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December 06, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-06

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House Staffing Inadequate

Seventy-Second Year
iWill Prevail"
orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, DECEMBER 6, 1961


Joint Judic Should Follow
Due Pirocess of Law

IE SUPREME COURT decision to let stand
a lower court decision concerning student
conduct is just one more in a series of cases
ch indicate it is about time that Joint
iciary Council got around to making its
cesses legitimate.
he Fifth United States Circuit Court of
eals, in a case involving students expelled-
a Alabama State College (an all Negro
Dol) for participating in sit-in demonstra-
s, ruled that students in tax-supported
Dols are entitled to the names of hostile
iesses, a report on the facts on which the
ness based his testimony, and a chance to
sent a defense. What this means in effect
hat a student is entitled to due process of
with all the rights of any United States
en. Unfortunately the University seems
ake exception to this.
t this University, the administration can
rove any standard of conduct it pleases
the students have to live up to it. This
er is given in Regents by-law 8:03, which
s that the students are expected to act
as to be a "credit" to' themselves and the
versity and '"observe the standards of con-
t approved by the university." If a stu-
t acts in a manner which indicates "that
is not a desirable member or part of the
versity he shall be liable to disciplinary
on by the proper University authorities."
s, the Regents bylaws give the administra-
. power to set up governing regulations
ch are contrary to civil procedure.
STUDENT going before Joint Judic is
formally charged at the same time he is,
victed on that charge. Before going to'
Council the student has an interview with
istant Dean of Men John Bingley who tells
who made the complaint against him and
nature of the complaint. The student is
er charged with a specific violation rela-
to a specific act. Thus the student is
led due notice of charges, a compulsory
cedure in any civil law suit.
urthermore, when the student is convicted,;
conviction reads; "Conduct unbecoming
udent in that . .. " The rest is filled in
i something like "he disturbed the peace,"
some other reason. The actual charge is
nduct unbecoming a student," and this is
h an all-inclusive charge that it makes
ockery out of the word.
he constitution of Joint Judic contradicts
1 procedure in that it does not contain any

mention of allowing a defendent the right to
bring a witness in his behalf before the body.
One can only question the wisdom of the
framers of the Constitution who created a
body which passes judgment on a defendent
without allowing him one of his most important
rights under civil court procedure.
One can also question the judiciary's methods
of 'deciding penalties. There is a strong sus-
picion that in considering a case, the status
of the student (whether he is an athlete, a
student leader or just a plain student) is
taken into account. In'other words, if a plain
student and, a football player were being
tried for the same reason, the plain student
would recieve the greater penalty. The ration-
ale behind this is that penalizing the foot-
ball player might prevent him from playing,
and thus the image of the University would
suffer. That this type of favoritism goes against
all our accepted standards of justice should
be obvious to everyone. ,
THE CIRCUIT COURT decision invalidates
the excuse used by the administration,
judic members and some studentsto. defend
A he council's procedures. To put it quite simply,
the excuse lies in those peoples' contention
that Joint Judic,is a counseling body and not
a court. This is obviously not true since it
does not explain the body's ability to pass
judgement. By this ability the council is re-
quired by the court's duling to give due process,
and this includes all civil court procedures,
whether the °University likes it or not.
be taken to bring/Joint Judic in line with
civil court procedure. First, the Glick-Roberts
motion should be passed by SGC. This would
put the Council on record as favoring a needed
revision of the whole concept of discipline
and rule-making at the University.
Second, the committee studying the' Office
of Student Affairs should recommend the com-
plete revision of the judiciary and law-making
procedure on campus. This is the only justifi-
able course and it is backed up by the reco nt
court ruling.';
Finally, the regents should put into effect'
these recommendations, in the form of changes
in the by-laws. The rights of students as
citizens 'must be put down as laws. Only then
can, the University consider itself a "just"
institution; it is not one now.

