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December 02, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-02

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Seventy-Second Year
ere Opinions Are Pre* STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Rockets Here, Rockets There, Kids Will Forget
How To Use Their Arms"

DECEMBER 2, 1961


U.S. Must Uphold Principles
In Aiding South Korea

T IS ABOUT TIME the United States de-
decided just exactly what it intends to sup-
ort in this world. The USSR seems quite
lear on this point, and has the immense ad-
antage of consistent pursuit of its objectives.
7e, on the other hand, have not defined what
ut "national interest" is, even to ourselves,
nd we continue to bewilder all nations on
hat we want for the world.
One case in point is South Korea, which
eems to offer an excellent opportunity for
pen declaration of our principles. General
'hung Hee Park, present head of the military
unta which seized control from civilian Pre-
iier John Chang last May, promises demo-
ratic elections in 1963.
Meanwhile, political parties have been ban-
ed, trade unions and strikes have been for-
idden, assembly has been outlawed, and the
ress has been censored. Left-wing student
coups have been ordered to keep quiet. Lib-
rals have been lumped with Communists in
drive against "anti-state organizations" and
iousands of suspects have been arrested. Nine
rovincial governors, legally elected under the
te Chang regime, and mayors of large cities
ave been ousted and replaced by military
ficials. The secret police can send almost
nyone to jail for almost any offense.
about South Korea is its level of education.
:rean colleges granted 23,000 liberal arts
egrees last year alone, while there are hardly
lore than 100 indigenous college graduates in
.1 of Laos. With unemployment so high, how-
ver, these college graduates often have nothing
do but sit around and perhaps discuss
>litics-if they are allowed to assemble. Such
level of education, however, strongly sug-
ests that the Korean people are capable of
nderstanding their problems realistically, if
zey are allowed to discuss them.
even if elections are held in 1963, the Korean
eople will know so little about what problems
e immediately facing their country that this
xercise of "demo'cracy" will be meaningless.
nly free discussion now can prepare them
r decision in the future.
Park's promises for "democracy" seemed
ibious from the very beginning. The gov-
'nment of John Chang was indeed rife with
irruption in the old Syngman Rhee tra-
tion. Andministration was grossly inefficient
id Chang himself was a weak, though well-
tentioned, leader. However, he was the vic-
r in the first honest elections in South
orea, and deposition of his government show-
I little respect for the democratic process.
At that time, the coup was led by General
hiang Do Yung. Only 3,600 troops, all re-
rves, were needed to topple the legal gov-
'nment. Young became the new Premier, but
'en then, observers suspected that Park was
e real force behind the move. Under the
inta, martial law was proclaimed, the former
abinet members were arrested, and cen-
rship began.

The revolutionary government's first com-
munique stated that "To oppose Communism is
our primary objective" and added other goals:
"to solve the misery of the masses, transfer
power to new and conscientious politicians and
return to our original duties." The last three
are commendable, but that opposition to Com-
munism should be the primary goal in a coun-
try where 25 per cent of the labor force is
unemployed and actual starvation afflicts
millions is hardly laudable. It is despicable as
naive, and ironic when coupled with Com-
munist-like methods.
PARK HIMSELF was once an avowed Com-
munist under the Rhee dictatorship, but
was converted and subsequently informed on
the whole Communist network. He is now vio-
lently anti-Communist-so much so that he
ousted and arrested Yung and seven of his
cabinet members in July as "Communist col-
laborators." According to "Newsweek" and
"Time," Yung was suspect because he had con-
tributed $770 to, a South Korean relief society
aiding widows of victims of a massacre of
alleged "Communists" under the Rhee regime.
If Park considers relief even in the form of
charity to be Communistic, he is certain to fail
in "solving the misery of the masses."
Now Park is in charge. Two million people
are unemployed in the cities. Poverty over-
whelms the farms, so that many peasants are
forced to mortgage their crops at 80 per cent
interest. Inflation is stiffling the economy.
The Korean Reconstruction Bank has $15 mil-
lion in bad debts on its books and $40 million
in overdue loans which it has not bothered to
collect. Economic growth for 1960 was 2.3
per cent. But one third of the South Korean
budget has been used for military expenditures,
and the government has been so involved in
suppression of "troublemakers" that it has
not had much time to devote to these problems.
Reforms so far seem to be of the type that
has cut the fee for dance-hall hostesses from
$5.30 to $2. The effect of this action upon
starvation on the farms has yet to be shown.
A FEW WEEKS AGO, Park came to the
United States and conferred with Secretary
of State Dean Rusk and Fowler Hamilton,
head of the Agency for Interational Develop-
ment on a $2.4 billion five-year plan for South
Korea. He was assured of considerable eco-
nomic and military aid from the United States,
perhaps including jet planes. But jet planes
cannot be of any real value to a nation whose
instability is largely based on human de-
The way we handle the Park regime may
well help to determine what we stand for in
tke eyes of the Afro-Asians. Park can repre-
sent a fresh start in our foreign policy.
Theoretically, we believe in democracy, in free
expression and in the elimination of economic
misery. We cannot support Park's programs
unless we insist that civil rights be restored
now in preparation for democracy.

