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February 16, 1963 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-16

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(Continued from Page 4)
fies of the Alumnae, secretary, Alumni
Memorial Hall or the Alumna Council
Office, Michigan League, and must be
filed by.March 15, 1963. Award will be
announced at League Installation Night,
April 22, 1963.
SAll Grad Students admitted to work
for the doctorate in English are in-
vited to attend meetings to be held on
Mon., Feb. 18, at 4:10 p.m. in the Rack-
ham "Bldg. Students who have not yet
passed the preliminary exams will as-
semble in the Assembly Hall. Those who
have .passed the preliminary exams will
assemble in the W. Conference Rm. The
grad program will be discussed and an
opportunity given to ask questions and
make comments. Coffee will be served at
five o'clock
Botany 101 Final Make-up: Thurs.,
Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m, 2004 Natural Science.
Student Government Council Approval
of the following student-sponsored ac-
tivities becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. A pub-
licity for these events must be with-
held until the approval has become
- effective.
Univ. of Mich. Development Council,
Student Relations Comm., Dave Bru-
beck Concert, March 16, 8:30-11:00 pB.,
Hill Auditorium.
Summary of Action Taken by Student
Government Council at Its Meeting of
February 13, 1963
Adopted: Resignation of William Go-
mez as Chairman of the Committee on
Membership in Student Organizations.
Adopted: Resignation of Steven Stock-
meyer and Robert Ross from Student
Government Council to be effective
March 15, 1963.
Approved: Calendaring of Student Re-
lations Comm. of the Development
Council's Dave Brubeck Concert for
the night of March 16, 1963.
Appointed: To the Committee on
Membership in Student Organizations
with terms to expire, Dec., 1963:
-Wallis Wilde, Scott Crooks; with a
term ending June 1963: William Burns.
Appointed: Steven Stockmeyer, How-
ard Abrams, and Gary Gilber as dele-
gates to the USNSA Conference on the
Domestic Peace Corps in Washington,
D.C., on March 1, 2, and 3, 1963. Stu-
dent Government Council shall cover
the costs of the minimum necessary ex-
Adopted: That SOC donate $100to the
operating budget of the World Univer-
sity Service Drive. SGC also fully sanc-
tions the efforts of this organization.
at the University.
Approved: Temporary recognition of
the University of Michigan Jazz Band
as a. student organization.
Adopted: The following motion con-
cerning student-faculty government:
FACT: At the present time there is
no official student-faculty body which
is responsible for considering issues of
University policy. The governing body
oi the: faculty-the University Senate-
and the governing body of the student
-Student Government Council-exist as
separate entities and lack formal means
of communication about their common
problems. Furthermore, the University
Senate has involved itself in a much
broader range of questions than those
which concern Student Government
Council. An examination of the com-
mittee structure of the University Sen-
ate-which icludes committees on edu-
cational policies, campus planning and
development, and research policy-re-
veals a much greater concern with the
major problems confronting the Uni-
versity than SGC demonstrates either
in its legislation or its research.
PRINCIPLE: Student 'Government
Council believes that the ideal of free
interchange of knowledge and belief is
essential tothe effective functioning of
any educational community. In order
for such an ideal to prosper it is im-
perative that students and faculty think
of each other as joint members in a
community of scholars with similar
concerns and abilities. Although it will
inevitably be true that faculty mem-
bers will have greater specialized knowl-
edge in their particular academic disci-
plines, this does not mean that stu-
dents are incapable of making highly
significant contributions to the less
specialized task of governing the Uni-
DECLARATION: Student Government
Council belleves that the present sys-
tem of student and faculty govern-
ments existing as separate entities have
limited both the importance of stu-
dent government in the University and
the value of such experience for those
students involved. The major issues
before the University-the general ques-
tions of institutional quality that 'are
reflected in the concern with research,
financial 'resources, efforts'to attract
good faculty and the debate over opti-
mum size-have not been the debates'
of a Student Government Council that
has had little concern with education-
al issues, and little understanding of
the central importance of educational
issues in an academic community.
Student Government Council recog-
nizes, and laments, the fact that stu-
dents have not always shown the de-
sred degree of initiative in participat-
ing in academic and general institu-
tional policy-making. But the Council

believes that the major reason stu-
dents have been lax in this area is the
fact that Student Government Coun-
cil's purpose, in both theory and prac-
tice, has limited the Council to the
role of governing student organizations
and recommending student affairs poli-
The Council recognizes that stu-
dents' affairs are of greater concern to
the students themselves than to other
members of the University. The Council

