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January 07, 1962 - Image 1

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:43 a ity

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VOL. LXXII, No. 77




I _ _

U.S. Revives Relations
In Dominican Country
7 As OAS Lifts Sanction s


Sukarno Presses
Toward Dutch War
PAREPARE, Celebes, Indonesia (M)-President Sukarno fanned
Indonesian war fervor over Dutch New Guinea yesterday but told his
people to "be patient just a little longer."
His counsel to be patient was taken to mean he still has hopes
of winning the disputed territory by negotiation.
Repeats Promise
Sukarno, addressing a mass rally at this strategic South Celebes
port, repeated his promise to take over New Guinea this year, how-
ever, and said he already had chosen the Papuan natives of the
territory who will govern' the 700,000 population. He said he could

Communists in Franc
Riot Against Fascism,
Forces of, SecretArmy


4 To Include
In Alliance
Mission Dispatched
For Santo Domingo
For Negotiations
WASHINGTON (P)-A hurry-up
repair job yesterday restored for-
mal diplomatic relations between
the United States and the Domini-
can Republic.
SWay for the restoration was
opened only last Thursday when
the Organization of American
States lifted sanctions imposed in
August, 1960, when the Dominican
dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo was
held to be a menace to the peace
of the hemisphere.
Go Ahead
Restoration means the United
States can go ahead with steps to
include the Dominican Republic
in its alliance for progress to lift
Latin American living standards
through a 10-year, $10-billion pro-
gram of grants and loans.
It means also that the way is
cleared for the Dominican Repub-
lic to pick up an. estimated $25
million windfall in sugar sales to
r the United States by claiming its
share of the import allotment once
held by Communist-dominated
U.S. Mission
No time is being lost on bringing
the Dominicans into the Alliance
for Progress and a mission headed
by Teodoro Moscoso is due at the
republic's capital of Santo Dom-
ingo today. Moscoso heads the
Latin American division of the
Agency for International Develop-
ment, the United States' over-all
foreign-aid agency.
Restoration of formal diplomatic
relations was a simple matter,
mechanically. John Calvin. Hill,
Jr.; who has been consul general
at Santo Domingo, presented his
credentials to the foreign ministry
at the Dominican capital about
Nashville Drug
Store Ejects
ATLANTA (M)-Eighteen mem-
bers of the Nashville Nonviolent
Movement staged a sit-in demon-
stration at a Nashville drug store
and several of ther were dragged
bodily from the premises by store
employes, the Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee said last
Bob Zellner, spokesman for the
SNCC, said details of the incident
were relayed to him by one of the
demonstrators, Susan Wilbur. She
was the only white person in the
"This is the only drug company
in Nashville which refuses to serve
Negroes," Zellner said. "They
usually have guards to prevent
demonstrators from entering, but
none was posted yesterday."
Zellner said Miss Wilbur added
that the demonstrators stood out-
side for awhile and police arrived,
but no arrests were made.

Caribbean Case
Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON-When the hemisphere's foreign ministers. as-
semble in Uruguay on Jan. 22 to discuss the Cuban question, the
case of the Dominican Republic will be in the back of many minds.
It will be present in some fashion such as this:
"The Organization of American States. was able to clean up
the Dominican mess, so why can't it clean up the Cuban mess in the
same manner?"
Aggressive Acts
There are many similarities between the two cases. Under the
late dictator Rafael L. Trujillo, the Dominican Republic was found
Qguilty of an act of aggression

--- -- .? t't

... colonial attitude

Goan Policy
PATNA, India (M)-Prime Min-
ister Jawaharlal Nehru said yes-
terday the establishment in Lis-
bon of a provisional government
for Goa would be a test of the
Western powers' fundamental at-
titude on colonialism.
Nehru told a cheering crowd at
the annual meeting of his Con-
gress Party that India will never
withdraw from Goa and the two
other former Portuguese enclaves
seized three weeks ago.
Nehru said if the Western pow-.
ers covertly support Premier An-
tonio de Oliveira Salazar'sdeclar-
ed intention to establish a provi-
sional Goan government in Por-
tugal there would be more com-
plications. The nature of the com-
plications was left unexplained.
He called Portugal a Fascist dic-
Nehru said India's basic poli-
cies of seeking peaceful solutions
to problems and of nonalignment
remained. India would continue to
pursue a policy of friendship even
with nations that were "angered
and who opposed our action in
Goa," Nehru said. He had earlier
identified the United States and
Britain as two such countries.
Nehru was speaking on a res-
olution on international affairs
which the party approved. It call-
ed for the government "to seek
'all avenues of a peaceful settle-
ment" to get the Chinese out of
the Himalayan borderlands and
Pakistanis out of disputed Kash-