Cheaters' Wrings True
'THE CHEATERS," which first ran in 1958 under the title "Youthful
Sinners," is another "new wave" but dated treatment of a set of
wild young Parisians who seem so tough, irresponsible, and unprin-
cipled as to let American "beatnik" editions appear pale and benign.
According to director and scriptwriter Marcel Carne ("Port of
Shadows" and "Children of Paradise") "these lost young people of
Paris . . . are totally unaware of the personal sacrifices they are mak-
ing as they are denying themselves any sentiment and are cheating
themselves out of geuine love." Well, the not-so-lost young people of
Ann Arbor will understand that comment any time, for one can iden-
tify with that type of cheating. As for the antiquity and the romantic,
pseudo-sophisticated slush of a considerable number of scenes, one
will have to compromise.
The consequences of an affair between a college boy (respectable
type) and a girl (not so respectable) are by all means sad. First the
boy is introduced to Left Bank beatniks, the girl's crowd, and under-
goes a metamorphosis. He is now barren of conventional morals, not
to mention conventional emotions. When the two join a game of
Truth at a large party, they sacrifice their love for each other. If
they were alone she would admit her affection but the presence of
the crowd demands a performance of how hard she is. She denies her
love when she should not have-for then tragedy takes over.
JAQUES CHARRIER acts the boy in a peculiarly congested man-
ner. Like the first ninety minutes of the film, he never seems to quite
get off the ground. Pascal Petit as Mic the girl surprises with fluidity,
as does Laurent Terbieff as sly instigator. Perturbing are the sopho-
moric and admirably persistent efforts of the cast to utter their views
on life, an occupation which with all its "horrible" work is oh, so bor-
ing. It may be that movie-making has changed since 1958 to such a
wholesome degree that every slice of life that does-not drip with reality
is contemptuously shrugged off as contrivance. "The Cheaters" are all
wrung out.
-Wolf -Dietrich Blatter
'Bachelor' Hope-full
"BACHELOR IN PARADISE" is a frequently amusing, occasionally
insipid domestic comedy starring Bob Hope and Lana Turner.
Backing up these veteran performers is a full cast of veteran jokes
and gags, all time-tested, many of which are still surprisingly funny.
Hope portrays an author who spends his time sampling and
writing about love-making techniques of various nations. Suddenly
made penniless by 'the Internal Revenue Department, he returns to
a California suburban development and commences work on a classic
to be entitled How the Americans Live.
Walking into the real-estate office, the author is amazed to
discover that the salesman is really lovely Lana. Fortunately this
tired retread is not typical of the film's humor, although it and
similar episodes are frequent enough to become a bit tedious.
"Bachelor" reaches its high point in its depiction of American
Suburbia, land of modern inconveniences, sprawling shopping centers
and astronomical birth, rates. Hope's misadventures in a large grocery
store are nicely described, and the neighborhood kids are suitably
lovable little vermin.
UNFORTUNATELY, Mr. Hope is not, and wild never be, an
actor. He is an accomplished comedian, and when he's playing himself
the result is usually amusing. When he's portraying Lan Turner's
lover, however, the result is still amusing. This dramatic inability
leads to an ending which even in a comedy is overbearingly amateur
and maudlin.
Janis Paige turns in a clever performance as the wandering wife
who throws herself at Hope as recklessly as he drops chicken bones
into his undependable garbage disposal.
The film's bright color photography reflects the shiny plastic
facade of American materialism as well as the ,glory of Lana's blonde
hair. The accompanying music does little more than fill in the
spaces where laughter should have developed and didn't.
-Ralph Stingel



