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January 09, 1962 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-01-09

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Educators Doubt AMA Study

Two University educators ex-
ressed doubt in the results of a
udy reported by the American
edical Association which claim-
i that the creative child is most
ten the product of a not "par-
cul'arly well-adjusted" family.
The study, by Dr. Paul S. Weis-
rg and Kayla J. Springer, both
the department of psychiatry
Cincinnati General Hospital,
sted children to determine the
evel of creative function" and
Zen studied their family relation-
lip in the hope of discovering
in optimal family pattern.".
Emotion Aids Creativity
From this, they report that it
s a family in which there is
pen, and not always calm ex-
ession of strong feeling, without
SO Units Ask
or Extension
No fraternity or sorority ap-
lied for an extension of time to
ibmit membership statements to
ie Office of Student Affairs as
ie deadline, passed 5 p.m. yes-
Under legislation, adopted Dec.
by Student Government Coun-
l, these groups have until noon,
an. 17 to file the required state-
ents or potential bias clauses
nless an extension was request-
d yesterday.
Council President Richard Nohl,
2BAd, could not estimate the
umber of fraternities and sorori-
es that have not turned in state-

that expression being used to bind
the child to the values of the par-
ents" which best favors the emer-
gence of creativity.
While he agreed that a "fluid"
family situation may permit the
children to seek their own solu-
tion, the study is "interesting, but
hardly definitive," Prof. Charles
F. Lehmann, dean of the school of
education, said.
Citing the study's small sam-
ple group of only thirty-two as
one reason to question its im-
portance, Prof. Lehmann added
that he doubted the family struc-
ture's ability to manufacture cre-
ativity. It seems as though all one
can do is "nurture" creativity by
"freeing up the environment," he
Tests Unproved
Prof. Warren E. Ketcham of.
the education school further not-
ed that the interest in creativity
is only recent and that none of
the tests have been proved to sup-
port reality.
The thing which is needed is to
follow these people's lives to see if,
indeed, they either are now or be-
come creative, Prof. Ketcham said.
Otherwise, the tests lack validity,
he explained.
Not only are people studying
the problem not yet sure that the
tests measure creativity, the ac-
tual substance of creativity is still
uncertain, he said. Prof. Ketcham
added that he felt "the dynamics
of creativity are much more pro-
found than this,. and it is diffi-
cult to give credence to any single
Creative Person
"The creative - person must
somehow become intrigued with
new and unusual combinations of
things and ideas which are unac-
cepted by the society in which he
grows up, and he has to be so at-
tached to these that he is willing.
to cling to them with all his ten-
aciousness," Prof. Ketcham said.
Both Prof. Lehmann and Prof.
Ketcham agreed that, while crea-
tive children may emerge from a
loose family structure, the pres-
ence of such a structure will not
necessarily produce creativity.

.. . doubts validity
Plan Hospital
Wayne County General Hospi-
tal, the University, and Wayne
State University made a joint
agreement Saturday permitting
the universities to use the hospi-
tal's teaching and research facili-
Senior medical students at the
University are already making use
of hospital facilities, and Wayne
students will follow shortly. The
plan will be reciprocal in that it,
will also allow more care for hos-
pital patients.
The plan of cooperation will
utilize closed circuit television
originating in Ann Arbor.
Dr. Scott, the general super-
intendent and physician-in-chief
of the hospital, refers to the set-
up as "a very sensible arrange-
ment," and ". . . another thing the
two universities are doing togeth-
er for the need of the state."
Wayne already has affiliations
with Receiving, Herman Kiefer,
Women's, Harper, Grace, Sinai,
and Children's Hospitals.

To Improve
Of English
A program entitled Project Eng-
lish has been drafted by the Gov-
ernment Office of Education to
improve the teaching of English
in schools.
The plan, developed by a team
under Sterling M. McMurrin,
commissioner of education, has
been given special priority. It will
be concerned with the entire field
of English instruction, from the
teaching of reading in elementary
schools to English composition in
high school.
To Establish Centers
As a major step, three curric-
ulum study.centers staffed by uni-
versities, colleges and state edu-
cation agencies will be established.
Their sites have not yet been de-
The program received priority
because of reports by the Nation-
al Council of Teachers of English
that 70 per cent of colleges and
universities had to provide remed-
ial work in English, and that 150,-
000 students failed college en-
trance tests in English in 1960.
Ralph C. M. Flynt, assistant
commissioner for research, said
the work would be coordinated
with current efforts by teachers,
university scholars and school ad-
Hopes For Approval
The program hopes to get con'-
gressional approval to conduct
teacher training institutes. The
curriculum centers would func-
tion for about five years. Proposals
for sites and staff selections are
being reviewed.
Still in the planning stage are
a series of conferences and con-
tracts. A proposed conference
would enable appraisal of meth-
ods and indicate priorities for re-
Conference members would be
leading scholars in the ' field of
reading instruction. "Executives
of the major professional societies
in English," will also be consulted
on selection of center sites.
Copyright, 1962, The New York Times