believes that any governmental system
should provide for student self-regula-
tion of personal lives, and provide a
means for expressing student. opinion
on those issues which affect students
in their role as students. Student Gov-
ernment Council also believes, however,
that students should be more involved
than they have been in the major
questions of University policy, and stu-
dents similarly encourage faculty to be
more sensitive of the problems- and
facts of student life at the University.
Student Government Council, while
recognizing the frequent lack of initia-
tive on the part of student leaders in
concerningthemselves withq uestions
of University policy, also believes that
the faculty's sense of civic responsibil-
ity has shown itself to be less than ade-
quate. The Council believes that the
notion of participating actively in gov-
erning of the University community is
thought un-scholarly by many faculty
members, and that many faculty mem-
bers are highly critical of those stu-
dents who choose to involve themselves
In issues arising outside of the class-
room. SGC recognizes the fact that in
a research community, such as Michi-
gan, a heavy emphasis will be placed
on academic production but the Coun-
cil believes that a major share of the
responsibility for governing a Univer-
sity community rests with the faculty
at all times.
Under the present system both stu-
dents and faculty govern by lobby, i.e.
both have their separate governments
which can express the opinion of the
respective group but neither students
nor faculty have formal governmental
structures for proposing all University
policies. The extent of decision-making
power given to either group is limited
to those issues which affect only stu-
dents in the case of Council; and aca-
demic policies for each school, and fac-
ulty services, in the case of the Uni-
versity Senate. A great bulk of all-
University policy-making falls by de-
fault to the administrators and Re-
Student Government Council does
not believe that the problems of the
faculty and student, apathy towards
University issues can be solved under
the present system. While it is impos-
sible to evaluate a new system before
it is actually put into effect, the
Council believes that student-faculty
government is the most hopeful alter-
native to the resent system for the
following reasons:
1) Faculty-student contact would be
increased in an atmosphere where there
was more mutual discussion and con-
frontation than is possible in the usual
classroom situation.
2) The major issues before the Uni-
versity would be publicly debated by
a government democratically elected
from the respective constituencies.
3) Students would be more actively
involved in debating the educational
issues before the Uiversity.
4) A student-faculty government,
which would make recommendations on
those matters of University policy that
affect all the schools and colleges,
would involve studetna and faculty more
directly in University policy-making
than is presently the case. '
While declaring itself for student-
faculty government, Student Govern-
ment Council specifically rejects the
notion of joint student-faculty gov-
ernment of student affairs, alone. We
argue here for cooperative government
of University affairs broadly conceived.
Student Government Council recog-
nizes the complex problems involved
in changing from the present system to
a system of joint governments and
believes that proposals of a specific
structure would be premature at this
time. However, initial testing steps are
appropriate at this time, and the
Council therefore advocates the fol-
MANDATE: In order to involve stu-
dents more actively in University policy-
making and to provide a means for
testing the feasibility of student-fac-
ulty government, Student Government
Council mandates its president to to do
the following:
1) Send a letter to the Senate Ad-
visory Committee of the University Sen-
ate, requesting permission for Student
Government Council to make appoint-
ments to the following eight major
policy-making committees of the Uni-
versity Senate:
a. Educational policies
b. Campus planning and development
c. Public Relations
d. Student Relations
e. Research Policy1
f. University Freedom and Responsi-
g. Professionalism in Inter-collegiate
USE OF THIS COLUMN for announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered organizations only.
Organizations planning to be active for
the Spring Semester should register by
Feb. 25, 1963. Forms available, 1011
Student Activities Building.
Congregational Disciples E & R Stu-

dent Guild, Seminar: History of Chris-
tian Thought: St. Augustine, Rev. J.
E. Edwards, 9:30-10:30 a.m. & 7:30-8:30
a.m.; Evening Relax & Rebel with Re-
freshments, 8:30 p.m.; Feb. 17, 802
Monroe. -
* * *
Graduate Outing Club, Hike or To-
bogganing, Feb. 17, 2 p.m., Rackham
Bldg., Huron St. Entrance.