Advise and Confuse


Capitalist Peace Corps
By PETER STUART, Magazine Editor

Daily Staff Writer
WITH THEIR well-intended but
inept attempt to aid fraterni-
ties and sororities in formulating
their membership statements, Stu-
dent Government Council created
more fog than it lifted.
Fraternity and sorority presi-
dents have received four commu-
nications from various parties list-
ing possible contacts for help in
formulating their statements.
And with these letters the con-
fusion begins.
* * *
A LETTER dated January 17
from John Feldkamp, then Presi-
lent of the Council declared:
"Please feel free to contact me
or appropriate University officials
in working to comply with this
A letter also sent Jan. 17 from
Vice-President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis read: "If you need
help from this office, the Dean
of Men or the Dean of Women,
please feel free to call on us."
A letter from Nohl dated May
26 urged: "Do not hesitate to call
on me concerning any questions
or problems that arise over sub-
mission of a statement."
A letter from Nohl on Oct. 25
announced: "The only official in-
terpretation of the regulation of
Dec. 13, 1960 and the requirements
set forth therein, may be obtained
through the President of SGC.
Please direct your questionst to
this office, 1544 Student Activities
* * *
FRATERNITIES and sororities
were offered no end of assistance
in their endeavors to comply with
the regulation-assistance from so
many directions and from so many
communiques that it would be no
wonder if they were confused.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
The Women's Research Club of the
University will meet on Mon., Dec. 4,
at 8:00 p.m. in the West Conference
Room, Rackham Bldg. Dr. Nancy Lurie
will speak on "The Dogrib Indian of
the Canadian Sub-Arctic."
Dentist's Office, Ann Arbor Area -
Dental Office Assistant to be complete-
ly in charge of office !% the time. In-
volves all desk work, typing, etc. Ex-
per. helpful but not essential. Must
have typing skill & knowledge of of-
fice procedures.
Medical Economics, Inc., Oradell, N.J.
_'Pnifinc n , n nw-.11 n ny F c m.

Vice-President Lewis has ex-
plained that his office hasn't play-
ed a part in helping any sorority
or fraternity draft statements
and "doubts if the Dean of Men
or Dean of Women's offices have."
Instead, Lewis said his office has
referred any such requests to SGC.
Nohl explains he has received
requests for information on how to
file statements, but not on inter-
pretation of the content of these'
Nohl pointed out at the meeting
that he has been reviewing some
of the statements already fiid
with the Office of the Vice-
President for Student Affairs and
found some of them are "inade-
THE MOTION passed Dec. 13,
1960 provides:,
"All fraternities and sororities
shall file with the University -(in
the Office of the Vice-President
for Student Affairs) a statement
which lists all current rules, regu-
lations, policies, written or oral
agreements, or any other written
or oral agreements, or any other
written or unwritten criteria which
in any way affect the selection of
"Accompanying such shall be
the group's interpretation of these
provisions as to their ability to
comply with the University Regu-
lation on Membership" - whicn
provides that "recognized student
organizations shall select members
on the basis of personal merit, and
not race, color, religion, creed, na-
tional origin, or ancestry."
This in itself would seem to
state quite clearly what is de-
sired. However, there. could be
cases where a house, acting in good
faith, thought it had compled
with the regulation when in the
Council President's mind it had
* * *
THE HOUSE with problems
drafting their statement has no
clear idea where to turn for help
because of SGC bungling in their
offers of a foggy wide-range as-
sistance to houses.
Second, the fault also lies with
the sororities and fraternities who,
if they had questions, did not seek
help. If they had contacted his
office, according to Lewis they
would have been referred to SGC.
This leaves the problem in the
Council's lap.
IF THE 'COUNCIL does not pass
a deadline for statements comply-
ing with the regulation, it will
hamstring the work of its own
Committee on Membership in Stu-
dent Organizations.
At the same time, unless the
Council makes it clear exactly
which statements already submit-
ted are incomplete and allows
these houses an opportunity to

