TV Film CCNY Official Denounces Construction Procedures.
cellor of the City College of New
York has charged that waste and
inefficiency in planning and con-
struction procedures for college
buildings were hampering higher
education here.
The charge was made before the
City Planning Commission by
John R. Everett, who became the
first chancellor of CCNY a year
ago. The commission is hearing re-
quests, by forty city departments
and institutions for funds in the
1962 capital budget.
"All of our major buildings seem
to require six, seven and eight
years for completion after the
Board of Higher Education is sat-
isfied that the need is real, gen-
uine and apparent," Everett de-
"The exploding demand for
higher educational opportunities
ahd the urgent and insistent re-
quirements of defense, industry
and government will not permit us
to follow this leisurely pace in the
As a "deplorable example" of
delay in construction, Everett cit-
ed the case of the Hunter College
Library in the Bronx, which was
"voted as a necessity" by thle
Board of Higher Education in
June, 1952.
"The total elapsed time from
Board of Higher Education vote to
completion of the building was
seven years, three months, and
twelve days," Everett said.
*' * *
vania State University recently an-
nounced a $15-per-term increase
in tuition for students, living in
Pennsylvania, effective with the
start of the fall term.
This will raise the tuition from
the present $160 per term to $175.
For out-of-state students, there
wil be a $30 raise from the pres-
ent $320 to $350 a term.
Penn State this summer switch-
ed from the calendar of two 15-
week semesters to a year-round
calendar of four ten-week terms.
Penn State President Eric A.
Walker also announced a "nominal
increase' in room - and - board,
charges. These fees pay off the
bonds floated to build the dormi-
tories for Penn State's expanding
He said the tuition increase will
. . .. ..
yield about $1 million. It will be1
used to help Penn State maintaina
its "competitive position in ye-t
cruiting and retaining faculty
* * *f
NEW YORK-A new attitudeI
by students toward summer school9
has resulted in sharp increases in
vacation enrollments at the city'st
colleges this year.<
"The old theory that summert
school was for make-ups is now<
out of the picture," according to
Dean Ralph E. Pickett, recorder of
the nation-wide Association of1
Summer Sessions Deans and Re-I
Pickett, who also directs the
summer session at New York Uni-
versity, said the vacation-time
schools were now being used prin-
cipally as a means of acceleration.
"Students today are interested
in getting out of school earlier,
getting into professional schools
quicker or easing their work load1
during the regular school year,"
he explained.
Pickett also said there had been
an increasing tendency among
summer school students in recent
years to take subjects that were1
not in their field of study. A largei
number of students also have been
taking subjects not needed for col-
lege credit.
The most popular subjects ap-1
pear to be introductory courses,i
general survey courses and social
studies and literature courses. This
apparently reflects the growing,
trend by students, when not ac-I
celerating, to take so-called en-
richment courses during the sum-
The increase in summer studyi
this year was attributed by off i-
cials at the city's colleges to the
growing intellectual climate in;
America; the expanded program of
summer courses; the disappear-
ance of the onus of summer school
being merely a place for "flunk-1
ies"; the difficulty in getting sum-
mer jobs, and the desire to accel-
erate. *
EAST LANSING - Students at
Michigan State University this
fall will have an on-campus bus
The Lansing Suburban Lines
yesterday started a new bus route
on' the campus. It set the fare on
the route at 10 cents.
State College and Lock Haven
State have each named a Negro
professor to their faculties for the
first time.
It marks a major step in the
Commonwealth's program to inte-
grate faculties at its 14 teachers
colleges, 13 of which have always
had all-white teaching staffs. The
14th, Cheyney, in western Dela-
ware County, has an integrated
faculty and a predominantly Negro
student body.'
The appointments were an-
nounced by William H. Gray, Jr.,
specialist in the Department of
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Public Instruction who has beent
assigned the job of helping to in-c
tegrate the state college faculties.e
He said that four other statec
colleges are negotiating for Negror
faculty members. These are Slip-
pery Rock, California, Kutztown
and Bloomsburg.-
Gray said he was gratified atl
the progress made so far. Some
colleges have encountered difficul-
ty in hiring Negro professors be-
cause of the low salary scale in thisf
state's teachers colleges.
The drive to integrate state col-
lege faculties started this summer
when two Negro professors served
as visiting professors at Indiana
State College.-
* * *
BOULDER - Quigg Newton,i
president of the University of Col-
orado and the Alumni board of1
the University simultaneously is-
sued statements on the Universi-
ty's stand on free expression of
thought on campus and its method
of inviting speakers.
