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December 09, 1961 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-09

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DECEMBEA 9s 19&1


Panel Explores Algerian War

Odiorne Views Failings
Of Banking Executives


The Algerian war and its poli-.
tical and social remifications were
explored by a three-man panel,
representing the Algerian, Euro-
pean and African viewpoints, at
a meeting of the Americans Com-
mitted to World Responsibility
Thursday night.
Norodin Ait-Loussine, Spec, a
student from Algeria, Prof. Jean
Carduner of the romance lan-
guages department and Fode
Carera, Grad, from Guinea, view-
ed the aspirations of the Algerians
and the'French and the possibility
of negotiations.
Algerian independence is in-
evitable, Camera said. It is de-
cisive in Africa's fight to rid it-
self of colonialism, and no people,
nation, or regime can stop it.
No Real Obstacle
Prof. Carduner observed that
no one really knows why negotia-
tions have been stopped, since
there is no real obstacle to a solu-
tion. What should be worked out
are details, rather than principles.
Costich Sets
'U' Departure
Prof. Emmett R. Costich, an oral
surgeon in the dental school, will
leave the University next summer.
to become a chairman of the oral
surgery department in the new
dental school at the University of
The recent establishment of "a
fine, new combined medical-dental
center in Lexington affords the
kind of opportunity which one
does not get every day," Prof.
Costich commented.
A member of the University fac-
ulty for the past six years and a
founder and past president of the
United Cerebral Palsay Associa-
tion of Washtenaw County, his
work at the dental school has
consisted mainly of research.

Ait-Loussine said that certain
conditions demanded by the
French would make a caricatureof
independence. Partition by popu-
lation and the right to maintain
military bases are efforts of
France to maintain her privileged
Algeria is ready to give Algerian
citizenship to anyone. Although
Algerians of diverse national orig-
ins such as Italian, Spanish, Moor-
ish and Turkish have not found it
hard to become Algerians, the
French consider such an offer an
insult, he claimed.
The country would not impose
anything on the French Algerians
who want to remain French, but
stationing French troops there is
against the principle of independ-
ence and an example of neo-
Prof. Carduner stressed the role
of French public opinion and the
army in negotiations. The Fourth
Republic which had considered
dealing with the rebels was over-
thrown and brought Charles de
Gaulle to power.
. De Gaulle accepts the anti-
independence viewpoint to gain
time to create a stable govern-
ment, but has attempted to per-
suade the French public that in-
dependence is inevitable and an
honorable solution.

The power of the French army
has impeded progress.Therehave
been three revolts in as many
years, and after the last one, the
Secret Army of Organization, led
by dissident generals, has begun
terrorist activities.

To develop a productive and
creative staff is the main concern
of effective leadership in bank
management, Prof. George S.
Odiorne, director of the University
Bureau of Public Relations, said
yesterdayat the 23rd annual Bank

Charity Cheer

Noting a marked stereotype of
banking executives, Prof. Odiorne
explained that as a result a profit-
able work force was not the rule
in many small banks.
He told the bankers that there
are two executive methods used
in handling bank employees: the
"hard nosed" leader, who over-
sees a usually passive and depen-
dent staff, or the "human rela-
tions happy" leader in many large
banks, who ends up making not
only the good workers happy but
also the poor ones.
Most small banks do not have
the financial resources to hire
extra staff to aid in the selecting,
placing and training of every of-
ficer and employee. Thus a way
to create an efficient staff will
have to be done within the exist-
ing organizational structure.
Student To Speak
On Algerian Crisis
Nordine Ait-Louossine, Spec,
from Algeria, wll speak on "Al-
geria: Let There Be Peace" at
2:15 p.m. today in Rm. 3K-N of
the Michigan Union. His speech
will be followed by a movie, "Our
Algeria," in the program to be
sponsored by the Political Issues


DIAMONDS-Charles Reaver Co. Is of-
fering for sale estate and imported
diamonds. For appointment call NO
2-5685 after 6 P.M. M2
FRESH CUT Christmas trees, pine, bal-
sum, spruce, table top trees, apt.
size., 537 Detroit, NO 8-9712. B31
MAN'S charcoal brown topcoat size 38.
Originally $70-perfect condition-
now $30. 1221 Willard. Cali NO 3-9484.
FOR SALE: $3900, 1962 Corvette, 3-
speed soft top. Dr. Jim Stillwell, NO
5-4141, ext. 244 after 6 p.m. B36
CHRISTMAS TREES-large select as-
sortment at Kate Bandrofchak's. Long
Shore Drive and Pontiac Road at R.R.
I don't want all the business, just
yours. B35
REFRIGERATORS annd ranges -- apt.
sized. $25 each. Call days NO 5-9114,
evenings NO 3-0434. B22

-Micelaneusfo r Se

2 .70 .58
3 .85 .70
4 1.00.83
Figure 5 average words to a line
Cail Classified between 1:00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri.
Phone NO 2-4786

e w w ....w. 1


-Daily-Archie Sader
YULE PARTY-Santa Claus came to the Alpha Epsilon Phi
house yesterday to entertain at a party for underprivileged
children by the sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority and Sigma
Nu fraternity.

