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January 13, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-01-13

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,AT )AY.

TflE MIC.HYavGA «.. icaTTY anTuTTRflA



French Discusses Relationship BEHAVORIAL LEARCM: Couch To Join Mohol
GroBH Learns Methods
SH ealthicha ua preliminary test of the proced-
On Te! r achin sapeiiar eto h poe-c MA < fn o me t Mn a 1achine Pro. RichrdB. Couch-chi- ues to be used for the big opera-
fneMai icman of the department of naval tion to take place next yearn A 0
By ELLEN SILVERMAN architecture and marine engineer- specially designed diamond drill t
SEM In much the same manner the. By BARBARA LAZARUS ing at the University, has been bit was lowered from the drilling t
mpry objective public esteem will influ- ually he progresses to more com- appointed to the Naval Architec- ship, the CUSS I, into 2.3 miles of
thd develop ,theory of personal- ence the communicated objective At an informal seminar Thurs- plex material. Testing goes on ture Panel for the Mohole Proj- open water. It began drilling into
ea elophai tho person's mental public esteem. Then the individual day night, businessmen and in- throughout the course. ect under the auspices of the Na- the earth's crust while the 3,000 v
eant t can be integrated formulates the subjective publc ldustrial organizers got a chance Contrary to popular belief the tional Academy of Sciences. ton converted sea-going Navy p
ith social orgazatns and mo- esteem which affects the self-es-to operate and practice program- teaching machines will not replace The panel will make reco- barge controlled its progress.
ivation," Prof John R. P. French, teem. In this case, however, the ming with teaching machines. the instructor in the classroom. mendations on the design ofma Winds and Waves -
f the psychology department and chain goes further for the ndi- The Bureau of Industrial Rela,. This will offer him a better chance barge to be used to drill a hole Winds of 35 knots and waves 12- p
he Research Center for Group vidual's self-esteem influences the.. .......tions, with the cooperation of the to integrate a well-planned class- through the crust of the earth at 15Weet high kossethed tebare
rynailcs, said yesterday. - illness Index which is a measure Institute for Behavorial Research room schedule with the machine one of its thinnest points under aon ut ith keton the ib
Prof. french spoke on the pre- for mental health. a n d Programmed Institution, program. some 18-20,000 feet of ocean wa- ron.
minary findings of a group from "There is a correlation between sponsored the two day informative The machines can be used for ter. CUrS
he Research Center on Group Dy- individuals with a low self-esteem.conference. Businessmen, in search almost any learning situation. Re- By drilling through the crust, Guadalupes on March 31, making
amics which is presently studying and lower performance rates," wsof a cheaper and more practical cently the Air Force employed scientists will reach the mantle a Ghedles wi conially
bie relation between enironment Prof. French commented. method for training personnel, them in training recruits in basic previously unexplored art of the brgi usles oite erthus
nd mental health. There are two basic concepts in came from all parts of the United electronics courses. earth. This meeting place of thena
"Behavior is the interaction of the theory of self-actualization, States, crust and the mantle is called the t
person and his objective en- self development and utilization. Businessmen spend over $30 Moho, after Andrija Mohorovicic t
dironment,"Prof. French explain- Self-development is the difference billion a year on the training of oun i a ere I L
~.Tesuygopi aigIibetween the individual's actual new employes, a figure equal to demarcation by analysis of earth-
consideration the objective so- skill and his potential ability. Util-- the entire cost of all education inb quake waves in 1909.
al environment, with its indus- ization is the difference between the United States. Study Mohole Material e
rial organizations, other organi- the potential performance and the PROF. JOHN FRENCH Sample Texts Th)orach Mohole P olicy
ation and family, the psycholo- usual one The Importance of the Mobole t.
Selonen fami the . .. . personality theory The most important part of the Project is that the material At their Thursday night meet- 1
senvironment consisting of the- conference's agenda dealt with the By ANN MEYER brought from the drilling will con- ing the Michigan Union Board ofs
[fe-space organization, the, mdi- Mcigno
idual's behavior and the person SPEECH ASSEMBLY: actual programming of instruc- The Graduate Student Council tain information on the earth's Directors unanimously, adopted a,
tional material. The members took has begun a study of the possibili- beginning and structure, policy statement concerning no-
imself, his needs, values, self sample texts to practice learning ty of salary tax deductions for, Prof. Couch has the job, along tices placed on the Union's bulle-
anessV iew s techniques. These were graded in graduate teaching fellows and has with the other panel members, of tin board.
