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January 07, 1962 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-01-07

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Send Your Paintings
Out for Cleanings

Henry Rusk's advice to owners
of original oil paintings is "hands
Rusk' is the chief restorer of
fine paintings for the Legion of
Honor Museum in San Francisco.
More paintings are lost each
year through faulty restoration
than through fire, flood, theft and
all other causes, he said in a San
Francisco interview.
People Attack
Two common errors of restora-
tion are ,overcleaning and over-
paiting. "People attack fine paint-
ings with anything from steel wool
to soap 'and water," Rusi com-
mented. Also, the use of wrong
pigments in touching up a picture
may obliterate the original paint.
Paintings should be examined
every 10 years and restoration
work is probably necessary every
50 years, Rusk added.
When the time, comes for a
painting to'be restored, Rusk says,,
"Don't touch it; take it to an
Follow Advice
The University's Museum of Art
takes his advice. All paintings are
sent to established restoration
laboratories or to individual ex-
perts, Miss Helen Hall. curator of
the Museum of Art, said. There
is no department on this campus
that does this type of work be-
cause it involves such elaborate
equipment and facilities.
The University usually sends
their paintings to Oberlin Labora-
tories in Oberlin, Ohio, Miss Hall
added. Occasionally paintings are
sent to the Fogg Museum at Har-
vard University.
In restoring a painting certain
steps must be followed, Rusk said.
First, he uses ultraviolet rays to
examine the surface and infrared
rays to penetrate the % surface.
Sometimes he has a picture X-
rayed to authenticate it. However,
the X-ray is much over-rated as an
analytical method, he said.

In cleaning a picture, Rusk uses
aeromatic hydrocarbon solvents
and dental tools to excavate when
a picture has been overpainted.
Much of his work involves at-
taching new supports to canvases
-a process known as lining. "Any
painting on canvas over 100 years
old is in need of lining," he de-
A professional restorer requires
a thorough knowledge of the his-
tory of art schools and styles, plus
a working knowledge of chemistry.
Donates Funds"
For Graduates
A $74,000 grant from the Wood-
row Wilson Fellowship Founda-
tion to aid the University's ad-
vanced graduate students and the
graduate program was announced
today by Sir Hugh Taylor, presi-
dent of the foundation.
The subsidies which will be
awarded on April 1, will probably
be divided between University
Fellowships with a stipend of $1,-
550 plus tuition costs, and sum-
mer pre-doctoral fellowships with
an allowance of $500 and tuition
Although the grants are allo-
cated in proportion to the num-
ber 'of Woodrow Wilson Fellows
spending their first year of grad-
uate study here, the subsidies for
advanced work beyond the first
year are opened to all graduate,
Of the 84 institutions receiving
about $2.1 million from the Foun-
dation, the University is the ninth
largest recipient. The University
of California at Berkeley was
awarded the largest grant among
state universities.

See Schools
With, instructions to give only
information and not sales talks,
25 Student Governors spent part
of their Christmas vacation tell-
ing high school students in their
homerooms about the University.
Sponsored by the Alumni As-
sociation, the student governors
are appointed by their local alum-
ni groups as a liaison between
University students and alumni.
About 50 alumni clubs are repre-
sented by student governors.
One student said that as he
spoke, he felt he was actually re-
cruiting. "There is a very thin
line between recruiting and in-
forming," he added.
No Captive Audience
But since the student governors
speak only to small groups of stu-
dents interested in the University
and not to large classes or assem-
blies, they do not have a captive
audience, Susan Williams, '63,
chairman of the group, said.
The University does not send
many admissions office represen-
tatives out of the state. In visiting
their local high schools to talk
about the University, students can
be more effective than adminis-
trators because the 'discussion will
go deeper than admissions proced-
ures and the surface appearance
of campus life, she explained.
Miss Williams said that most
of the questions student gover-
nors face deal with classes and
courses, but many students ask
about housing conditions, activi-
ties, recreation and the University
Students Interested
"The students are very inter-
ested in hearing about the Uni-
versity since most of them have
applied here by the time we talk
with them," she said.
Most of the student governors
visit schools where a high per
cent -of the students plan to at-
tend college-80 to 90 per cent in
some cases.
Reactions from high 'school
principals and counselors are more
varied. In one school, the student
found a counselor who had per-
suaded several students not to at-