.. wN.':"'"."i . " : h r...a... . . . f... %. V... %~04x:..:.:*.f:.%. Z : . . ".,fl."''":..",,h7t* ' .".." . ..r:"} ",,R;}" }4.p,
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ytW, .41y. " .y M r:. .P1, tR.W .yl.." "Y ::., fr}% v .'S'. { ".wtIV0. l f ' '.:VoW. .:.. . . f: . ".<.Yl :'CR'" " t\ W1 ..T1Y{ 1' 1 ~ S t01""+l.11r+~ : }CM. i V ::is1IMf '.A ""11."Y "i:4 }:{WAh}"'eiY Cp .

FOR RENT-Three-bedroom house in
Eberwhite school area. $120 month.
Gas heat. Available Dec. 15. Call NO
2-4736. C
APT. TO SUBLET through Aug. -
modern, 1 bdrm, tiled bath, most
utilities. Immediate possession, $90.
Call NO 5-0177 after 7. 032
NEWLY DECORATED furnished apt.
Ifor 2 male students. Near campus.
Call NO 2-7160 after 5. C29
PLEASANT ROOM available Feb. 1.
Call NO 2-1443. C30
LOT PARKING available. Call NO 2-
1443. C31
TWO-CAR shelters available at 1022
Forest. Call NO 2-5035 after 6 p.m. C22
SENIOR desires large room near Archi-
tecture Building. Call Paul at NO 2-
5571. 017
GOOD USED SKI equipment for 2 men
average height. Call D35, Law Club.
WANTED: girl to share furnished apt.
Call householder at NO 2-5035 after
6 p.m. M12

LOST-Brown Alligator wallet, in Un-
ion or Schwabin Inn. Call 665-6232
or 536 Thompson. Moss Galpeer.
LOST-Black button-down wool hood
for car-coat. Finder please call NO
5-7711, ext. 6309. A37

1960 CORVAIR 4 door-700 series. Black,
radio, heater, W.S. tires, sta'ndardt
trans. 609% E. Williams, Apt. 6. Week-
ends only. N37


(Continued from Page 4)
may be made Dec. 11-14, 8:30-12 and
1-4:30 in 1510 Admin. Bldg. No charge
will be made for the exchange. All
cards, to be valid Spring Semester, must
have the surname precede the given

Speaker:: Nordine Ait-Laoussine from Algiers, Algeria
Sat., Dec. 9, 2:15, Union 3 KLMN Open to the public

University Players: Good seats are
still available at the Trueblood box of-
fice, Frieze Bldg. for the 3 p.m. Sunday
matinee and the Monday evening per-
formances of Shagespeare's "Henry IV,
Part One." Tickets priced at $1.50 and
$1.00 are available at the box office.
from noon daily.
Events Sunday
Challenge Discussion: "Possibilities
for Student Peace Action." Discussants
will include Prof. Leslie Kish, Reuben
Chapman, Grad, and Sharon Jeffrey,
'61. Sun., Dec. 10, at 2:30 p.m. in the
Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate Li-
The Fideler Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.
-Textbook Sales Supervisor Trainee.
Recent grad or exceptional student
graduating in June. Grade average of
"B" or better. Interest in publishing
as a career. Exper. in sales field, public
relations, or sales correspondent desir-
able but not necessary.