h. Year-round operations and calen-
dar change.
2) Send copies of this' resolution,
with requests for comment, to the Pres-
ident and vice-presidents of the Uni-
versity, deans of the schools and col-
leges, members of the Board of Re'
gents, National Affairs vice-president
of the United States Naonal Student
Association, chairmen of all committees
of the University Senate and all mem-
hers of the Senate Advisory Committee
of the University Senate.
3) Arrange for meetings between Stu-
dent Government Council and the fol-
lowing groups for the purpose of dis-
cussing the issue of student-faculty
a. The Senate Advisory Committee of
the University Senate
b, The Vice-President for Student Af-
c. The Student Relations Committee
of the University Senate
d. The Deans Conference of the Uni-
e. The President and Vice-Presidents
of the University
f. The Board of Regents
Adopted: That the University of Mich-
igan delegation to the National Stu-
dent Congress of the United States Na-
tional Student Association shall be de-
termined in the following manner:
A. Four delegates shall be elected by
the student body. The election shall
take place in the spring of each school
year. The elected delegates shall hold
office until replaced by the electoral
process. The elected delegates shall serve
as full members of the Student Gov-
ernment Council Committee on the
United States National Student Associa-
tion during their tenure of office.
B. Four delegates shall be appointed
by Student Government Council from
the elected members of Council.
C. The eight alternates shall be ap-
pointed by Student Government Coun-
D. In the event that any delegate is
unable to attend the National Student
Congress, he shall designate this re-
placement from among the designated
E. Any full-time student in good
standing at the University of Michigan
shall be eligible.
F. The rules governing election pro-
cedures shall be determined by Stu-
dent Government Council.
This action does not apply to Spring,
1963 elections.
N.B. This action modifies the plan
of the NSA Committee, if adopted,
Adopted: The following statement of
criteria for SGC endorsement of Regen-
tal candidates:
Student Government Council is the
official representative agency of the
students of the University of Michigan.
Under its grant of authority from the
Board of Regents, SGC is charged with
providing for student participation in
the formation, improvement and pro-
motion of the educational goals of the
University. It is empowered to orig-
inate student projects at the Univer-
sity in expressing opinion on all mat-
ters of concern.
Under these powers and with a be-
lief that as the University expands
the problems of governing it will re-
quire intelligent and open-minded ap-
proaches to education, Council has de-
cided to work for a high quality Uni-
versity governing board. -
The Council feels a responsibility to
help insure that Regents are elected
who are qualified to maintain the ex-
cellence of the University and who are
committed to a course of action and
to programs which will advance that
excellence. SGC sees the following as
critical problem areas for-the University
and lists criteria. which should be ap-
plied in the selection of Regents:
gent should be pledged to maintain
the University's autonomy from en-
croachment by governmental and non-
governmental agencies. A Regent should
be aware of his constituents' concerns
about the University, but should not
allow educational policies to be determ-
ined by political expediency.
interplay of ideas is essential to the
University community and a Regent
should act as a guardian against re-
stricting this freedom whether the
threat is raised against the classroom,
the lecture podium or the student or-
gnization. Council believes that the
Regents should insure that faculty ap-
pointments and promotions are made
on the basis of academic competence
and not on the professor's political
opinions. SGC also believes that a Re-
gent should work for a revision of the
new speakers policy which would end
the restrictions on advocacy of civil
Substantial tuition increases for both
Michigan and out-of-state students over
the past four years make it imperative
that a Regent be pledged to setting
first priority for additional University
funds on other areas than student fee
levies. Regents should be ready to pre-
sent new methods and suggestions for
increasing the University's appropria-
tion. Whatever position he takes during
the campaign on tuition costs, a Re-
gent should act consistent with it after
the election.
gent should stand firm against lower-
ing the percentage of out-of-state resi-
dents enrolled at the University so that
we might continue to have a top qual-
ity and cosmopolitan student body. Tui-

tion increases, if they must come, should
be more equally distributed between
Michigan and non-Michigan residents
than at present.
should view the relationship of the
University to its students as that of
an educative one, not a parental one.
Inside the classroom and outside, the
student should be treated as a mature
member of an academic community.
Restriction and regulation of his extra-
classroom life should be held to an
absolute minimal, developing the stu-
dent through a maximum of personal
decision making. A Regent should work
for student self government and for
extending the areas of that government.
Student Government Council should be
granted authority over non-academic
regulations concerning student affairs.
Regent should realize the greatness of
the University as a center for research,
but should be vigilant that research
resources are not devoted so heavily to
projects for the national defense that
other academic areas are weakened and
that the University's policies did not
become more and more determined by
questions of national security and loy-
alty probes. Teaching must be more
strongly emphasized especially in the
undergraduate areas.
gent should be ready for a close and
critical examination of the question; of
the University's size. He should seek
plans which would avoid further break-
down of human relations and con-
comitant increase of a rigid bureaucracy.
He should encourage interaction be-
tween students in different disciplines
anr ri--r-+ Tniv.-i- vn- ac T :

