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January 06, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-01-06

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udicial Survey
'o Aid Convention



The State Bar of Michigan, in
oiperation with the Constitu-
n~al Convention, has mailed a
estionnaire on judicial selection,
aure and court administration
its 9,200 members.
The questions were drawn up at
nt meetings of the convention's
tirt administration and judicial
ection committees. Tabulated
suits will be presented to the
ummittees by next Wednesday.-
Lawmaker's Challenge
[n announcing the issuance of
e questionnaire, Ronald M.
'an, president of the state bar,
d "Changing times present a
allenge to lawmakers to keep
ce with 'the requirements of the
rOup Plans
(Continued from Page 1)
.t least three other considera-
ns make determination of af-
.ate bias a "gray area." One
4or would be a gronup's obtain-
9 of a waiver from the national
be absolved from observing a
s clause.
rhe committee is still discussing
lat. constitutes an acceptable
iver, McCorry commented. How-
er, he feels that if the national
erprets other clauses (such as
cially acceptable") to be dis-
minatory, there would be solid
>unds for committee action.
The third complicating factor
rolves the adequacy and inade-
acy of some of the affiliate
itements. The committee has
d time to view only half of the
arters, and some still have not
er turned in. -
the committee has the power
only "request" additional infor-
tion if necessary from the com-
fined-against groups, but Mc-
rry believes that his provision
sufficient, because "groups who
uld refuse to cooperate would be
3wing bad faith." ,
ot second factor in the com-
ttee's work is that it must deal
th professional as well as social
ternities and sororities.
Although the professionals have
m slower in ,turning in their
tements to the OSA than have
e social groups, McCorry feels
at they should be evaluated in
e same light as social organiza-
ns, as both are extended recog-
ion as student organizations.
Compflcating Factors
['he confidential nature of this
ormation, and of other com-
ttee work, has proven to be jus-
iable, McCorry remarked. "There
no need to make these public
w; if we recommend action to
e Council against certain organ-
,ions, the testimony and infor-
Ation will then have to become
blic. At the same time, innocent
sties are protected."
[n addition, the groups com-
eined against have the right to
ke the meetings public if they
;h, he added.
Besides. communicating eten-
ely with affiliate groups, com-
ftee members have been engag-
in discussions with students
:' administrators, including Pan-
lenic and Interfraternity Coun-
leaders and Vice-President for
ident Affairs James A. Lewis.
KIcCorry finds the general cam-
s reaction to the committee one
apathy. Due to its confidential
Lure, 'the committee has not
ibbished a public image with
pect to its powers and goals.
ich might be a possible cause
some of the apathy.
ts - relationship with campus
Mated groups has "on the whole
n good." Nationals, on the other
rd, have been largely uncoop-
tve, McCorry added.
Vith the administration, he sees
o little concern with the impli-

ions of the committee's duties,"
ecially in the light of the regu-
on on local selection of mem-.
Che administration's decision in
7 to veto SGC's expulsion of1
ma Kappa does not constitute a}
cedent to McCory.
S1 ib J

"The quickening pace and the
complexities of modern life may
call for some revision of our judi-
cial article.
"In the current Constitutional
Convention, we are presented with
that rare opportunity to suggest
changes which might be desirable.
The advice and counsel of the
lawyer may be of great help to.the
people in this moment of Michi-
gan's history."
To Reflect Opinions
The questionnaire is designed so
that the final tabulation should
reflect the opinions of the legal
profession of the state on matters
in which lawyers, by virtue of their
training and experience, are pre-
eminently, qualified to advice the
convention and the people of the
The questionnaire is broken
down into sections on individual
types of courts such as circuit and
probate. Each section contains the
most controversial subject pertain-
ing to that particular court.,
Increased Salaries
In addition to basic questions
concerning judicial selection and
tenure, information is asked in re-
lation to the creation and discon-'
tinuation of various types of courts
an dthe possibility of increased
salaries for -court members.
The various methods of judicial
selection being considered are:
nomination, election and appoint-
ment on either a partisan or non-
partisan basis.