Factors Interrelate eorder to judge the effectiveness finalized plans for a panel discus- recommending the ship designs to In compliance with Regents By-
All of these factors interrelate of the program material. sion on the effects of sponsored be used for either remodeling or law 2:14, notices posted for hous-
nd help to form the person's real- n 'V a riety of Subjects The teaching machine uses a research for graduate students. building anew the barge that will ing must make the accommoda-
y or how he perceives his objet-simple principle of learning be- The panel will include Prof. F. be used in the drilling. tions available to applicants with-
ve environment. The Individual's ihavior developed by Prof., B. F. S. Miller, acting chairman of the "The reason for drilling under- out regard to race, color, religion,
alues are defined as inducing By LOUISE LIND Skinner of Harvard University. He astronomy department; Prof. Paul water is that the mantle is about creed, national origin or ancestry.
valuations of himself and oth-Uy need for a little nonconformity in believes that if a person is im- M. Fritts of the psychology de- 100,000 feet under land but only The Union will work with the
s. Needs 'do not induce such eix University students were yeveryone. mediately rewarded after an ac- partment, Prof. Gerhard L. Wein- 35-40,000 feet under the water- Human Relations Board in deal-
valuations. f edn asech ,ab In her speech The Beautiful, tion, he will tend to repeat and berg of the history 'department, covered areas of the world," Prof. ig with infractions of this policy.
The needs and values create Wednesday afternoon in Rack- Miss Malikin sought to define learn it. Prof. Henry J. Montoyc of the Couch said. The directors also heard Union
rces along an aggression line, or h e Hall. beauty and to ascertain who A student operates his own ma- education school and one other Aea Undecided President Paul Carder, '62, explain
measure of the aggressiveness of Ti x se ak 'rSan should judge it. Rejecting the for- chine and progresses at his own member to be named later, Jame "I don't know where the final the Union's position in a recent
e individual. The individual's King, '4, Terry Malikin, '64A&,' mal definitions offered by other rate. He reads a paragraph of Hedegard, chairman of the spe-
's -etem.s heevlutinf llLydaPae,'6EdaLidasht-wrtesshrcncuddahapbau caf. drilling will take place,_ though," incident involving the arrest of a"
ys te man, '64, Hedy Hilterhaus, '64 and writers, she concluded that beau- material, answers a question on a l project committee, announced he added non-member in the Michigan Un-
isatiue.Rita Stillman '64t s'a esna s~e' ad roll of paper which moves along Thursday. There is also a drilling con- ion Grill on grounds of trespass-
It was found from empirical evi- Ri in '64. writing" and lies in the eyes of so he cannot change his answer, In studying the tax problems of mittee that is looking into the ing. o
ence that in the case of I.Q.'s, Miss King, talking on'"The the people who see it. and pushes another button to see the graduate student, the special dittee th s lhgto te ind
ie ideal attribute was above both Need To onvntonl,"se- Discrediting the recent Gallup the correct answer, project committee will clarify the di bmetho th oue The ii visw t at fall
leasiedatrbteo thn only two classes of tecretase. most desirable for the operation, of the policy provision that non-
e.aspired attribute of the in- ebels-re- , whichdescribed the youth ofexisting Federal law. Three cases Last summer near the Guada- members must not improperly use
vidua's appraisal of his IQ., tl e' eope-socil a ndvafrebhelsren- America as "self-satisfied," "au- I Mh srgt achine eci es have been brought to lower court Es u mmersl n fe o x the Cracilimem ersmst noyropernnglynu-
cive social approval for their non-~Ifhisrgttemainmosa lupe islands off Mexico an ex- the facilities by remaining an un-
Amere~fslfietiy ic-and asmel-stise, cM -ifseisiht h ahiemvswith successful results although
btribute of self-identity, conformist roles. However, she as- tious" and "unambitious," Miss on to the next step in the proc- no srccesbe sab- perimental drilling took place as reasonable length of time after
Ideal Is High serted that in modern times , a Page described her views about nd if he makes a mistakeeating, Carder said.