against Venezuela. Diplomatic and
economic sanctions were imposed
on the Dominican government.
In the Cuban case, the foreign
ministers will be presented with
evidence of Cuban-sponsored in-
vasions of the Dominican Republic,
Haiti, Guatemala, Nicaragua and
Condemn Cuba
So the question arises: Why
can't the OAS condemn Cuban
aggression as it did in the Domini-
can case and take steps to isolate
Cuba from the rest of the Ameri-
What could be a preview of the
forthcoming discussion at Punta
del Este was seen Thursday whent
the OAS council debated lifting7
of the Dominican sanctions.
Everyone agreed the OAS-when
it imposed the Dominican sanc-t
tions, while it maintained them
and when it removed them-had1
in no way violated the principles
of non-intervention and self-a
Mexico pointed out that when it
voted for sanctions in 1960 it did
so "without passing judgment in
any fashion and making no allu-
sion to internal characteristics of4
the Dominican government."
Sanctions cannot be imposed on
Cuba solely on the ground that its,
government is not a representa-
tive democracy. Further, the pro-;
posal that foreign ministers dis-
cuss "threats to peace that may
arise from extra-continental in-
tervention" poses no concrete,
charge that Cuba has been an ag-
gressor. Therefore, sanctions can-
not be imposed on that ground
'U' Committee
Tables Action
On Panty Raid
The University Sub-Committee
on Discipline has "tabled" clarifi-
cation and revision of policy on
panty raids until the formulation
of an overall philosophy for the
Office of Student Affairs, Prof.
John W. Reed of the Law School,
chairman of the sub-committee,
said yesterday.
Because the panty raid policy is
merely one part of the general
philosophy of the relationship be-
tween the OSA and students, it
is best to wait and see what this
philosophy will be, he explained.
Vague Category
The re-evaluation' of the panty
raid policy was started last fall
at a sub-committee meeting, when
the members, including represen-
tatives from the deans' offices,
thought that the "vague category
of 'conduct unbecoming a student'
should be clarified, as there was
some question whether students
penalized in the past had really
understood that they were violat-
ing University regulations," Prof.
Reed said.
After informal discussion, he
composed a brief statement con-
cerning panty raids in relation to
"conspicuous participation" of stu-
dents and also the right of peace-
ful assembly.
Deay Consideration
This draft was later distributed
to the sub-committee members
and to the deans' offices, but the

.. .reports on Berlin

Rusk Hears
Clay Re port
cius D. Clay told Secretary of State
Dean Rusk yesterday that East-
West talks on Berlin usually in-
crease tensions in that disputed
city, but Clay discounted any pos-
sibility of a grave new emergency
Clay is President John F. Ken-
nedy's personal representative in
'West Berlin and will report tothe.
President at the White House to-
day. He spent an hour and a half
wtih Rusk yesterday and both men
denied there are any policy differ-
ences between them.
Authority To Act
Comments which Clay made in
a brief meeting with newsmen sup-
ported the word circulated in ad-
vance of his arrival here that he
believes the United States com-
mander in West Berlin must have
authority to act in any future
crisis-even if he lacks precise in-
structions from Washington.
Rusk, dealing with a related but
different problem, has the respon-
sibility of making sure that where
possible United States actions are
checked out in advance with allied
countries, particularly Britain,
France and West Germany.
Vital Issues
Clay and Rusk were reported to
have discussed vital issues of com-
mand responsibility, along with
other Berlin problems.
Clay was United States military
governor in Germany in 1947-49.
During the 1948-49 Soviet blockade
of West Berlin he became, for the
West Germans in particular, the
hero of a whole airlift incident.
Kennedy asked Clay to return to
West Berlin as his personal am-
bassador after the East Germans
walled off East Berlin last August.

