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December 06, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-06

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6 1961










African Asks

DISPUTED AREA-The Red Chinese and the Indian governments disagree over the McMahon
line as the true boundry between the two country's and India's Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
says his ;country will repel any intrusion by the R eds.
Nehru Claims India 'Will Resist' Attack.


NEW DELHI ,VP)-Indian Prime\
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru as-
serted yesterday Red China has
threatened to enter India's north-
east region and declared if an in-
vasion comes "we shall resist and
repel it."
Nehru summarized before par-
liament a new note from Peiping
on the simmering border dispute
which he said may be "a major
trouble spot of the world for the
next few years."

The text of the note disclosed
the Chinese said their troops would
be justified in entering India's
northeast region but added that
Peiping intends to refrain from
crossing the border there. In the
parliamentary debate, Nehru omit-
ted mention of this part of the
Nehru said Peiping complained
that India was "stepping up mili-
tary positions and building new



Worid News Roundup


M . A I II/Ir1 A l r l o

By The Associated Press
crats apparently have decided to
start the next session of Congress
without an official majority floor
leader. Their party caucus on Jan.
9, one day before Congress con-
venes, will select only a candidate
for speaker to succeed the late
Sam Rayburn, who died last
Gabfest Craze
Keeps 'Yaking'
YPSILANTI M)-The talkathon
craze continued on an intercol-
legiate level yesterday.
Eastern Michigan University got
into the act Monday by initiating
two conversations with students
at the University.
Meanwhile, gabfests still were
going on at Michigan State and
Western Michigan University at
Kalamazoo. Western passed the
160-hour mark yesterday at 11
a.m. Michigan State passed the
109-hour mark at noon and held
a 37% hour lead over the Univer-
Talks with Eastern Michigan put
an added burden on University
gabbers. But women in Stockwell
Hall and men in East Quadrangle
assumed the load. The women
were making small talk with men
at Buell Hall on the Eastern cam-
pus, and University men talked
with women at Eastern's Downing
Officials of the Michigan Bell
Telephone Co. weren't overly
alarmed over the telephone tie-
A company spokesman, however,
admitted that "the situation does
represent the possibility of inter-
ferring with serious communica-
But he added that "this activ-
ity represents something of an in-
tellectual improvement over such
past college fads as swallowing
goldfish and panty raids."
Talk at the University centered
on whether they could outlast
Michigan State.
"Our only real purpose is to beat
State," Kenneth Larson, '64E, self-
appointed straw boss of the opera-
tion, said.

month. A later caucus will be held
to choose a floor leader, pro-
vided the post is vacant.
* * .
LAGOS, Nigeria-An association
of African states similar to the
Organization of American States
was proposed yesterday at a con-
ference of lawyers and jurists from
the Americas, Africa, Asia and the
Middle East.
* s *
GENEVA - The Soviet Union
said yesterday it has abandoned
the idea of an internationally con-
trolled nuclear weapons test ban
because of the Western powers'
refusal to sign a German peace
*. * *
BERLIN-United States troops
yesterday crossed Red-ruled East
Germany without hindrance de-
spite concern aroused by vague
Communist threats of dangerous
* * *
WASHINGTON-President and
Mrs. John F. Kennedy, to drama-
tizq United States interest in Lat-
in American development pro-
grams, will visit Venezuela and
Colombia on Dec. 16 and 17.
NEW YORK-Prices on the New
York Stock Exchange gradually
made up ground lost early in the
session yesterday, closing mixed
on somewhat reduced turnover.
Standard and Poor's 500 Index
was down .08, with 425 industrials
down .04, 25 rails down .25 and 50
utilities down .28.

posts" in the disputed Ladahk area
of Kashmir and in such areas as
Bara Hoti west of the Tibetan
The area is more than 1,000
miles west of India's northeast
frontier region supposedly threat-
ened by invasion.
Chinese Hint
Nehru said the Chinese hinted
that "if our military activities are
not stopped they may have to take
action by sending troops south of
the McMahon line." India claims
the British-drawn line is the
northeastern border but China
says the border lies approximate
ly 100 miles farther south.
Nehru was vague about which
military activities the Chinese
meant might touch off an inva-
sion. He said the note complained,
among other things, of Indian air-
craft flying over Chinese terri-
Angry Debate
The border situation has been a
subject of angry debate in parlia-
ment since Nov. 20 when Nehru
said the Chinese had trespassed
again along the Ladahk frontier.
The Reds have occupied 12,000
square miles claimed by India in
Ladahk. The latest Peiping com-
munication was in reply to an In-
dian protest that the Communists
had pushed their outposts even
farther into Indian territory.
Denies Charge
On A-Weapons
Department denied last night that
it has prepared a document pro-
posing United States nuclear
weapons be turned over to the
United Nations.
Press Officer Joseph Reap said
he had received inquiries over the
weekend on a charge to that effect
by Sen. Strom Thurmond (D-SC).
"There is no such paper," Reap
said. "The United States has pre-
sented to the United Nations a
program for general and complete
disarmament in a peaceful world
which is designed to control and
eventually eliminate armaments.
This program is a matter of pub-
lic record."