The problems of human be-
havior in business and how to
solve them is the major concern
of the Foundation for Research
on Human Behavior-a national,
non-profit organization to stim-
ulate research and make its find-
ings available to the business men.
The specific areas in which the
Foundation is interested are man-
agement and organization, con-
sumer economic behavior and pub-;
lic communications.
One of the problems it has been
considering is creativity. Findings
have 'shown that high intelligence,
preference of the complex and
flexibility in an individual are
factors that correlate highly with
creative ability. At present the
Foundation is trying to develop
tests that will measure these fac-
Seminars, Reports
Businessmen are informed of
such results through seminars and
published reports sent to large
companies throughout the coun-
The Foundation, directed by
Hollis W. Peter and financed by
contributions f r o m companies
throughout the country, distrib-
utes the grants it receives to the
institutions that it feels will best
be able to solve the problems that
are suggested.
The University received a grant
from the Foundation to study
"Breakdowns in Boss-Subordinate
Communications." The researchers
spoke with 35 pairs of superiors
and subordinants in 5 different
Duties Involved
It was found that both men
agreed about such things as the
content of the duties involved in-
the subordinate's job, but dis-
agreed about such things as the
content of _the subordinate's job
obstacles. In the last area the sub-
ordinate was afraid that his super-
Regents Sell
'U' Property
The Regents approved the ac-
ceptance of a bid from George M.
Zeltzer, Detroit attorney, for 29.6
acres of the University's former
Botanival Gardens at their De-
cember meeting.
Zeltzer made a bid for $120,200
for 28.9 acres in one parcel and
$4,000 for .4 acre in an adjoining
parcel. This acreage is off Iro-
quis Place and is suitable for res-
idential construction.
The Regents accepted a recom-
mendation from Vice-President
for Business and Finance Wilbur
K. Pierpont that authority be giv-
en to negotiate the sale of 10.2
acres bordering on industrial
highway and suitable for business
property in whole or in part.

should know about their employes
before they offer them voter-in-
formation lectures, or advocate
their taking a stand on a certain
Other programs which the
Foundation has supported and is
continuing to support include "So-
cio-psychological Factors in Sci-
entific Performance," "Networks
of Communication and Reference
Group Influence in the Adoption
of New Farm Products and Prac-
tices," "Size, Shape and Function
in Industrial Organizations" and
"Personality and Organization."

Group Studies Business Behavior

#T U 3
0 Tuxedos * Dinner Jackets
" Complete Accessories
open evenings NO 5-4549

.. human behavior


ior would misunderstand his at-
The Foundation also informs
businessmen of research of which
it feels they should be aware, but
that has been financially support-
ed by another institution.
For example, it held a seminar
on a study made by the Institute
for Social Research on the topic
of "Voting Research and the Bus-
inessman in Politics."
The purpose of this seminar was
to find out what businessmen
Group Names
The Central Committee for
Michigras 1962 has announced the
following appointments as sub-
committee chairmen:
General Co-Chairmen, Pamela Mar-
zulla, '62. and Edward Stein, '63;
Amusements, Cody Engle, '63; Booths,
Pat Carlson, '64, and Jack Garrett, '64;
Materials and Supplies, Nancy Artin-
ian, '62Ed and Tony Jacob, '62; Build-
ing and Decoration, Ken Newmark, '63,
and Sue Smucker, '63A&D; Parade,
Christine Allen, '63, and Tom Oster-
land, '62E; Treasurer, Larry P. Tre-
peck, '63BAd; Prizes, Ronna Bergman,
'63Ed, and Roger A. Lowenstein, '64;
Programs, Gretchen Jones, '63A&D;
Publicity. Jeff Haas, '64; Paul Schoen-
wetter, '62; Mical Schover, '64, and
Johanna Wilford, '64A&D; Refresh-
ments, Gretchen Groth, '64; Secretar-
ies, Dona Jean Barcy, '64, and Joan A.
Nash, '63Ed; Tickets, Ilona Kiraldi,
'63, and James B. Fadim, '64.

- -' -- ______ -----~- . __________-~.. I.

Strong man of the
John Birch Society
His name is Robert Welch. He
bosses a secret society of 60,000
members. In this week's Saturday
Evening Post, SenatorYoung of Ohio
speaksoutin "The VoiceofDissent"
--and tells whyhe believes the John
Birch Society is "the most danger-
ous in America."
The Saturday Evening

_. " ~~~~E~n t.:c."LE%tt..twA .v:^..^.n.a5<sv:"r:t::vr.%:f:b":%?:::i% }t}:L'ri'F"}f jr%:f":{;::"%:i
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1 :."<d: "esuv~.~i . t~I t "." d:s":4A fJ rF" 1i"Srt\Yr.".A1""rJJ.JSL:hIJ L:.fr..?.r r1Y1..A. ...".+ J

