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December 01, 1961 - Image 3

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's Chief Delegates
Nuclear Conference


1 _ 4

Of UN Asks

Bomb Action
Motion Aims To End '
Spread of Weapons
Western objections, the United
Nations Political Committee yes-
terday called for action to orga-
nize a "non-nuclear club" of na-
tions pledged not to acquire, build
or stockpile atomic or hydrogen
The United States and most of
its North Atlantic allies voted
against the move for fear it might
affect NATO's nuclear defenses
against Soviet attack.'
The resolution spearheaded by
Sweden with Soviet and neutral-
ist backing, was passed by 4 Vote
of 57-12, with 32 abstentions. This
assures ratification by the Gen-
eral Assembly later.
Instead of the neutralist pro-
posal, the United States threw its
support' behind an Trish resolu-
tion that would have the nuclear
powers draw up a' treaty with in-
spection provisions to block the
spread of nuclear secrets or weap-
ons beyond Britain, France, the
United States and the Soviet Un-
ion, current members of "the nu-
clear club."
The Communists also supported
the Irish resolution, but Luka F.
Palamarchuk of the S b v i e t
Ukraine indicated Moscow is pri-
marily interested in a treaty to
keep nuclear weapons from the
West German armed forces.
He said it is "masking the ar-
gument" for the United States to
insist that nuclear weapons stock-
piled in West Germany actually
are under United States control.
Foreign Minister Frank Aiken
of Ireland said his proposal, which
appears certain to be approved,
is aimed at keeping "local wars'
and civil strife" from detonating
nuclear war.

Fight for School Aid
May Hinge on Kennedy
WASHINGTON (P)-The chairman of the House Education and
Labor Committee said yesterday he would not renew the fight for
school aid legislation next year unless President John F. Kennedy
personally requests it.
Rep. Adam C. Powell (D-NY), whose committee spent much of
last session in a bitter losing fight for a school aid bill, announced
his plans at a news conference. He said he plans to concentrate on
-college aid and -fair employment

Raises Hopes
By The Associated Press '
States space scientists went brisk-
ly back to work yesterday as if
determined to hurl a man around
the world by year's end despite
only partial success of their ape
A spokesman for the Mercury
space, program 'expressed hope
that the manned flight would be
feasible soon, although the next
space passenger may be another
chimpanzee like Enos.
.Enos was rocketed twice around
the Earth Wednesday but, his
planned third trip was cancelled
because of spacecraft troubles-
but they were minor.
Everything else connected with
the flight worked perfectly: boost
er, tracking, andcommunica-
In any event, a new, 360;000-
pound thrust Atlas booster,,ear-
marked' for the man-in-space
project, arrivedhhere Wednesday
night and began undergoing han-
gar checks. It will be erected on
the' launch pad tomorrow.
. A "man-rated" space craft has
been undergoing extensive 'checks
at this vast missile complex for
the past several weeks..,
This space craft already has
been modified in anticipation of
some of the problems encountered
on Enos' jaunt.

practices legislation in the com-
ing session.
Powell's stand on a school bill
would appear to rule' out action
next year on a bill by Rep. Cleve-
land M. Bailey (D-W Va), which
has gained wide support outside
Bailey plans to introduce in Jan-
uary a bill under which aid would
be based on a state's actual ex-
penditures for education rather
than on its school age population.
Powell conceded the full com-
mittee might force him to call up
a school bill, but it is unlikely a
majority of the members share
the chairman's battle weariness.
"We're not going to break our
backs again or cause 'ulcers or
heart strain in a losing cause,"
Powell said. "Unless the President

Reds Refuse
To Discuss
Ban on Tests
Dean, Godber Leave
Deadlocked Talks
GENEVA (P)-The chief dele-
gates of Britain and the United
States decided yesterday to quit
nuclear talks here and report to
the United Nations General As-
sembly Soviet Russia's flat refus-
al to discuss a controlled test ban.
The Soviet refusal was a com-
plete reversal of the policy, pro-
fessed by the Kremlin since early
1958 and led to a seemingly insol-
uble deadlock at the three-nation
It prompted United States Chief
Delegate Arthur H. Dean and
British Minister of State Joseph
Godber to hand over the dead con-
ference to their deputies. In def-
erence to sweeping world opinion
for a test ban, however, the West
is not walking out of the confer-
"No matter how hopeless it
may seem, we cannot refuse to
stop talking,"one'Western official
But the deputies may meet only
once or twice a week and may
have nothing to discuss even then.
The Soviet refusal became ap-
parent Tuesday, the first day the
talks resumed here after a nine-
week recess that was called when
PRussiaf abruptly broke an unpo-'
liced moratorium on nuclear test-
Dean and Godber are leaving
Geneva today to resume the East-'
West disarmament negotiations at
the United Nations with Soviet.
Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian
At yesterday's 343rd session of
the talks, Dean called the Soviet
action "an astonishing retrogres-
sive and backward step
(which) leads 'me to believe that
the USSR is not now so much in-
terested in reasonableness, logic
and consistency as it is interested
in a barefaced, cynical propagan-
da exploitation of this. . . confer-