(EDITOR'S NOTE - This is the
second of three articles dealing
with the men'sresidence halls as
they relate to the current study of
the office of student affairs.)
Associate Editorial Director
WHEN you're a freshman, it is
often a shock to find out that
guy down the hall gets 40 per
cent of his room and board free.
Not that he isn't a good fellow.
But for the most part the upper-
classman next door is of as much
personal value to you as your floor
staff man, certainly if you take his
title "Staff Counselor" literally.
Since every floor in residence
halls has to be covered, John M.
Hale, assistant dean of men for
residence halls, admits he is hard
put to find enough competent peo-
ple to fill openings.
And there are a lot of openings.
It isn't unusual for a house to have
a higher turnover in staff than in
the house as a whole.
* * *
turnover, which hinders continu-
ity and wastes what little train-
ing time the staff man has liad, is
the low pay.
Low pay also means that most
staff men are young undergradu-
ates. Peer counseling is valuable,
but the upperclassmen in the
house (despite their aversion to
building homecoming displays)
can usually help out as much on
courses and social adjustment to
the campus.
And this is, in fact, what hap-
pens, leaving the floor men, in
many cases, with discipline as
their' sole task. The staff men ap-
pear worthless to residents, or at
best no different from any other
house member except for their po-
lice function.
** *
STAFF MEN should be thought
of, and used, as counselors. Dis-
cipline should be secondary and
come as a matter of course, not
design. It often is natural when
staff men are older and more ex-
The presence of the long arm
of the law on each corridor may
seem of value in maintaining quiet
hours, but its main result is to
spread the spirit of University
control down to the smallest liv-
ing unit.
And it is no secret that in some
halls no control is exercised at all,
due largely to the immaturity of
the staff counselors.
In other instances, disciplinar-
ians resort to detective methods,
or criticize residents on confiden-
tial evaluations or those famous
letters sent to the parents of
freshmen on how well they are
While these practices are rare-
ly abused, they represent a very
poor approach to counseling. The
best way to overcome rebellionor
shyness is direct approach to the
students by competent counselors,
in the full sense of that word (al-
though they need not be profes-
sional psychologists, by any
HALE looks to upperclass hous-
ing as a possible cure for the staff-
ing problems'since the counseling
set-up exists primarily for fresh-
mien. But separating freshmen
from older students would make
house programming next to im-
possible, IQC members believe,
since freshman-sophomore com-
bines direct most activities.
(Incidentally, upperclass hous-
ing was to be tried this year after
an administrative decision of a

year ago made without consulting
student leaders. Only fast action
by the IQC prevented implemen-
tation of a plan students think is
unworkable, and whose problems
they would probably have had to
Serious discussion must begin
now on whether it is worthwhile
to have so many staff men. If
there were three staff men in a
house, they could be paid salaries
which would attract qualified per-
sonnel. There is good indication
that a staff: student ratio of
1:45 would not be disastrous. With
the pie cut six ways, the salary
slices are pretty slim.
BUT this leaves out the biggest
slice of all, which goes to the as-
sociate advisor (housemother).
Just how big is hard to find out.
Although Hale would not cite fig-
ures, even beginning housemoth-
eis reportedly are paid twice as
much as the RA's.
This is a shocking situation,
comparing the work and respon-
sibility of the two positions.
On the quadrangle level, the
coordinating advisor (head house-
mother) is in a better financial
position than the resident direc-
tor, when room and board and
other benefits are considered.
* * *
THERE is even more variation
in quality among housemothers
than among RA's, but the reasons
for eliminating her position prob-
ably hold for the very best as well
as the worst.
For one thing, it is getting hard
to find enough qualified house-
mothers. An important residence
halls administrator has said that
it is fast becoming impossible to
fill all these positions with good
The associate's function, accord-
ing to Hale, is to provide continu-
ity, social advice, counseling, per-
form various mechanical details,
and add her maturity and ex-
perience to staff considerations.
The details handled by the
housemothet could conceivably be
the province of other staff mem--
bers or student government. And
an administrator with consider-
able residence halls background
said elimination of the house-
mother could actually save time
for the, RA, since she is often "the
biggest problem of all.",
In discussing the idea that house-
mothers provide a special type of
counseling, one student who has
been quadrangle president re-
"There are very few persons who
even come in contact with her.
And some of those who do might
better be making decisions of
their own. The huge majority of
T A RECENT realtors' conven-
tion in Miami a display of
right-wing literature included
automobile stickers bearing leg-
ends such as "Join the American
Revolution . . . Freedom Forever
Under God."
This drew a puzzled query from
a Midwestern real estate man who
wondered if it was not a mistake
to use the word "revolution" in
the service of a patriotic group.
The chairman replied that oth-
ers had also objected, -but he be-
lieved that the meaning was safe-
ly conveyed by the additional
words, "Under God."
--The New York Times