such restrictive clauses should not be
accepted by the University. A Regent
should be aware of and actively combat
the problems of discrimination which
students in Ann Arbor are facing.
-A Regent should be aware of the
financial problems of a non-mobile
student population. To remedy the
problems of this area of acute student
concern, he should be willing to take
some substantive action such as:
1) Elimination of restrictions on stu-
dent enterprises. ,
2) Significant loosening of the driv-
ing code.
3) Higher wages paid to University
student employment.
Student Government Council shall
meet with the four Regental candidates
to discuss their programs and shall
use these criteria in evaluating its de-
cision to endorse one or more of them
for election.
Adopted: A resolution that an at-
tempt be made to have this summer's
National Student Congress held at a
time which will not conflict with the
fall registration period at the Univer-
The Actuarial Club will meet Mon.,
Feb. 18, at 4 p.m. in Rm. 164 Bus.
Admin. Bldg. Preston Bassett of Tow-
er, Perrin, Forster, and Crosby, Inc.,
will speak on the duties and opportuni-
ties of an actuary in a consulting
Math 809 Approximation Theory Sem-
inar: Prof. P. L. Duren will speak on
"Toeplitz Forms and Orthogonal Poly-
nomials." The meeting is in Rm. 333
W. Engrg., Mon., Feb. 18 at 3:00 p.m.
The following sponsored student events
are approved for the coming weekend.
Social chairmen are reminded that
requests for approval for social events
are due in the Office of Student Af-
fairs not later than 12 o'clock noon
on the Tuesday prior to the event.
FEB. 16-
Alpha Delta Phi, Record party, 556 S.
State; Alpha Sigma Phi, Party, 920
Baldwin; Alpha Tau Omega, Party,
1415 Cambridge; Anderson, Open open,
E.Q.; Beta Theta Phi, Record party, 604
State; Chicago, Open open, W.Q.; Delta
Sigma Delta, Record party, 1502 Hill;
Delta Upsilon, Toboggan party, 1331
Hill; Green House, Open open, E.Q
Lambda Chi Alpha, Party, 1601 Wash-
tenaw; Phi Alpha Kappa, Party, 1010 E.
Ann; Phi Kappa Psi, Party, 1550 Wash-
tenaw; Phi Sigma Kappa, Red party,
1043 Baldwin; Public Health Club, Din-
ner dance, American Legion Hall,
Reeves, Open open, S.Q.; Sigma Nu,
Teen dance party, 700 Oxford; Sigma
Phi Epsilon, House party, 733 S. State;
Wenley, Open open, W.Q.; West Quad,
Record hop; Williams, Open open, W.Q.
Wind Instrument Recital: A student
recital of wind instrument majors is
scheduled for Sun., Feb. 17; 4:15 p.m.
in Lane Hal Aud. Performers on wind
instruments will be John Anderson,
Lillian Stevens, Robert Probasco, George
Etheridge, Fred Heath, Gary Burgess,
Robert Streckfuss, Joan Forster, Rob-
ert Cecchini, Robert Barris, Fred Riz-
ner, David Elliot, William McCann, and
David Mairs. Piano accompanists will
be Kenneth Snipes, Ellen Gustafson,
Kathryn Updegrove, Carolyn Foltz,
Deana Relyea, and Rebecca West. Open
to the public.
Beginning Feb. 18, the following rep-
resentatives will be at the Bureau to
interview candidates for the school year
MON., FEB. 18-
Lakewood, Ohio-All Fields.
Livonia, Mich.-Elem.; Secondary All
Fields; Visiting Teacher; Sch. Psych.
TUES., FEB. 19-
Bassett, Calif.-Elem.; Jr. HS Ind.
Art, Home Ec., Soc. St./Engl., Math/
St., Art, Span., Sch. Nurse, Att./Wel-
fare, Psychometrist, Sp. Corr.
Lompoc, Calif. - Elem.; Sec., For.
Lang., Span., French, Ger., Engl., Girl's
PE, Math (SMSG), Sp. Ed.
Phoenix Ariz. - Engl., Math, Biol.,
Phys. Sci., For. Lang. (Span., Latin,
French, Germ.), Soc. St., Girl's PE
(Dance), Bus. Ed., Home Ec., Spec.
Ed. (Slow Learner), Inst./Voc. Music,
Speech/Drama, Read., Ind. Arts. Must
have a Master's plus 30 Hours in teach-
ing field.
WED., FEB. 20-
Englewood, Colo, (Cherry Creek Sch.)
-All Elem. and Sec. (No Guid.).
Willoughby, Ohio-Elem.; Jr. HS Engl.,
Soc. St., Girl's PE, Math, Ind. Arts,
St., For, Lang. (Fr., Germ., Latin,
Russ., Span.); HS Engl., Soc. St., S.,
Girl's PE, Math, Ind. Arts, For, Lang.
(Fr., Latin, Ger., Span., Russian), Girl's
PE, Guid. (Woman), Libr.
Stockton, Calif.-Elem.; Jr. HS Engl,,
Girl's PE, For. Lang., Spec. Ed.
Niles, Mich.-Elem.; Elem. Voc.; Jr.
HS German, Couns.; HS Engl.
Battle Creek, Mich.-Fields not yet
Grosse Pointe, Mich.-Fields not yet
THURS., FEB. 21-
Englewood, Colo.-See Wed., Feb. 20.
Inkster, Mch.-Fields not yet an-

