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January 06, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-01-06

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Seventy =Second Year
h Will Prevail"
orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

The Aftermath of Goa

AY, JANUARY 6, 1962'


The Eiehmann Decision:
A Crime Against the Jews

Daily Staff Writer
IN 1955, Indian Prime Minister
Jawaharlal Nehru said "The
fact that a war is a little war does
not make it less of a war.",
Later, when members of the
Indian parliament urged him to
break off talks with Red China, he
said "Negotiate, negotiate, nego-
tiate to the bitter end."
But last month, his patience
with negotiation became exhaust-
ed, and he, not too reluctantly,
employed a land, sea, and air in-
vasion force to drive the Portu-
guese from three tiny enclaves on.
the Indian coast.
His action was hailed by Pravda,
and lauded in organs of the Chi-
nese Communist Party. A UN
resolution demanding India's with-
drawal fell beneath the Soviet
Union's 99th veto. The one-sided,
"elephant and mosquito" conflict
was "deeply regretted" by the
United, States and "deplored" by
England, who reneged on a 600-

year-old treaty by not aiding Por-
* * *
there is one, makes very little dif-
ference to anyone involved. India
had no more right to invade Goa,
Damao and Diu than the Por-
tuguese had to be there in the
first place. But the results of
Nehru's invasion of the 451-year-
old colonies will make a great
deal of difference to the world.
The United States once found
itself in a very uncomfortable po-
sition. By urging passage of the
UN restraining order on behalf of
our NATO ally, Portugal (who only
hours later was condemned by the
international body for its colonial.
policies), we gave more weight to
the Red-inspired image of the U S.
as "imperialist." By vetoing the
resolution, Russia emerged once
more in the eyes of the Asian and
African nations as the true friend
of the anti-colonial underdogs.
In the emerging ex-colonies

)OLPH EICHMANN has been declared
guilty. If his appeal fails, as it almost
ainly will, he will die at the hands of the
ple he sought to exterminate. But if he is
cuted, Adolph Eichmann will have the last
mph. The end of his life will signal a
gic degradation of Jewish people everywhere
specially of those who died in the prison
ips of World War II. Most ironically, the
hors of this final "crime against the Jewish
ple" will be none other than the Jewish
ple themselves.
he whole concept of a trial was painfully
ird from the beginning, because such a
1 necessarily assumes that the crime in-
red can be appropriately punished. The
's martyred under Hitler gained a kind of
pity in that mass murder was a crime so
rible as to be completely beyond human
son. Now the Israelis have robbed them of,
t dignity by seeking to contain the crimes
Adolph Eichmann within legal definition.
sentence is brutally eloquent in revealing
extent of another harm the Jewish people
e done to themselves in this trial. One of
charges of which. Eichmann was convicted
crimes against the Jewish people." A second,
. entirely separate charge is "crimes against
nanity." This exclusion of the Jewish people
m "humanity" has been made before. One
hose who would agree with it most heartily
dd be Adolph Hitler.

Revenge is, at best, a dubious excuse for
capital punishment. But even if it is granted
to be valid for the purposes of discussion, only
another degradation of Jewish suffering be-
comes clear. That the life of one man should
be taken in revenge for the lives of six million
is as humiliating to every one of those six
million as anything suffered at Buchenwald.
The Israeli judges cannot say at one moment
that Eichmann's death is meaningless com-
pared to the enormity of his crime and then
execute him in the next moment without ob-
vious contradiction. If Eichmann dies, it will
be to "pay for" his crimes. The assumption that
such crimes can be paid for is truly horrible.
He will suffer the identical penalty that is
given for the murder of one human being-
as if every Jew murdered by Hitler were only
one six-millionth a human being.
IF THE EICHMANN TRIAL was intended to
revive the memory of the grisly persecution
of the Jews, then the conclusion of that trial
necessarily leaves the impression that the
crime itself is now expiated and may be for-
Whenthe morning papers bring the news
that Eichmann is dead, the world will sit
down to breakfast and mutter, "Well, that's
the end of that." And the latest crime against
the Jewish people will have been committed
by the Israeli executioners.