Of 'Reality'
Urge Peiping Submit
Membership Petition
Chinas" compromise to accept
both Nationalist and Communist
China as United Nations members
was advanced for the first time in
the General Assembly yesterday
by a leading spokesman for Af-
Foreign Minister Jaja Wachuku
of Nigeria told the Assembly it
must "face the reality of two
Chinas" and admit the Peiping
government. But at the same time
he said Nigeria would not agree
to expel President hiang Kai-
Shek's Nationalists as a condition
for seating Communist represen-
tatives. He suggested that Peiping
submit an application for UN
Two States
"Let us accept the fact that
there are two states now exist-
ing in what used to be the terri-
tory of one," he said. "Let us stop
cold war in this Assembly .. .
Don't squabble over something
that can be solved by common
The Nigerian foreign minister
urged the Assembly to stop "shad-
ow-boxing" on the China repre-
sentation issue.
He pointed out that under the
UN charter a member can be ex-
pelled from the world organization
only by agreement of the Security
Council, and Nationalist China
could block such a move with its
Council veto.
Wachuku said a committee
might be set up by the Assembly
to study the problem and possibly
look into a membership applica-
tion from Peiping.
"The decisive factor will be the
willingness or the unwillingness
of the People's Republic of (Com-
munist) China to accept the obli-
gations of UN membership," he
Heavy Prestige
The United States and the So-
viet Union have heavy prestige
stakes in the China question, and
both have rejected the idea of two
seats for China. So have the Na-
tionalist and Communist govern-
Since the debate began in the
Assembly last Friday, the issue has
been strictly between the two rival
regimes. The Soviet Union is push-
ing a proposal to expel the Na-
tionalists and seat the Commu-
nists in "all organs" of the United
Nations including the Security
Council. Wachuku opposed this.
To block the Soviet resolution,
the United States has proposed
that China be labeled "an im-
portant question." Under UN rules,
this means any decision on Chi-
nese membership would have to be
approved by two-thirds of the
103-nation assembly instead of
a simple majority. U.S. officials
are confident they have enough
votes to keep the Russians from
building a two-thirds majority for
their resolution.

U.S. Erects
New Station
.In A nt artic
WASHINGTON (M -- Capping
a feat of aerial logistics, the Unit-
ed States has established a new
scientific station in a remote area
of Antarctica.
This was reported yesterday by
the National Science Foundation
on the basis of a radio dispatch
from its Antarctica headquarters
at McMurdo Sound.
The new station, called Ski-
Hi, was set up Sunday in a for-
midable area of ice-capped ter-
rain lying between the Palmer
Peninsula and the Sentinel Moun-
tains. It is 700 miles from the
nearest previous American station,
Byrd Station, and some 1,500
miles from coastal McMurdo.
It is designed to make new
measurements of the earth's mag-
netic field and of the ionosphere.
The particular geographical site
was chosen because it is'the "con-
jugate point" for an invisible line
of magnetic force whose northern
terminal lies 8,500 miles away in
Parc des Laurentides, northern
Quebec province, Canada.
Foundation scientists said that
to learn more about the composi-
tion and behavior of the ionos-
phere-and the earth's magnetic
field-it is desirable to make ob-
servations simultaneously from
both terminals.

mer State Department leaders said
yesterday the United States must
move toward freer trade, partic-
ularly with the European Com-
mon Market, or run the danger of
enhancing Soviet power by divid-
ing the Western world. ,
This was the message laid be-
fore a Senate-House economic
subcommittee by Dean Acheson
and William L. Clayton, secretary
and undersecretary of state re-
spectively during the Truman ad-
At the same time a House la-
bor subcommittee studying the
impact of imports on American,
employment heard claims that
foreign goods from bicycles to mu-
sical recordings are throwing'
Americans out of work.
Dent Protests
Chairman John H. Dent (D-Pa),
heading the job inquiry, protested
that the joint subcommittee's
hearings were attracting more
public attention than his, and
"It just goes to show that peo-
ple will go to a hanging and not
to a christening." He compared
the freer trade proposals to "the
hanging of the American work-
Acheson and Clayton lined up
solidly behind President John F.
Kennedy's drive for freer trade,
just as former Secretary of State
Christian A. Herter did Monday.

