I5, 1961
Sources Report
Western Defense
Certain atNATO
PARIS (M-The United States yesterday assured its North At-
lantic Treaty Organization allies the West stands ready and able to
defend itself against any Soviet attack with crushing counterblows,
informants reported.
United States Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara told the
NATO conference that the American military buildup in the Berlin
crisis already has given the alliance new and powerful muscles.
West Will Fight
The informants said McNamara emphasized, however, that the
Russians still need to be convinced that the West will fight back in
on Albany
Civil Rights
Rule Passes
CIO high command yesterday
pledged full speed ahead in exer-
cising newly won authority' to
quell inter-union feuds and pro-
mote equal rights for Negro work-
George Meany, elected to a new
two-year term as AFL-CIO presi-
dent, said he meant to lose no
time in translating into action
the policy decisions voted at the
federation's convention, which
ended Wednesday.
"I consider this a sound, pro-
gressive, historic convention,"
Meany said. "But convention res-
olutions ,must be implemented to
be effective. We intend to, put
these decisions into effect with-
out delay."
Meany, with approval of the
federation's 29 - man executive
council, picked David L. Cole as
an umpire under the new inter-
union ,disputes system.
William F. Schnitzler, AFL-CIO
secretary-treasurer, was appoint-
ed chairman of the. federation's
civil rights department. Schnitzler
had been suggested for the post
by Negro leader A. Philip Ran-
dolph, a long-time critic of AFL-
CIO civil rights policies.
There is a new truce between
Meany and Randolph. The latter
has repeatedly blasted Meany and
fellow AFL-CIO leaders for not
being militant enough in requiring
unions to wipe out discrimination
against Negroes in hiring and pro-
'any showdown. He added the Al-
lies need more conventional pow-
er to give their posture credibility
in the Kremlin.
The informants said other min-
isters appeared impressed with
McNamara's encouraging report
on the state of NATO ,defenses.
The Secretary apparently used
high level intelligence evaluations
of the Soviet situation in making
his report.
McNamara urged the Allies to
map out joint political control of
nuclear weapons in the NATO
area, and offered them a stronger
voice in possible uses of the weap-
ons, the informants said.
Help Draft
McNamara said the United
States would help draft this- sys-
tem of control. He said his coun-
try is ready to commit Polaris
atomic missile submarines to the
NATO command once the system
has been adopted.
McNamara, the informants said,
was voicing American policy laid
out by President' John F. Kenne-
dy in a speech to the Canadian
parliament last May 1.
The secretary's statement bol-
stered a proposal from West Ger-
man Defense Minister Franz-Josef
Strauss who urged the NATO
council to start drafting a joint
control system for nuclear arms
in the coming year. Under the
Strauss timetable, as reported by
West German sources, the system
would be ready for approval at
NATO'S next full-scale conference
in December, 1962, and included
in NATO's next strategic policy
McNamara's statement was the
first of the Kennedy administra-
tion to a full ministerial session
of the alliance on military matters.
Associate City Editor
Negro and white leaders have
agreed to a temporary truce in
the Albany, Ga., segregation dem-
onstrations pending further talks,
Mayor Asa Kelley said last night.
Negro members of the negotiat-
ing committee said they asked
that all charges be dropped
against all persons arrested dur-
ing the demonstrations, that rail
and bus terminals be, desegregat-
ed, and that a bi-racial committee
be created.
They said the response of the
white persons who met with them
was "not satisfactory" but did not
detail any counter proposals that
were made.
Earlier, Gov. Ernest Vandiver
authorized the mayor to mobilize
the* Albany unit of the National
Guard. The mayor put the
Guardsmen on a standby alert
"ready for action in event of
More than 400 Negroes have
been arrested during the week in
a series of demonstrations follow-
ing the arrest of nine "freedom
riders" including former Daily
May Reverse
Tooling Plans
On Nike-Zeis
nedy administration reportedly is
at the point of reversing an ear-
lier decision to ask Congress for
money to start tooling up for lim-
ited production of the Nike-Zeus
anti-missile missile.
