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January 06, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-01-06

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See Page 4

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Freezing rain,
colder tomorrow

VOLr. L L Nn.Td 4 ._a._a.ls_-_._ ----.--.---




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To Fight
Residents Fight
Alumni Housing
An Ann Arbor attorney an-
Fnounced yesterday that he has
been retained by property owners
to oppose the rezoning of land
on Oxford and Cambridge Rds
for the construction of apartment
units for retired alumni.
The project, run by a non-prof-
it corporation, Alumni Life, Inc.,
was initiated by the Alumni As-
The attorney, Edmond F. De-
Vine, claimed that the majority
of residents oppose such a zon-
ing revision and that he filed a
petition with the City Planning
Commission asking a public hear-
ing on the proposal.
Kempf Defends Project
Paul R. Kempf who has headed
an alumni committee planning the
project for the last three years
noted that he thought the proj-
ect would "enhance the value of
the surrounding property."ru r
Kempf added that the structure
will not be a high one, which would
be inappropriate to the neighbor-
He also said that the particular
location was of great importance
because of its proximity to the
University's cultural facilities and
to the University Hospital.
Must File Petition
Before a change in rezoning can
take place, a petition must be fil-
ed with the City Council which
in turn refers such requests to the
City Planning Commission. The
Commission in turn considers the
fequest, holds hearings and makes
its recommendations.
Kempf declined to predict
whether the protest would be suc-
cessful but added that if the zon-
ing change is approved, the Alum-
ni Association would be prepared
to begin construction immediate-
The project will contain indi-
vidually owned apartments for
retired alumni over - 55 years of
age. Prices of individual apart-
ments have not yet been deter-
Seek To End
Court Action
munist party filed a motion in
federal district court yesterday to
dismiss the indictment against it
for failing to register under the
Internal Security Act as an agent
of a foreign power.
The party was indicted by a
federal grand jury here Dec. 1
for failing to comply with the
registration requirements.
If convicted, the party could be
fined $10,000 a day for each day
it refuses to register as an agent
of the Soviet Union and provide
details of its finances.
Deadlines for the registration
of party officers and other party
members also have passed but
there has been no indictments of
officers or individuals as yet.

... asks opinions

LANSING (P),The Constitu-
tional Convention adjourned early
yesterday, leaving for next week
the discussion of possible secret
deliberations over legislative re-'
Chairman John A. Hannah (R-
East Lansing) president of Michi-
gan State University, has asked
members of the Committee on
Legislative Organization what they
think about holding closed-door
meetings with newsmen-and the
public barred.
If the committee indicates a
desire to discuss the controversial
subject in secret, Hannah will go
to the convention as a whole with
a request for permission to hold
executive sessions. It would be the
first such request under a rule
permitting secret meetings with
convention approval.
Little Support Seen
There appeared to be little sup-
port for the idea among committee
Both Republicans and Demo-
crats indicated they saw little need
for secrecy.
Hannah said the committee is
faced with a decision as to how
to establish and maintain a cli-
mate" that will permit and en-
courage an airing of the views of
every member-with a minimum
of time-wasting speeches and
lengthy restatements of positions.
already understood."
May Save Time
In a letter to committee mem-
bers he asked if one ,or two in-
formal, exploratory discussion ses-
sions might not "make more pro-
gress, save time and tempers."
Hannah indicated he might try
to arrange an informal dinner
meeting at his home on the MSUj
campus as an alternative to seek-
ing convention approval of closed
committee sessions.
He contended that the commit-
tee needed a setting that woulld
"generate light and understanding
and discourage heat and unpro-
ductive argument."
He said committee members al-
ready have expressed views that
ranged from maintaining the
status quo to complete redistrict-
ing of both houses on a population
basis alone.

