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February 16, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-16

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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Chance of light
snow tonight

..... .

VOL. LXXIII, No.;102




Expel Ten Students for Sit-Ins

Ten Arkansas Agricultural Min-
ing and Normal College students
have been expelled for refusing to
obey Arkansas AMN's President
Lawrence Davis' request to stop
the sit-in demonstrations in the
local Pine Bluff chain store.
The sit-ins were organized by
the Pine Bluff student movement
at the suggestion of the Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Commit-
tee which planned a series of dem-
onstrations across the South

starting on Feb. 1, the date of the
first sit-ins staged three years ago
in Greensboro.
William Hansen, field secretary
for SNCC, who participated in the
sit-ins, reported that notices were
placed in school buildings on Feb.
11 requesting that all students
who had been involved in the
demonstrations see Davis.
Hansen said that ten students,
most of whom were members of
the PBSM, received. notice of

Bowles Add.ses Meeting
On Latin American Affairs
Personnel Director
Special To The Daily
SWARTHMORE-Chester Bowles, presidential assistant for
Asian, African and Latin American affairs, set a keynote of chal-
lenge for the opening address for the Swarthmore Conference on
Latin America here last night.
The aim of the United States is to develop independent free
societies in Latin America rather than grateful satellites, he said.
...... m.....m..m mIt should realize that its direct

... at Swarthmore
'Shaul Views
Election Pan
United States National Student
Association President Dannis
Shaul, in Ann Arbor Thursday
evening for talks with campus
leaders, questioned the desirability
of direct election of delegates to
the USNSA National Congress.
Shaul referred to action taken
in last Wednesday's StudentGov-
ernment Council meeting, when
Council decided to elect four dele-'
gates to the national congress in
campus-wide voting. Four other
University delegates are to be
selected by the Council, according
to the motion, effective in the
spring of 1964.
Shaul feared a "personality con-
test" in direct election and splits
along liberal-conservative lines.
He sympathized with the argu-
ments of local proponents of direct
election who assert that the cam-
paign will serve education Ikand
informhational purposes as it makes
students more aware of the work
However, Shaul noted, most vot-
ing on USNSA delegaesH eould
probably be ,uninformed. He felt
the campus might be disappointed
in the quality of the delegates ac-
cording to such a plan. -
The national president noted
that the USNSA code {roes not in-
clude provisions for the elections
of delegates to its summer core-"
ference, but left theudecisionto
individual campuses.
Backs Policy
Shaul agreed with the policy,
and said that the Michigan Ilan,
with both election and appoint-
ment of delegates, was perhaps
the compromise that this particu-
lar University needad.
The Committee on USNSA, pre-
senting the motion to Council.
Committee chairman Howard Ab-
rams, '63, emphasized that direct
election would provide better can-
didates, inform voters, and an-
swer critics who contended that
the national organization did not
fairly represent student views.
'U in India
University professors at the
Indian Institute of Technology

role is limited, but its actions are
all important in this process, he
told the delegates from more than
75 schools assembled to discuss.
Democracy and Development in
Latin America.
The problem lies not just in the
"narrow" field of economic de-
velopment, but in the distribution
of wealth and its effect on the
population. Bowles stressed the
importance of integrating the
rural areas into the political and
economic life of Latin American
nations. The rural areas are im-
portant because they constitute
the majority of the population, are
an easy target for education and
are a necessary part of the grow-
ing domestic economy.
Japanese Reform
Bowles cited the stability factor
in politics developed in the Jap-
anese peasantry by the enforced
land- reform following World War
II and hopes that this can be ac-
complished in Latin America. De-
velopment' takes the patience of
the United States. It must come
from within a nation and its ini-
tial efforts 'must not be ridiculed,
he said.
That the business classes recog-
nize the need for reform is an
improvement over the old "landed
estates" indifference to the needs
of the masses. These middle class
interests build up a force for
politics of the center left.
He reported that the United
States image in Latin America is
reasonably good now and that he
has not noted unusual signs of
unrest. However, the need of the
United States to mend its own
fences at home and to send good
ambassadors* abroad, both public
-and private, is vital.
Economic Change
Cleantho de Piava Lies, execu-
tive director of the international
Development Bank then outlined
the - major changes that have
taken place on the- Latin Ameri-
can economic scene in the last
ten years, the turning point has
been the increasing association of
economic development, with the
ideology of nationalism and its
resulting conflicts and discoveries.
Prof. George Blankson of North-
western University will discuss to-
day the theory of politics and de-
velopment as applied to Latin
The conference will then break
into panel discussions by Latin
American experts on politics.,