The Ford Foundation expanded
this year by making available
$100 million for general-support
grants to selected private liberal-;
arts colleges and by further ex-
panding its Overseas Development
program for less developed coun-
tries of the world.
In the Ford Foundation Annual
Report the progress and expan-
sion of the eight Foundation pro-
grams to advance human welfare
in the. United States and abroad,
principally through educational
means, was reported. The Foun-
dation spent some $161 million
during the fiscal year ended Sept.
30, 1961.
The Special Program in Educa-
tion which advances selected in-
stitutions of higher education as
national centers of excellence,
was enlarged to provide numerous
grants to privateliberal-arts col-
leges such as Grinnell, Swarth-
more, Wellesley, and Reed Col-
lege. In addition, the Program is-
sued $46 million to five universi-
ties-Johns Hopkins, Stanford,
Vanderbilt, the University of Den-
ver and Notre Dame.
Builds Excellence
The aim of the Special Pro-
gram in Education is to build ex-
cellence and realistic aspirations
in a group of institutions with

Ford Foundation Hikes College Grants

differing backgrounds, geograph- systems using television in their
ic locations, and plans for the fu- programs.
ture. Grants are tailored to the The University was one of nine
needs of the individual colleges, universities given grants to hel:
strengthening their total achieve- them build non-'Western and oth-
ment and advancing their long- er international studies into their
term goals. permanent academic program
The Foundation increased to $20 Michigan was granted $3 million
million its regular annual budget mostly for ten-year support of it.
for assistance to less-developed programs on China, Japan, and the
countries. This increase is pri- Near and Middle East. The resi
marily in Latin America and Af- will aid for five years the Centel
rica. for Research on Conflict Resolu-
The Overseas Development pro- tion, which deals with such prob-
gram helps establish or strengthen lems as arms control, the psychol
institutions important to the long- ogy of nationalism, studies or
term growth of nations in Asia, Russia, economic development, in-
Africa, and the Near East. The ternational law, and business prob.
program is also supporting whole lems.
projects whose benefits transcend Faculty Exchanges
national boundaries to cover a Grants were given to universi-
whole region.' ties, permitting them to expanc
On the Air faculty and student exchange:
The Midwest Program on Air- with foreign countries. The aic
borne Television Instruction, an will permit a three-year facult,
experiment which the Foundation exchange between American ant
supports with $6 million in aid, African colleges. The Foundatior
went on the air in the spring of will also continue to support the
1961. Fourteen tape-recorded dem- Soviet and American exchange
onstration courses were telecast program which r allows student,
from an airplane circling over from both countries many cultura:
north-central Indiana, broadcast- opportunities.
ing to schools and colleges in Il' Special experimental program,
linois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michi- in the preparation of elementary.
gan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The and secondary-school teachersyar
Foundation also issued grants to being held at some 38 universities
some 17 local and state school These nrograms nian a hren.

Public Education To Cost
$18.1 Billion This Year



DIAL NO 8-6416

} literaiy shocking
and eerie with'
wickedness plainly
-in view. It is as
fascinating as it
is dazzlingly
"A THRILLER with -
absolutely hair-raising
Alain Delon, Marie LaForet, Maurice Ronet m i

tend the U"iversit', sayi"ng
eastern colleges were better.
League Sets
Travel File


Associated Press Education Writer
public this year is spending $18.1
billion on public education from
kindergarten through 12th grade.
A record figure which is certain
to keep climbing.
Enrollment will reach 38.6 mil-
lion pupils before the school year
is out. For each one of these
students, the nation is spending
$41 a year in current operating
costs alone.
These figures, and hundreds
more, have been reported by the
National EducationAssociation in
its annual survey, "Estimates of
School Statistics, 1961-62."
Salaries Rise
The average salary of classroom
teachers, for instance rose by $252
over last year to an annual figure
of $5,527.
From union sources it was learn-
ed that this is just $27 a year
more than the annual average
salary of a school janitor in Chi-
cago, but about $500 less than a
Chicago maintenance man gets.
Sam Lambert, director of NEA's
research division, said, "Total ex-
penditures are almost certain to
increase by $1 billion a year or
more for the next four to five
Big Bulge
"We not only are getting many
more pupils each year, but the
big bulge in the enrollment is