'HE CREW-CUT young American with a
just-out-of-college confidence about him
ood up beside his modern steel desk, loosened
s neck tie and unfastened his tab collar.
He took off his dark Ivy League suit coat and
aped it over the back of his swivel chair.
ien he picked up a packet of technical dia-
ams, opened the door and stepped out of his
-conditioned office into the sweltering Cey-
iese sunshine.
Strolling over to a group of Ceylonese tech-
chians standing dwarfed beneath the tanks
d towers of a sprawling oil refinery, he began
plaining to them in fluent use of their own
ague how to solve a perplexing refining
'HIS SCENE is repeated daily in all parts
of the world by recent college graduates. By
embers of the Peace Corps? By agents of the
ternational Cooperation Administration? No,
ese people aren't employed by the govern-
mnt. They are, to put it simply, "young capital-
s"-young men and women taken off Ameri-
a college and university campuses, specially
ined by business- and industry, and sent
road to the companies' foreign. plants and
The image of the American who lived and
rked in a foreign land used to be one of
onely fugitive from his homeland who spent
st of his time with a bottle of rum or a
tive maiden. No more.
roday the American with a Job abroad is
pically young, clean-cut, well-dressed, well-
justed and universially likable. He's also

international business concerns rely on
more than any other is not the big-name uni-
versities, but a small, specialized training school
on the Arizona plains.
Bearing the imposing name of the American
Institute for Foreign Trade, the school trains
a maximum of only 300 handpicked students
each year on its compact campus near Phoenix.
But it boasts a list of some 500 of the coun-
try's largest businesses and industries which
compete for it graduate, as well as a board
of directors and advisory council which in-
clude many national figures in business, gov-
ernment and communication.,
Since its founding 15 years ago, the institute
has turned out 3,000 graduates from its one-
year, post-graduate .curriculum designed es-
pecially for young executives to be sent abroad.
world have been hailed as "America's best-
trained and most highly-respected corps of
good-will ambassadors" by Sen. Barry Gold-
water (R-Ariz), who, the institute proudly
points out, is a member of the board of direc-
Other members of the board of directors and
advisory council indicate the institute's high
standing in national political and economic
circles: Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce (former am-
bassador to Italy), Lewis W. Douglas (former
ambassador to Great Britain), Howard Pyle
(administrative assistant to former President
Eisenhower), Lowell Thomas (author and com-
_r - n,1 r"A rn ..r n- ran.. intr hlci.-f

since Dr. Adenauer was here
last April. There have been elec-
tions in West Germany, which
took place shortly after the build-
ing of the wall which has com-
pletely sealed off West Berlin
from East Germany. Dr. Adenauer
has lost his independent majority,
and he comes here now as the
head of a coalition founded on
agreements which are not known
publicly and explicitly.
As the coalition was being form-
ed in West Germany, the German
Ambassador in Moscow, Dr. Kroll,
was talking with Mr. Khrushchev.
and despite public criticism by
some officials in the foreign office
at Bonn, Dr. Adenauer has con-
firmed Dr. Kroll in his post and
has sent him back to Moscow.
If there is a common factor in
these events, it is that since last
summer, in fact since August 13,
West Germany has been engaged
in the difficult business of facing
the realities which for the past
ten years have been deliberately
and artificially ignored. The of-
ficial fiction has dissolved,, that
East Germany would beliberated
from the Soviet power and absorb-
ed by a free election into the
existing West German state.
In place of this fiction there is
now the real German question,
which is how to make a workable
German policy out of divergent
elements. One is the solemn com-
mitment to the Western Alliane.
Another element is the perennial
desire of the German nation to
be reunited. And the third is the
need for an accommodation with
Eastern Europe and the'l Soviet
* " *
IF FOR THE time being there
Is consideable confusion and
doubt and disarray in Germany, it
lf HA{ b~YH 1'_ S ~. }! 1H

