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January 13, 1962 - Image 1

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Sir 4UU


Light snow likely
by tomorrow afternoon

See Page 4

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


LXXII, No. 84




Kennedy To Press
For Aid to Education
Ribicoff Urges Fair Consideration,
Passage of Total School Program
WASHINGTON OP)-Secretary of Welfare Abraham Ribicoff said
last night President John F.:Kennedy and the administration intend
to press for action by Congress on the bill for federal aid to public
"Everything possible will be done to get this bill considered favor-
ably by the House of Representatives," Ribicoff said in a statement.
"I urge on the members of both houses that they press vigorously
for action on the President's total . . . program for federal aid to
Sticks with First Stand
A White House official also said Kennedy stands on his State of the
Union message to Congress Thursday, in which he urged Congress to

Hatcher Views
Notes Problem





_ _

*act on a broad program of aid to
This official described as 100 per
cent untrue a report that the ad-
ministration will not press for ac-
tion on the general public school
bill, On hopes of winning passage
of less controversial education
This official and Ribicoff were
commenting on a report attributed
to Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (D-
NY) that the administration was
giving up the fight for its general
public school aid bill.
Powell Cites Misinterpretation
Powell himself - after Ribicoff
issued his statement-said the re-
port was based on a newsman's
misinterpretation of remarks he
made in an interview.
A reporter, understood Powell,
chairman of the House Education
and Labor Committee, to say the
administration did not intend to
push for action on the public
school aid measure.
Powell disputed that, saying in
a statement:
"What I said was that the Presi-
dent, in his message to Congress,
said he was standing behind the
bill sent up last year so there was
no need for another bill."
Refers to Bill
This was a reference to the ad-
ministration bill to provide federal.
funds for public school construc-
tion.'and'eachers salaries.
The bill touched off a bitter con-
troversy last year when Roman
Catholic leaders insisted that
parochial schools should share in
the program. The resulting stale-
1mate doomed all education bills
for the session.
Because of the religious issue
and considerabl'e opposition to the
measure in the house on other
s groups, most Congressmen inter-
ested have conceded that the bill's
prospects this year are slim.

Rise of African Unity
A frequency count of word-use in Africa will show that "Unity"
is the most used word.
And the tremendous emotional drive behind the word is un-
doubtedly one of the main political forces in Africa, Prof. Immanuel
Wallerstein of Columbia University said yesterday.
Prof. Wallerstein discussed the two types of unity which he says
characterize the politics of contemporary Africa. Involved in these

Regents Laud Whitino
As LoalAlumnus'
President Declares 'U' Determined
To Fulfill Responsibility to Parent
Special To The Daily
JACKSON-University President Harlan Hatcher took
fresh look at student affairs last night at a testimonial dinne
here for industrialist Justin R. Whiting, who was awarde
the Regents' Citation -of Honor.
"We are walking the fine line between paternalism any
laissez-faire-keeping watch over the fine students sent 1
us while we permit them to develop into thinking, ind
pendent young adults readyt

... promises action

See Success
For, Program

B The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy is heartened by the
response of Congres to his State
of the Union message and is con-
fident that he is going to have a
successful year, according to his
closest ,official adviser Theodore
C. Sorensen.
In a taped television interview,
Sorensen said yesterday that the
President considers his drive for
sweeping new' authority to nego-
tiate tariff - cuts to be his most
important program.
He also said that Kennedy re-
gards health insurance for the
aged under the Social Security
system as the program of utmost
importance on the domestic side.
McCormack Predicts Good Year
House Speaker John W. Mc-
Cormack (D-Massachusetts) alsc
predicted a good year for Ken-
nedy's program.
He told newmen that the Presi-
dent had a, remarkable,, record of
achievement in Congress last year
and that, he looks for "an equally
successful" session this year.
Senate majority leader Mike
Mansfield (D-Montana) comment-
ted that Republican support may
be necessary to help push Ken-
nedy's program through the Sen-