Merit 'Winners
List College
The University was recently,
named as one of the 12 institu-
tions which attract one third of
all National Merit Scholars.
It ranks ninth, the only state
institution among the top 12
which include in order Harvard,
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology, Stanford, R a'd c I i f f e,
Princeton, California Institute of
Technology, Yale, Rice, Oberlin,
Swarthmore and Cornell.
In a current issue of the "Amer-
ican Psychologist," National Mer-
it Scholarship Corporation Presi-
dent John M. Stalnaker says 400
of the 1,200 United States col-
leges and universities have en-
rolled Merit Scholars.
Scholars Concentrate
"But more than 60 per cent of
the finalists . . . and merit schol-
ars themselves, have concentrat-
ed on only 40 institutions of which
the University is one."
The University has attracted
107 Merit Scholars since 1956
when the program began. They
have received a total of $107,720
in grants. Sixty-six Merit Schol-
ars are on campus now. In a poll
of 34,000' top scoring students,
one third of the men indicated a
preference for the University,
MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Cor-
nell, Yale, the University of Cali-
fornia (Berkeley) and Notre Dame.
Women Choose
Women selected Radcliffe, Stan-
ford, Cornell, Wellesley, Berkeley,
Oberlin, S m i t h, Swarthmore,
Northwestern and the University
as their top choices.
The University and Berkeley
were the only state institutions,
listed by both men and women.
Stalnaker said the University's;
popularity indicates its national
reputation among able high school
students and their advisors.
SGC Petitioning
To Begin Today
Petitioning opens today for the
Student Government Council seat
vacated by the resignation of Wil-
1iam Gleason.
\ The new member selected by
the Council will hold office until
the next SGC election in March.
Completed petitions must be turn-
ed in by 4 p.m. Friday and may
be obtained from Administrative
Secretary Jean Spencer, 1546

'U' A tternpts
In Classes
In an attempt to aid future
teachers to learn how to deal with
children in actual classroom set-
tings, Prof. William C. Morse of
thec education school is currently
leading an unusual seminar for
honors students;
.Prof. Morse explained that the
students work in teams and spendl
about four hours a week in actual
contact with the children. This is
not part of the regular student
teacher program where the stu-
dents go to classes and conduct
them for a few months.
It is more concerned with the
problems of child development and
the transfering of textbook theor-
ies into actual practice.
Observe Classes
The students sit and watch in
the classrooms of two local teach-
ers who are willing to face the
questions and criticisms of the
students. After the class the stu-
dent teams and the teachers dis-
cuss the way the teacher handled
certain classroom problems, they
also evaluate the classwork and
study learning motivations. z
At other times the students help
in the classroom, tutoring or plan-
ning programs. They have access
to the records of the students in
the class and do a case study of
the children. These records are
confidential and the students
learn how to use and evaluate
them, Prof. Morse said.
Discuss Problems
The various teams of students;
meet in the seminar and discuss
the readings or problems they ob-
served in the classroom. They also
discuss several case studies for the
benefit of the group. The students
then write papers on the psychol-
ogy of learning based on their
case studies.
This is learning to teach, not
just memorizing psychology or
methods from textbooks. Although
they do read materials on the
subject, they must see the situa-
tions for themselves, Prof. Morse
points out.
Union Chooses
New Leaders
For Orientation
The University Affairs Com-
mittees of the Michigan Union
and the Women's League have an-
nounced the selection of orienta-
tion leaders for the spring semes-
There will be a meeting to brief
these students and distribute lead-
er materials at 2:00 p.m. on Feb.
4 in the Natural Science Aud.
Orientation leaders for incoming
women are the following: Nancy Rich-
ards, '64, Marguerite sage, '62, Lucille
Santini, '64, Beverly Katz, '64, Carole
Hoffman, '64, Judy Reitman, '63Ed.
Rebecca Rutherford, '64, Joyce Jumis-
co, '63, Marjorie Meyer, '63, Louise
Reiner, '64, Susan Siegel, '63, Linda
Milan, '63, MaryLou Robinson, '63A&D,
Jade Miller, '63Ed., and Judith Field,
Others are: Irene Conrad, '63, Jeanne
Smith, '62, Margaret Walter, '64, and
Dolores Nachman, '64.
Orientation leaders for incoming men
are: Robert Flaxman, 64, Edward
Kinenbergr 64, Michael Levitt, '62,
Gregory Malcho, '63, Kenneth Tartof,
'63, Timothy Graul, '64E, Stephen
Staich, '64E, Lawrence Pacernick, '63,
Stephen Greenberg, '63, Gary Schwartz,
'63, Daniel Gordon, '63, Harvey Donder-
shine, '63, Lewis Kleinsmith, '63, Ger-
ald Schwartz, '63, william Harris, '64E,
Harry Taxin, '64E, William Muenching-
er, '63E, Joel Carr, '63Ed., Leonard
Riccinto, '63Mu., and Charles Matth-
"Mt eth-ew s, '62B A d :
Others are: Alan Rogers, '62, David