correc tthem, it would be grossly
unfair to penalize them.
The Council only recently be-
latedly set up the mechanism for
reviewing the statements already
submitted for completeness. Nohl
is now doing this, but no letters
have been sent to this date to any
houses whose documents are "in-
Either the Council must set
a deadline for some sort of state-
ment trusting sororities and fra-
ternities to comply with the ruling
to the best of their ability and
handle the ;question of "adequacy"
later, or SGC must provide some
mechanism for warning those
groups who are operating under
the supposition that the state-
ments they have already submitted
are correct, that there are flaws
in them, and give them an op-
portuniy to correct them before
a deadline for complete, adequate
statements arrives.

The New German Situation

Berlin, which is to insure it-against
conquest or blockade, is no longer,
perhaps was never, crucial.
Khrushchev has been able to
change the situation of West Ber-
lin radically without invading it
or blockading it.
Now that West Berlin is separ-
ated from East Berlin by the wall,
the problem is not how to defend
its freedom but how to save it
from a slow but certain death. As
the young men leave, the future
of West Berlin as a living city is
a poor one. If West Berlin can be
saved at all, it can be done only
by a successful negotiation of an
international agreement which
gives the city something definite
to live for. This is what the school
who want to stand pat and stand
firm have never understood.
Barring accidents and irrational
impatience in Moscow, the Berlin
crisis, as it was expounded during
the early summer, has subsided to
the point where it is negotiable.
What really concerns us all are
the larger consequences of the
German situation as it is now
revealed. Now that the old fiction.
which has pretended to be a
policy is gone, in what direction
will the German nation go?
WE HAVE many reasons for
supposing that the German na-
tion will move in some variant of
its historic national policy. It will
move, that is to say, towards one
of those accomodations with
Russia which have for two cen-
turies followed its many wars
with Russia.
Recent events in West Germany
support this hypothesis. The Free
Democratic party, which is con-
servative and nationalist, was the
chief gainer in the August elec-
tions. It has never lost sight of
Germany's interest in the East.
The West German Ambassador in
ncrnwn, n,. .,rn1 1i. s - n na

abnormal and dangerous pull to-
wards the East. Reunification, the
rectification of the eastern fron-
tiers, the opening of vast markets
in Russia and in China, will exert
a strong pull on Germany policy.
** *
WHILE IT IS most important
to recognize and understand this
problem, the wrong way to deal
with it, I am sure, would be to
force the Germans to choose be-
tween their role int the Western
community and an accommodation
with Eastern Europe and Russia.
Germany as a whole is by -its
geography compelled to face two
ways, and we shall be less than
wise if we do not use our power
and influence to work with the
Germans, never forcing the issue
and never demanding that they
male an absolute choice.
We can afford to be cool about
it. While there is a great likelihood
that the West Germans will even-
tually make an opening to the
East, there is no real and present
danger that they will suddenly
surprise us with another Hitler-
Stalin pact. There is popular sup-
port for the policy of alliance with
the West. In the nuclear age Ger-
many, even if it were reunited,
could not be a great world power.
Moreover, the reunification of
Germany ris now possible only in
the environment of an accom-
modation with the East, and a
German government, though per-
haps not this one, is bound to
pursue it. Knowing this, we should
not adopt a position of our own
which causes us to try to make
water flow uphill.
Nor is there, I think, any serious
danger that in seeking an ac-
commodation with the East, West
Germany would withdraw from
the Common Market and from the
still larger market which is about
to come into being in the Atlantic


OHN E. COSGROVE, assistant
mrI .. Av ffh a larol, ffi


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