the residents avoid her as much as
s* *
ALTHOUGH the Scheub report
of last year was statistically spur-
ious, it was shocking to read that
31 of 40 respondents not only saw
no need for housemothers, but
considered them often to be a neg-
ative influence.
Some persons of the left-wing
variety say she symbolizes pater-
nalism (or, more properly, mater-
nalism) and an unhealthy protec-
tive attitude. These arguments are
good mostly for humor, especially
since her place in the house, in
practice, is quite limited. Occa-
sionally, however, associates have
attemptedas much control of stu-
dent life as overzealous RA's.
Hale confirmed the fact that
many other schools operate with-
out housemothers, but pointed out
that these schools have usually
found it necessary to have an older
woman as social coordinator on
the dormitory level. Such a plan
would appear to work very well
quads are often c'ted as good rea-
sons to move out. It would take
another day to discusse the pros
and cons of various rules, but a
general principle should be form-
ed that students control their own
living conditions, either through
quad councils or IQC
Neither of these groups are fa-
mous for their liberality, and have
generally been cooperative with
the administration--perhaps too
much so.
Allowing the quad councils to
set dress regulations is an impor-
tant step toward this goal taken
in the past year.
But some rules must be beyond
the student province. For exam-
ple, the rumored official easing off
of enforcement of the no-drink-
ing rule is dangerous, since this ,is
a matterof state law as well as
student life.
PERHAPS the' most disturbing
generalization which can be made
about staff men and administra-
tors is that they are not academ-
ically oriented, thus helping di-
vorce the halls from the main-
stream of campus life.
Originally, the staff plan was
to have faculty inen living. in the
quads. However, both Prof. Robert
C. Angell who first proposed the
idea in 1922, and Prof. Lionel H.
Laing, who served in this role at
one time, admit that under today's
conditions it would not work.
The' departments are not inter-
ested in having their faculty dab-
bling in student affairs in -place
of full-time academic work. And
this is another factor hurting the
academic tone in the quads - very
few faculty members have any in-
terest in student affairs at all.
The whole area of integrating
academic life into the quads needs
a great deal more discussion. At
present, faculty visits are rare and
often unsuccessful. Only the li-
brary system offers a consistently
positive academic influence.
THE STAFF in many houses is
doing a remarkable job, but the
system as a whole would benefit
greatly by some re-alignments.
Some of the above ideas may
be unworkable, some may have
value. But they are certainly worth
being tried, for they not only con-
tain much promise on paper, but
have the support of people who
have been surveying quad prob-
lems for a long time.

'U'Woodwind Quintet
Shows Versatility
FIE, FIE, ANN ARBOR CONCERT GOERS-you missed an exception-
al concert last night, and a world premiere to boot.
Playing works of Klughardt, Hovhaness and Beethoven, the Uni-
versity Woodwind Quartet showed its versatility in a wide range of
styles. Klughardt is one of the less well-known composers of the late
19th century; in fact, he may be called obscure. Yet his Op. 79 Quintet
displayed a combination of whimsy, grace and Italian opera-like
lyricism (perhaps because the composer's main occupation was thea-
ter directing) that pointed up the ensemble skills of the Woodwind
Quintet well.
The Hovhaness work, the evening's premiere, commissioned by the
University and dedicated to the Woodwind Quintet, is a work of a quite
different nature. The piece is shaped like a pyramid, each movement
being longer than its predecessor. The sound of the piece is quite sparse;
a glance at the score ,shows very few places (outside of the second
movement, which features no fewer than 10 united fortepiano notes)
at which all five instruments combine sound, and emphasis is placed
mainly on individual voices playing sustained tones.
AFTEk AN ANDANTE that occupies only 33 measures of the
score, the work moves to an Allegretto, which consists mainly- of
Scherzo-like fragments followed inevitably by the fortepiano chords
cited above. The following Calma shows the increasingly important
role of sustained tones. The Quintet ends with a Lento, the longest, and
slowest movement, which breaks the sostenuto atmosphere only briefly
for a semi-melodic section which provides the densest sound of the,
Concluding the program, the Woodwind Quintet was assisted by
pianist Eugene Bossart in the Beethoven Op. 16 Piano and Wind
Quintet, a work of great charm. Although the group did not achieve,
for example, the almost superhuman polish of the Gieseking-Phil-
harmonic Winds recording, this should not be counted as a defect on at
least two grounds: first, that such a sound is not to be expected of a
resident faculty ensemble, whether woodwind, string or what have you,
and second that the quality one looks for in such an ensemble is a
willingness to experiment with tempo, dynamics and other interpre-
tational factors, which is not compatible with the polished professional
sound one may hear on recordings or in concert halls.
On a basis of solid cohesion, the Woodwind Quintet and their
guest turned in a fine performance of the Beethoven work, both is
the numerous solo sections and in joint playing. Balance with the piano
was especially notable.
-Mark Slobin
US Had Hands ted
In Post-War China