Newton said the University;
would not tolerate subversive
speakers on campus. But he said
an individual's refusal to testify
before a congressional 'committee
did not necessarily make him sub-
However, that refusal would be
"a proper factor for the University
to consider before inviting that
person to speak," he said.
The statements were directed at
a few alumni and others who last
month protested the appearance
at the University of Franklin Fol-
son and his wife, Mary, co-authors
of many children's books.
Last July 20, E. Keith Hartzell,
a University alumnus, objected to
the bouple's appearance on grounds
Folson had refused to answer
questions from the Senate Intern-
al Subcommittee in Washington in
Louis Mathis, president of the.
board of the Associated Alumni,
issued this statement:'
"In a special meeting of the As-
sociated Alumni Board in Denver
on August 2, 1961, the board vot-
er unanimously to reaffirm its
confidence in the administration
of the University and the Univer-
sity's philosophy concerning free
expression of thought on the cam.
pus. The members also voted their
confidence in the management of
the Alumni Institute."
COLUMBUS-Ohio State Uni-
versity has purchased a Hinman
Collator, a specialized optical in-
strument which enables'the opera-
tor to detect differences in an edi-
tion of a book.
The $5,000. machine, one of 13
in existence, will be used at Ohio
State to produce the first defini-
tive edition of the works o Na-
thaniel Hawthorne. A definjtive
edition is one based on every
known text of an author's work
English professors 'from four
universities will work on the proj-
ect. Professors William Charvat
and Roy Harvey represent Ohio
State. Professor Charvat said that
"errors are made which get fur-
ther away from what Hawthorne
originally meant.The machine can
spot errors vwhich 'have crept i the
editions in the last 100 years."
* . ~.
AUSTIN - The University of
Texas has acqured an electric an-
alog computer, used by' engineers
to analyze the behavior of missiles
and other automatic control sys-
terns, and a nuclear reactor. The
computer, known as the PACE
221R analog computer, was pur-
chased for $30,000 from the Uni-
versity's Excellence Fund.
'the analog computer solves a
wide range of problems, primarily
by simulating or imitating a phys-
ical system, ranging from a chem-
ical process to an airdraft control
system. The computer uses vol-
tages to represent physical vari-
ables, such as weight, temperature,
or area.
Dr. W. W. Hagerty, dean of the
College of Engineering, said ac-
quisition of the computer is part
of a broad program designed to
keep engineering students abreast
of current developments in science
and technology.
Also scheduled for addition to
the engineering research facilities
is a nuclear reactor, the TRIGA
Mark 1. It will be installed in 1962.
Dean Hagerty said the compu-
ter will be used by the depart-
ments of aer-sp'ace, architectural,
chemical, civil, electrical, mech-
anical, and"petroleum engineering,
and engineering mechanics.
ATHENS-Food and other serv-
ices at student dormitories on the
Ohio University campus may riot
be exactly like home, but mothers
are having a chance to see just
how good they are.
Six mothers of students were in-
vited for a two-day visit, They
ate and chatted with students liv-
ing in the dorms, and even their
own children did not know the
true purpose of their visit. Neither
did residence hall staff members.
University officials say the
mothers' visit provided an unbia-
ed check on university services and
will be made an annual event.
* * *
perimental summer term, ,inaug-.
urated this year by Pennsylvania
State University, seems to be a
success, officials there say.
This summer, class periods were
extended fron 50 to 75 minutes
and two terms of 15 weeks have
been replaced by four terms of ten
weeks each.
"The ten-week term posed no
special problems," Roy C. Buck,
agricultural economist and rural
sociologist at Penn State, said.
"I encountered no difficulty in
covering the course material and
no students protested my pace," he
Students will now be able to
complete requirements for their
baccalaureate degrees in three cal-
endar years if they attend the
summer session.
USNSA Elects
New Of ficers a
The U~hited States National
Student Association elected new
officers at its conference this sum-
mer in Madison.
Replacing Richard Rettig as
NSA president will be EdweArd
Garvey of the University of Wis-
consin who defeated D o n a 1 d
Smith, an NSA program vice-pres-
ident last year, and Potter.
Potter dropped down and was
elected National Affairs Vice-pres-
ident, defeating Timothy Zagat of
Harvard after Hayden and Neal
Johnston of the University' of Chi-
cago had withdrawn in Potter's
favor. Potter will replace Timothy
'Donald Emmerson was named,
International 'Affairs Vice-Presi-
dent without opposition, replacing
James Scott, Williams College. Za-
gat and Michael Neff were named
program vice-presidents.
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