San Diego County, Dept. of Civil Serv-
ice & Personnel, San Diego, Calif. -
Careers in Social Service-program
available to recent college grads with
Liberal Arts degree, preferably in So-
cial Sciences, to begin career as Jr.
Social Case Worker, Group Counselor,
or Jr. Probation Officer. Calif. resi-
dence waived. Written exam. required.
Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
-Statistician (Biometrician) for Re-
search Div.-Agri. Field Testing Group.
Undergrad training should be in field
of Science, particularly Agri. Sciences
& Master's in Statistics. Some ability
for technical report writing. Home lo-
cation: Bristol, Pa.
Bureau on Jewish Employment Prob-
lems-Assistant Director with educ. in
following areas: Psych., Sociology, In-
dust. Relations, Social Work or relat-
ed areas. Exper. in Indust. Relations,
Personnel Admin., Vocational Counsel-
ing & Placement, or Mgmt. Consulting.
Fir Plywood Assoc., Royal Oak, Mich.
-Openings for Field Representatives
with locations throughout U.S. includ-
ing: Texas, Ohio, Fla., Ariz. & Conn.
Technical qualifications & structural
engrg. understanding equivalent to that
of graduate In Architecture, Civil
Engrg., Indust. Engrg., Agri. Engrg., or
Forest Products.
New Yor kCity Civil Service - Ass't.
Accountant for grad with at least 24
credits in Accounting. Also Ass't. Archi-
tect. Degree in Architecture & 3 yrs.
exper. in arch. work. Positions posted
on bulletin board outside rm. 3200 SAB.
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.

The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made -in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 SAB: Monday thru
Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til
5 p m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Jack Lardie, at
NO 3-1511 ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
-Several salesmen to sell magazine
-Salesmen to sell college sportswear
for men.
1-Engineering student, must be at
least a junior, background in ra-
1-Experienced typesetter, 20 hours per
week or more.
1-Desk clerk, 1 a.m. to 7 a.m., five
days per week.
1-Waitress, work lunches, Monday
thru Friday.
1-Babysitter, housekeeper, live in,
weekends off.
1-Experienced histologist, every after-
noon or 2-3 full days, per week.
1-Rent room in private home, act as
secretary approximately 3 evenings
per week thru 2nd semester. Pay
rate to be arranged.
1-To play the piano, Mon. thru Fri.
and every 3rd weekend.


1 ;_._

i i
NEED YOUR HELP. I am a big tow-
ering giant of a boy who needs a
job. I can and will do anything for
pay. I am an expert in almost any
field you can think of, nothing
barred. Call Bruce, NO 2-5571. M15
m Mu


Avis ~ vra _u


T T 'T' "


Call NO 3-4156
Special weekend rates from 5 p.m.
Friday till 9 a.m. Monday . .
$12.00 plus 8c a mile. Rates
include gas, oil, insurance.
STUDIO, 800 sq. ft., Music, Dance, Re-
ducing, Ceramic, large assembly room
33x15, 4 smaller rooms, over Pretzel
Bell, 2-5 year lease. Will sell entire
building of 3 floors. Call Lansing,
ED 7-9305. R6

A FAMOUS Sanskrit scholar recently
divulged the secret of his success.
Quoting the words of the great Indra
as recorded in the Mahabbarata, he

intoned, "Ayam loko."



PHYLLIS: Meet me at West Quad
Wednesday. I love you. Max. F22
M.M. F23
J.D.B. F24
THE MICHIGAN Baha'i World Faith
Club presents a public lecture and
discussion on the topic . . . "Is Mere
'Tolerance' Enough?: A Survey of
the Comparative vs. the Disparative
Approach to Study of the MWjor
World Religions." Sharon Ballard,
Monday, Dec. 11, Room 3511, 4:15
p.m., Student Activities Building. F25
BRAND NEW SHOE for Michigan Stu-
dents. "Campus Town, U.S.A." WOIA,
1290 k.c. Today at 1:00 A.M. F26
STUDENTS, why the look of dismay?
Yeah, I know, it's rather poor, when
you walk to 215 Ashley, to take in
some delicious food at the Schwaben
Inn and they're so full you can't get
in the door. F31
ALL I WANT for Christmas is a ski
weekend. P13
I'M DREAMING of a ski weekend,
better than the one last year. F18
Will pay "folding
green" for U.S.
that I can use.
Tell me what you have
and bring it back
after vacation.
2420 Buckingham

E 5\PN


Ann Arbor, Michigan



BETTER watch out, better not cry, or
before you know it, ski weekend will
be by. F10
from our mines to you, Robert
Haack, diamond importers, 201 S.
Main St. NO 3-0653. F30
THE PERFECT Christmas Gift. A Daily
reminder of you for far away loved
ones. Give them a subscription to
the Michigan Daily. Can be mailed
anywhere. Call NO 2-3241. F3
GIRLS, make your appointment( per-
sonal, of course) with Santa Claus
NOW. This is the best way to get
your fondest wishes to come true.
2-5571. F37
International Art Show
Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday
(Dec. 7-10) F39

than even in some un-
filtered cigarettes. You
get more body in the



xoq Jo jpud ui tAPVl ue Gai



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