Humphrey Sees
Drop in Jobless
WASHINGTON (A)-Sen. Hubert
H. Humphrey (D-Minn) predicted
last night the Kennedy adminis-
tration will lick the unemploy-
ment problem by the end of this
Sen. Thurston B. Morton (R-Ky)
challenged this prediction, saying
"unemployment problems will be
with us for a long time to come."
Humphrey, assistant Senate ma-
jority leader, argued that unem-
ployment is being eased rapidly
by upturns in the economy and
that by next Dec. 31 the problem
will be a matter of history.
Sees More Jobs
He said increasing expenditures
for defense and other factors will
provide jobs for more than two
million additional Americans by
the year's end, wiping out all but
what Humphrey described as
"hard core" unemployment of
about 2.8 million.
Morton Understands
In challenging this, Morton,
former Republican national chair-
man, said he understood the eco-
nomic index rose only 1.8 per
cent last year compared with a
3.2 average yearly under the Re-
publican Eisenhower administra-
Morton agreed with Humphrey
that the United States should con-
tinue to support the United Na-
tions. But Morton said he ques-
tioned the wisdom of this country's
support of UN military action
against Katanga President Moise
Tshombe's secessionist province in
the Congo.
Pass Medical Care
Humphrey said both senate and'
house will pass the administra-
tion's plan for medical care of
the elderly through social security,
as well as Kennendy's foreign
trade, foreign aid and tax other
'In an election year you'll be
surprised how responsive repre-
sentatives in congress will be to
what the people want."
Detroit's Traffic Court is now
handling adoption cases - and
the proud parents are the mem-
bers of the Delta Kappa Epsilon
The lucky child in this case is
Bing, a 125-pound Great Dane.
Bing first appeared before
Judge John D. Watts on a
charge of running loose on the
streets of Detroit. His owner
told the judge that he would
give the dog to anyone who
would give him a good home.
Judge Watts telephoned his
son, John D. Watts, Jr., at the
Deke House. They agreed that
Bing would do well as a mascot
for the fraternity.
Like any pledge, Bing must be
voted in by the members of the
house. But he is well qualified
for admission, having gradu-
ated with honors from Grosse
Pointe High School's obedience
training course.

The Office of Admissions is ex-
pecting its next big increase in
applications in 1964-65, Assistant
Director of Admissions Byron L.
Groesbeck said yesterday.
Although the number has been
climbing in recent years, it leveled
off last year. Director of Admis-
sions Clyde Vroman said the of-
fice does not yet have a definite
plan for measures to meet the in-
crease, but that "the Legislature
must be made to see the problem"
and handle it with the necessary
increase in appropriations.

Final decisions are now being
made on applicants for the spring
semester, with a freshman class
of from 150-175 students antici-
Many Detroit Students
Groesbeck says the customary
one-third of the new students will
come from outstate with the ma-
jority of the Michigan residents
from Detroit, since many of the
Detroit schools have mid-year
graduations while those in rural
areas and small towns do not.
Groesbeck says the size of the
prospective class is about average.

The University usually receives
about 300 applications for Feb-
ruary admissions and accepts
about 200.
Mid-year students are judged on
the same criteria as those apply-
ing for the fall semester according
to what Vroman calls "a combina-
tion of objective and subjective
Personalized Selections
The methods of selection is
highly personalized, he explained,
and the only criterion is probabil-
ity of success.

Groesbeck said the University
has its own system of processingj
applications which differs from
the eastern method of collecting'
all applications and holding them
until April when they are all con-
sidered at once. It differs also
from the system of establishing
hard and fast criteria and apply-
ing them routinely to each ap-
plication as it comes in.
Instead, considering previous
experience and population growtn
figures, and making an educated
guess at the economic condition