their suspension within the next
few days.
AM&N ' Student Government
President James E. Dorsey said
the demonstrators on the first day
consisted of about 17 students.
This number swelled to nearly 45
the next day, Dorsey said, but
sanknto only 10 following Davis'
warning to stop the demonstra-
tions issued immediately after the
participants began to increase in
The ten students who were ex-
peiled continued to demonstrate
even after they had received word
of their suspension.
No Controversy
According to Dorsey the reason
the 10 students were expelled was
not because the administration
opposes the sit-in movement but
because it felt this was not the
most ideal time to become in-
volved in such demonstrations.
"This is a legislative year,"
Dorsey said, "and the adminis-
tration did not particularly want
a controversial issue on its hands
at appropriations time." Arkansas
AM&N. is a state-supported col-
Dorsey said the majority of the
campus as well as the student
government were behind the ad-
ministration. He stressed the fact
that AM&N seeks to act as a unit
and that there had been a feeling
on campus that the students need-
ed more organization and orienta-
tion before they were ready to
become active in the student
"Because of this feeling we re-I
jected SNCC's appeal to take part
in the February demonstrations,"
.Lacks Stand
On Merger
. By The Associated Press
LANSING-Gov. George Rom-
ney yesterday declined to take. a
stand on the Delta College im-
He said his 40-50 member public
higher education study group, to
be appointed within the next few
weeks, would wrestle with the
problem of whether Delta's ex-
pansion should come in the form
of a "piggy-back" scheme or as a
branch of the University'.
The former method is favored
by many legislators, including Rep.
Raymond C. Wurzel (R-North
Street), chairman of the House
Committee on Education, who has
introduced the "piggy-back" plan
for a junior-senior college to be
closely aligned with Delta.
"I am not prepared to say what
my policy will be, or what I will'
do if (the "piggy-back"' plan) is
passed by the state Legislature,"
Romney admitted.
"Obviously, this is one of the
real policy problems in higher ed-
ucation. It ought to be dealt with
by a study group."
Romney emphasized, however,
that any action the Legislature
might take this session on Delta
would not necessarily have to con-
form to recommendations of the
study group.
The.scope of this group will in-
clude the overall needs and prob-
lems of higher education in Mich-
igan. Two and four-year colleges,
postgraduate work and financing
methods will be assayed.,
Another study unit, to be form-
ed later, will seek to improve the
state aid formula for public
schools, the governor indicated.

