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January 14, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-01-14

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______________THE MICHIG6AN DAILY s

hallenge Program Lists
tudents as Guest Speakers

Opera Singer Teaches at U'

To Schedule
Peace Drive,
In February




Next semester's Challenge pro-
gram will for the first time include
students as guest speakers, Ralph
Kaplan, '63, new spokesman of the
group said yesterday.
Kaplan, who is replacing tem-
porary spokesman Arnold Taub,
noted that this year's program on
the "Challenge of Higher Educa-
tion" is more directly related to
the university than past programs.
The opening address on Feb. 16
will be given by Harold Taylor,
noted educator and former presi-
dent -of Sarah Lawrence College.
Robert Ross, '63, administrative
vice-president of Student Govern-
ment Council, will be the first stu-
dent to address a Challenge col-
loquium during the Feb. 25 con-
sideration of "The University as a
Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb of
the psychology and sociology de-
partments and program director
of the Survey Research Center
will also speak at this time.
UN University
Must Stress
Research Role
"One of the most conservative
parts of society is the educational
system, because it is designed for
the society that was rather than
preparing people for what is to
come," Prof. Richard L. Meier of
the School of Natural Resources
said last Thursday at a seminar
on a UN University.
One of the major functions of
a UN University would be as an
advice-giving institution, Prof.
Meier continued.
Prof. Meier further suggested
that a UN University be constitut-
ed on a graduate and post-gradu-
ate level. Undergraduate work
would be done in the students'
respective countries.



DIAL 8-6416
itinuous Today FroM 1P.M

Kaplan is attempting to get
Prof. John W. Reed, chairman of
the Office of Student Affairs Study
Committee as a speaker.
Leonard Woodcock, vice-presi-
dent of the United Auto Workers
Union and chairman of the Board
of Governors of Wayne State Un-
versity, will answer such questions
as "Should universities exert pres-
sures for political and social
change? He is to address a col-
loquium on March 3 on "Public
Universities and the Society."
Thomas Hayden, former Daily
editor, will return to the campus
on March 11 to be a co-speaker
with Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis. They will
discuss the topic "The Student as
a Citizen."
As yet' there are. no scheduled
speakers for the three topics to be
discussed after the March 11 col-
loquium. The March 24 colloquium
on "Issues in Higher Education"
will concern itself with such con-
troversial subjects as federal aid to
education, and the vocational
school orientation of many univer-
An April 1 Challenge turns to a
discussion of "The Future of the
University of Michigan." Such sub-
jects as financial problems, quan-
tity versus quality education, and
the implications of the revised aca-
demic calendar are on the agenda.
The semester's program will
close on May 20 with talks on
"Characteristics of Elite Institu-
W1 1rites Book
On Arbitration
Prof. Dallas L. JTones of the
School of Business Administration
has explored the effect of an arbi-
trator's reinstatement of a dis-
charged employee in a new book,
"Arbitration and Industrial Disci-
Working under the terms of the
business' existing contract and
within the tpowers delegated to the
arbitrator by the parties involved,
Prof. Jones, himself an arbitrator,
believes his work to be essentially
of."a judicial nature. The arbitrator
must decide what are the rights of
each party under the present con-
In most instances the union and
company involved do not want
Prof. Jones to smooth over labor
difficulties and act as an "indus-
trial doctor." Rather both parties
employ him to judge and choose
the just solution. "The arbitrator
is not there. to mediate but to
The arbitration of a dispute may
involve not only a decision, but also
a penalty for the employee rein-
stated. If the decision of the super-
visor was not altogether valid, the
worker could be re-employed with-
out back pay.
To attain the position of a labor
arbitrator, Prof. Jones explained,
one has usually gained recognition
for' his writing, service to the
people, or work on a government
Voice To Hold
Voice political party will pre-
sent a symposium on "Do and
Should Students Have Rights" at
3 p.m. in Rm. 3-B of the Michi-
gan Union.
Participating in the symposium
will be Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis, Prof. ar-
vin L. Felheim of the English de-
partment and Brian Glick, '62, a
'member of Student Government

ouldinG ets
$10,000 Prize.
Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of
the economics departmhent has
been awarded a $10,000 prize by
the American Council of Learned
Societies for. "distiouished ac-
complishments in humanistic
Prof. sBouding is an, executive
committee member of the Cen-
ter for Research on Conflict Res-
olution and a co-director of study
entitled "Economic Adjustments
to Disarmament."