1 I

McCorry Vews
Mem bershilpUnilt,
"Satisfied" so far with the progress of the Student Govern-
ment Council Committee on Membership in Student Organiza-
tions, Jesse McCorry, '62, paused yesterday to reflect on its
problems and accomplishments during his nearly-completed
term as chairman of the group.
This committee was mandated by the Council in November,
1960, to lay the groundwork and recommend possible action to
SGC for implementing SGC regulations which ban membership
selection in student organizations on the basis of race, religion,
color or national origin. The Council ruling is in accordance with
Regents Bylaw 2.14, prohibiting such discrimination on campus.
During the last spring semester, the committee concentrated
on "working out procedures (to protect groups accused of being
discriminatory) and in setting up general guidelines for the
investigation and handling of complaints," McCorry said.
Safeguard Complaints
Group complained against are safeguarded by the mandate's
provision that complaints must be in writing, the group must be
given sufficient notice if a hearing is held, and all proceedings
involving the complaint and the information and testimony must
remain confidential, unless the committee recommends disci-
plinary action to SGC.
The committee decided that complaints must also -contain
specific charges and evidence to back them up. Then the relevant
membership selection criteria are obtained from the statements
on file in the Office of Student Affairs. After viewing and dis-
cussing the statement, the seven-man committee will, if the facts
warrant, investigate further..
However, the committee may also initiate an investigation
on its own, if in studying the statements it discovers evidence of
possible conflict with the bylaw, or "if a situation on another
campus involving membership selection of a group has implica-
tions for that group if represented here," McCorry said.
During McCorry's chairmanship, the committee has received
"several complaints and initiated several investigations. All the
complaints were found to be groundless; of the committee-
inspired investigations, two were concluded after conferences
with the parties involved, and the others have shown cause for
further discussion."
The committee has nearly finished work on the latter cases,
McCorry said, and will probably make recommendations on them
to the Council early next semester.
(It is known that one of the groups is Sigma Nu, as the house
president has made a public statement to that effect.)
Sees Implicit Bias
The committee has found that there seems to be far more
implicit bias than explicit, written discrimination, McCorry said.
He pointed to the system of "recommendations" in pledging
as an example of possible violation. Prospective members usually
must be recommended by two persons from their home town.
"This inability of some groups to select members on a basis of
a purely local decision raises significant problems for the com-
mittee and the administration," McCorry said, because of a
University regulation that membership selection must be made
by the student group.
The efforts of the committee have thus far been primarily
with the explicit bias. However, the question of "good faith" is
definitely a factor in both explicit and indirect discrimination.
McCorry considers good faith to be "a positive effort" to
eliminate discriminatory selection. Although "bad faith," which
might include turning in an incomplete statement of selection
criteria, untruthfulness or ignoring committee requests,. would
not in itself be grounds for a recommendation to withdraw
recognition from a group, it would be an important factor,
See GROUP, Page 2

"French Prepare , Pla o"Qel e il nc
By Agitators in Algeri

Personalized' System Marks Admissioi

of the country the following sprin
and fall, the admissions offi
predicts how many applications
will receive from qualified hig
school students. It also guesses ti
number of spaces which will I
available in the various schoo
and colleges of the University.
Use 'Rolling' Admissions
Once these predictions are mad
students can be accepted on
plan of what Vroman calls "rol
ing" admissions where studen
are rejected, accepted or held fc
See GRADES, Page 2

MSU Tries New Twist-
Classes in Coed Dorm
LANSING-Michigan State University started today what it hopes
will be a new twist in higher education-coeducational dormitory living
and academic training, all under the same roof.
For the first time in the history of the university, both .male and
female students eat, sleep, study and attend classes in the same
However, the students will be housed in sepearate wings of the,
House 1,200 Students
The students, some 550 freshman men and 650 coeds, began their
new experience in education this morning by attending social science,
American thought and language *-

and natural science classes in the
Case Dormitory.
The plush, $5-million dormitory
was opened for the first time last
fall. The men moved in this week.
"One of the objects of this new
academic program is to help cut
down the amount of travel a stu-
dent has to do on campus," Prof.
Russell Fink, chief academic ad-
viser explained.
Offer Wide Program
Fink said the new program would
enable the students to take most
of their basic college work in the
Included in the five-story build-
ing are multi-purpose rooms for
classes and social activities and
space for a library.
The new dorm was financed
through federal grants and levy
of student fees.
The Joseph A. Bursely Hall,
slated for the University's North
Campus, will feature coed living,
but no plans have been announced
for classroom use of the building.
Faculty Senate
To View Case
Of Professor
Michigan State University Presi-
dent John A. Hannah said Thurs-
day no action will be taken against
an MSU professor who claimed
that conservative views were muz-
zled on the campus.
Charges of John N. Moore, as-
sociate professor of natural science
and adviser to the MSU Conser-
vative Club, are to be reviewed at
a February meeting of the Aca-
demic Senate.
The senate will consider the
charges but there would be no
action taken against Moore, Han-
nah said.
"He saiduhe would ask the sen-
ate-if it found Moore's charges
were not substantiated-to rec-
ommend future policies regarding
the activities of faculty members
in off-campus situations.
Moore attacked the academic
senate for, its suport of -a resolu-
tion proposing the elimination of
a disclaimer oath required of stu-
dents who qualify for loans under
the National Defense Education
Tribune Claims