CARACAS (P)-Communist ter-
rorists commanding the hijacked
Venezuelan freighter Anzoategui
radioed more messages last night,
but search craft reported no trace
of the pirated ship.
Darkness and a thick overcast
moving into the Caribbean around
Puerto Rico possibly provided the
necessary screen for the elusive
freighter to escape detection by a
task force of United States and
Venezuelan ships and planes. Ven-
ezuelan officials suspected the
Communist hijackers have camou-
flaged the ship to aid evasion
United States warships moved
into position to block a possible
attempt by the freighter to escape
from the Caribbean into the Gulf
of Mexico or the Atlantic, but
neither United States, nor Vene-
zuelan authorities were certain the
ship had not already done so.
While the Communists eluded
detection at sea, other Commu-
nist elements struck against Vene-
zuelan President Romulo Betan-
court's government at home.
Gunmen wearing Communist
armbands held up a government
cashier. Communists also were
blamed for a blast that destroyed
a 30-inch oil pipeline in northeast
United States and Venezuelan
officials said that reports that the
Anzoategui had been sighted
Thursday by -American Navy
planes 200 miles south of the
Dominican Republic were errone-
Meanwhile, security precautions
for Betancourt's visit to Puerto
Rico and Washington were in-
creased in the face of stiffening
Communist agitation.'
Fire Counselor;
Nazi Incident
'Not Related'
Craig W. Holt, a senior at
N'orthwestern University, was
fired from his job as resident
counselor of Elder Hall last week
for what university officials called
"general disciplinary problems."
Elder Hall is the dormitory'
where Lincoln Rockwell, head of
the American Nazi party was sup-
posed to appear on Feb. 1. His
appearance was canceled by the
university at the last moment
however, with a statement which
said "no good purpose would be
served in granting George Lincoln
Rockwell the privilege of address-
ing a group of students at North-
Holt said he was told by Doug-
las Rhodes, assistant dean of men,
that the action was taken because
he informed the Daily Northwest-
ern that Rockwell was going to
speak in Elder Hall. Rhodes claim-
ed Holt had betrayed the confi-
dence of the dean of students and
of the students in his hall.
Rhodes also indicated that the
dismissal had nothing to do with
the Rockwell incident but resulted
from Holt's inadequacies as a res-
ident counselor.
A publicity spokesman for the
university said Dean of Students
James McLeod recognized the
coincidence in timing between the
Rockwell incident and Holt's re-
moval but denied any connection
between the two events.



________________________________ <">

On Decision Faculty Members Greet
Over Shapiro SGC Plan with Favor

The American Association of
University Professors' decision that
Prof. Samuel Shapiro's dismis-
sal from Oakland University did
not involve a violation of academ-
ic freedom was met with differing
reactions from those students on
campus who had been centrally
concerned with the issue a few
weeks ago.
The Ad Hoe Committee for the
Protection of Academic Freedom
issued a statement indicating that
the group was pleased, regardless
of the outcome, that the AAUP
had taken it upon itself to inves-
tigate the situation.
The statement signed by the co-
chairmen of the committee, Rich-
ard Rice and David Aroner, '64,
said "we hope that our commit-
tee has had a small part in bring-
ing about this investigation for
we feel now, as before, that the
confused circumstances surround-
ing Prof. Shapiro's dismissal could
only harm Oakland University, its
students, and faculty."
The statement goes on to reply
to those who suggested that the
committee had no right to involve
itself in the case. "We feel that
students and other citizens have a
right to insist upon knowing the
reason for the dismissal of pro-
fessors when circumstances indi-
cate that academic freedom might
have been involved."
Rice said he could only con-
clude that there was information
the committee did not know about
but that he did feel this placed
the committee in the wrong. "I
feel that we were right in press-
ing for an investigation in a sit-
uation where the facts were so
unclear," he said.
Aroner said he agreed but drew
attention to the statement by Prof.
Edward Heubel of the Michigan
State University affiliated institu-
tion's political science department
who said that certain inconsisten-
cies and uncertainties exist in the
university's personnel policies, and
that university officials had agreed
to discuss the problems with a
committee from the AAUP. "This
still leaves me with a few doubts,"
Aroner commented.
Student Government member
Robert Ross, '63, said the case
was unfortunate in that whether
or not Shapiro's dismissal was val-
id, people could not help but feel
the case in the context of politi-
cal partisanship. "In the eyes of
other professors and students Sha-
piro's problem was clearly that he
was a political partisan," Ross said.
"The result is to intimidate ir-
regardless of how the case finally
Heubel said he felt in a univer-
sity situation it was important
that a man's colleagues make the
basic decision regarding tenure.
No specific reason has been given
for Oakland's decision not to re-
tain Shapiro but this is in keeping
with the traditions of almost all
universities in the United States.