iot disclose the name of the new
'overnor, however, because he was
till in New Guinea and might be
unished by the Dutch.
Names Province
Sukarno already has proclaimed
Dutch New Guinea a province of
Indonesia and given it the name
f West Irian.
Speaking from the same plat-
orm were two Papuans, J. Dimara
nd Fritz Kirikeo, and two chiefs
>f the Indonesian armed services.
"We don't need to wait any
onger to attack the Dutch in
Vest Irian," Dimara, a Papuan
Lationalist, said.
"We are united in our great
truggle to free West Irian," Kiri-
eo, a student in the Netherlands,
eclared. "No one will be able to'
top us."
Fifth Largest
In his appeal to Indonesian Pa-
riotic sentiment, Sukarno declar-
d: "We are the fifth biggest na-
ion in the world and our strong-
st asset is spirit. We can be pa-
ient just a little longer because
am certain our red and white
lag will fly over West Irian this
He asserted, however, that In-
[onesia's patience is nearly ex-
"When we have been patient in
he past," he said, "we have been
cheated by the Dutch. People used
o think we were the softest peo-
le to control but our revolution
roved them wrong. We are not
Indonesia claimed Dutch New
Guinea, western half of the world's
second largest island, when it won
independence in 1949.
Grounds Crew.
Battles Sleet
On 'U' Roads
The freezing rain and drizzle
that has caused accidents and in-
juries since Friday continued last
iight, keeping the University
ground crews at work around the
clock, Ground Foreihan Robert
Hanselmann reported
Working in two shifts, a 36-man
crew has been spreading sand and
salt since Thursday night in an
effort to clear ice from the esti-
mated 27 miles of walks and roads
n the campus area, Hanselmann
Given priority in the ice-remov-
al' operation are the University
Medical Center and the women's
dormitories, because of the hilly
streets and sidewalks, he said. The
classroom and men's residence
halls area is cleared next.
University Hospital reported 21
persons injured on the ice since
midnight Thursday. Since 7 a.m.
yesterday, there had been 15 auto-
mobile accidents in Ann Arbor-
which the police department call-
ed an unusual number.

his 17-months claim to independ-
ence from The Congo.
These points included the con-
troversial first article of the Ki-
tona Pact in which Tshombe
agreed that The Congo's funda-
mental law, or provisional consti-
tution, applied to Katanga.
Nawezi said, however, that the
commission members were having
difficulty with the eighth and fin-
al point and that they wanted
United Nations representatives to
sit in with them to clarify it.
Resolutions Apply
This was the point in which
Tshombe agreed all UN resolu-
tions on 'The Congo applied to Ka-
"We know that the resolutions
require all foreign mercenaries
and advisers to quit Katanga but
we would like to have it spelled
out to us by a United Nations of-
ficial," Nawezi said.
From Brussels, it is reported that
Tshombe accused the United
States State Department of hav-
ing pushed the United Nations in-
to a "murderous war" in Katan-
ga. But he said he was sure only
a minority of the American people
were to blame.
Katanga Statement
His statement was i s s u e d
through the Katangan delegation
in Belgium.
Tshombe said "it appears that
it is more under the impulse of
the State Department than on its
own that the United Nations or-
ganization, set itself on Katanga
up to the point of leading there a
murderous war"
Protesting the destruction, he
said "the reply which (United
States Ambassador Edmond) Gul-
lion gave me in Ndola, }beggars
cannot choose,' is a perfect illus-
tration of this mentality. To these
people it does not matter whether
children and women die."
Says Reds Oppose
Berlin Occupation
MOSCOW (A')-The Soviet gov-
ernment newspaper Izvestia last
night said the Soviet Union has'
no intention of negotiating an
agreement for further occupation
of West Berlin by the Allies. "One
cannot seriously think." Izvestia
said, "that the Soviet Union will
sit at a round table to perpetuate
the occupation of West Berlin by
the Americans, the British and the

.,..murderous war
Sees Bloc
COLUMBUS (P) - President
John F. Kennedy said last night
the Western alliance is gaining
strength while the Communist bloc
has begun to crack.
"The past 18 months has seen
the beginning of the fragmenta-
tion of the. Communist empire,"
Kennedy told a Democratic fund-
raising banquet here..'
Kennedy flew in from Washing-
ton in the rain to address the ban-
quet at the state fairgrounds in
honor of Gov. Michael V. DiSalle's
54th birthday anniversary.
The President said East Ger-
many, Poland and Hungary have
been forced to stick with the Com-
munist front.
Red China and Albania, he said,
have started to move away.
Blowing apart Communist pre-
dictions, Kennedy said the West-
ern world has received its "great-
est impetus toward, unity in his-
Kennedy declared that "free-
dom is the handmaiden of abun-
The President called for sup-
port of his administration's pro-
posals to make 1962 a "year of
progress" in this country and