Fraser, Mich.-Elem.; Visit. Teach.;
Elem. Libr.; Sp. Ther.
* * *
For additional information and ap-
pointments contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB. 663-1511, Ext.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedule at 128-H West
Engrg. for the following:
FEB. 18-
C. F. Braun & Co., Engrg. & Res. Divs.,
Alhambra, Calif.-MS: ChE. BS: ME.
R. & D., Des.
Chicago Civil Service Comm., Chicago,
ll.-BS-MS: CE. Men & Women. Traffic
FEB. 18-22-
General Motors Corp., Locations in 19
states. All G.M. Div.-All Degrees: ChE,
EE, EM, IE, ME, Met. & Mat'is. MS-
PhD: AE & Astro., Commun. Set., In-
stru. & Nuclear. Prof.: Applied Mech's.
BS: E Math, E Physics & Set. Engrg.
Men & Women. R. & D., Res., Prod. &
FEB. 18-
General Radio Co., Des. & Dev. - W.
Concord Mass. Sales Engrg.-Los An-
geles, N.Y., San Francisco, Chicago,
Wash., D.C., Phila., Syracuse, Orlando,
Dallas, Concord, Mass. & Toronto, Cana-
da-All Degrees: EE & Instru., & Com-
mun. Set. Men & Women. R. & D., Des.
& Sales.
FEB. 18-19-
Hughes Aircraft-Electronics, All Div.
with Los Angeles area-All Degrees: EE.
MS-PhD: AE & Astro., Instru., ME &
Physics. PhD: EM, Nuclear & Math.
Prof.: Applied Mech's. Men & Women.
R. & D.. Des.. Prod., Field Engrg.,

N.Y., N.C., Va. & La.-BS-MS: ChE, EE,
IE, ME & Met. R. & D., Des., Prod.
& Admin.
Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Main
Offices-Toledo, Ohio; Plant--Calif.,
Kansas, Ohio, N.J., Pa., R.I., S.C.: Sales
Offices-Throughout U.S.-BS: ChE,
CE, EE, IE & ME. R. & D., Des., Prod.
& Sales,
Polaroid Corp., Cambridge & Wal-
tham, Mass.-BS-MS: ChE, EE, EM &
ME. BS: E Physics. MS: Instrumenta-
tion. R. & D., Des., & Prod.
Standard Oil Co-Ohio, Entire Co.
Openings in Ohio-Summer Employ-
ment: Soph. & JJrs. sign regular sched-
ule. Sales.
Walker Manufacturing' Co., Jackson,
Mich.; Racine, Wis.; Lake Mills, Iowa;
& other plant locations-BS-MS: IE &
ME & Bus. Ad. R. & D., Des., Prod.
Wyandotte Chemicals Corp., Wyan-
dotte, Mich.-BS-MS: ChE. BS: Mat'ls.
-(shoulti have interest in corrosion
problems), Prod. & Sales.
U.S. Gov't. - Aeronautical Systems
Div., A Div. of the AF Sys. Command-
Dayton, Ohio-All Degrees: AE & Astro.,
EE, EM, ME, & Mat's.. Prof.: Applied
Mech's. MS-PhD: ChE, Commun. S.,
Instrumentation, Met. & Nuclear. BS:
E Math & E Physics. Men & Women.
R. & D., Des., Trng. Frog.
212 SAB-
Camp Hilltop-A Mich. Coed camp will
interview Mon. at Summer Placement.
Men & Women counselors.
Camp Gulliver-A N.Y. Coed camp
will interview Mon. & Tues. at Summer
Placement. Need Group Leaders, Unit
Heads, Waterfront, Tennis, Nature &
other skills.
* * *
Summer Placement will be open from
10 to 12 each morning & from .1:30 to
5 every afternoon.
Signode Steel Strapping Co., Detroit,
Mich.-Sales Reps. for Detroit area.
Senior Trainee-college degree & some
industrial sales exper. Junior Trainee-
degree not required, however, must con-
tinue with college while training & Co.
will pay half expenses plus salary. Both
must have mechanical aptitude & sales
Burroughs Wellcome & Co., Tukahoe,
N.Y.-Grads for a career in pharmaceu-
tical sales. Will be a Medical Rep. to
promotetheCompany products to a
diversified professional group. BS in
Pharmacy or Biological or Chemical
Sciences (if major liberal- arts or bus.
ad. must have some bkgd. & exper. in
biology, pharm. or chem.). Must be at
least 21 with military obligation com-
pleted or military deferment.
Mich. Civil Service-Dental Health
Consultant Trainee-BA in Educ. or
Dental Hygiene, Position in Lansing.
Also Child Welfare Workers- yr. grad
study in Social Work plus 1 yr. exper.
(or 2 yrs. grad sch.). Apply by March
4 for both positions.
Washington State Civil Service - 1)
Classification Nurse-Degree in Nursing
plus 3 yrs. nursing exper. (must acquire
license to practice as reg. nurse in
Wash.). 2) Chief, Div. of Nursing-De-
gree including or supplemented by cur-
ric. in public health nursing & MS in
Nursing. 5 yrs. exper. (license for Wash.).
Navy Dept.-Civilian job opportuni-
ties include: Various types of Engnrs.;
Digital Computer Programmers; Physi-
cists; Librarians; Program Analyst;
Chemists; Mathematicians; Microbiol-
ogist; Oceanographer. Various locations
throughout U.S. & some overseas.
Oregon State Civi Service-State Fish
Pathologist-Degree with major course
work in fisheries biology, microbiology
or related science plus 4 yrs. exper. in
fisheries res. or microbiology.
Lockheed Propulsion Co., Redlands,
Calif.-Various technical openings in-
cluding: Reliability Engnr.; Statistician;
Sr. Org. & Inorg. Chemist; Thermody-
namicist; Visco-Elastician; Chemists;
Applied Mathematician; Engnrs.; etc.
Management Consultants in I.-Su-
pervisor-Methods Engrg. for a leading
manufacturer of precision formed thin
metal products. Degree in Indust., Mfg.,
or Mech. Engrg. Grad trng. in Engrg. or
Bus. Ad. helpful. 5-10 yrs. Indust. engrg.
exper. in metal working industry.
Conn. Civil Service-1) Accountant-
Auditor V-Degree plus 4 yrs. employ-
ment in technical work in accounting
or auditing including 1 yr. in a super-
visory capacity. 2) Welfare Investigator
II-Degree plus 1 yr. pertinent exper.
Apply for these positions by Feb. 20.
* * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedule at 128-H West
Engrg. for the following:
FEB. 19-
Avco-Research & Advanced Dev. Div.,
Lawrence-Lowell, Mass.-Al Degrees:
AE & Astro., EE, EM, Mat's., ME,
Met., Chem.-(Analyt., Inorg. & Phys.).
Prof.: Applied Mech's. BS: E Math, E
Physics & Sci. Engrg. MS-PhD: Com-
mun. St. & Instru. Men & Women.
R. & D., Des.
The Babcock & Wilcox Co., All Div. of
Co. Located in Ohio, Va. & Pa.-A1
Degrees: ChE & ME. MS-PhD: Physics.
BS-MS: Met. & (EE-Controls). MS:
Nuclear. BS: EM, IE & Sc. Engrg. R. &