New Guinea
JAKARTA (RP)-Indonesia's se-
curity minister has been quoted+
as saying Indonesian soldiers have
made landings on Dutch - held
West New Guinea, but an army
spokesman said yesterday no
armed troops were involved.
Col. Soenarjo, the army spokes-
man said, "There has been infil-
tration and it still continues, but'
not by troops but by people from
the surrounding areas."
Security minister Gen. Abdul
Hars Nasution spoke of troop
landings "on a mounting scale" in
a recorded interview last night
with a Sydney, Australia, radio
Not Available
The minister was not available
for comment on the interview.
Indian newspaper reports in
midweek that small bands of In-
donesian guerrillas had landed at'
several West New Guinea points
were denied Thursday by Dutch
officials. "If anything of the kind
had happened, news of it would
surely have reached us," a spokes-
man at the Hague.said.
Nasution was quoted as saying,;
"There is more (landing) activity
now after President Sukarno's
speech." He referred to a Dec. 19
address in which Sukarno told In-
donesia to prepare for general
mobilization to oust the Dutch
from West New Guinea.-
Soldiers Infiltrate
Nasution said infiltration is be-
ing carried out by Indonesian sol-
diers who are natives of West New
"The Dutch are suppressing
everything pro-Indonesian in West+
Irian (West New Guinea) ," he was+
quoted as saying. "We cannot for-
bid our people from going there."
The general did not indicate1
how such troops reached their des-;
Indonesian naval officers said a
flotilla of destroyers is being sent
to Celebes because of fears the
Dutch aircraft carrier Karel Door-
man may sail into New Guinea

are the internal unity of a new
nation and the larger connotation
of unity-a regional federation of
the whole of Africa which express-
es itself in the term 'Pan-African-
Viewing the internal unity of a
newly independent nation in Afri-
ca, Prof. Wallerstein sees some
obvious difficulties. "Achieving
independence, which in many cases
was a difficult process, means the
removal of a colonial overlord-
'the common enemy' which was
the former basis for unity.
Difficult To Maintain
"Unity is however difficult to
maintain after this common ene-
my is disposed of. Each group is
seeking its ends and groups which
have inherited a 'legacy of opposi-
tion mentality' turn against the
government," he said.
A subtle problem is the fact
that unlike the citizens of Amer-
ica and most European countries,
most Africans cannot draw the
distinction between opposition to
the government and opposition to
the state.
Prof. Wallerstein explains fur-
ther that most opposition parties
satisfy themselves by trying to se-
cede their own section of the
country from the whole nation
thus breaking the unity of the
state as is the case in the Congo
at present.
The government's reaction to
this sort of thing is to condemn
the opposition as being uncon-
structive and to advocate a sin-
gle party system.
The second and broader type
of unity is Pan-Africanism.
Artificial Boundaries
"In Africa there were talks about
the artificiality of the colonial
boundaries," he continued. "The
slogan for individual independ-
ence of African nations gradually
changed after 1957 into 'Unity for
the whole of Africa.' Most African
nations believed that unity will
bring political and economic
Prof. Wallerstein noted the con-
sequences of unity. Unity will bring
stability--"a prerequisite for a
rational economic set up," he be-
lieves. Pan-Africanism on the up-
ward swing creates a sort of poli-
tical confidence in Africans."

} ,

Wilson Notes,
'Soft Attitude'
dent John F. Kennedy is tip-
toing too much in world affairs
and teasing the people too much
at home, a GOP Congressman said
The President's State of the
Union message was a major target
of Rep. Robert Wilson (R-Calif)
who continued an attack started
last night by GOP National Chair-
man William E. Millei.
Republican leaders made it ap-
parent they hope to use Ken-
nedy's program as a springboard
in this year's campaigns.

.-Daily-James Keson
SITUATION DRAMA - After court adjourned yesterday, law
school professors watched and listened to an explanation of the
closed circuit television apparatus connecting circuit court with
the law school classrooms.
Law Students To Observe
Televised Court Cases
The image of the law student deep in the library doing research
for a course or for his upcoming "mock" trial will soon be replaced by.
required television viewing.
A unique closed circuit TV link between the Washtenaw Circuit
Court of Judge James R. Breakey, Jr., and the law school was inaug-
urated in ceremonies yesterday morning. Associate Dean of the Law
_ School Charles Joiner explained