"It is gratifying to sing at the
Met: The opera is exciting and
very colorful, and my'students are
thrilled to hear my voice on the
radio," Prof. Ralph Herbert of the
music school says.
"But I love it in Ann Arbor;
my future is here now."
Internationally famous as a
concert and operatic artist, Prof.
Herbert has sung leading roles
with the Metropolitan Opera since
1954. The-singer and operatic
stage director, well known in many
of the principle opera houses
throughout the world, joined the
University music faculty last Sep-
Currently, Prof. Herbert is sing-
ing the role of Alberich in Rich-
ard Wagner's cycle, "The Ring of
the Nibelungs," in a series of
Metropolitan Saturday afternoon
The Ring, a cycle of four music
dreams based on ancient German,
Icelandic and Scandinavian sagas,
is built around the legend of the
gold of the Rhine waters, which
Institute Gives
Service to 'U'
"Do you prefer carrots cooked or
raw?"-shades of Freshman Ori-
The testing of all incoming stu-
dents to see how they compare
with the rest of their group and
with therUniversity community
as a whole is only one of the tasks
of the Bureau of Psychological
Services, one of the four:major
divisions of the Institute of Hu-
man Adjustment.
The Institute was founded by
the Regents in 1937 under a grant
by Mary A. Rackhm, which stip-
ulated that the money was not
to be used for instructional pur-
Part of the graduate school, the
Institute has integrated a pro-
gram of on-the-job training for
graduate students with the main
objectives of service and research.
Community Service
The Division of Gerontology is
the only division which has no
training program. It is basically
a community service organization
which offers educational programs
for older adults, and serves as a
consultation and information cen-
ter on the problems of the aging.
The Division erigages in research
in the psycho-social aspects of
the aged, and is presently coop-
erating with the State Mental
Hospital at Ypsilanti in a study of
the rehabilitation of elderly men-
tal patients.
The Speech Clinic diagnoses and
treats all types of hearing and
speech disorders, and is responsi-
ble for testing all incoming stu-
dents during Orientation Week.
The clinic, while offering ther-
apy to those in need of it, at the
same time provides practical ex-
perience for those students plan-
ning to enter this field.
Training Ground
frhe Metropolitan Research
Project is a training ground for
social science students. Fellow-
ships are awarded yearly, partic-
ularly to those majoring in so-
ciology, public administration, eco-
nomics, geography, and city plan-
ning architecture.
These students are given actual
field experience in research deal-
ing with the problems of metro-
politan structure and growth.
Originally called the Social Sci-
ence Research Project, with head-
quarters located in and attention
focused on Flint, Mich,, this divi-
sion recently moved entirely to the
University where it received its

new name. No longer being limit-
ed to one area, its program has
expanded in size and effective-
Reading Improvement
The Reading Improvement Serv-
ice, established in 1952 as a part
of the Bureau of Psychological
Services, contributes to the bet-
terment of the study habits of
over one thousand students, an-
nually. through the non-credit
courses it offers and through pri-
vate counseling,.
An executive committee, headed'
by the director Dean Ralph A.
Sawyer of the graduate school,
controls the budget and policies of
the-Institute, but its four divisions
are autonomous units, working to-
gether where collaboration is
natural and profitable.
The Fresh Air Camp, originally
a division of the Institute, has
become a part of the summer ses-
sion of University-run camps.