WSU'S Haste Makes Waste,

HEI LEGISLATURE, the WSU administra-
tion and the people of Michigan are all
blame for the difficulties Wayne State Uni-
sity is encountering in establishing a quar-
Wayne State University is moving at break-
k speed toward a quarter system by next,
L. In the process, they are alienating the'


AST WEEK the House of Krupp celebrated
their 150th antiversary. Celebrated is the
ght word, because the giant Germafi Indus-
'ial concern is expected to gross over $1.25 bil-
ons in profits this year. This is even more
rofit than the concern made during the Sec-
:d World War when, in, an attempt to cut
heir overhead (as any good businessmen should
-), they employed slave labor. These laborers
ere supplied by the German army which used
rupp armaments to subjugate most of Eu-
At the Nuremberg war crime trials, after the
ar the Allies, taking a dim view of such cost
itting, decre'ed that the Krupp works would
ave to be broken up and that the Krupps would
ivest themselves of their holdings in the con-
CODAY, thanks to the "miracle" of West Ger-
man recovery, Krupp is bigger than ever.
has not been broken up yet, and, since to-
ay it is working for the West, the probability
xists that it will be around for a long time.
This possibility has been enhanced by an-
ther miracle. Speaking at the recent anniver-
ary selebration, former West German President
heodore Heuss, now in the West German gov-
nment, declared that the picture some people
ad of the Krupp company as an "annex
f 'hell" was only fostered by "hatred spurred
y war." He said that people should not keep
epeating "wrong cliches" about the company.
n effect, Krupp's past has been wiped out
y a "miracle" of purification. ;
The only ones who would oppose this mir-
cle are dead-their voices were taken away by
:rupp bullets.

faculty and laying the seeds for tremendous
difficulties later. More immediately, they are
preparing to make tremendous demands on
their faculty when they admittedly will not
have the funds to make further compensation.
Secretary to the WSU Board of Governors.
James McCormick said they did not anticipate
losing faculty directly from the changeover,
but indicted budget restrictions might lead to
faculty loss.
evitable in the WSU situation The faculty
has been working under a heavy work load
without 'raises or even 'promise of such. They
are now being asked to make a tremendous
effort to change the, program of the school
and add another quarter to their teaching
At this point, who is to teach that extra
quarter? The existing faculty. Who is to
handle the extra paper and administrative
work involved with an influx of students?
Existing personnel at WSU. Who is to com-
pensate these people for their extended effort,
No one.
MANY PRESSURES are acting on WSU.
Since the enrollment curtailment, forced
by last year's budget cut, WSU has been under
increasing pressure to meet educational de-
mands of increasing numbers of students.
They are under pressure from the legislature
and are thus trying to prove they are making;
every possible effort to meet Michigan's edu-
cation needs.
The quarter system was adopted to give
year round operation, calandared to meet the
needs of a city-dwelling and working student
body. The early date for initation was to both
show the legislature ,that it is working, and,
to meet the tremendous influx of students
expected in 1963-64.
What is forcing WSU to do this? The leg-
islature is to blame for the breakneck haste,
as one more year of. austerity will lose WSU
its faculty anyway. They hope that if they
display "good intent" that Santa Claus will
swoop down from Lansing and give them at
least an operating budget.
being, stampeded into unplanned action by
the threat of continued austerity. The great

"And Now A Report From A New Member, Recently
Back From McComb, Mississippi"