Council Distrusts
Its Own Constituents


V .Nehru'sClay Feet


)NCE UPON A TIME there was "a little,
bronze-skinned old pnan who wore a small
hite cap, ar immaculate long white coat and
e smug smile of one who knows he's the living
zbodiment of a principle most everybody,
But, alas,'he didn't live happily ever after.
still wears the small, white cap, but his
ig white coat is a little soiled and that
die looks more like a hypocrite's sneer.
'he man's name -is Jawaharlal Nehru and
s principle is "non-violent 'action." If the
vocates of non-violent agitation ever had a


PAUL BUTLER'S untimely death last week
left many heavy hearts among both close
associates and those who knew him only as
a man dedicated to a strong belief in equality
before the law.
Mr. Butler, the Democratic! National Chair-
man from December 1954 to June 1960, made
his post as leader of the Democratic party an
active one.
He faced opposition not only from Republi-
cans but from within party ranks as well.
His unequivocal resistance to making con-
cessions in any form to the Southern Demo-
crats' demands for weaker civil rights planks
earned him many enemies. The most fre-
quently used argument against his position
was that he was endangering the unity of the
party and purely for tactical reasons should
relent somewhat in the battle with the Dixie-
:rats. His replies to these charges were always
o the effect that it was' far more important
o advance civil rights legislation than the
good will of the Southern Democrats.
ON OCCASION he also tackled Sam Rayburn,
Lyndon. Johnson and Carmen De Sapio.
After Sherman Adams' resignation speech in
1958, in which he tried to imply that he had
been placed in his awkward position primarily
as a result of 'Democrats with a politicalaxe
o grind. Butler 'clarified the situation by
pointing out that it was the Republicans, fear-
rng repercussions at the polls, from whom the
pressure had come, forcing the affair to a
It is tragic that death tshould take a man
with so much to offer American politics. It is
loubly tragic that death -should come at the
age.of only 56. Few men have stood as strongly
>y their convictions as Butler and yet re-
nained a gentleman throughout.
He should be mourned by friends and
nemies, not as a Democrat, but as a forth-
ight, and honest man.

god, Nehru was it. But, like all gods, he
proved to have feet of clay.
Ever'since Nehru took over as prime minis-
ter of the newly-independent India in 1947,
he had been in the enviable position of prac-
ticing non-violence as well as theorizing about
it. But after his invasion last month of Goa
and, two other tiny Portuguese enclaves, he's
nobody's ideal anymore.
7ET HINDSIGHT shows that Nehru's action
really wasn't so surprising. The world should
have expected something like what he did
after his behavior during the past year.
When the Soviet Union blasted the mora-
torium on nuclear testing wide open with a;
series of devastating explosions, Nehru-Mr.
Non-Violence--reacted with no more than a
mild reproach. When the Soviet Union tried
to criple the United Nations-the world's chief
hope for global peace-with a "troika" plan,
the Indian delegation immediately proposed a
similar plan calling for three alternating sec-
retaries general.
Nehru thus had made it clear that the world
was not to take his doctrine of non-violence
too seriously-at least not in all cases.
IN THE CASE OF GOA, in fact, there are two
ways of looking at India's action:
1) Liberation. This is Nehru's excuse. After
all, Goa and the other enclaves represented:
Portuguese imperialism; they were clearly
within Indian territory; and they were peopled
largely by Indians.
2) Aggression. This appears to be the world's
verdict. Goa did nothing to provoke India's
rattack; the Goans never publicly expressed
their desire to be under Indian rule; and the
merger with India was bound to lower the
living standard of wealthy Goa.
REGARDLESS of which way India's invasion
is interpreted, Nehru's resort to violence
smears his image.But, in a way, he can't be
blamed for doing what, he did. There's some-
thing wrong with the whole concept of non-
As "non-violent action" is now understood
and practiced, it's not really ."action" at all.
Force is action; the use of governmental
channels is action. But non-violent action isn't.
It's reaction in the form of agitation against
existing conditions, with the hope that changes
will follow in a round-about manner.
A failing of non-violent tactics-demonstra-
tions, protest marches, sit-ins--is that their
lack of genuine action often gives them a
negative approach. This approach makes it
exceedingly difficult for such tactics to pro-
duce positive results.
Another falling of non-violent agitation is
that, because it is only a round-about attempt,
at action, it is painfully slow-acting. Thus after
a while, non-violence is usually either aban-
doned in dismay or else displaced by violence..
Nehru knows-he tried it for 14 years.