is fashioned into a ring and can
give its owner the power to rule
the world.
Fight for Aing
"The gods, the Rhine daugh-
ters, and the dwarf-like Nibelungs
fight for possession of the ring,"
Prof. Herbert explains.
"But we must laugh at the gods
in the modern sense, for they are
indeed very humanly inspired.,
"Wagner stopped at nothing,
and his gods are guilty of all
kinds of effronteries. Most Amer-
icans don't realize this, because
they can't understand the Ger-
man. If they knew what was real-
ly being said, they would flock to
the opera house," he chuckled.
The Ring would make even the
French flinch and the Itlians
grow pale," he adds mischievious-
ly. "'La Dolce Vita' has nothing
in comparison."-
Although he is a full-time pro-
fessor at the University, Prof. Her-
bert has retained his position as
stage director at the Metropolitan
and will stage three operas, "Sa-
lome," by Richard Strauss, "Loh-
engrin," by Wagner and Mozart's
"Figaro" during this season.
Strange Sequence
It was a strange sequence of
events that lead Prof. Herbert
to this dual role as an opera star
and professor.'
"As a little boy in Vienna, I
wanted to be a cellist, then a con-
ductor, then a medical doctor," he
"But there was already an over-
abundance of doctors, so my rela-
tives talked me into studying law."
While preparing for the legal
profession, Prof. Herbertcontin-
ued the pursuit of his first love,
music, at the Conservatory of Mu-
sic in Vienna. He successfully
completed five of the six exams
necessary to receive a degree in
law, but procrastinated about tak-
ing the sixth one just long enough
The Ann Arbor Civic Theatre
will present Arthur Miller's play
"The Crucible" at 8 p.m. Jan. 18-20
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Band Concert .. .
The American composer and
conductor, Morton Gould, will di-
rect the University Symphony
Band in a concert at 3 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
Gould has scheduled five of his
own works for this concert, and
works by Mueller, Hummel, Bon-
elli, Creston, and Persichetti will
be performed under the baton of
the band's regular conductor,
William D. Revell.
Donald Tison will be trumpet
The concert is being given In
conjunction with the 7th Mid-
western Conference on School Vo-
cal and Instrumental Music, here
Jan. 12-13.
Ohio State Artists . .
Works of art by several well-
known Ohio State artists are cur-
rently on display at the Museum of
Art, and will be there through
Jan. 28. In exchange, a University
exhibit opened in' Columbus on
Jan. 6.
Chinese Art. . .
An exhibition of "Chinese Art at
Michigan" will be on view at the
Museum of Art from Jan. 19 to
Feb. 4.
Organ Recital .. .
Kenneth Wilmot, '62SM, will give
an organ recital at 8:30 p.m. Jan.
20 in Hill Aud.
Scheduled are works by Bruhns,
Bach, Roger-Ducasse, J.C.F. Bach,
and Reubke. The recital is open
to the general public.

... Wagnerian artist

to allow one of the Viennese opera
houses to engage him as a leading
"We went on tour to Egypt and
I never did receive my law de-
gree," he reflects, "and that is
how one goes about becoming an
opera singer in Europe.
'Different Story'
"In this country, it is a differ-
ent story. I probably never would
have entered opera had I been
born in America. In Europe there
are about 380 German-speaking
opera houses; in American, only
one. Opera in Europe is like base-
ball here."
Successive engagements took
Prof. Herbert far from his home-
land. After Adolf Hitler's inva-
sion, he never again returned. In-
stead he came to the United States
in 1939 with a contract that had
expired and a manager who had
Working around the country as
an operatic principal and stage di-
rector, he finally came to the at-
tention of the Metropolitan Opera.
The company engaged him, and in
1954 he made his debut in "Ara-
Wage Controversy
Prof. Herbert sang with the Met
until a wage controversy with the
musicians' union threatened to
close the opera last year.
"It was absurd," he asserts. "The
musicians were out of line. Over-
night they asked for a $90-a-week
While the Met was still vieing
with the unions, the University of-
fered Prof.' Herbert a contract,
and he accepted.
"The moment I arrived at Ann
Arbor, the Met reopened," he re-
lates,,"and I was faced with two'
conflicting contracts.
"We negotiated, back and forth
and finally agreed that I would
sing 9 of the 11 performances I-
had signed for at the Met, com-
muting between New York and
Ann Arbor so that I could main-
tain my teaching position here.
"It's a gruelling schedule, but
well worth the effort," he con-
Prof.,Herbert will be heard in
"Gotterdammerung," the 1 a s t
opera of the Wagner cycle, to be
broadcast January 27.