"The ideal self is so high it does particularly on the highly com- The Youth of Today. She fund it goes back to a lower level. irad-' ished. After repeated violations, the
at affect the self-identity. An- petitive college scene, there is 'a the Evan Hill-George Gallup ref- George F. Solish, Grad, presi- individual was asked not to re-
her measure of self-esteem ise erence to today's youth as "pam- dent of the council, brought to
hothouseaplnts"opartiular-teem turn to the cafeteria area.
the as- pered hothouse plants"particular- the attention of the thirty mem-
Defcit lydisasefu. When he persisted in using the
ired and the ideal attributeweenySm Ddtasteu.Ganges hers present, that all1efforts werexrdi
an"teidanatibte"al rpeenfacilities, the Union had no choice
rof e treh commented. "In Defense of My Generation," beingmade to correct the lack os
A series of casual sequences "delivered by Miss Sherman, de-Anda la available language courses last se- Cadexepae .
SlowiP an, bingnmdeatoeorrecxtheiackdo
wing nounced the American mass media coaester.
ere found which indicated that 3 0iFuW.' etueplansotheconcilco
lf-flu de w i influenced by three " " for their attempts to view all l i e£ist U planeofthe during.......... .Se
rsTe jetub Ycteen-aers as juvenile delinquents.M efgwTim eot "o social e Select Editors
:t°o ht pol elysei-Reminding her audience that 95 the first week of February,ayt$
ence ha-BeyoKEaeeMobE- per cent of today's adolescents BY MARJORIE BRAHMS motion to invite the professional.y.. For'Technic'
ve public identity, This differs By KEN MILLER are not delinquents, Miss Sher- Student Government Council s to send representativesto ' e.
om the first factor since people A financial deficit of $100 to $75 man asked for a fair representa- voted Wednesday night to the cousibilites of a cooperativeTyn
e not always willing to commu- has caused a recent decline in tion of this generation and some- its regularly scheduled meetings bookstore for graduate students.en a nedorsthe
icate what they honestly think, the activities of the Young Ameri- one to believe in it. at 4:15 p.m., starting Feb. 14. boksoe _orgadattuensseniorgand junior editorsnofth-
of. French added. cans for Freedom, William Alten- In her speech, "The Pyramid of During the meeting there will be Michigan Technic, the engineer-
Duigth etngteiwilb ng college's student magazine,
This .communicated objective burg, '65A&D, director of the or- Life," Miss Hilterhaus compared two automatic recess periods: one wr n n l ng
Ablic identity in turn affects the ganization, said. an Egyptian pyramid to life. Ex- at 5:45 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., and L nwAppointments are effective nei-
ibjective public identity, or what The group plans to petition the tending her metaphor throughout the other at 9:00 p.m. Constitu- ma " *inediately and the new staff Will
ie invidual thinks others think Student Activities Committee of the construction of such a pyra- ents' time will precede each of w el A d ton serve for one year. Serving on the
him. These influences produce the Student Government Council mid, Miss Hilterhaus explained the two automatic recesses. ..Senior Board are Mervin Roberts,
e self-identity. for formal recognition Sunday. how man could likewise plan his The Council went into executive By CAROLYN WINTER editor-in-chief; Brian Rickard,
Next semester they will begin a life so as to build a strong, im- session before favorably passing "The library is making plans for PROF. RICHARD B. COUCH business manager, Charles Anoff,
membership drive in an attempt mortal structure to withstand the four appointments to Joint Judi- an extension of the General Li-Mohole project managing editor; Irving Slmeen,
roU Speaks to capture the cash prie which attack of time. ,,,.Trciary Council. The four are Gary brary for the use of faculty and assocate
Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) The final speech, "Let's Expand Hoffman,a63, Michael Bloom, '63, graduate students in the humani- SURVEY- vine, director of personne and
will present to the YAF local which Our Federal Aid to Education Pro- John Rickel, '63L, and Malcolm ties and social sciences," Robert public relations. They are all
n P rogram enlists the most new members, he gram," was delivered by Miss Still- Gleser, '3.ll ocate director uniors in the engineering col-
si.man.Shcle for a federal pro- lse,'6.uer, assocaedrco of the f uir ntoegneigcl
sd.f.Stevenotheis rmn.Shecalled afedheriSharon Jeffrey, '63, a member library, said yesterday. C foldu ct Pos ege.