The Nike-Zeus system, still un-
der development, is intended ul-
timately to protect United States
cities and strategic centers from
enemy ballistic missile attack.
Until a few days ago the Army
was confident it would get the go-
ahead, after years of trying, to
prepare for production of the sys-
But sources said yesterday the
required money for Zeus may not
be included in next year's defense
budget, now just about in final
form for presentation to Congress.
Another source close to the Zeus
project said "the situation keeps
bouncing around like a ping pong
ball.- We aren't sure where we
Editor Thomas Hayden, '61, who
were attempting to integrate the
local railroad station lunch coun-
ter Sunday night. Many demon-
strators were sent to other towns
in southwestern Georgia as the
Albany jail filled up.
Meeting Delayed
Kelley said the meeting between
three Negro and three white busi-
nessmen was delayed for a short
time when Dr. W. G. Anderson,
president of the Albany move-
yesterday. The mayor asked Ken-
nedy for action to expel "paid
Delay Plan
On Reserves
beaten in the Terrell county jail
at Dawson.
Sherrod was brought to Albany
"to demonstrate our good faith
and that we wanted to negotiate
in good faith. He definitely had
not not been beaten or mistreat-
ed," the mayor said. A Negro
leader, M. S. Page, told an over-
flow crowd at the Shiloh Baptist
Church thataSherrod reported be-
ing struck in the face twice, by
Sheriff Zeke T. Matthews and
a deputy.
Hayden, whose trial has been
postponed until Tuesday, said the
Negroes who have been placed in
jails outside Albany are probably
in danger of mistreatment. He is
currently on a short speaking tour
of the East "trying to get more
freedom riders and mor mnn,
ment, charged that a demonstra- they were under arrest. Fifteen
tor, Charles Sherrod, had been minutes after the grphad been
WASHINGTON () - President for them. A group of Yale Uni-
John F. Kennedy won't decide un- versity students is planning a ride
til next spring on the timing for for the early part of Christmas
release of national guardsmen and vacation, he reported.
reserves summoned to active duty Waitress Refuses
this fall, a Pentagon official said Another group attempted to de-
yesterday. segregate 'a bus station restaurant
Deputy Secretary of Defense yesterday, John Hardey of the
Roswell L. Gilpatric told a news Atlanta office of the Southern
conference that Kennedy's deci- Non-Violent Coordinating Com-
sion will be made "in the light of mittee said. "The White waitress
the international situation then., refused to serve them, and the
The President has said the men manager sent out a Negro cook
will stay in uniform no longer who served them.
than a year andshe Popes to get "Then some policemen walked
them out much sooner, in and informed the group that
Wrong Belief
Gilpatric said "I may have been
wrong" in believing the UnitedW
States could successfully mobilize
and demobilize reservists to meeta
cold war crises.
It implied the reserves and guard By The Associated Press
may not be counted on for quick PANAMA CITY -= Panama an-
buildups of the sort put into ef-; nounced last night it has broken
feet last summer and fall when diplomatic relations with Fidel
156,000 men were called up. Castro's -Cuba.
"I, myself, was under the belief * * *
earlier that we could successfully WASHINGTON-Secretary of
mobilize and demobilize reservists Labor Arthur J. Goldberg award-
to meet crises in this cold war per- ed the Metropolitan Opera's mu-
iod," Gilpatric said. sdcians et $20-ankp eas-
Receives Report sicians a $20-a-week pay mcrease
Kennedy received a report yes-
terday from Gen. James A. Van I .
Fleet-who spent 45 minutes at the Y
White House-that the morale of }
the men called up is "extremely
The retired general told news- -
men afterward that headlines have
magnified complaints by a small
group of servicemen and thatf
these had "been exploited by some
rabble rouser." Van Fleet did not
say to whom he was referring. t.
put in jail, the police chief came
to say that they were not under
arrest, but had been placed in
protective custody. The group was
then released."
As. a result of this the Atlanta
SNCC office sent a telegram to
United States Attorney General
Robert Kennedy requesting "pros-
ecution involving city police for
violation of ICC ruling."