(Continued from Page 4),
dar and Systems, infrared & Data Proc-
Harland Bartholomew & Assoc., Mem-
phis 3, Tenn.-CE with interest & nec-
essary bkgd. educ. in expressway loca-
tion & design. For work primarily en-
gaged in extensive urban highway de-
Hotel Corporation of America-Varn-


with the ULLR Ski Club

Wednesday, Jan. 10Q
Room 3, Union

ous openings including: Asst. Food &.
Beverage Manager; Sales Trainees; Na-
tional Sales Representative; Manage-
ment Trainees; Asst. Sales Manager &
Male Executive Housekeeper.
Nekoosa-Edwards Paper Co., Port Ed-
wards, Wis.-Senior Mechanical Engi-
neer for Paper Mill. Mechanical Engnr.
with exper. Knowledge of pulp mill
equipment & ability to aid operators
in production problems desired.
* * *
Please call General Div., Bureau of
Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544 for further
212 SAB-
Carl Hartman and Sam Marcus of
Camp Tamerack, Fresh Air Camp near
Ann Arbor, will interview from 1:30 to
5 p.m. on Jan. 11. They are interested
in undergraduates for counselors and
graduate students for supervisors.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these joas
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Building, during the following hours:
Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon
and 1:30 til 5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Jack Lardie,
Part-time Interviewer at NO 3-1511 ex-
tension 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
-Several salesmen to sell magazine
-Several salesmen to sell men's
1-To live in and supervise group ac-
tivities two nights during the week.
4 p.m. until 10 p.m. and either

Saturday or Sunday 1 p.m. until
10:30 p.m., $1.25 per hour.
-Several busboys, 12:00-2:00 and
5:30-7:30. Pay rate is $1.00 per hour.
-Dark room technicions, 8-10 hours
per week.
-Several waitresses, 12:00-2:00 and
5:00-7:30. Pay rate is 85c per hour.
1-Baby sitter and house keeper to
live in, evenings and weekends off.
Room and board plus salary.
1-Swimming instructor at least 24
years old who is willing to instruct
older women. Prefer graduate stu-
1-Good typist who can type and read
Spanish. Full mornings or after-

New IL's
Students who have not re-
placed their ID cards may ex-
change them Jan. 8-12, 8:30-12
and 1-4:30 in Rm. 1510 of the
Administration Bldg.
The change effects students
whose cards read first name
first as in John Q. Doe, instead
of Doe, John Q.



Delicious Hamburgers. ..15c
Hot Tasty French Fries.. 10c
Triple Thick Shakes.. 20c
2000 W.Stadium Blvd.


Chess Club, Meeting, Jan. 10, 7:30
p.m., Union, Rm. 3MN. Free lessons,
Everyone Welcome.
* *. *
German Club, Coffee Hour, German
Conversation & Music, Jan. 10, 2-4
p.m., 4072 FB.
Ulir Ski Club, Final Sign Up for Trem-
blant Trip, Jan. 10, 7:30 p.m., Union,
Rm. 3C.
* * *
Women's Senate, Weekly Meeting,
Jan. 9, 4:15 p.m., League, Henderson
* * *
U. of M. Folk Dancers, Regular Meet-
ing, Dancing & Instruction, Jan. 9,
7:30 p.m., Hillel Foundation.
Beta Alpha Psi, Initiation Banquet,
Jan. 9, Initiation .. p.m., Bus. Ad.
Faculty Lounge; Dinner, 7 p.m., web-
er's Supper Club. Speaker: Carl Dowling,
Asst. Controller, Pure Oil Co.


A Wide Variety of Tours:
and low-price "ECONOMY" Tours
or Form Your Own Group
Ask for Plans and profitable
Organizer Arrangements
Specialists in
Student Travel Since 1926 GTRAV
for folders and details
See your local travel agent or write us




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There's no place at Western Electric for engi-
neers who feel that college diplomas signify
the end of their education. However, if a man
can meet our quality standards and feels that
he is really just beginnin'g to learn .,., and if he
is ready to launch his career where learning is
an important part of the job and where gradu-
ate-level training on and off the job is encour-
aged - we want and needjdim.
At Western Electric, in addition to the nor-
mal learning-while-doing, engineers are en-
couraged to move ahead in their fields by sever-
al types of educational programs. Western
maintains its own full-time graduate engineer-
ing training program, seven formal manage-
ment courses, and a tuition refund plan for
out-of-hours college study.
This learning atmosphere is just one reason
why a career at Western Electric is so stimu-

to Western Electric at one of the best times in
the company's history. In the management
area alone, several thousand supervisory jobs
are expected to open up to W.E. people within
the next 10 years. And our work of building
communications equipment and systems be-
comes increasingly challenging and important
as the communications needs of our nation and
the world continue to increase.
Challenging opportunities exist now at Western
Electric for electrical, mechanical, industrial, and chemi-
cal engineers, as well as physical science, liberal arts,
and business majors. All qualified applicants will re-
ceive careful consideration for employment without
regard to race, creed, color or national origin. For more
information about Western Electric, write College Rela-
tions, Western Electric Company, Room 6206, 222
Broadway, New York 38, New York. And be sure to
arrange for a Western Electric interview when ur

t 0 0 0 t 0 "

Heath FM Tuner.. .


All Trades Al and reconditioned.

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