Daily Staff Writer
MMEDEFEAT of the rationale
and "Student Bill of Rights"
in the'Glick-Roberts motion shows
Student Government Council does
not want student government.
Those voting against the motion
did not do so on the basis that
self-government is morally or phil-
osophically wrong. During debate
and discussion most members of
the Council'confirmed the motion
-in theory.
But some opponents believed
students already have an adequate
voice in governing themselves
while others thought students were
not ready for increased authority,
or capable of handling it.
to realize is that students are not
now and never have been really
self-ruling. The women in particu-
lar have limited choice of where
they will live, how or with whom.
Even for men, approval from the
dean of men is supposedly needed
before they may move into apart-
ments, providing at least a pos-
sible control, if not a practiced
The dean of men and dean of
women, along with the Office of
Student Afairs, exercise arbitrary
controls in a multitude of areas.
The Council failed to distinguish
between a student's private and
public life. They failed to recog-
nize the controls exacted by the
administration in areas of per-
sonal decisions.
* * *
OPPONENTS of the motion who
did recognize existing controls did
a more frightening thing. They ac-
cepted the situation as' it now
stands under the argument that
the change to rightfully deserved
self-government should be made
"gradually"-at the speed the ad-
ministration sees fit--and should
not be initiated by the students.
Some of the members of the
Council lack faith in the students'
ability to govern themselves. Stu-
dents have never had the chance
to really govern their own affairs,
and yet these members assume

they could not-or at least not
right now.
* * *
FURTHER, the action is an-
other stage in a Council trend to
avoid putting moral convictions
into practice.
In the Sigma Kappa case, the
Council made a decision and firm-
ly attempted to carry it out in
spite of opposition from University
Recently the Council again took
a stand against discrimination in
sorority and fraternity constitu-
tions, but hamstrung the mechan-
ism for implementing it by re-
fusing to vote a deadline for com-
plete statements.
* * *
AT THE LAST meeting, the
majority of the Council'refused to
do more than give lip service to
their ideals, perhaps because they
feared they might feel morally
compelled to pass the remainder
of the motion, including requests
for specific changes requiring SGC
to assume more responsibilities
and take additional action.
An effective student body must
be willing to take a stand and
back up their convictions with
action. Only six of the Council
members were willing to do this
last week.
The student body had been
silent regarding the issue. If they
trust themselves over an author-
itarian government and believe in
democratic process they should
take it known. Hopefully they
wil complain loudly, and reme.
the situation at the next SGC
Mead advocates that newly
married couples be required to
spend two weeks of their first
six months in a fallout shelter, so
that if a nuclear war came, the
newlyweds could propogate and
thus keep alive American culture.
* * *
This is clearly a fine idea, since
much of our nation's defense work
is already being done under cover.
-G. Storch