moving into the high schools,
where education is more expen-
Lambert also pointed out that, if
the $18.1-billion price tag on edu-
cation seems high, "you must re-
member that one out of every five
persons in the United States is
enrolled in a public school this
The total enrollment of 38.6
million is an increase of more than
one million over a year ago. High
school enrollment jumped 580,000
to a total of 12.6 million, and the
elementary enrollment was up
563,000 to 26 million.
Revenue Distribution
To meet the payroll and pay
the bills, the public schools this
year will have an income of $19.1
billion. Revenue distribution has
remained fairly constant since
1955-56: about 4 per cent from the
federal government, 40 per cent
from the state, and '56 per cent
from local sources.
In addition, the schools this
year will have $2.8 billion in what
are called nonrevenue receipts, in-
cluding all monies received from
loans, sales of bonds, sales of pro-
perty, etc.
The $414 which is spent this
year for each pupil in average
daily attendance is a national
average, which does not reflect
the wide disparity from state to
state and region to region.

The Student Services Commit-
tee of the Women's League an-
nounces it has a newly completed
file on European Summer Travel.
"We are selling, Work Study
Travel Abroad booklets in the
League Undergraduate Office for
$1.00. These are put .out by the
National Student Association and
are very helpful for anyone who
is planning to go to Europe," a
League official said.
The Student Services Commit-
tee also has information on tutor-
ing, typing, scholarships, and vo-

'U' PlayersSet Premiere Drama




i.'r -
Wednesday -Saturda
12 daily
ALL tickets $1.00
Trueblood Auditorium
Frieze Bldg.

-The University Players will
present an original drama by Bar-
ton Wimble, Grad, "The Faces of
Malte," at 8,,9, and 10 p.m. Wed-
nesday through Saturday in
Trueblood Aud.
Theora Disher, Grad, will pre-
sent a piano recital at 4:15 today
in Lane Hall Aud. The following
works are scheduled: Bach's
"Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue,"
Dello Joio's "Sonata No. 3," Mo-
zart's "Sonata in D, K. 311," and
Chopin's "Fantaisie in F minor,
Op. 49."
Organ Recital...
-Robert Noehren, University or-
ganist, will give a recital at 8:30
p.m. tonight in Hill Aud. Featured
will be the composer's own "Largo
and Fugue." Other composers to
be represented are Bach, Buxte-
hude, Mendelssohn, Francy, Saint-
Saens, Honegger, Schmidt and
English Reading...
Martin Starkle, English actor
and reader for the British Broad-
casting Corporation, will present
a spoken anthology iof British
poetry from Chaucer to Dylan
Thomas at 4:10 p.m. tomorrow
in Aud. A.
Sonata Recital...
Gustave Rosseels, violinist, and
Walter Berry, pianist, will present

a sonata recital at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Aud. A. Featured will
be Milhaud's "Sonata," Dallapic-
cola's "Due Studi," Mozart's "Son-
ata in B-flat, K. 454," and Pis-
ton's "Sonata."
Symphony Concert.. .
The University Symphony Or-
chestra, led by guest conductor
A. Clyde Roller, will present a
concert at 8:30 p.m. Friday in
Hill Aud. They will be assisted
by the Stanley Quartet, who will
present the "Fantasia on a theme
by Thomas Talis," by Vaughn
Williams. The orchestral works
scheduled are Beethoven's "Leon-
ore Overture No. 3," Brahms'
"Symphony Nc. 2 in D major,"
and Tschaikovsky's "Romeo and
Folk Singer...
Richard Dyer-Bennet, tenor and
guitarist, will present a program
of folk and art songs at 8:30 p.m.
Saturday in Rackham Aud. The
program will include songs from

many lands, ranging
13th-20th century.
* *' *

OldJic ...
LONDON UP)-The Old Vie Clas-
sical Theatre wil start on a North
American tour Thursday.
They begin with an appearance
in Boston and will visit New York,
Philadelphia, Detroit, Chicago,
Kansas City, Los Angeles, San
Francisco, Seattle and Vancouver.
The program will consist of
three plays: Shakespeare's "Mac-
beth" and "Romeo and Juliet"
and-Shaw's "Saint Joan."

from the

We ore now
NO 2-5414




DIAL NO 5-6290
Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P.M.
E TilE'
'ts.: :{.::;{:!
T0,HE t


216 W. William Street Ann Arbor, Michigan
Telephone NO 5-9131



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