Two faculty members who will play key roles in the consideration
of Student Government Council's student-faculty government motion
expressed optimism over the motion but held back final judgement
until the particulars of it are discussed.
Prof. Wilbert J. McKeachie, chairman of the psychology depart-
ment and of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs,
said recently that he "likes the*
general idea of student participa-
tion in University policy formula-
"It will be a valuable experience
for students in developing fresh -
awareness of the problems of .\
higher education," Prof. Mc-
Keachie said.
Student Affairsk
He also advocated that student-
faculty policy development extend
into the area of student affairs. .
because, "If it is going to be ax
joint affair; student affairs should }:=
be included.ns.
"However, I have a little more
reluctance here. I would like to
see students handle these respon-
sibilities themselves. In a faculty
participation group, there is the
danger that the faculty might
dominate," he concluded.'
Prof. McKeachie noted that
students, in participating on Uni-
versity Senate committees 'could
very well bring "fresh solutions" WILBERT J. McKEACHIE
to the problems with which these .. Baluable experience'
committees are dealing.
Another faculty member, As-
sistant Dean Charles F. Lehmann
of the education school and chair-
man of the Student Relations
Committee, said that it "is en-
couraging that the Council re-
sponded unanimously" to .the mo-
"I am not entirely sure whetherr
I favor it until we have studied
the final draft and know what
quality and quantity of participa-
tion the students want.
"However, the ultimate, goal of
student faculty government is.
worthy and desireable," Dean Leh-
mann said. A".a5
He also said that student affairs
should be included under student-
faculty government and is in fact
"one of the most appropriate
places" for it.
"But my understanding is that
students are trying to expand their
participation in the University CHARLES F. LEHMANN
community beyond the area of . 'worthy and desirable'
student affairs, he added.
Expenditures for Research,
continue 'To Increase at'U
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This*is the first of a five-part series on Uni-
versity research and its relationship to Michigan and Ann Arbor.)
Research at the University is a big business.
Last year, the University handled approximately $31 . million
worth of sponsored research; this year an estimated $36 million and
by 1970 possibly $100 million.'
"In 1930, the research expenditures of the University which
were identifiable separately from the educational expenditures were

Elliott Seen
As Assured
Of Position
John A. Gibbs, the chief op-
ponent of Arthur Elliott for the
chairmanship of the Mchgai
Republican party, was reported
to have withdrawn from the
race at 12:45 this morning.
City Editor
Special To The Daily
John A. Gibbs of Royal Oak he
deluged the Pantlind Hotel wit
his program in a crash campaig
to dislodge favorite Arthur G. El
liott of Bloomfield Hills in thi
scramble for the Republican sta
As the night wore on vesterda
Gibbs appeared to be making soni
headway, but his total effect r
mains to be seen when the dell
gates convene in the Civic Ad
itorium this morning.
At this writing, Gov. Georg
Romney still had taken no publ
position regarding his choice
for any of the contested offices.
While Elliott seems'to be rc
ceiving the bulksof his suppo
from the pro-Romney Detro
metropolitan area, and maintair
the lead over Gibbs, a Romney rE
volt could be in the making oul
state, where several key delege
tions have thus far balked at swa:
lowing Elliott, reportedly the Go
ernor's favorite.
A battle also appears to t
shaping up for the two Regenti
nominations, but two constiutior
al convention delegates ieem i
have a slight edge.
Ink White (R-St Johns) an
William B. Cudlip (R-Gross
Ponte) are given the lead at th
point over Dr. Fredrich E. Ludwi
of Port Huron. Edward J. M
Cormick, 39L, of Monroe, an
James Egan of Brown City. T-
former pair are reportedly favore
by the governor but their nom:
nations are not yet assured.
Other contests include two pos:
tions each for the Board of Tru
tees of Michigan State Universit:
the Wayne State University Boat
of Governors, and the State St8
preme Court. There are also oper1
ings for the State Board of Edt
cation and superintendent of put
lic instruction.
The only candidate assured
election seems to be Elly W. Pe
erson of Charlotte, who seeks
second term as the GOP vice
Republican leaders are quiet:
admitting that some posts do n
currently have contestants. TI
WSU Governors slots are st
without candidates but they cou
well pick up the residue from d
feated hopefuls for the Unive2
sity and MSU Boards.
Two Candidates
Only two candidates have thi
far announced for the two usti
posts, and both men are from ti
ninth Congressional district. C:
cuit Judges Richard Smith of B
City and Donald Holbrook
Claire will get the nod unle
Romney, as rumored, comes
with more candidates.
Former Con - Con preside
Stephen S. Nisbet (R-Fremon
has a wide lead for MSU Truste
but his running mate will be
toss up.
Last minute efforts are unde:
way to draft former GOP gu
ernatorial nominee Paul D. Bai
well of Grosse Pointe Farms fi
the other slot, and Bagwell I
not ruled out a draft.