whose support and friendship we
try so hard to gain in other ways,
the world "colonialism" inspires
esentially the same reaction ss
"Communist" does at a John Birch
Society meeting. There is no moral
question in the opinion of the
Afro-Asian bloc. They feel that
colonial powers can do no right,
and that no wrong can be done
against them.
lightning campaign was the re-
fusal by Egypt's Nasser to allow
a Portuguese warship to use the
Suez Canal during the brief blitz.
Nasser thus violated a pledge he
made in 1956, following landings
by troops of Britain and France,
that he would refuse no ship per-
mision to use the canal while
Egypt itself was not at war.
It is very likely that the re-
fusal was prearranged in an earlier
meeting between Nasser and
Nehru. He has, by this action, re-
minded the world again of the
immense importance of the pas-
sage between the Indian ocean'
and the Mediterranean, and the
decisive power wielded by the
nation which controls it.
President Nasser has demon-
strated to all the nations who plan
to participate in the next war that
either his friendship must be in-
sured or his downfall as master
of Suez must be effected.
ing UN action on this important
issue has caused some sentiment
in the United States against te
organization, at a time when the
lunatic fringes of left and right'
are campaigning for its destruce
tion and President Kennedy is
girding for a fight with Congress
over.his desire to purchase $100
million in bonds to save the UN
from an ignominious end.
Portuguese dictator Salazar, fur-
ious over the failure of western
powers to rush him aid, has prom-
ised to leave the United Nations
soon. Though he has not yet
mentioned it, there is a real dan-
ger that the agreement perm-
ting the United States to maintain
air bases in the Azores might not
be renewed when it expires this
range effect of India's unilateral
anti-colonial success may prove
to be the encouragement it has
given Indonesian President Sukar-
no inrnhs efforts to accomplish a
similar end against the Dutch in
West New Guinea. The odor of
burnt powder still lingered in the
air of Goa when Sukarno called
on his nation to be ready "at any
moment" for the "liberation" of
this long-sought Netherlands col-
Aggression-the accomplishment
of national ains by force of arms
-is never justified, and its em-
ployment is always a disappoint-
ment to those who want to feel
that man is becoming the civilized
animal he ought to be. But it is
the ultimate in disillusionment to
learn that it is Jawaharlal Nehru,
disciple of Ghandi and often the
"voice of sanity in a world gone
mad," who has proceeded, without
rational justification, to inspire
an unprovoked assault against a
practically defenseless enemy.
* * *
Lord Russell lost in a-cloud of im-
practical idealism, and Nehru a
clearly demonstrated hypocrite
the "still, small voices" of en-
couragement and hope are smaller
and stiller with each new year.

'Purple Noon' Produces
Desire, Terror, Nausea
"pIURPLE NOON" provides a dose of the "new realism" that produces
in the patient rhythmic movements of desire and revulsion, of ter-
ror and nausea,
The three people in this film are beautiful and the Italian places
in which they move are perhaps the most beautiful In the world The
face of the principal, Tom, even gives the impression of innocence.
HOWEVER, all these things are not experienced simply. The vision
is compounded by an underlying decay and diabolical coldness. A ter-
rifying reality of destruction and absence of feeling breaks into the
world created by the objects of wealth and by the sensual sun-bathed
people that move among them.
Because human emotions are either hidden in order to deceive or
plainly non-existent, the most powerful language of the film is In visual
terms. The camera's eye looks at arms, legs, and faces in such a way as
to give them the character of pure objects,
They appear to be moved not by any inner intelligence, but
mechanically set in motion like puppets. Looking from a murdered man
to a dressed chicken soon to be eaten, to children playing in the cout-
yard below, the camera seeks out similies and grotesqueries. With this
technique, the film's photography works together with the action
(where laughter is the prelude to violent attack) to achieve a calculated ,
FOR THE OBSERVER the experience of "Purple Noon" is hardly
entertaining. It is like watching those things that produce In ambiva
lence both fear and fascination. One cannot help looking without a
strong exercise of will.
. .--Peter Mallory
'Twist'Wiggles In
T E MAJESTIC, stirring hymn to America's newest puberty rite,
allysLe'sTwist," opened yesterday.
Billed as "The One, The Only, The Authentic, The Great Movie
about THE SENSATION," this 100-minute notechnicolor cinemato-
graphic gem has it virtues: it closes soon.
Banned in Memphis, Lebanon, and my old high school, the Twist
is deified and exploited in the Paramount film. The dance itself is
featured 13 different times and is interrupted only occasionally by
Dominick, the kindly old widower who runs a quiet restaurant,
sacrifices personal conveniences to send his two sons to a prestige
Ivy League school.
The boys forsake the professions when they come home for
Christmas vacation, cause the old man to have a nervous breakdown,
and turn his "Neopolitan Gardens" ("Father's Shrine") into the
Peppermint Lounge, "The Temple of the Twist."
Father forgives all when he sees the money rolling in, even
consents to a change in family name from Deanato to Dee ("Everyone
in show business changes his name," wails son Ricky).
* * * *
MIXED IN, of course, is the love stuff. Fashionable newspaper
columnist Sally Cassidy brings Ricky fame, fortune and more intimate
frivolities, then casts him off for a crew-cut sailor. Younger brother
Joey Dee gets Piper Paton, tight dressed twister, after her attempt
at Ricky fails.
But, nobody comes for the story: the Twist is the main attractIon,
and a ticket buys plenty of that action. The viewer is constantly
exhorted by the camera lens to follow the bouncing buttocks as those
fresh young things shake and wiggle from West 45th street to high
society balls.
Whatever the Twist may be, it sure provides lots of chances for
the cameraman to concentrate his lens on those portions of the
"The twist is as important to the kids who dance it as Beethoven's
music was in his time or Gershwin in his," Ricky tells a snuggly
Piper in the movie's profoundest scene.
'Hey, Let's Twist" is a hasty and unfortunate attempt to make
money on an even more unfortunate craze. Chubby Checker isn't
even in it.
Don't go to see it if you have to pay.
-Michael Olinick
Textbook Contolo
Threa tens Fireedomr