D., Des., Prod., Sales Mgmt. & Mfg.
Dow Corning Corp., Midland & Hem-
lock, Mich. & Greensboro, N.C.-All
Degrees: ChE. BS-MS: EE, Mat'ls., ME.
BS: E Physics & Set. Engrg. Men &
Women. R. & D., Des., Prod, & Sales.
Eaton Manufacturing Co., Research
Center, Southfield, Mich.-BS-MS: EE,
IE, Mat'ls., ME & Met. R. & D., Des.
Hooker Chemical Corp., Montague,
Mich.-BS: ChE. Prod. & Res.
Kelsey-Hayes, Romulus, Mich.-BS-
MS: EE. Men & Women. Des., Hydrau-
lics option or auto, engrg. option.
National Steel Corp., Weirton Steel Co.
& Midwest Steel Corp.-BS: ME & Met.
Des., & Prod.
Standard Oil Co.-Ohio, Entire Co.
Openings in Ohio-BS: AE & Astro.,
Construction, EE, E Math, EM, E Phys-
ics, IE, Mat'ls., ME, Meteor., Met., NA
& Mar. & Set. Engrg. BS-MS: ChE. R.
& D., Des., Prod. & Sales.
FEB. 19-20-
IBM Corp., Plants, Labs. & Branch
Offices thru-out the U.S.-Ail Degrees:
AE & Astro., ChE, EE, ME, Meteor., Met.,
Chem., Physics & Math. MS-PhD: In-
strumentation & Nuclear. MS: Commun.
Set. BS-MS: IE. BS: E Math, E Physics
& Sc. Engrg. Men & Women. R. & D.,
Des., Sales, Computer Prog. & Systems
Union Carbide Chemicals Co. & Union
Carbide Olefins Co.-BS-MS: ChE, IE,
Mat'ls., ME & Met. MS: Sanitary &
Instrumentation. R. & D., Des., Prod.
& Sales.
Em plo'yment