The battle for superintenden
of public instruction shapes u
between Prof. Raymond Hatch
MSU and Carl R. Anderson
Ypsilanti, field director for Eas
ern Michigan University.
Only Jares F. O'Neil of Livon
has announced for the Sta
Board of Education, but he cou
pick up opposition by castof
from other races.
As yet, there is no reactic
from the five announced Regent
candidates to the Student Govern
ment Council's proposals for stu
A2tn na i fh _npmi ip

of Figi

For State GOP Chairma.

_ C">

Rapoport Researches Game



'There are two kinds of psy-
chology-one is scientific, the
other is interesting," Prof. Anatol
Rapoport of the Mental Health
Research Institute said yesterday.
Both scientific methods of game
theory and experimental psychol-
ogy and the human concepts of
trust, suspicion, and betrayal were
combined in Prof.\Rapoport's "Ex-
periments in Conflict and Co-
operation" with "psychologically
interesting results.
"Suppose two people are each
told to write down some part of
a dollar," Prof. Rapoport hypoth-
esized. If the sum of their figures
is not greater than a dollar, then

other person can either write downr
50 cents anyway and get nothing
or he can write down 25 cents and -
at least come away with thatm s st
Prof. Raporort said that this
game was modified and explainedr
that in his experiments it was
condensed onto cards.
Prof. Rapoport explained that
those who participated in the ex-
periment play the game over and
over again.
"After a while there is a lock-
ing of choice; both will either co- j.
operate or betray. The subjects 15-
learned to behave like one an-
other," he said.r
He said that in the long run -Daily-Kenneth Winter


WHAT TO DO? The matrix
pictured on the left is a rep-
resentation of an example of
a "prisoner's dilemma" game
Prof. Rapoport is studying. Two
subjects, not in communication
with each other, are asked to
write down 50 or 75. If both
"cooperate" and write down 50,
each receives 50 cents. If efne
acts "destructively" and writes
down 75 cents, he receives 75
cents and the other loses 25
cents. If both write down 75.
neither one receives anything.
In the matrix, the top row in-
dicates the results when the
first subject acts constructively
(C), the bottom row when he

>$412,000; in 1940, they were $748,-
000; in 1950 they were $5.135 mil-
lion; and in 1960, they were
$25.416 million. For the fiscal year
1963 ending June 30, the figure
will certainly exceed $36 million.
Continue To Grow
"Perhaps you will have noted
from the figures that research
expenditures of the University
have been doubling every four
years recently. If they should con-
tinue to grow in this way, in 1965
they would be $50 million and in
1969 they wouldbe $100 million,"
Vice-President for Research Ralph
A. Sawyer recently said.
Approximately 55 per cent of
sponsored research funds goes into
the engineering and physical
sciences. The health and biological
sciences come next, followed by
the earth and social sciences.
Funds for humanities research are
"at the vanishing point."
In 1960-61, the last year for
which full figures are available,
the engineering and physical
sciences got approximately $15.6
million of the $25.8 million worth
of sponsored research money.


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