~or Progress Prof. Steven Tonsor of the his- gram, modeled after the British o h on ui neveig Tepasaevgeadi snt'Toeapitdt h uir
tory department and member of National Aid to Education Pro- of the Joint JudiInterviwing The plans are vague and it is noto a edni
YAF's national advisory board, gram, to dissolve the inequities in Committee, said that in the pro exactly certain how the new build-n .r e ad e Dennis Manik P65E
B y ARTHUR LEVY ma atcpte n1eerldu- teAmerican shio system. cedure for interviewing, Joint Ju- Ing will be used. The structure v f n u a cela r advertising ni manager; ik Daniel att
president John F. Kennedy's Al- sion groups. Study groups will be die acts as a self-selective body, may include offices for faculty 65E, circulation manager; Robe
i e o F. In Latin Ae- set up s the ouse Corn-echoosing people to fulfill a set and graduate students. The National Association of Moore, 64E, assistant business
ante for Progress in Latin Amer- set up to consider the House Com- ., position and u'phold a set atti- The library wants the new ex- Foreign Student Advisors Research manager; David Patt, '65E, ar-
Sevoked varied responses from mittee on Un-American Activities, ttude. "I have serious doubts if tension to be connected to the Committee has conducted Its sec- tiles editor; Michael Gordon, 64E,
re panelists at the discussion on the United Nations, United States ps eeaesrosdut ftnint ecnetdt h omte a odce t e
." and Sothe rica he Unic a t National 11ate the present system and criteria main structure, he added. ond postal card survey. features editor; Paul Niffenegger,
tral band the tAmernational Student pAssociation.d the National vA used for selecting new members One site being considered is the The survey-dealing with sick- '65E, copy editor; Sandra Johnson,
aursdaAssociation.Auden isespecially concernedu is the best way to appoint people present West Physics area. ness and accident insurance, auto- '65E, production manager; Ste-
,uErnesto Guntsc from Argen- about NSA and will attempt tod The University to Joint Judic" she said. West Physics cannot be torn mobile insurance and driving reg- phen Molitorles, '65A&D, illus-
ErnstoGunsch, fomArgn- bou NS an wll ttept o Te Uivrsiy MsicSchol *down until the shop there is mo- ulations-received an answer from rations editor, and David Ran-
ia, said that this is the first. educate the campus regarding this awarded a citation last night to William Phelps, '62BAd, chair- do unl e p the 87.3 per cent of those surveyed. all, '63E, assistant personnel and
ne a program of supplying aid organization. "NSA is unrepresen- A. Clyde Roler, Amarillo Sym- man of Joint Judic, said that Th space where this shop will be Most institutions recommend. ublic relations director.
South America "has been car- tative and with liberal officers, it phony conductor, for "ten years primary function of Joint Judic is spced wh eceutisd shop will be stnesstditin ron d p
m, .. i~e« AnHoe .,amoved is occupied by a cyclotron sickness and accident insurance

rust. The deepest penetrat]
he crust was 600 feet-far
f reaching the Moho. Ho
he idea of that drilling wa
o test procedure and equil:
Acquire Samples
During the drilling, coring
vere suspended down the
>ipes, bringing up earth sa
or study. Measuring instru
were also suspended dow
>ipes to ascertain magn
lensity, temperature, and 1
Detlev W. Brook, preside
he Academy research counc:
said of the project, "The sci
nd engineess associated wit
Wohole Project have accomp
n extraordinary feat of In
y, skill and daring, in p
the practicability of +dillin
:he deep ocean floor to a g
epth than man has even
>efore. Years may be requi
valuate fully the significat
his achievement but we a1
iave spectacular evidence
science now has a remarkabl
means for discovery."