Leaders Argue
About Truman
At Con-Con
By The Associated Press
LANSING-A debate on a "Bill
of Rights" article . on the Con-
stitutional Convention floor was
drowned out yesterday by a side-
lines wrangle involving Conven-
tion Vice-President George Rom-
ney and former President Harry
S. Truman.
The off-the-floor debate cen-
tered around the question of
whether Truman agreed to ad-
dress the convention. Romney,
who told the convention Truman
would come, labeled the affair a
"cheap political trick" when the
former President telegrammed
that he had made no commit-
John J. Collins, state Democrat-
ic chairman and Neil Staebler,
Democratic national, committee-
man, chimed in on the exchange
of statements.
They said Romney's attack on
Truman "has the earmarks of

that the system will allow the law
students to observe the normal run
of cases as they are heard before
Judge Breakey.
Prof. Joiner said that the major
value from this closed circuit pro-
gram will be to provide instruction
in procedural law as well as in
substance. Television viewing of
cases will be required in courses on
legal procedure.
Beams Signal
Using one camera located in the
rear of the courtroom, the TV sys-
tem beams a signal whenever the
lights are turned on in the court-
room. The camera can be con-
trolled at the receiving end from
the law school or at the County
The camera will roam the court-
room, zoom in for a close-up of
the judge or an attorney, or tilt for
an angle picture at the touch of a
knob from the control panel in the
law school.
An instructor will be in the "ad-
junct courtroom" in the law school
to answer questions and point out
events of interest and importance
which are not possible in either a
real or "mock" court.
Observe Good Court
The overall object is to show the
students how a good bar functions
before a good judge and to observe
the cases in one of the busiest
courts in the state, Prof. Joiner
Through continual observations,
the students may become con-
scious of the needs of the court
and how the law or procedure can
be improved. This will lead to
better professional responsibility
in later life, he added.
"The closed circuit television is
merely an extension of the court-
room. We are not televising trials
-merely extending the courtroom
to include the classroom, for teach-
ing purposes only," Prof. Joiner
Swainson Set
To Disclose.
Detailed Plans
By The Associated Press
Governor John B. Swainson will
disclose his detailed recommenda-
tios for legislative action in three
major areas next week.
Swainson said he would send
the lawmakers his proposals to
speed up Michigan's economic
growth on Tuesday and follow on
successive days with his blueprints
for education and mental health.
He has indicated that these,

to face the realities of life
after graduation," he said.
Cherished Possessions
"We'are constantly mindful of.
the fact that Michigan parents
have sent us their most cherished
possessions, and we are determined
to fulfill our obligation in watch-
ing over these students.'
"At the same time, however, we
must be careful not to impose
restrictions upon these men and
women which parents themselves
would not impose. In fact, students
should be encouraged to shed re-
strictions as they go along, and to
act responsibly without, them.
"Much has been said and written
in recent weeks about a student
proposal for more lenient controls
over the visits of women to men's
residence halls at the University.
This proposal never had any great
support, and it was turned down
by the first committee which
studied it.
No Amusement
"In fact, it was looked upon
with no little amusement by the
women themselves."
He said that this simple pro-
posal by a student was quickly
seized upon by the press, and now
the University is branded with it.
President Hatcher added that he
hoped "We are tackling this diffi-
cult problem with understanding
and intelligence.
"College is a land halfway be-
tween home life and adult life for
most students and we must be
careful to make it neither all one
or the other."
Citation Presented
In honoring Whiting, President
Hatcher presented the Regents'
Citation, which was read by Sec-
retary of the University Erich A.
"Whiting has served the Michi-
gan business community both by
presiding over the rapid and effi-
cient growth of a key industry and
by steadily exemplifying the high-
est standards of personal and cor-
porate morality," it read.
"The University is deeply in-
debted to him for his labors on
behalf of the Memorial Phoenix
Project . . . In presenting him the
Regents' Citation, the University
honors him as a loyal -alumnus,
devoted citizen and worthy man:
guardian of ideals and interests
which the University shares with
public-spirited men of business
throughout the state."
Holding Company
Whiting is the past president of
the Consumers Power Company of
Jackson, a former subsidiary of
the Commonwealth and Southern
Corp., a holding company which he
headed until it was dissolved.
Whiting has practiced law for 25
years in both Jackson and Detroit,
and during the latter of these
years, he was also president of the
Michigan Bar Association.
He currently serves as chairman
of the executive committee for
Consumers Power.
The first Regents' Citation was
presented to Louis Elbel, composer
of "The Victors," in 1947. This was
the 19th such honor to be con-
The Regents usually reserve such
honor for individuals "who have
significantly advanced the cause
of higher education in Michigan."
Intend To End