Sarles, '62, Richard Parr, '63E, Gerald
Huth, '62E, Charles Patterson, '64, Ar-
thur Klinghoffer, '62, Jeffrey Kara-.
sick, '63, William Hancock, '63E, and
Robert MacDonald, '63E.
Students serving on the orientation
staff are: Joan Deutsch, '65, Stiphen
Glasser, '63, Richard Krugel, '64, Jean
Pence, '64, Lawrence Rice, '64, Michael
Robbins, '64, William Shell, '64, Bar-
bara Shelley, '64A&D, and Bonnie
Shigemasa, '64A&D.
Students, serving on the office staff
are: Mimi Livingston, 163, Laura
Szymke, '63, Sue Fink, '65, Debbie Wat-
son, '63, and Barry Slotky, '63.
Committee members are: Bobbie
Portnoy, '63, Joanne Grobe, '63, Gretch-
en Groth, '64, Sue Hykes, '64, Joan
Baginsky, '64, Perri Boodner, '64, Pat
Lutes, '64, Jane Offenhauer, '63Ed.,
Bruce Groom, '63, Ken Campbell, '65,
Del Collins, '63BAd, Bill Ensminger,
'64, Elliott Hochman, '65, Tom Jack-
son, '64Ph, Dick Joy, '64, Al Kuly-
chuck, '64, Bill Lissner, '65. Stratis
Madias, '65E, Doug Peacock, '64, Mar-
tin Riolin, and Bob Zalisk, '64,

The Peace Corps group now
studying at the University for
service in Thailand will complete
their training on Jan. 17.
"It is hoped that Peace Corps
Director Sargent Shriver, Jr. and
the Thai ambassador to America,
Luang Vithedyontrakit, will be
here at that time for the final
banquet ending the training pro-
gram," Prof. Robert C. Leestma
of the education school, director:
of the Peace Corps Training Proj-
ect-Thailand, said.
The roster of corps volunteers
scheduled for service in Thailand
from the program at the Univer-
sity includes 11 single women, 28
single men and 3 married couples.
They are : Jacob M. Bilmes, El-
sa M. Bruton, Robert H. Bruton,
David A. Burger, Robert L. Can-
ion, William A. Chamberlain, Judy
R. Clem, Emilie A. Clevenger,
Charles M. Cobb, Daniel T. Cory,
Arthur G. Crisfield, Robert P.
Cumming, Lee G. Dameron, Mari-
lyn J. Davidson.
Other members are: Curry B.
Davis, William C. Davis, Ann M.
Flanagan, Lawrence T. Forman,
Roy T. Furumizo, Alan Guskin,
Judith Guskin, Keiko Hiramoto,
Robert B. Johnson, Sally J. Mac-
lay, John R. McLean, David Mich-
aels, David R. Miller, Wanda L.
Montgomery, Roger 0. Parent.

Also are: Robert A. Pitts, Su-
san Powell, James A. Prescott,
Harvey Price, RalphhX. Reynolds,
Arthur B. Schweich, James V.
Shannon, Sumner M. Sharpe, Ger-
ald Shogren, Donald C. Short,
Marianne V. Spalding, Clarence
E. Urness, Shanna T. Urness, Rose
Marie Welliver, Lucia C. Wilcox
and John E. Wilkes.
Name Men
To0 Council
The reappointment of four
members to the Board of Directors
of the Development Council was
approved by the Regents at their
December meeting.
Those reappointed were Hugh
C. Armstrong, Richard C. Gersten-
berg, Andrew A. Kucher and H.
Gray Muzzy.
Newly appointed to the board,
also for three year terms begin-
ning Jan. 1, were Cyril Talbot,
Laurence H. Favrot, Carl A. Ger-
stacker, George E. Holbrook, Paul
L. Morigi and Dr. Harry A. Tows-