FOR RENT - 4-man apartment, 1130
Forest. $150/mo. Phone 2-6128. C
APARTMENT for rent in campus area,
Jan. 31. Call GE 7-7523. - C46
ON CAMPUS-Parking available. Call
NO 2-1443. C5
ONE OR TWO GIRLS to share new
apt. Jan.-June. Call NO 5-4828. C44
THIRD MAN wanted to share new
apartment. Call: 2-4866. 06
At Huron Towers can cost as little
as $113 per month. NO 3-0800. C14
UPPERCLASSMAN or grad to share apt.
with 3 men. $41 per month. Meals $5
per week. Call Ron, NO 5-3789. C16
FURNISHED HOUSE-Campus location,
suitable for 4 or 5 students. $200 mo.
Call NO 3-4062. C31
WANTED-1 man to share apt. with
3 others, $35 a month. Call NO 2-
2870. C
U. Linen changed, parking. $10
weekly. Call NO. 5-8520. C9
WANTED-3 men or 3 women students
to share furn. apt. $32/mo. each. 410
High St., Ann Arbol. C10
FOR RENT for boys-2 single and 2
double. 902 Baldwin. Call: daytime-
3-3258; evening--5-6421. C11
2 MALE Grad. Students want 3rd Room-
mate. One story house. NO 5-8264 or
NO 3-1511, Ext. 2323. C9
2 MEN TO SHARE with 2-luxury' apt.
Air conditioning and a dishwasher.
NO 2-7686. C27
ATTRACTIVE 3-room apt. Suitable for
3. Near campus. Available Feb. 1.
Call 3-2240. C21
APARTMENT, only 330 yds, from Angell
Hall; for 2, small, $100 per month.
Call 665-6347. C10
WANTED-Girl to share my modern
3-bedroom home. I am a public health
nurse. NO 3-6995 after 5:30. 09
sion; $42.00 complete. Call Mark at
2-8235 or 2-7759. .I am on the Daily
staff. C13
CAMPUS I.OCATION - 2 bedroom and
study furnished apt. Suitable for 4
students. $130 mo. Call NO 3-4062.
2-MAN, FULL FURN., Air cond., brand
new, carpeted, $60 per man.<'No sum-
mer lease! 927 E. Ann. Call: 663-8418
after 7:30 p.m. Available now. C16
WANTED - Male roommate for top
Danish modern apt. across at. from
Bus. Ad. 2 blks. from campus. Call
5-0579. C4
SUMMER SUBLET-Modern 6 man apt.
1%2 blocks from campus. Air-condi-
tioning, dishwasher, new this year.
Call NO 2-1783. C2
Male-Senior or graduate student for
apt. at corner of Oakland and
Church. Call NO 2-0189 between 5
and 7. C19
furnished apt. In. beautiful Huron
Towers next semester. Only $68 per
month. per person. Room for 2. Call
NO 3-7287. C0l
MALE ROOMMATE. Wanted to share
a modern furnished apartment at an
excellent location. Incl.udes air-con-
ditioning, free off street parking,
plus. 662-9401. Cli
A LIMITED number of efficiency and
1 bedroom apts. for married students
and faculty. Avail. for Feb. and March
assignments. For further info, con-
tact University Apts. Office, 2364
Bishop St., N. Campus, 662-3169. 07
THREE BEDROOM xifurn. house with
attached garage, 'smile west of Dex-
ter, Mich. Available to Univ. faculty
members only. Immediate occupancy.
For further informationscontact
Univ. Apts. Office, 2364 Bishop St.,
N. Campus. 662-3169. C6
Several apartments available to
share -in campus area
NO 3-0511 Evenings
NO 5-9271 C45
Tiffany II, 731-735 Packard-Fall ap-
plications now being taken for these
unique accommodations. Each apt.
encompasses two entire floors.
LIVING LEVEL: dining room,

living room, kitchen
bedroom, study, bath.
A decorative staircase provides pri-
vate access between the two levels.
Call Mr. Skolnik (University Hous-
ing Developers Inc.) at 3-8866 or Miss
Angel at 3-5096 for additional infor-
mation. C5
K Studios from $111.00
1-bedroom from $130.00
Bus transportation to campus
and Ann Arbor business district.
NO 3-0800, NO 5-9162

2 .70 1.95 3.45
3 .85 2.40 4.20
4 1.00 2.85 4.95
Figure 5 overage words to a line.
Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily
Phone NO 2-4786
ROOMS FOR GRAD Women near cam-
pus, limited cooking. 1029 Vaughn
St., one house off E. Univ. From 8-5
call NO 3-1511, Ext. 2461, after 5:30
Sat. and Sun. NO 3-1619, Eli
1963 NEW LAMBRETTA'S and Vespa's-
$375.00, New Yamaha's - $295.00.
Electric-Starter 212 M.P.G.
7343 W. 8 Mile Rd. DI 1-3197
CAREFULLY, hardly used Royal type-
writer. $50. Call 3-7541, Ext. 311. B14
WANTED-Scuba gear. Call Bob, 5-4111,
Ext. 540. B16
WOMAN'S SKI BOOTS-Excellent con-
dition, $15. Size 8. NO 5-3486. 834
WOMEN'S Swiss made after-ski and ski
pants. Size 10. Also evening dress, un-
worn. Size 11. Call NO 3-7273. B15
GIBSON SOLID body guitar, $390 new.
Asking $175. NO 8-6166 after 7:00.
FOR SALE - Ski parka, hair dryer,
skirts, slacks, sweaters, etc. Call 6442
Markley. B36
FOR SALE-English bike, good condi-
tion, light, basket. $15. Call Ellie, NO
2-3159. B31
FOR SALE - Smith-Corona portable
typewriter. Like new. Call Judy Bleir
at NO 2-2591. B33
Rugs, beds, and *miscellaneous. Ph.
NO 5-0393. B37
DIAMONDS at rock bottom prices
through student representative of
large Detroit Jewelry Store. Call 663-
7194. 87
LARGE, HEAVY-DUTY wooden tables,
suitable for housing unit dining or'
private work tables. Call Don Mac-
Ritchie, 5-9193. B21