... sees 'fine'line'

Artist Innovates; Entertainer Presents

Cites Needs
Of Education
special To The Daily
JACKSON-Michigan and the
nation are standing on the thresh-
hold of a "breath-taking new era,"
University President Harlan
Hatcher told , an audience as-
sembled here for the 19th Regents'
Citation last night.
"By sending an ever-increasing
precentage of our youth to college.
... we have made this inevitable."
The president said that recent
talk in Lansing about "giving more
help to higher education this
year" has been "like a fresh
breeze blowing across the cam-
He said that "we devoutly hope
this comes to pass, for help is
urgently needed. The demand for
our faculty members by other in-
stitutions has been insistent. We
have had a close call, closer than
most people realize."
President Hatcher added that
there were no easy answers to the
problems of higher education, but
he repudiated the idea of a "super-
"Such a group will not eliminate
overnight the legitimate require-
ments of our colleges and univer-
sities, nor is there any evidence
anywhere that such a- board can
work any better than voluntary
cooperation among institutions."
He concluded that the Univer-
sity has the challenge of charting
its orderly development-"while at'
the same time we allow to burn
brightly the flame of freedom."
State Agencey
May Control
Public school accreditation now
handled by the University may
pass to the State Department of
Public Instruction provided that
the Legislature appropriates ade-
quate funds, Lynn M. Bartlett,
state superintendent of public in-
struction, said yesterday.

Holds Topheavy Majority
Although he has a topheavy
majority with 64 Democrats
against '36 Republicans, Sen.
M~ansfield conceded that a good
many Kennedy proposals won
Senate approval last year only
because of Republican support in
the Senate' ranging from, 5 to 13
"Without those votes, some of
those proposals would have failed,"
he said.
He said that he is counting on
bipartisan support particularily
for the President's tariff authority
request, and that he expects the
Senate 'to go along with Ken-
nedy's medical care for the aged
Eight Petition
For SGC Seat
Eight students have submitted
petitions for the vacant Student
Government Council seat.
Howard Abrams. '62. Fernando;

"An artist is an innovator who
wants to introduce some new
method of performing or some
new art for which there is po,
established audience. The enter-
tainer takes his art and presents
it to suit his audience," Richard
Dyer-Bennett said yesterday.
Dyer-Bennett, tenor and guitar-
ist, is presenting a' program of
folk and art songs at 8:30 p.m.
tonight in Rackham Aud. "I don't
aim to please or entertain, but to
give to those for whom I play a
musical experience. After all, in
my program I cover 500 years of
music: classic ballads, folk and
court songs, drawing from all of
Europe and North America."
The difference between the art-
ist and the entertainer . can be
seen in their differing motiva-
tions and purposes, Dyer-Bennett
believes. If a song is sung because
the performer wants to sing it,
4.,'. +1, - - - - , - -

self, after we are gone, there is
nothing left. The performer-artist
must make himself understood in
his lifetime or never," he said.
"I have operated under the
principal that whatever I want
to do badly enough will be appre-'
ciated by a sufficient number to
support my career, and there is
gratification in reaching a small
"When you reach them, you
reach them hard, you possibly ef-

fect their whole lives, and they in
turn reach others-and who knows
what a lasting effect on our civili-
zation someone I've touched may
Usually it is those people who
take in the whole impact of a
message who will be the movers
of society; and this is your justi-
fication, he continued.
Dyer-Bennett is a modern-day
minstrel. The traveling troubador
of the 17th century was a profes-

sional who accompanied himself
as he traveled, and traveled to
support himself. Dyer-Bennett
parallels this role today.
"Concert people wander for the
same reason that minstrels wan-
dered. They have to go to their
audience and each audience is dif-
And because of this Dyer-Ben-
nett never announces his programs
in advance. "The auditorium and
the audience drastically affect a
program. A subtler program can
be done when the audience is close
to the stage as it is here.
"Also, I give a different concert
here for a large, mixed college
audience, than I would elsewhere.
University audiences are the only
ones which are consistently like
those at Town Hall in New York."
Each of his concerts is given
by ear and each number is pre-
sented as he feels the audience is
rad fnr i TT hno fnrom a

:'> . ft.

, i

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