Daily Staff Writer
WHEN INDIANA Congressman
Donald Bruce swept the dust
and cobwebs froin a copy of a
1949 Congressional Record and
found a speech by young Repre-
sentative John F. Kennedy on the
American betrayal of Chiang Kai-
shek, he set off a new outbreak
of a 15-year-old argument.
In 1949, the fad in both Houses
of Congress was attacking the
State Department and the Admin-
istration for permitting the Com-
munist armies to triumph over
the Nationalist forces in China.
Senators Bridges, Knowland and
McCarren had only ill to say,
about. anyone. connected with
American foreign policy,tand Sec-
retary of State Acheson and Gen-
eral Marshall are still viewed with
suspicion in some quarters.
Representative Kennedy, in 1949,
went along with, the. trend, at-
tacking personalities (too much,,
he' now admits) and re-fighting%
the Chinese Civil War. .
* * *
AT HIS news conference Wed-
nesday, President Kennedy ad-
mitted, "There is still, of course,
room for argument as to whether,
any United States actions would
have changed the course of events
In the opinions of a number of
authorities on the history of mod-
ern China, there is very little room
for argument. Any reasonable ac-
tion which could have been taken
by the United States against the
Chinese Communists after Worldt
War II, they feel, would have been
predistined to utter and embaras-
sing failure.
* * *
JAPAN, having conquered Man-
churia four years earlier, invaded
China itself in 1937. They were
still there when Japan surrendered
in 1945. In the years between,
China had been the site of a
conflict which was bloody and;
horrible even as wars go. The huge
33-year-old republic was ln ter-
rible shape. Its people were frus-
trated, and close to poverty.
To fight Japan, a temporary
alliance had been formed between
the Communists and the Nation-
alist forces. World War II had
not even ended when this shaky
coalition disintegrated.
The United States sent General
George C. Marshall to Chungkink
Jab berwocky
ly asked for (and got) from the
Regents permission to change the
name of the otolaryngology de-
partment to the otorhinolaryngol-,
ogy department.
The recommendation said:f
"The curriculum 'for this de-
partment includes clinicalscom-
petence in dealing with the nose
and its related structures. Pro-
fessional patois generally makes
reference to this discipline as
"ENT" in recognition of the in-
clusion of ear, nose and throat.

in December, 1945. His assignment
was to stop the Chinese Civil War,
and compromise the differences
between the two belligerents. The
fact that he failed has been a con-
stant source of controversy ever
THE REASON for his failure
was the utter impossibility of his
Neither side particularly want-
ed the ceasefire Marshall was able
to negotiate. Both sides were con-
fident of eventual victory and cor-
trol of the half-billion people of
China. Behind them was a history
of two decades of carnage and
atrocities. The surprising fact is
not that Marshall failed, but that
he 'as' reasonably successful for
even a short time.
When Marshall's cease-fire fin-
ally fell apart in 1946, the Na-
tionalists had every reason to
expect victory. They had an army
of three million to oppose the one
million Communists. Chiang Kai-
shek's forces were vastly superior
in arms. and equipment, and had
American financial aid which by
early 1948 totalled over two bil-
lion dollars.
But they also had one of the
most incompetent military hier-
archies in' modern history. And
the Communists used guerilla tac-
tics, destroying communications
and fighting only under favorable
* * *
going on ,the country was reach-
ing the climax of ter years of in-
flation. In late 1948, China ex-
perienced 85,000 price increases
within six months, according to
John K. Fairbank in "The United
States and China." And any popu-
lar support the government may
have had vanished.
If anything more was needed to
topple Chiang Kai-shek, he sup-
plied it himself. Against the ad-
vise of his staff, he comm'itted 50
divisions into a Communist con-
trolled area in the north, where
they were quickly surrounded and
cut to pieces. Undaunted, Chiang
sent a 120,000-mnan relief force
which met the salre fate. Chiang
refused to take advice, and refused
to entrust the command of his
army to a more capable general.
On January 10, 1949, the rem-
nants of this force of one half
million surrendered to the Com-
munists. Nationalist soldiers be-
gan to surrender in greater num-
bers and offer less resistance than
before, and Chiang fled the main-
land to save his life.
* * *
again in 1946, the outcome was
inevitable. Only armed interven-
tion by the United States on a
grand scale could have affected
the outcome, and this course ap-
peared practical only to the most
rabid anti-Communists. Americans
were demobilizing after winning
two major wars fought simultan-
eously during the preceeding four
years. It is hard to imagine a time
in our history when committing a


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