Preparation Nears End
For Thailand Assignment

Ask Control
The Early Registration Pass
Committee now possess all early
passes, Ronald Keller, administra-
tive assistant in the registration
and records office, has said.
By their sole control of these
passes they hope to alleviate many
of the problems that have arisen
when several offices or groups
have given out passes, he explain-
"In the past some deans and
orientation officials had been writ-
ing passes," Robert Wilensky, '62,
chairman of the committee point-
ed out. "We would like to be the
only organization writing passes."
Some passes had remained in
the registration and records of-
fice, so occasionally deans and
other officials would come to that
office to obtain passes for student
aides, Keller explained.
The committee will meet from
8:30 a.m. to noon and 1:30 to 5
p.m. Feb. 6 and 7 in Conference
Rm. 2 of the League to hear re-
quests for passes.
Students working 15 or more
hours a week are eligible for
passes. The request must be ac-
companied by a letter from his
employer. Students holding meal
jobs are ineligible for a pass.

DIAL NO 2-6264 E

Debbie Reynolds

Grades Location Determine Admittance

Cinema jud
TONIGHT and Sunday at 7 and 9
with the Marx Brothers,
Margaret Dumont
Shorts: Maud Muller, Mission Bells
50 cents,


(Continued from Page 1)
further consideration within a very
short time after they apply.
About five per cent of the best
qualified out-state students are
accepted on the "early decision
plan" which assures them ad-
mission early in the senior year.
To apply for early decision a
student must promise to attend
the University and to make no
other applications in the mean-
If more qualified students apply
than the University can accept for
the following semester, they are
placed on a waiting list and then
informeddefinitely early enough
so that they may apply elsewhere
if they are not admitted. Groes-
beck said the final adjustment is
made in late March or early April.
Underestimate Cancellations
Although in the past, instate
residents'have been placed on the
waiting list, Groesbeck said the
number of cancellations is usually
underestimated so that "thus far,
no qualified Michigan resident has
been rejected."
No strict geographical quotas
are imposed, except for the general
practice that no more than one
third of the students accepted
shall live outside of Michigan.
Groesbeck said an attempt is
made to maintain wide represen-
tation from other areas since the
cosmopolitan atmosphere of the
University is considered one of its
greatest assests. In striving for
wide representation, however,
Groesbeck said the sacrifice of
ability to geographic variety is
kept to a minimum.
Discusses Outstaters
Vroman said outstate enroll-
ment depends to some extent on
where the majority of the popula-
tion is located and where alumni
live. "The purpose of accepting
students from outside Michigan is
to enrich the student body, mak-
ing the University a better insti-
tution for Michigan residents.
Children of alumni who live out-
side Michigan are given "as much
preference as, possible" Vroman
said, explaining that this prefer-
ence must vary from year to year
depending on the volumne of ap-
plications. There is no strict policy
on acceptance alumni' children
although in the past an attempt
has been made to give them as
much preference as in-state resi-
Groesbeck said the University is
usually able to accept all qualified
out-state applicants except in the
literary college and in the archi-
tecture program.
Last year 400 qualified out-state
students were turned, down by the

a glance at the test scores" for
in-state residents. For out-state
residents, twice as much weight
is placed on high school grades
as upon test scores.
Both Vroman and Groesbeck
said statements about the prob-
ability of the student's success are
taken carefully into account in
instances where the office is fa-
miliar with the high school from
which the applicant comes.
In the long run, Groesbeck said.
qualifications for admission have
been going up as the number .of
qualified applicants has increased.
Between 1955 and 1961, the per-
centage of University students in
the top 10 per cent of their high
school classes was 40 per cent. The
figure has now risen to 57 per cent,
making higher high school grades
a necessity 'for all would-be ap-
"We used to say students needed
at least a 'B' average," Groesbeck,
said, "now even that sometimes is
not enough."

* directs admissions

literary college and 20 in the
architecture program.
Decisions on applications are
made "primarily on grades with

MATINEES TILL 5 P.M. ...75c AT 1:30 - 5:00 - 8:30
CHILDREN UNDER 12 . ....50c

DIAL NO 5-6290
Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P.M.

i 7'


DIAL NO 8-6416
.:.literally shocking
4 . and eerie with
wickedness plainly
in view. It is as
fascinating as it
is dazzlingly




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