"Come On -- You Want To Become Extinct"
t A-
J~ v

To the Editor:
YESTERDAY Gail Evans editor-
ially generalized her views in
your paper concerning "Professors
and Textbooks."
Paragraph after paragraph, she
failed to make a clear distinction
between teaching materials and
teaching methods, particularly
when she stated:
"But, when the instructor has
written the text, the student runs
the risk of becoming the victim of
an incomplete and biased-'rsn
tation of the subject matter."
The Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
student Activities must be calendared
so as to take place before the seventh
day prior to tlfe beginning of a final
examination period. (Student Govern-
ment Council, Oct. 14, 1959).
The Martha Cook Building will have
a few vacancies for the second semes-
ter, February 1962. Those interested
and not under contract in present
housing may apply to the director. For
appointment, please call NO 2-3225.
Events Sunday
Faculty Recital: Robert Noehren, or-
ganist, will present a recital on Sun.,
Jan. 7, 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
In addition to one of his own compo-
sitions, he will perform the works of

Miss Evans proposed that pro-
fessors using their own text could
be asked for a formal justification
without limiting academic free-
But academic freedom will surely
be threatened. A professor must
be free in his academic career. He,
is not free, however, to mislead
the instructed.
I TRULY ENJOYED many other
points as expressed by Miss Evans,
but I could not agree favorably
with her solutions.
For a better solution, I think,
Miss Evans may need to modify
her opening ;questions somewhat.
Instead of asking "Why -does
the French department use Chair-
man Robert L. Pulitzer's text-
books?" Miss Evans might like to
"What contributions are being
made by Politzer's textbooks in
the study of French?%How are they
being used? What are some other
materials in addition to the texts
which are needed?"
-Saritdidet Sombatpanit
To the Editor:
IN MY OPINION, someday in the
future a thankful people, in
spite of lies spread about Social-
ism, will recognize the correct
position of the Socialist Labor
Party re the crazy mess that the
world is in and rally around the
Socialist Labor Party solution of
building a new decent Socialist
Then all of us will be able to
live nnan1e alniov life.inseadA

Drastic Cut

Editorial Staff
City Editor Editori

g .'~.~-~ i""r

al Director;

UST HOW MUCH smaller is the "much
V sma11er" White Hne stiff that .Tohn F


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