Judge Settles
Buckley Suit,
Justice Arthur Markewich of
the New York State Supreme
Court issued a ruling Wednesday
compelling Hunter College to treat
alike all organizations seeking to
rent its facilities for meetings.
The ruling came as the result
of a suit by William F. Buckley
Jr., editor of The National Review,
who sought to force the college to
continue leasing its auditorium for
a group of symposiums sponsored
by the conservative magazine.
Justice Markewich, however, dis-
missed the suit on a technicality,
charging that the petition did not
give sufficient ground.
"The petition should have plead-
ed discrimination in that respon-
dents have opened the door to
other organizations; nowhere in
the petition is such an allegation
Prof. John Meng, president of
Hunter, said that because of "the
college's dedication to impartial-
ity," he must bar the forum spon-
sors as "a political group repre-
senting a distinct point of view of
its own."
In the decision, Justice Marke-
wich said that Prof. Meng had
confused the two roles of Hunter:
one as an educational institution
and the other as the custodian of
a public building that under the
law may be used "for other than
college or university purposes."

To Initiate
New Moves
To Direct Measures
Against OAS, FLN;
Death Toll Increases
PARIS P) -- The government
yesterday prepared harsh new
measures to smash a rising wave
of violence over the Algerian issue
that has pushed the new year's
death toll past 100 in France's
North African territory.
In an upsurge of Algerian na-
tionalist action,- a ;French army
convoy was trapped by rebels in
eastern Algeria and 18 paratroop-
ers were killed and 7 wounded.
Hit-and-run tactics with ma-
chine guns, knives and grenades in
Algeria during the day took the
lives of 14 or more European set-
tlers and Algerians.
Plan Stern Measures
government spokesman said
the anti-terrorist measures would
be stern but he declined to elabo-
They will be directed at both the
nationalist rebels and the rightist
French Secret Army Organization
- an underground opponent of
President Charles de Gaulle's self-
determinatibn plan for Algeria.
Talk of a new right-wing putsch
swirled through Algeria, and
French leftists warned against a
fascist takeover.
Ambush Army Convoy
The French army convoy was
ambushed in the Kerrata Gorges
between Bougie and Setif. The at-
tack was the largest by rebel forces
in several months.
French army headquarters said
the convoy was halted by a land
mine that blasted the lead vehicle.
The day's losses could be added
to a casualty toll that already had
reached 80 dead and more than
150 wounded since New Year's
Day! Elsewhere at least nine per-
sons were killed in Algiers, three
in Oran, and two in Constantine,
The dead in oran included two
Algerians and a European.
In Paris the Communists pub-
lished a call for a demonstration
today in front of their headquar-

Husky- leers End ''Honeymoon,
Associate Sports Editor
Special To The Daily
HOUGHTON-Michigan's hockey 'honeymoon is over.
The hustling Huskies took care of that in 60 minutes of hard-::r <
fought hockey here last. night, 4-2, before a standing room 'crowd of ,;' >
2,290 fans here in Dee Stadium, the largest audience in five years.
Though still in first place in the Western Collegiate Hockey As- ":: <,>: ;::":{ :. ::.
socation because of Michigan State's 5-2, victory over Minnesota in:f4sh
East Lansing, the Wolverines came dangerously close to falling from
the lead.
A second loss here tonight would drop Michigan from the top spot }'
and could send them into third should the Gophers rebound against}
the Spartans.
Nine Straight
The Huskies have rolled to nine straight victories since their
opening two losses to Michigan in Ann Arbor, breaking the consecutive
-game winning streak held by the 1959-60 team. They let it be known
last night that the record was not going to escape them.


Would Edison.Qualify
For Engineerling College?
Would Thomas A. Edison qualify for admission in the TVniversity's
engineering college?
Prof. Carroll V. Newsom, former president of New York University,
doubts that the famed inventor would be admitted to any modern
engineering school. "He wasn't a theoretical man," Newsom told the
Associated Press yesterday.
An undue emphasis on the development of theoreticians in today's
engineering colleges is putting many practical men at a disadvantage,
Newsom observed. "We're too short on people who can 'play with hard-
ware'," he noted.
Attwood Sees Impractical Comparison
A comparison between Edison and modern engineers is impractical,
Prof. Stephen S. Attwood, dean of the engineering college said yester-
day. "Times' have changed since his day. Now we strive for a balance
because both are needed-theory to report the practical work and

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