Bar-
den, but old Jack the Giant Killer
took just 4:56 to keep intact his
undefeated conference season with
the Wolverines' final five points.
Indiana's record stands at 1-3.
But coach Charles McDaniel has
an undefeated wrestler in 177-1b.
Dick Isel. His record is 7-0. Other
top Hoosiers are Dave Cousino
(137-lbs), who is 7-1, and Don
Bennett (157) who is 6-1 for the

shame turned in two convincing
performances. Running in the
open 440, Bernard turned the cir-
cuit in :49.4.
Anchor Man
Then running the anchor leg of
the mile relay, which Michigan
took in a time of 3:20.8, he was
clocked in :49.2. Said Don Can-
ham, after the meet, of his young
sophomore, "he may be the best
in Michigan history and maybe
even in the history of the Big Ten
by his senior year."
Also high on the list for plaudits
from Canham was senior two-
miler Chris Murray. Completely
outclassing the rest of the field
Murray ran a classic man-against-
clock race to turn in the best time
in his Michigan career, 9:16. This
is the fourth best time ever run
by a Michigan two miler and the
best time ran in the Big Ten so far
this season.
Surprisingly strong showings in
the hurdle, the 65 yard highs go-
ing to Cliff Nuttall and the 65
yard lows to Dennis Mason also
added to the general feeling of
Dennis Jones, competing in his
first track meet for the cinder-
men, placed third in the high
jump with a leap of 6'2". Canham
was very impressed by the initial
performance of his new acquisi-
tion and is looking for even better
heights when he becomes accus-
5:00-7:00 p.m.
a I* Holstein
Michigan Union Cafeteria

tomed to the pressure of college
track competition.
The high jump was won by the
Wolverines' Al Ammerman with a
jump of 6'4". In the other height
event, the pole vault, Steve Over-
ton missed his three attempts at
14'4", falling on top of the bar on
his last try, and had to settle for
14', good enough for a new meet
In the middle distances, other
than Aquino's thousand, both
Ted Kelly and Dan Hughes turned
in good times. Kelly ran all by
himself in posting a 1:54.7 in the
half-mile. Hughes in a dual with
Dave, Romain passed his team-
mate on the final turn and crossed
the finish line in 1:12.4, one sec-
ond off the fieldhouse record.

(Author of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf", "The Many
Loves of Dobie Gllis", etc.)



Undefeated. Gymnasts Plot
Revenge, Against Illini, Holmes,

Michigan gymnastics fans are
finally getting their chance to
see what all the hollering's been
about, this afternoon at 3:30. in
the Intramural Building gym.
The gymnasts, now 3-0 on the
conference season, greet once-
mighty Illinois, in the their first"
home meet of the campaign. The
Illini, who edged the Wolverines
60-52 last year, come into town
with an 0-5 mark.
In their most recent outing, the
Illini were swamped by Michigan
State, 79-21.
Eight Gone
The main reason for the down-
fall of the men of Coach Charles
Pond is the loss of eight letter-
men due to graduation. Most not-
able among these was all-around
man Ray Hadley, who was Il-
linois' most valuable man last
This is all quite a comedown
for Pond, whose gymnasts took the
Big Ten crown for 11 straight
years, from 1950 to 1960, finish-
ing second in 1961 and third last
year. In both of the last two Big
Ten meets, the Wolverines have
copped the title.
"This is the year before the year
we rebuild," Pond says. "We'll

take our beatings in dual meets,
but we should be among the top
three in the Big Ten Champion-
ships." Considering the 78-18
drubbing his charges took against
an Iowa team which Michigan
handled 70-41, that remains very
much to be seen.
The Threat
Nevertheless, the Illini won't be,
completely blanked, due to the
presence of one Hal Holmes. All
Holmes has 'done in the last few
years is win the national AAU
tumbling title four times, the Big
Ten crown twice, and the 1959
Pan-American Games champion-
ship. Wolverine Coach Newt Lo-
ken, while hoping that his men,
Phil Bolton and Mike Henderson,
can overtake Holmes, can't stop
praising the Urbana senior.
About the lone bright spot be-
sides Holmes is Captain Warren
Wakerlin, who competes in every
event but the Trampoline and
tumbling. He was number two man
for the Illini on the high bar, par-
allel bars, and still rings last year,
and placed fifth on the p-bars
in the Big Ten meet.

Now, as the college year approaches its mid-point, one fact
emerges clearly: you are all going to flunk everything.
There are two things you can do about it. First, you can
marry money. (I don't mean you marry the money itself; I
mean you marry a person'who has money. Weddings between
people and currency have not been legal anywhere in the United
States since the Smoot-Hawley Act. Marlboro Cigarettes, on
the other hand, are legal everywhere and are, indeed, smoked
with great pleasure and enthusiasm in all fifty states of the
Union. I bring up Marlboro Cigarettes because this column is
sponsored by the makers of Marlboro, and they are inclined to
brood if I omit to mention their product.)
But I digress. I was saying you can marry money but, of
course, you will not because you are a high-minded, clean-
living, pure-hearted, freckle-faced American kid. Therefore, to
keep from flunking, you must try the second method: you ;oust
learn how to take lecture notes.
According to a recent survey, 123.6% of American under-
graduates do not know the proper way to take lecture notes. To
illustrate this shocking statistic, let us suppose you are taking
a course in history. Let us further suppose the lecturer is lec-
turing on the ruling houses of England. You listen intently. You
write diligently in your notebook, making a topic outline as you
have been taught. Like this:
I. House of Plantagenet.
II. House of Lancaster.
III. House of York.
Then you stop. You put aside your pen. You blink back a
tear, for you cannot go on. Oh, yes, you know very well that the
next ruling house is the House of Tudor. The trouble is, you
don't know the Roman numeral that comes after III.



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30 pairs of WHITE LEVI'S
have already been given away !
at the basketball throw giveaway at


' o . "f.y
1 .

It may, incidentally, be of some historical interest to point
out that Americans are not the only people who don't know
Roman numerals. The Romans didn't know them themselves.
I suppose they could tell you how much V or X were or like
that, but when it came to real cuties like"LXI or MMC, they
just flang away their styluses and went downtown to have a
bath and take in a circus and maybe stab Caesar a few times.
(You may wonder why Rome stuck with these ridiculous
numerals when the Arabs had such a nice, simple system. Well
sir, the fact is that the Emperor Vespasian tried like crazy to
buy the Arabic numerals from Suleiman the Magnificent, but
Suleiman wouldn't do business-not even when Vespasian
raised his bid to 100,000 gold piastres, plus he offered to throw
in the Colosseum, the Appian Way, and Charlton Heston.
(So Rome stuck with Roman numerals-to its sorrow, as it
turned out. One day in the Forum, Cicero and Pliny got to
arguing about how much is CDL times MVIX. Well sir, pretty
soon everyone in town came around to join the hassle. In all
the excitement, nobody remembered to lock the north gate and
-wham!-before you could say pecca fortiter, in rushed the
Goths, the Visigoths, and the Green Bay Packers!)
Well sir, that's the way the empire crumbles, and I digress.
Let's get back to lecture notes. Let's also say a word about
Mrlhrn fliarettps The makers would be so nleased ! And is





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