VOCAL DEMONSTRATION-Santo Domingo residents partici-
pate in a 14th of June movement group which staged a parade
near presidential palace in protest to the regime of President
Joaquin Balaguer.
I.Balagfuer Backs' Move
oEnd Dominican Crisis
By The Associated Press
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic - President Joaquin
Balaguer last night threw his support behind a proposal by the armed
forces that would grant virtual autonomy to the military.
Opposition parties immediately rejected the proposal urged as a
solution to the national crisis.
Balaguer's move was the latest effort to thwart opposition de-
mands that he step down to make way for a provisional government
without him. Antigovernment po-;

-no one else-requests it, I
no plans for anything in the
of elementary education."


Senator Sees
Plot by Reds
Strom Thurmond (D-SC) says it
was determined at a Moscow meet-
ing nearly a year ago that some-
thing had to be done to stop anti-
Communist talks by American
military leaders.
He quoted Gus, Hall, identified
as a Communist party official in
this country, as saying the United
States military now is a primary
target in the Red propaganda of-
The senator addressed 2,000
persons at. an anti-Communist

for her Christmas
^ Y
330 Maynard ^
t o c mc c <e=a a=sccorc~r .no rn< >e "

litical parties had said this was
their final offer.
The armed forces entered the
boiling picture with their proposal
in the midst of the most violent
demonstrations against Balaguer
in a week of antigovernment dis-
orders. Troops and police clashed
with Dominicans in the third day
of a general strike designed to
force Balaguer and other rem-
nants of the Trujillo era out of
While the nation awaited word
from Balaguer on whether he
would bow to demands that he
clear out, a screaming mob shout-
ing anti-Balaguer slogans surged
up to the gates of the national
palace. Troops hurling gas gre-
nades and noise bombs hurled
back the rioters. One youth was
killed by a machine gun shot in
the day's violence.
Hours after Balaguer received
what the opposition called its fin-
al proposal, the nation's military
chiefs called on him at the pal-
ace and put forth their plan..
Among the conditions set by the
military chiefs, who hold the bal-
ance of power in this -crisis-rid-
den Caribbean country, was a pro-
vision that Balaguer would 'pre-
side over a seven-man'junta. An-
other was that only the president
could give orders to the military-
and only through the secretary of
state for armed forces.
General elections would be call-
ed in two years, the military
leaders said, and added: "The gov-
ernment'could not be Communist."

Poor Efforts
To 'Save' China
WASHINGTON (AP) -President
John F. Kennedy said Wednesday
he has always felt that "we did
not make a determined enough
effort" to save China from the
Asked at his news conference
about a speech he made as a
congressman in 1949, he replied:
"I would think that in my speech
in 1949 I placed more emphasis on
personalities than I would today.
I would say that my view today is
more in accordance with the facts
than my view in 1949.
"But I have always felt, and I
think history will recall it, that
the change of China from being a
country friendly to us to a country
which is unremittingly hostile ef-
fected a very strong imbalance of
power in the world ...
"There is still of course room for
argument as to whether any
United States actions would have
changed the course of events there.
I think a greater effort would have
been wiser."
The question arose when a re-
porter recalled that Rep. Donald
C. Bruce (R-Ind) cited Kennedy's
1949 speech last Thursday as an
example of what Kennedy now
calls right-wing extremism.

world News Roundup

By The Associated Press
ponents of seating Red China in
the United Nations were reported
last night to have discarded a
proposed strategy aimed at shunt-
ing the question off to a study
committee and thus delaying a
showdown for another year.
This word circulated on the eve
of the long-postponed China de-
bate opening in the 103-nation
General Assembly this morning.



"n recelentel Quaf
Studenzt iced.

Administration official said "last
night this government is prepar-
ed to consider on their merits re-
quests from foreign countries for
certain types of assistance in con-
trolling their populations.
* * *
BOMBAY-A state of emer-
gency has been declared in Goa
by Portuguese Gov. Gen. Vassalo
de Silva, according to reports
reaching Goan nationalists here
The reports said Portuguese
authorities were perturbed at ru-
mors of a fresh liberation move-
ment and the presence of two In-
dian navy ships off Karwar, near
Reliable sources said the Portu-
guese had spread troops along the
180-mile border of Goa with In-
dian territory, apparently to re-
sist a mass march of freedom
fighters into the Portuguese en-
DAMASCUS - Syria closed its
porders with Lebanon to keep out
troublemakers yesterday after two
bomb explosions marred an other-
wise peaceful campaign for to-
day's parliamentary election.
** *
States yesterday wiped out spe-
cial travel restrictions which
sharply limited the movement in
New York of some Communist na-
tion newsmen and non-diplomatic
personnel at the United Nations.
NEW YORK-The stock market
lost ground yesterday despite a
late burst of optimism that cut
into the day's losses. Closing Dow
Jones averages showed 65 stocks
at 247.17, down 1.69.

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