Vandiver and Kelley talked to
the attorney general by telephone
outside agitators." Reportedly,
only four of the 400 persons ar-
rested for demonstrating have
been non-residents, but Kelley has
publicly warned that white per-
sons from nearby Georgia coun-
ties were coming to Albany intent
on violence.
James Farmer of the Congress
on Racial Equality and Charles
McDew, chairman of SNCC, also
conferred with members of the
attorney general's staff yesterday.
CORE secretary Marvin Rich said
the leaders of the Albany move-
ment and SNCC had asked his
group for advice, and that CORE
was sending a representative.
The Negro leaders were in-
formed that the Rev. Martin
Luther King Jr., Negro integration
leader, was dueato arrive from
New Orleans today.
who want independence for Puer-
to Rico are preparing to picket
President John F. Kennedy when
he stops today for a 16-hour visit
en route to Venezuela.
Kennedy To Propose
Shelter Cost-Sharing
Advocates Additional $700 Million
For Protection in Public Structures
WASHINGTON (M---The administration proposed yesterday a
$700-million civil defense program, pointed at cost-sharing help to
localities to build fallout shelters in schools, hospitals and other pub-
lic structures.
Deputy Secretary of Defense Roswell L. Gilpatric said Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy will send this second phase of the federal civil
defense plan to Congress in his budget message next month.
Survey Shelters
The $700-million outlay for the fiscal year beginning next July
1 would be in addition to the $207.6-million program now under way
which includes a survey of sheltert _
sites and organization of a warn-
ing system.
The new program, Gilpatric es-
timated, could provide space for
about 20 million of the nation's
population of about 185 million.
Discussing the incentive pay-
ment plan, the defense official
"The proposed program would
provide federal grants of some-
thing less than actual cost for
every shelter space meeting ap-
proved standards and created by
public, or private, non-profit in-
stitutions, engaged in health, ed-
ucation or welfare activities.
Dual Purpose
"A substantial number of these
shelters will undoubtedly be dual
purpose, serving a useful commu-
nity purpose, in addition to offer-
ing protection from radioactive
Gilpatric said the federal-local
fund ratio formula has not been
worked out. But he indicated the
federal grants would be on the
order of 62 per cent of the cost,
with the local sponsor providing
the remainder.
To qualify for payments, each
shelter would have to accommo-
date not less than 50 persons 'and
be open for public use in emer-
gencies. Each shelter would be
marked, stocked with food, water,
first aid material and radiation
Russian Ships
Prevent 'Vital'
Radar Testing
BEDFORD,. Mass. R) - Vital
testing of experimental radar
equipment for the nation's air de-
fense has been slowed by presence
of a vast Russian fishing fleet
off the New England coast.
Upwards of 100 fishing trawlers
and several mother ships as large
as freighters have been off the
coast for months.
Plan Letter
To President
Several University faculty mem-
bers have signed a letter to Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy expressing
concern with current development
in the field of civil defense.
Circulated by Thomas S. Lough
of the Institute of Science and
Technology, Prof. Ernest E. Masur
of the engineering college and
Prof. J. David Singer of the Men-
tal Health Research Institute, the
letter was originally signed by
faculty from the Boston area and
appeared in the New York Times
a few weeks ago.
Design Possible
It points out that even though
it might be possible to design and
construct a defense capability to
permit national survival after a
massive attack with 50 or 100 meg-
aton bombs, this would entail
"deep underground placement of
enough of our economy and com-
munication and sufficient decen-
tralization of public activities to
enable operation of vital services
immediately after the attack."
The mere cost of such a pro-
gram would make it almost im-
possible, the letter says, and peo-
ple are ignoring the horrors of
"what the world would look like
the day after . ."
Widespread Publicity
Signers of the letter believe the
widespread publicity given to fall-
out shelter construction offers a
false and dangerous sense of se-
curity since the shelter would save
only a very few people who would
then find themselves in a civili-
zation without an economy, means
of distribution and transportation
or even communication.