Kennedy is expected to ask Con-
gress next month for broad au-
thority to cut tariffs across the
board on entire groups of prod-
ucts, instead of the limited item-
by-item reductions now permitted
under the reciprocal trade act,
Crucial Stage
Acheson said the highly suc-
'Blue Laws'
ess ion Hel
BATTLE CREEK (A) - An in-'
terim study committee of the
Michigan Legislature drew a pack-
ed house here yesterday for a
hearing on whether the state
should enforce or alter its Sunday
blue laws.
The committee, headed by Rep.
Chester S. Wozniak (D-Ham-
tramck) told the pro and con ad-
vocates of enforced closing of com-
mercial establishments on Sunday
that Michigan already has a set
of laws prohibiting virtually all
public activity on the Sabbath ex-
cept church services and concerts
of sacred music.
Under current laws, committee-
men said that sports events on
Sunday are illegal and contracts
signed on Sunday are no good.
Elder Marvin Loewen, secretary
of the Department of Public Af-
fairs of the General Conference of
Seventh Day Adventists, said
"only confusion" had followed
passage or enforcement of Sunday
blue laws in Virginia, Pennsylvan-
ia and Massachusetts.

FRB Chairman Stresses
Challenge To Defend Dollar
NEW YORK (M)-Federal Reserve Board Chairman William Mc-
Chesney Martin, Jr. said last night the nation faces eventual decay
unless it meets what he called an urgent challenge to defend the
In a prepared speech, Martin said mounting international con-
petition eakes it imperative to check the wage-price spiral and bal-
ance the federal budget so the government isn't "perennially pass-


ing out IOU's in lieu of paying
its bills."
Martin prepared his remarks
for the annual dinner meeting
of the Tax Foundation.
American Products
He said the nation must con-
vince the world by performance,
"that the value of American prod-
ucts and of American dollars will
always equal or better that of
other countries' products and cur-
Martin said, "it seems to me we
have no choice but to make the
try or else resign ourselves to
eventual decay."
He said that apart from mat-
ters bearing on the question of
peace or war, "the most important
single development of recent times
has been the entry of the world
into a new era of vigorous eco-
nomic and financial competition."
Need Quality
To meet this competition he
said we must "come up with the
right goods and services, at the
right times and at the right
prices." In addition, he said Amer-
icans "need a quality for which
we have not thus far distinguish-
ed ourselves-and that is the qual-
ity of self-discipline."
In this connection, Martin said
employers must realize they are
competing with other businessmen
around the world for sales and
profits and workers "must re-
member they are competing with
other workers around the world
for jobs as well as wages."
He said "there is a mutual need
of an urgent nature for labor,
management and government each
to measure up to its separate re-

Processing Anytime
Special Outside Film
Drop-Box at Our Front Door
State St. at N. University

cessful European Common
ket had reached a crucial sta
"It is going to move towa:
exclusive European market,
a high tariff wall against ou
ers or associate itself with
other great market, North A
ca, and with the remainder o
free world," he said.
The Influence of the U
States, exerted now, could N
cisive in determining which
native Europe chooses. If We
Europe turns to high tariffs
exclusiveness, "then the
world will be split and the r
of Soviet Russia and the Con
nist bloc will be vastly increa
Acheson said.
"If then the United State
Canada should associate I
selves with the trade aspec
the Common Market moven
Clayton continued, "the S
would face a united west w
political and economic aggreg
so powerful that their cold
objectives could not be realiz

BERLIN (P)-A group of
Germans led by a daring y
railroad engineer stole an
German train last night and c
it at high speed past startled i
munist guards into West Be
The locomotive and eight
carrying 32 persons, roared
the East German guards a
mph and screeched toa halt t
fourths of a mile inside the

Flee in Tra

International Students Association
has the pleasure to invite you to
an International Art Show.

The Show will open the
International Tea, Thursday,
7 December at 4:30 P.M. in the
International Center, and continue
through Friday, Saturday and Sunday
from 1to 9 P.M. each day,


Truman Aides Call for Freer Trade




University Players Present
-4 KJ hPEA"Rto"ti

with Matinee Sum

Tickets available 12-8 p.m. d
Trueblood Box Office, Frieze B





Curtain at 8:00 P.M.-Sunday Matinee at 3:00 P.M
Tickets $1.50, $1.00 plus 25c Fri. and Sat. Evening

If f ,




For You?
switch from the old story about'
Americans trying to sell refrig-
erators to the Eskimos: Canad-
ians are trying to sell igloos to
Americans for fallout shelters.
They're not the old-fashion-
ed ice and snow igloo but are
of a fibrous plastic material in
an igloo shape and can accom-
modate eight persons. Canada's
civil defense organization has
approved them as underground

at the MUSKET Office,
Second floor ... Michigan Union







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Performances continuous through Saturday










Fri. and Sat.


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