Continuous Today From 1 P
t V:
An Alled "AerisTs Reease

d to a planned and logical bas- will be hard for NSA even to ac- of outstanding service" to the Na- its TnursU4y nigntings ana which
"The alliance is "very realistic" curately reflect the views of a tional Music Camp. counselling, rather than the pro- and oteun isse mbled fonch m eicn students 678 ADULT MATINEE
d should be accompanied by so- conservative majority," he said. Dean James B. Wallace of the cedure of changing itself." He cyclotron is assembled at North per cent of the institutions with till 5 P.M. 75c
l reforms in the countries YAP will push for popular elec- music school presented the award said Joint Judic thought if some- cylrns. N o er cn freinstutios w ADULT EVENING '
emselves, he noted. . tion of NSA delegates. If this after Roller led the University one wanted to work on changing Campus.hovere600hfren stutsy.rer
The shop will be moved within this insurae, but only 53.4 per
Carlos Bolzani, from Brazil, said doesn't work, it may become nec- Symphony Orchestra as guest con- Joint Judic, he should work with the next three years. At that time, cent of the institutions with less i7 ENDING T
s countrymen were suspicious of essary to form a new national ductor. the Office of Student Affairs the building wil no longer be a than 600 foreign students ask for iT PEOPLE
ank promises and that he sees group, Altenburg noted. Roller is conductor of the Uni- Study Committee. physics building and could be the it. stk .**
results as yet. versity Division Orchestra, musi- _site of a library extension, a liter- All schools with over 300 for- Surge across the screen i
Speaking on behalf of Guate- - cal director of the American P nary college building, or might be eign. students enforce the same drama of the revolt that S
ala, Theodore Aranda, a teach- J1FC ,aiM S Opera Department and teaches B ohrod lPrints left as an open area for some time, driving restrictions for both Amer- the love that defied a wo
of English in that country, com-, advanced conducting at Inter- John G. McKevitt of the Office ican and foreign students. How-
mnted hat the people need and lochen. * * of Business and Finance said. ever, a majority of the smaller
lmire assistance, but they strong- New O fFicers For thirteen years Roller has On Exhibition "The nature of expansion of the schools, with less than 300 foreign
distrust Kennedy's proposal, been conductor and musical di- library should be subject to care- students, permit them to drive
The fourth panelist was Stephen The Junior Inter - Fraternity rector of the Amarillo Symphony. The General Library is current- ful studies due to the impact it without restrictions, while restric-
ibe, '63E, from Venezuela. He Council last ght announced the '_ly featuring a series of reproduc- will have on the central area of tons are kept for American stu-
ted that he does not believe election of its officers for the com- .b tions of 14 original paintings by the campus," he added. dents.
the Alliance for Progress. Nube ing semester. Return Facilities the American artist, Aaron Boh- -
id the alliance is obsolete and Alfred Remsen, '64, of Zeta Psi rod.
11 not supply the badly needed was elected president of the coun- To Former Use Each painting represents im-
spitals and schools in Venezue- cl. The vice-presidency was won portant symbols and memorabilia
Instead, Kennedy is offering by John Mueller, '63, of Beta University facilities now being of prominent American religions.
eat and military aid, for which Theta Pi. William Raymer, '64, a used by the Thailand-Peace Corps The paintings were part of Look G C0
e Venezuelan peaple have no member of Delta Upsilon, was group will be returned to their magazine's award-winning series,
e. elected secretary. Robert Shenkin, former uses when the Corpsmen "The Story of America's Reli-
In 'opposing the program, Nube '65, of Zeta Beta Tau was elected leave Wednesday, Prof. Robert C. gions.
arged that "strings" are being treasurer. Leestma, director of the Peace Look originally offered the re-
officially attached to the alli- The new officers said that they Corps Training Program, said yes- productions and detailed informa-
ice Plan, dmnigVnzea oet make th Junior Inter- edy incnenn each Cf/h9 t
ndemnatlon of Fidel Castro's Fraternity Council a stronger or- Prof. Leestma said that it is University President H a r 1 a n *
iban regime. However, the Cuban ganization, and one which would uncertain at this time if another Hatcher.
forms have a great appeal to promote the interest of rushees in Peace Corps group will be com- The prints will be on exhibit TON I TGHT and Sunday at 7 and 9
nezuelans, the coming semester. ing to study at the University. until Monday.,
te nn aDIAL NO 5-6290 Harriet Beecher Stowe's
Sdevelopment, coun cil"IT'S QUITE A SHOW"-Crowther, N.Y. Times
"FLOWER DRUM SONG" has everything! Loaded with laughs Carl Lemme's $2,000,000 spectacle,
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