Moral objections .are rais 3i
against the prospect of defcndin
family fallout shelters from ni ->>
bors and neglecting millions
injured people outside during a
nuclear attack.
Business Begins Faster Recovery
Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON - The slow-
paced recovery of 1961 is picking
up speed.
It will be breaking business rec-
ords throughout 1962 and beyond,
according to Washington econo--
There were no forecasts of a
roaring boom, howevei, in the new
year previews given privately by
government and industry analysts.
Full employment won't be reached.
But neither did the experts voice
fears of serious inflation to mar
the outlook for the healthy, stable
growth-not, at least, until the
second half of the year. Here are
the typical views of a dozen econo-
mists who view the economy from
key vantage points in the federal
agencies and business associations:
National Output
National output will total $560
billion, up from $520 billion in
1961 as a whole. It may be at a
$580 billion rate a year from now.
Profits will set a record at
around $55 billion, with the mar-
gin diminishing as the year ad-
Consumer prices will rise, but
not steeply. The increase will be
one of the smallest since World
War II, probably matching last
year's climb of about 1 per cent.
Unemployment, worrisomely
close to seven per cent through
most of 1961, will decline but
won't approach the administra-
tion's so-called "preliminary" goal,
four per cent. In January a sea-
sonal bulge may bring the total of
jobless men and women above five
Rising incomes will outstrip the
advance in living costs by a wide
margin, bolstering the nation's
buying power.
Incomes gained markedly in
1961, too, but consumers were cau-
tious, instead of splurging on
goods, many elected to save more,
pay off installment debtl and in-
crease their outlays for services
like home repairs, travel, recrea-
tion and education.
Not until October was the reces-
sion psychology shaken off. Then
retail sales surged up, climaxing in.
a record Christmas shopping sea-
At that point the business re-
covery, nine months after it began
last February, caught its second
High Spending
Nevertheless most Washington
economists believe that high and
rising government spending, rather
than consumer buying, will be the
most important buoying force for
another six months at least.
Though many have sounded
warnings that federal' deficit
spending-$6.9 billion of it in) the
government year now half over-
brings a serious inflationary threat,
administration spokesmen discount
the hazard and few private econo-
mists expect to see a genuine infla-
tionary spiral develop.
Government cash income will
come into balance with outgo early
this year, the White House was
pointing out. And many more men
and machines must be put to work
before the emonomy approaches
the limits of its capacity.
Second Half
Nonetheless, chairman Walter
W. Heller of the President's Coun-
cil of Economic Advisers, has pin-
pointed second-half 1962 as the
"next critical period."
By then the economy will have
reached about the same stage of
not-quite complete prosperity that
it attained in 1959 before the up-
swing stalled. Heller says "the test
vide new plants and equipment.
Yet both those types of business
spending could swing up signifi-
cantly as the year advances.
General Agreement
There is fairly general agree-
ment that the rate of economic
growth will be slower in the second
half of 1962 than in the winter
and spring months just ahead.
The country's output of goods
and services, or gross national pro-
duct, in the fourth quarter of 1961
was at an annual rate of roughly
$540 billion, $40rbillion higher than
in the first quarter.
The rate will have reached about
$560 billion in the second quarter
of the new year, most economists
believe. Some have guessed up to
$565 or $570 billion; others, more
conservative anticipate gains of
about $8 billion each quarter.
From mid-1962 on the gains will
come harder, it is generally con-
ceded. The avowed policy of the
Kennedy administration is to see
that the gains do continue-that
the upswing is prolonged until the
recovery comes into full blossom
and the country, some time in 1963
is finally fully utilizing its human
and material resources.
This implies continued easy
money and more government
force-feeding. Businessmen there-
fore have the assurance that the
administration-insofar as it is
able to do so without jeopardizing
the dollar-will be pressing for
months to come in the direction of
ample and cheap credit.
* * *
CARACAS-Four daring young
leftists seized control of Radio
Caracas for about a minute yes-
terday and held the employes at
gunpoint' while a uniformed lead-
er shouted an attack on President
John F. Kennedy over a national
network. He urged Venezuelans
not to welcome the United States
President here this weekend.