singers, bands, combas, vocal group
any kind of entertainment. NO 5
6719, evenings.
MA&E QUICK MONEY during registra
tion. Sell The Michigan Daily. Pay
ment by commission. Call the circu
lation department at NO 23-24-1 be
tween 1-3 any day. H5:
HULL DEVELOPMENT needs plastic
lab tech. 2nd sem. Jr. or above I
Chem. or chem. engin. 20 hrs/wk a
1.65/hr. Work schedule flexible. Cs
NO 3-3939 between 3-5 p.m. H
yr. contract for single persons ove
age 20 to serve on rural, agricultura
and educational projects. All expense
plus reasonable cash salary. Write
International Voluntary Services, 36:
Sixteenth St., N.W., Wash., D.C. H
LOST-Red leather manicure kit. Ha
value to owner. Lost on Forest Av
Call NO' 3-1561, Ext. 339, A2
LOST IN THE UGLI-Man's ring, blac
star sapphire, set in white gold ban
with diamond chips. Reward. Ca
Stan, NO 2-6852. Al
On Sunday mornings why not ti
Ralph's Market-hot bagels,lox, onlo
rolls, smoked fish, pasteries-open i
8 Sun. mornings. 709 Packard. M]
Try our Cold Beer and Liquor
We specialize in
German foods.
211 N. Main
WANTED-Baby sitter Mon., Wed., Fri
1:30-3:30. Call NO 5-7485. J
JIM'S RADIO and TV, 619 Packard
665-0359. Have your radios and Hi Fi
fixed here.
favors and unique gifts contact Bud
Mor. Agency, 1103 S. University, N
in your clothes. We'll ;restore them
like,. new. WEAVE-BAC SHOP, 2
Arcade. J
Multilith Offset for reproductin
photo -copy, mailings. Gretzinger
Business Service, 320 8. Huron. H
2-0191. X
Beginners and Advanced
Formerly: member, Columbia Chamber
Ensemble instructor, City College o
N.Y. Tel. 662-2821. ' J2
We service all makes and models
of Foreign and Sports Cars.



radios, phonos, tape recorders and
TVs with this ad. Campus Radio &
TV, 325 E. Hoover. X9
Rental Purchase Plan
119 W. Washington
'55 2-DR. CHEV. Good clean car, stand-
ard trans. $325. HU 2-9425.
'59 PLYMOUTH 9-passenger station wa-
gon, clean, guaranteed, factory re-
built engine. $895. Call HU 2-1672. N16
'61 CORVETTE soft top, red and white.
'230-3 speed. New tires, one owner.
23,000 miles. $2,950. Call 663-3452. N10
1955 PONTIAC funeral director's hearse,
power steeripg and brakes, automatic,
white sidewalls. Black and white.* Call
collect, Mr. Jay Bradmon, care of'
Bill Lee Oldsmobile Co., Howard 5-
*Ideal for fishing and camping trips.
MILTON-Call sDohn t F45
WANTED-Girl with gambling instinct
write Box 1561 Ann Arbor. F42
BILL, Tom, Scotty, and Jim-It's leg-
shaving time for rush. F7
WANTED-Leader for scuba-diving ex-
pedition. Call- Boca Raton. F6
LOST-A girl's gold Benrus wristwatch
in the vicinity of main campus. Call
NO 5-7711, Ext. 3312. F14
"Where marginal prices buy quality
diamonds!" 1209 S. University, 663-
7151. P43
EXPERIMENT with sleep learning!
Fascinating, educational. D e t a l s
free. Research Association, Box 24-
CP, Olympia, Washington. F8
IN MEMORIAM-To Sheldon, beloved
son of Doug and Geoff, who died of

Lubrication $1.50

Nye Motor Sales
514 E. WashingtOn

THREE GIRLS want ride to Chi
weekend of March 2. Can leave
time after 4 on March 1. Call
at NO 2-2011.


Planning a trip to the sunny sout
yet feel that a Florida tan is hardl
worth a cramped and dull ride I
some antiquated jalopy filled wit
undergraduate small talk? We haw
what you're searching for. A guar
anteed, swift, pleasant, spacious ric
in a new T-Bird, leaving April third
For pennies more you can go fir
class. Interview by appointment: N
8-6918. Gl

Drive Yourself
pickups, panels, stakes,

Maribel and Ann


Don't Forget

blacked out
The college board went sicker-wack
He lft -no snout and with a shout
He went galumphing back P44
PART TIME HELP to officiate I-M bas-
ketball games at the U of M. Interest
in and knowledge of basketball im-
portant, pay $2 per hour. Call Mr.
Peters, NO 3-4182. F18
Valter Poole, conducting
Monday, March 4-8:30 P.M.
Ford Auditorium

with student I. D.

Whit's Rent-A-Truck
HU 2-4434
59 Ecorse Road, Ypsilanti, Michigan
Are You out
Of It?
d 1*
4 9 d ......., -.

Tickets now on sale
650 Carpenter Rd. NO

Attractive, modern one and two-
bedroom apartments are available
now in beautiful, spacious Pitts-
field Village. Call Mrs. Wagner at
NO 2-6553 for details or appoint-
ment to inspect.


i A f r .-Sr

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