An ad hoc student committee
arranging transportation for those
interested in attending the "Turn
Towards Peace" student demon-
stration in Washington, D.C., on
February 16 and 17, decided yes-
terday to organize a car pool rath-
er than charter a bus.
The people driving will time
their departures so that they will
arrive in Washington on Friday,
February 16.
"On that date we plan to'have
groups of students from all over
the country visiting their repre-
sentatives and senators in order
to present our position. We have
already made all the necessary
appointments," Richard Flacks,
Grad, explained.
Plan March
"Accommodations will be pro-
vided for everybody. On the next
day we plan to have all those at-
tending march through Washing-
ton to the White House for a
demonstration, and picket lines
will, be set up.
Later in the afternoon there will
be a mass rally addressed by prom-
inent speakers, Flacks said.
A statement issued by the Wash-
ington Project Coordinating Of-
fice says "The arms race itself is
dangerous enough, but the absence
of debate among legislators and
among the American people at
large is also cause for alarm."
Open Discussion
"It is to be hoped that our visit
to Washington will at least open
the way for frank discussion of
our government's present policies,"
Flacks said.
Flacks explained that the bus
idea had been considered first, but
"We gave up the idea when we
were informed that it would cost
about $18 per person for the round

A Unirsa-nttmatinaPictue




SHOWS AT 1:15 -3:45 -6:15 -8:50
FEATURE AT 1:30 - 4:00 - 6:30 - 9:05

l ,I

Cinma qUiId
TONIGHT at 7 and 9
Harriet Beecher Stowe's
Carl Laemmle's $2,000,000,spectacle,
with added narration by Raymond Massey
SHORT: Sidney Peterson's
The Potted Psalm (yes, psalm)
50 cents

mll s IIiIG;Wu

DIAL NO 5-6290




"As of now there are a few cars
available and we plan to look
around for others. We would like
to find transportation for all those
who want to attend and anyone
interested, with or without a car,
should contact me as soon as pos-

j1Ce1l tl't~lHl tSHOWS START AT
2-6264 % 1:00 - 2:45 -'4:50
DIAL 6:55 and 9:00
It'sThe 1:15 - 3:15 -5:20
SMerriest 7:25 and 9:30
't Since Girls
Discovered Boys!

"IT'S QUITE A SHOWI"-Crowther, N.Y. Times
"FLOWER DRUM SONG" has everything! Loaded with laugi
and delightfully funny!"-N.Y. Mirror

Graduate Program To Offer'
Certification in RussianStudies
The Center for Russian Studies
is offering a new program of
graduate study called a certifi-
cate for Russian studies.
According to Prof. William Bal-
lis, of the political science de-
partment and director of the Cen-
ter for Russian Studies, the new
program will enable stud'ents to
get an equivalent of a new kind
of degree "in between a master's
and doctorate."
Graduate students may special-
ize in Russian studies while work-
ing for a master's degree or a
doctorate in the departments of
economics, geography, history, po-
litical science, Slavic languages
and literatures, and the educa-
tion school.
A part of the requirements for
the certificate is to attend a re-
search seminar in Russian studies PROF. WILLIAM BALLIS
for at least one semester. . . . guides program
Seminar Open
The seminars will also be open for the United States government,
to advanced students in addition journalism or academic careers in
to certificate candidates, Prof. Russian studies," Prof. Ballis stat-
Ballis said. ed.
The theme for the first research Bornstein Coordinates
seminar which will be held next Prof. Morris Bornstein of the
semester is "The Soviet Union economics department will be the
Since." The seminar will consider coordinator of the research sem-
the Communist party of the Soviet inar for the second semester.
Union, Soviet politics, society, Also participating in the Rus-
economy, current literature, and sian studies program will be Prof.
the relation of the Soviet Union Ballis, Harold Swayze of the pon-
to Communist China. tical science department, Prof.
"The purpose of the seminar is George Kish of the geography de-
to develop joint faculty and grad- partment, Prof. William Medlin of
uate student research and discus- the education school, Prof. Sidney
sion under these categories," Prof. Harcave and Zdenek David of the
Ballis explained. history department and Prof.
"The seminar is of special value Deming Brown of the Slavic lan-
for students planning on working guages and literature department.


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The. Michigan Daily




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