* * *
ed Nations Security Council yes-
terday approved unanimously
Tanganyika's application for Unit-
ed Nations membership. It will be
member No. 104 when the Gen-
eral Assembly ratifies.
- * * *
JERUSALEM - Israel's special
three-judge court passes sentence
on Adolf Eichmann today. The
court session is expected to open
at 9 a.m. (2 a.m., EST).
* * *
NEW YORK-Recent blue chip
market leaders declined Thurs-
day in heavy trading as the mar-
ket receded from its recent ad-
vance. The Dow-Jones 30 indus-
trials lost 3.97, 20 rails down .82,
15 utilities down .78, and the 65
stocks were down 1.38.
gan State University will drop
a four-year course in mobile
home and trailer park manage-
ment at the end of the current
academic year, a spokesman
said Wednesday.
Enrollments did not justify
continuing the course, Alexis
Panshin, MSU packaging direc-
tor, said.
The program came under fire
earlier this week. Robert' M.
Hutchins, former president of
the University of Chicago, said
such studies were instituted at
the expense of normal educa-
... more music
over three years. He also called
for federal subsidies for the -per-
forming arts.
DAMASCUS-Nazam El Koud-
si, a moderate rightist, yesterday
became Syria's first president
since the Syrians' September re-
volt cut ties with the United Arab
.4 4 4-
POINT MUGU - A Nike-Zeus
anti-missile rocket streaked high
out over the Pacific yesterday in
the fourth straight successful test
here of a system designed to block
nuclear attack.
Wednesday killed plans to mount
Minuteman intercontinental bal-
listic missiles on hard-to-hit mov-
ing trains.
SAN JUAN - Leftist students
. F
i' f '
i : i
l .
{ :J
S i
1 "
1 " "a
... better business
next yearwill be whether the surge
of recovery will continue toward
full employment or whether a re-
vival of creeping inflation, will
hamper our efforts to use the full
potential of the economy in the
service of our national goals."
The third great source of de-
mand, industry, is little moie than
a neutral source at this moment
and a question mark later.
There are no present signs of a
powerful surge of business spend-
ing, either to amass facorty in-
ventories of materials or to pro-
We want to extend our sincerest thanks
to our patrons and their familes for their
many favors and kindnesses during the past.
A very Merry Christmas to you!
527 East Liberty
} :$
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I'' _______________________________________________
Does your BIKE need
t~. Q
Bring it to BEAVER'S now
United Church of Christ
423 South Fourth Ave.
Rev. Ernest Klaudt, Pastor
9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship.
7:30 p.m. Evening Guild, 802 Monroe.
530 W. Stadium at Edgwood
John G. Makin
Phone NO 2-2756
10:00 A.M. Bible School.
1 1 :00 A.M. Regular Worship.
6:30 P.M. Evening Worship.
7:30 P.M. Bible Study.
For Transoortation call NO 2.2756.
State and Huron Streets, Tel. NO 8-6881
Dr. Hoover Rupert, Minister
Rev. Gene Ransom, Campus Minister
DECEMBER 17, 1961
9:00 and 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship. Ad-
vent Series: "'Proclamation." Sermon by Dr.
Rupert. The Chancel Choir will sing the
cantata "Come Redeemer" by Bach. The
Service is broadcast at 11:15 a.m. on sta-
tion WOIA.
Corner of Miller and Newport
John G. Swank, Pastor
Telephone NOrmondy 3-4061
National Lutheran Council
Hill Street at S. Forest Ave.
Henry O. Yoder, .Pastor
Miss Anna Lee, Counselor
Phone: NO 8-7622
9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services.
10:00 a.m. Bible Study.
7:00 p.m. Play: "The Sign of Jonah.
8:30 p.m. Communion.
7:15-7:50 p.m. Advent Service.
8:00-11:00 p.m. Christmas Party.
-7 ,_
4, - -
1917 Washtenow at Berkshire