T alks *on Katanga Stall
Over Foreign Personnel
ELISABETHVILLE ()-The question of Katanga's employment
of foreign advisers and soldiers appeared last night to be the chief
hurdle in this seceded province's return to The Congo.
Even this point did not seem to be giving United Nations rep-
resentatives in Katanga too much concern.
Decide on Ratification
Jean Nawezi, press secretary of the Katanga Assembly, told news-
men the Foreign Affairs Commission Thursday decided to recom-
mend ratification of the first seven points of President Moise Tshom-
be's agreement at Kitona to end' -,,. ; :: ::

Decry Policy1
In Algeria,.
Demonstration Calle
To Protest Gunning

PARIS (P)-Tightly checked by
police, several -thousand Commu-
nists demonstrated in a drizzling
rain yesterdays against the rightist
secret army that is campaigning
to keep Algeria French.
Fascism in general was de-
Five thousand special riot police
-helmeted and tough-augmented
Paris' strong regular force in curb-
ing the demonstrators and barri-
cading them from the square in
front of Communist Party head-
quarters where they wanted to
Jeer, Shout . .
Milling Reds, many of them
teenagers, jeered police and shout-
ed slogans against the under-
ground followers of exiled Gen.
Raoul Salan who are fighting
President Charles de Gaulle's plan
for self-determination in Algeria.
"Death to the assassins!" they
shouted. "The secret army shall
not pass."
But there was no violence and
no arrests were reported.
The Communist hierarchy call-
ed the demonstration to protest
the machine gunning of a guard
'at the party headquarters Thurs-
day night, a shooting it blamed
on the secret army. The guard
was severely wounded.
Red Victory
The Communists won a victory
of sorts, for any appearance en
mnasse was forbidden by law. They
got out in the streets and made
known their sentiments.
The lack of violence led some
to speculate that the Communists
had been ordered by party leaders
not to,provoke the police. And the
police were unusually mild in their
behavior stolidly ignoring youths
who leaned against the barricades
to shout slogans.
Demonstrators began to drift
away after Auguste Gillot, 'Com-
munist maqor of the nearby sub-
urb of St. Denis, climbed a table
outside a cafe and told them to go
Ne roes Build
New Tent City
Three bleak, olive drab tents, hud-
dled in a snow-crisp cornfield near
here, mark the beginnkigs of West
Tennessee's second tent city.
Negro leaders here say the
settlement is necessary 'to house
Negro tenant farmers who claim
they were evicted in a prolonged
cold war over civil rights. The first
families are expected to move in


Twinkle-Toed, Torrid Twisters Try To Triumph

i1innegan Provides Margin
As Michigan Beats Huskies
Associate Sports Editor
Special To The Daily
HOUGHTON--Michigan hung on to first place in the Western
Collegiate Hockey Association here last night, grimly defending a one-
goal lead for almost half the game, and then cashing in on an insur-
ance tally at 18:46 of the final period to beat Michigan Tech, 4-2 be-
fore 2,189 fans at Dee Stadium.
The Wolverines who had seen the Huskies snap their winning
streak at 10 Friday night, returned the favor and broke Tech's at nine,
but it was far from easy.

Union Competition
Gyrating Success
Io Saturnalia!-the first Union
twist contest was held last night.
Over 200 gyrating couples, as
though invoking Dionysious, flash-
ed their pettipants and crushed
non-existant cigarettes in the wild
ballroom frenzy.
After flashing fannies for over
half an hour, Eric Hall, '65E, and
Jane Schember, '65, were declared
all campus twist champions by
judge Todd Fay, '62, Union execu-
tive vice-president.
Second place winners who also

Complications Set in Around World
By The Associated Press
MANITOWOC, Wis.-A "twist" contest at the Capitol- Theatre
was called off Friday night after the management received a protest
from the pastor of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church.
The cancellation of the dance contest, announced by theatre
manager Lou Ingram,,touched off a noisy demonstration by an audi-
ence of approximately 700. Ingram explained that admissions would
be refunded or tickets validated for future performances. About 200
persons got their money back,
Many Requests
The protest came from the Rev. John Landowski, who said
he telephoned after receiving "many requests" from members of the
parish. He added he had read many periodicals condemning the
"twist" as immoral.
"If I find any kids in my parish doing the 'twist' out they go,"
Father Landowski told Jay Wells of radio station WCUB. He would
not elaborate.
T £mmTThVNr T.i.A, Arnnmx avnctt rn ep a rich harvest from the

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